Who will Valve cast in the upcoming Half Life /Portal movie?

Who will Valve cast in the upcoming Half Life /Portal movie?

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>silent protag game movie

>Tom & Jerry: the movie

Cast the "Morphine administered" guy as Gordon, he doesn't have to say a word.

rowan atkinson as mr gordon beanman

That's cool, now make Half Life 3 already.

Would be cool if it was all 1st person.

just make this as live action

>lense flairs and dutch angles: the director

please get someone other than this hack

why do they let that hack do these movies?

>movie about a game where a silent protagonist solves simple puzzles while microsoft sam occasionally delivers instructions
Box office gold right there. Portal can't work as a movie without stopping it from being Portal. Even the second one which missed the point of the first still isn't Hollywood enough. And Gordon Freeman can't work as a movie protagonist without being a completely different character. Both stupid ideas born 100% through greed and recognizable names.

Scarlet Johansson as Chelle, Gordon is now a nigger

>[pain] [pain] [pain]
gee maybe they're letting this hack do the movies to match how hacky the games are

Gordon is The Rock, colored enough to make everybody happy.

>And Gordon Freeman can't work as a movie protagonist without being a completely different character.
you are a moron

>Jew Jew Abrams
pls no

Hopefully all black people because inclusiveness matters more than artistic quality by a ton, abrams would back me up on this one :)

Well obviously morgan freeman

>Sept. 29th, 2016

oh god no

as Eli or freeman?

>most acclaimed franchises of all time
>half life
I thought Pokémon, GTA, Mario, CoD were some of the most acclaimed.
Who the fuck care about portal as a franchise, seriously? I love portal, portal 2 is one of my favourite games and all, but I know that no one cares of portal as much as people care about many other franchises.

idris elba

Of the most acclaimed not THE most acclaimed
Both franchises have massive critical approval and are very well known

Jewish Hollywood nepotism

Well it's some blogger just wanting to get clicks so he won't get kicked out from the company.

I'd watch that

>tfw Hollywood and mainstream cinema has reached such a low point that they've become more creatively bankrupt than the AAA video game industry.

As bad as big video game studios are with following trends and the recent glut of hero shooters they at the very least still try to take risks with new ip's even if they are shamelessly copied from other sources. And at least they can hide behind game play for an absence of a story, big blockbuster movies have dumbed down the core of what their medium excels at in order to appeal to everyone and everything.

A bunch of jews

ooooo, so thats why half life 3 is not gonna happen!
they are keeping the scenario for a movie.