Post yfw when you live long enough to see the death of the SoK


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Phil wins again.

I just want to see Phil play games like a moron and complain about them. I don't care about some meta-circlejerk surrounding a group who shits on him.

You better be (((taking part))) in the stream user or else you're just pirating Phill's content.

Well too bad Philly boy tried and failed to monetize / take down uploads of his streams numerous times.

Fred please leave.

What's this about?

Something-something drama involving the dreaded SoK. Bet other chan's /cow/ board is now celebrating and having a field day.
based dsp telling it like it is
SoK ruined his life

Reminder that you can only love Phil or hate him.

So Fred's real name is Wilfredo Najarro.

>I don't care about some meta-circlejerk surrounding a group who shits on him.
Unfortunately they are the ones making most of the videos about Phil, even the ones dedicated pursly to gameplay, so unless you want to watch Phil's stuff uncut and unedited you better hope Sok keeps being a thing

yeah thats the thing with me, idgaf about sok or w/e, but i liked having a central hub for shitting on dsp instead trying to dig through all the tihydp's and pre stream rants and all that other shit. that and the lets endures were good fun

Dsp is full of shit but SoK are certainly not any better. Hell, they're just a bunch of autistic fucks that host some cirklejerk 3 hour podcast anytime something happens like Phil forgetting to brush his teeth or something fucking retarded. Being do obsessed with a manchild and spending every moment of your life thinking about him is borderline insane.

I'll be glad dsp disappears from the internet because it'll expose SoK for being worthless fucks who are only relevant for jerking off to a YouTube let's player.

It's some textbook philosophy shit how the goal of SoK was to ruin DSP's life which they managed just fine but in the end it made them just as unhappy and autistic as DSP.

>Sons of Kojima
>became the real-life Venom Snake
like pottery

What were the sok leaks about ?

autistic manchildren

call ice to deport his ass.


8ch dot net /cow/res/262740.html

>t. DarkGoutPhil

Piss off cunt, SoK delivered all the lulz surrounding DSP and gave you fucks tons of content. If it wasn't for them you wouldn't have known lots of the crazy shit about DSP. Say whatever the fuck you want about us but we're the ones giving you those TIHYDP compilation videos that take an insane amount of effort to make.

Fucking neck yourself you piece of shit.

dsp living rent free in your mind. literally caring so much about a youtuber you follow this shit. sad.

what is SoK?

A group that brings the best DSP content and brings the latest news regarding DSP his retarded fuck ups.

>ruin DSP's life
I love this meme

A bunch of really dedicated autists that follow DSP 24/7 just to talk shit about him.
They are also made 90% of the videos about Phil you can find on YouTube.

It's actually crazy that those are not some small 10 min videos, they have 3-4hours long podcasts about every single detail of dsp's life, i mean i enjoy watching dsp being salty as fuck but come on these guys go a bit overboard on the obsession meter.

Imagine someone playing your favorite game (Metal Gear Solid) on youtube badly, and you being so upset by it that you form a co-alition of other like minded people to personally make it your mission to ruin his life

this is some stupid shit

Imagine being more retarded than the most retarded person let's player alive today. That's SoK. Glad those dipshits' psychotic nonsense is being exposed and hopefully Phil can be the retard we all know and love again.

kill yourself worthless retard
dsp worth more than all you autists hahaha

What's the appeal of SoK? At first I thought it would be funny edits and compilations of Phil moments, but I click on their video sand they are hour long round table discussions about phil with no editing. Some of them I find are just rehosted Phil gameplay / pre-stream rants without any kind of edits. What's the point? Might as well just watch Phil straight from the source.

What the fuck I love DSP now

same desu

Youtube teens and leddit numales hate Phil because he makes an occasional "racist" or "sexist" joke and that's the main reason numales started hating Phil.

He also burps and gets mad at games and castrated redditors absolutely hate that kind of behavior. They want wacky le randum humor and they get offended if someone gets stuck in a videogame for a couple of minutes and blames the game (we all do sometimes).

Basically, numales hate Phil, but he's /ourguy/.

>you lived long enough to SoK finally realize how fucking pathethic they are

Today is a good day

This has to be fucking bait. This absolutely has to be fucking bait. There's no way you can be serious. There's no way you actually believe that Phil is anything but an autistic sperg that rages at videogames despite sucking absolute dogshit at them, while constantly e-begging for people to donate money to his patreon because he has no talents or skills, or anything at all in life besides a fanbase that's grown around a strange facscination of watching a middle-aged man screech at video games and accuse games of cheating because he literally cannot face the fact that he is fucking horrible at them. I'm not saying SoK isn't retarded, but you CANNOT be unironically defending this absolute evolutionary dead-end of a human being.

what happened?

Way to fall for the bait desu

sons of kojima
ahahahahahah that name aged like PISS
get a job, you bunch of freaks

>"Dude c'mon that's fucking bullshit! I fucking dodged! I dodged dude..."

It's propably just other channers celebrating and "raiding" places like kiwi farms and this site, since they've been going on with the whole "SoK is the real evil, Phil dindu nuffing" angle. So what's better time than this to go on anti-DSP communities and be like "Lol, see? SoK are the REAL evil! xxxdddd"

> I wholeheartedly admit that money was one (of many) factors in the breakdown of my relationship with Leanna

kek he acused her of being a gold digger

If Phil is an autistic sperg, what are you? You despise Phil because he's bad at videogames? It can't only be that, there's more to it. You make 4 hour long edits of Phil, you're obsessed with him. Sad!
>le Sup Forums meme, I'm one of le you xD

post underrated dspkino

I'm not even gonna waste one of my (You)'s on this.

Go take Fred Cucks his dick out of yourself mouth already, faggot.

He hates him because he's bad at games, begs for money from people watching him, and blames every mistake he makes on the games themselves.

All in all a pretty legit reason to detest someone, even as far as the shallow hobby of videogames goes.

>not woooooooooow

they hate phil because they hate themselves and they see themselves in him

>36 years old
>his gf left him
>youtube geting demonetized
>living alone in big house
>massive debt
>balding from all the stress
>patreon dying
>have to e-beg and whore himself out for 10 bits a pop on twitch

is he worse of than anthony?

>36 years old
>his gf left him
>youtube geting demonetized
>living alone in big house
>massive debt
>balding from all the stress
>patreon dying
>have to e-beg and whore himself out for 10 bits a pop on twitch

But at least he's not Anthony Burch.

he-hey what do you mean that a group of gossiping sadists are enjoying a different group's sperg drama?
that's so uncharacteristic of them


this. i just want to see him suck ass at games.