The least popular Souls game is the best Souls game and the one with the best community and the least amount of memes

>the least popular Souls game is the best Souls game and the one with the best community and the least amount of memes

Do you think this will change once it become easy to emulate on PC?

Other urls found in this thread:

DeS has the worst gameplay, worst bosses and is the easiest.

Steamdrones are more cancerous than anybody realizes.

B-b-but casuls haven't played it!

It won´t, most surely, a pitty to be honest. It´s the best in the series.

>muh super fast SUPER HARD BOSSES!
You are why Souls continues to become more and more boring.

>best community

didnt the server close?

Nope still open, but I'm talking about the community when the game was at its prime.

get good XD

Gimmick bosses as featured in DeS are really cool the first time and garbage every other time. Souls is a series that people like to run many playthroughs of. I started with DeS but I have great difficulty going back to it after having played the newer games.

>People didn´t make runs all the time in DeS
You are a delusional kid trying to force a meme, stop ashaming yourself and learn.

You have no time taste in vidya.

You can build on gimmick bosses to make them more long lasting, it was the first game that set up a good ground work to expand and improve, unfortunately later games just focused on the duels and that left them with nothing to tweak but movesets...snore.

>time taste
Wew nice answer bro!1!

I played DeS after playing all the other Souls games, and I liked it. It's still way better than DS2, but I would still rank it pretty low. Coming from the later games the bosses weren't all that challenging, but that's not the main point. It's a good game, and you should play it even if you have played the rest of Souls

The hard game for hardcore gamers like me meme that everyone hates started with DeS.

It's pretty bad though. It had a lot of problems that needed fixing.

So like a week or two after launch?

Muh poison gas, scraping spear, naked dual dbs meta shit was pretty bad.

The community was already dead since Dark Souls Prepare to Die on Pc.

>worst bosses

don't forget fucking running firestorm

Burger king and fake king are some of the hardest of the franchise, and Maiden Astraea is one of the best too.

It had best bosses though, and that comes from someone who have just finished it for the first time, after playing later games first. Call them gimmick bosses all you want, these fights were actually interesting, creative designs with unique mechanics. I'll take that any time over 90% of bosses being "circle around them while dodging/blocking their attacks and hit them when they expose themselves. Repeat until they die" shit that later games have.

Other than that though, it's a good game and aged surprisingly well, definitely worth playing and replaying, but the later games improved on pretty much every single aspect except for bosses.

>Ps3 emulation
Are you retarded

Almost half of DaS3's bosses are gimmicks, and they all suck too.

I just want to go back to the Nexus to chill with my Waifu in Black and my bros Ostrava and Biorr.

BB > DeS = DaS >> DaS3 >>>>> DaS2


DeS > BB = DaS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS III >>>> DaS II
Sup Forums stated this long time ago.

Both wrong.
DaS > BB > DeS > DaS3 >>>> DaS2

I could agree on this too, since that three are objectively the best of the series.

DaS >>> BB > DeS > DaS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS3

>DaS 2 anything but last

>unfinished souls
>better than Miyazaki's magnum opus

sour grapes is a hell of a drug

DaS2 is not very good but not irremdeemable shit like the third one

DeS is literally missing an entire arch stone, it's the most unfinished.

at least we can all agree in terms of soundtrack

BB > DeS > DaS3 > DaS1 > DaS2

BB = DaS > DeS > DaS3 >>>>> DaS2 >>>>>>>>>> SOTFS

trying new things


gameplay focused bosses

gimmick focused bosses
DaS3>BB, the rest are shit

inb4 people actually trying to defend shit like Living Failures, Storm King, Old Dragon God, Bed of Chaos, etc

>muh miyazaki
Kill yourself

At least they don't make you play through the shitty half finish levels like DS1. And I was talking about BB which (while also unfinished) is the most polished and best game of the 5

DaS1 has best soundtrack.
Ash lake, O+S, Gwyn's fight, Sif, Artorias, the credits song, comfy firelink. Soundtrack is just so fucking good.
BB mostly shines with its OST in the DLC

What BB did new you and not rehash you fucking nigger?

Yes, I know you was talking about BB, but criticizing DaS for being unfinished when the majority of the games are, is retarded.
Also, it's hardly "sour grapes" when I regard BB so highly and don't put it anywhere near last.

Awful taste

all the big memers come from console though. All the git gud GIANTDAD XD BASSCANNON shit was made by consolefags like onlyafro.

those are standout tracks of DS1 but most of the rest is incredibly samey because it was all composed by sakuraba

>trick weapons
>blood vials
>dashing when locked on (even if it was completely inferior to rolling except when dashing diagonally towards a boss would make the boss miss everything, in which case it was overpowered)
>changed the shit backstab into something decent
>visceral attacks in general
>chalice dungeons (were shit, however)

there are other minor changes like runes system, different attributes, but those are the major ones

also I forgot
>gun parry system
>quicksilver, as well as exchanging life for quicksilver
>the underutilized insight stat/resource


it's really not even an argument

not to mention the setting which was nice after 3 games of medieval knights, dragons and fire

Storm King was good, fuck off. Good design, creative gimmick and nothing felt as good as finally genociding these flying fuckers with a legendary sword afrer being constantly shot by them through the entire level

We leedit acorded this 38 years ago in our lore section

I have literally no idea what you're trying to say or how does it relate in any way to my post. Kill yourself you fucking sperg

Demons's souls isn't the best, and will never be. It's easily the most broken and unbalanced out of the entire series.

The controls are clunky AF, some bosses are really fucking easy (Adjudicator, Storm king, offline old monk) when others are just bullshit (Maneaters). Also the PvP was a hell dominated by tthe Scraping Spear and grass-spammers where half of the fights lead to you breaking your gear and the other half could drag on for over half an hour if no one pulled the Scraping Spear. And spells like firestorm basically broke PvE.

>B-but b-team ruined DS2.

At least DS2 had some decent PvP and dual wielding was viable because power stance.

Case and point, you are just an anti-casul hipster who pretends to be a Souls master but doesn't know shit.

Only people who didn't play the game would dispute that
BB does a great job at keeping its distance from other souls games while sharing the same core

Too bad the combat in DS2 was floaty and felt shitty and was the worst of all 5

Sorry. Sometimes i forget that in Sup Forums people are not versed in the matter that they are actually discussing, it´s my fault for trying to interact with illiterates.

It is better than Reddit Souls trilogy but I still like Bloodborne more

>the guy making that post calling anyone illiterate

>All this nonsense mumbling.

Holy fucking mental gymnastics batman.

Get the fuck out or atleast make some sense about anything

>Posting a well know reference about how buthurted the community was
>Calling illiterate to the ones trying to discuss anything without knowing one of the most basic facts
He´s right though.

What solaire have to do with the storm king? Literally nothing, you are just retard who didn't play DeS

>This post
>calling others illiterate after writing that
>calling it discussion when it doesn't relate to the previous post whatsoever
Holly fuck, how retarded can you possibly be?

I was thinking of gameplay, but yes, it's also obviously the most different in thematics. I really hope they start making at least 2~3 new Souls games in different thematics. Like, cavemen setting, egyptian setting (pyramids filled with traps? mummies, scorpion men, anubites?), aztec/mayan/incan setting, and so on

>take sword
>spam R1

>he didn't read the rings' descriptions

he got storm king (DeS) and king of the storm (DS3) confused because he's an illiterate degenerate

Did you even play the fucking game? NK specifically delays his attacks to fuck with R1 spam

>actually defends Storm King
shit opinion, but
>tries to... make fun of the other guy for like DaS1 when he defended something from DeS?
I have no idea what the fuck you're going on about

Nobody is talking about nameless king

go google "storm king souls", son


oh, now I get it, but if he was confusing NK with storm king, then... he was trying to attack DaS3? I'm so fucking lost oh my fuck

>muh difficulty
People like you are the reason why the Souls series went to shit after Dark Souls. Let's just focus on le epic difficulty meme and forget everything else haha. Also muh super fast boss battles with infinite roll spam.

>dual wielding was viable because power stance.
Power stance was fucking useless outside of a few gimmick weapon combos. Offhand weapons dealing reduced damage made attacking with the offhand a waste of stamina.

not that guy, but
>Let's just focus on le epic difficulty meme and forget everything else haha.
gimmick bosses can be not shit, like the congregation of bald men in the church, as opposed to one trick ponies like the storm king, which you just spam R1, the false idol
>hurr durr u didnt kill dat NPC
which is "fun" for 1 playthrough, and the dragon god which is a stop and go section, probably the most disappointing fight ever
>you're fighting THE DRAGON GOD
>he stands in front of a bunch of ballistas as you go from one to the other activating them
at least none of these are nowhere near as bad as Bed of Chaos, which is hard as fuck because of how inconsistent it is, it's usually challenging in every playthrough, and it's still the worst bossfight

another boss that is balls hard is that elder dragon in DaS2, and it's not a gimmicky fight, yet it's one of the worst fights I've played in all Souls games, hard doesn't make it good, but making it feel like a fair fight, with at least some challenge, makes the fight fun

>Also muh super fast boss battles with infinite roll spam.
if you spam rolls instead of learning the boss' attacks to do well timed rolls and punish their openings, you're really missing out brah

Fuck me, apologies

I' not saying the combat wasn't floaty. Im just saying that it was more enjoyable and varied than DeS

Your post sounded alot like DS2 being good in general in the series. Which it is not

Finally someone with taste

power stancing to begin with was obscure (even in a series filled with obscure shit), you need an arbitrary amount of extra str/dex (though based on the base weapons) to be able to power stance it, I don't think anywhere in the game shows you how to power stance either, but fine, let's get through all that, you'll still need to make a meme build shoving a ton of str/dex, and even then it only works properly with specific weapons, if you try to get any sort of creative you get a generic moveset (and I don't blame the devs, but that's what'll happen when you try to make anything work together with anything)

meanwhile, DaS3 gets flak from DaS2fags for introducing paired weapons, but they were really easy to pick up and use, had normal stat requirements, and I believe all of them had neat L2s when in paired mode (shoutout to the beyblade twin winged axes)

I guess power stancing is better when we're talking NG+(or more+s) though, so I'm mentioning it, even if I mysel prefer to (generally) play NG in every playthrough, as one of the things I most enjoy about the series is the power progression in the NG, which I think is generally very well done

Is it true that the combat after 2 becomes epic fast-paced and crazy? I like kinda slow paced. I even enjoyed the combat in 2, was afraid of all the talk about hitboxes but I guess that's the kind of stuff you only notice if you play for hundreds of hours.

Again, did I say anything positive about DS2 other than the DECENT (not broken) PvP?

Series ranking to me is easily BB > DS > DS3 > DS2 > DeS.

Saying that something isn't broken is not the same as saying it's good.

>this is what underage darksouls shitters actually believe
RIP video games

BB has fast enemies but the player is fast to compensate so it's fair.
DS3 has the fast enemies of BB but player speed is between DS1 and BB so it's a game of stunlock and R1 mash the enemy to death before he does the same to you

Since there is a lot of newfags here ill explain this shit for youHere user says Storm King, a well know DaS III boss, who turned out to be Gwynn first born exiled with his boyfriend.

Now this fag cames out This butblasted comment is a reference to how buthurted was the lore community in Sup Forums, /vg/ soulsborne general and Reddit about the fact that memelaire was not the fucking son of Gwyn.
They just cannot let it go so they went on full suicide watch for months trying to elaborate some random bullshit to justify solaires role there, besides being a fucking mad warrior.

So yeah, it´s well know.
Gwyn first born is also know as SK, Storm King in lore discussions being the sword SR, Storm Ruler.

DkS1 has objectively worse gameplay then DeS easily, it's literally a downgrade besides Estus > grass:
>Patently worse weapon movesets, DkS1 in-fact has the worst movesets in the series. The excellent moveset of 1. DBS replaced "just-mash-R1-infinites" Zwei, 2. Estoc having all excellent and useful moves and up to 4-hit target combos goes to having absolutely zero combos and literally not one good move even counting garbage like Ricard's R2, 3. Kilij goes from having hyper armor f+r1 and two target combos to literally mashing R1 frametrap and gay cartwheel, 4. Katana goes from having infinites, off-hand use, and target combos to "just-mash-R1-frametrap", 5. Gaxe goes from having a direct-hit combo and ground-pound to literally being unusable, 6. Weapons with infinites (small axes, small swords, poleaxes, etc) all have zero moves. Only Claymore is improved from its DeS counterpart.
>Multi-hit R2 moves don't actually hit (fucking lol?).
>Poise replaces all the fundamentals of spacing, timing, move selection, etc, and emphasizes just running into enemies and smashing R1 like a retard Giantdad/Havelmom shit. Also makes half the weapons unsable garbage.
>Weapons that share the same class can have different swing recoveries based on weight, meaning a claymore will have an R1 infinite, while Artorias swords can't even 2-hit.
>Upgrading weapons increases hitstun, which covertly railroads you into using the weapon you first start upgrading and inhibits exploration. Also, some upgrade paths have different hitstun bonuses (fucking lol).
>Some weapon types (scythes, polearms) have retarded whiff animations for no reason that makes them feel like shit.
>Worst-in-series BS spam.
There u go m8

Anyone who thinks this masterpiece isn't superior to the entirety of the Dark 'muh hardcore gayme for hardcore gaymurs such as muhself *tips fedora*' Souls franchise in every way should honestly just return to reddit right now.

It does have the easiest bosses and is the easiest game. Only bosses I actually had trouble with were Maneater(s) and Flamelurker, and you can just cheese the first Maneater through the fog wall. Its still great though, and is better than Bloodborne and DaS3.

Using just difficulty as a measure for how good a game in this series is is a fundamental mistake. Difficulty doesn't mean shit if it isn't paired with good design.

>get to Maneaters
>kill the first one before the second one shows up

>get to Flamelurker
>block his attacks, attack him once, repeat

I really don't get this meme that these are hard, is it because I was doing faith/Moonlight master race?

Flamelurker is a matter of patience, really. Maneaters though aren't really hard, i'ts just that fighting on that bridge against two enemies leads to a lot of deaths by gravity.

this reminds me of a huge flaw of DeS: the amount of small spaces you have to deal with, some with insta-death pitfalls, probably the thing I noticed the most going to DaS1, I didn't feel like I was fighting the camera anymore

>least amount of memes

Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.


I found a really good gem there.

>Here user says Storm King, a well know DaS III boss

except he was clearly referring to DeS with "genociding these flying fuckers with a legendary sword afrer being constantly shot by them through the entire level"


I really miss the old DeS threads.

Those were the days Sup Forums....

You may complain about the camera, but small spaces are not a flaw. They're part of the challenge. They are what makes the Maneaters and those giant pointy nosed dudes in 5-1 a real pain the ass, because you can't just roll sideways.

>later games improved on every single aspect but the bosses
It still has some of the best and toughest level design compared to the later games, and Latria might just be the best level design and atmosphere of any environment in the series.

as if DaS memes weren't the same shit

cut him some slack, he probably never played DeS

>making half of the game's weapons' movesets useless
>good game design
pick one, and only one