Those two are on PS4. I remember playing some GBA harvest moon and I want to try one of them out...

Those two are on PS4. I remember playing some GBA harvest moon and I want to try one of them out. Which one is better though?

>Save the Homeland

So that's the better one?

If I recall correctly neither one is particularly good. Save the Homeland lacks a lot of the mechanics that are common in other games of the series but it tries to make up for it by having a more involving storyline. For example there is no marriage in STH.

A Wonderful Life is okay, and some people do think it's a standout entry in the series but the PS2 version is plagued with horrible glitches and slowdown. Despite being the Special Edition with added features that weren't in the GCN version, it's unanimously the worst way to play the game.

never played the other one, but I enjoyed Save the Homeland

StH was such a weird title.
For a long time, it had the best graphics/music of any HM game.
The characters were actually fucking good.
Cow management was pretty much at its peak before the series started imposing mechanics absolutely nobody wanted or asked for.

Then it slapped on an ending/yearly cycle system that pretty much ensured you'll never even see fall, let alone winter, and reset relations everytime. It gave you a grand total of 4 crops. Seriously, what the hell.

Wonderful Life, however, was an atrocity. Any fond memories anyone has of it are due to how many beneficial bugs the gamecube version had, improving the QoL. The ports/remakes "fixed" those.

Personally I'd say go with any other Harvest Moon, but if you're stuck just those two games, go with Save the Homelands. A Wonderful Life SE is a port of the Gamecube version with additions, bug fixes, and bad optimization. Textures aren't as good, the lighting sucks, and its framerate was sub 30 constantly. Keep in mind I only played the PS2 version so for all I know they could've fixed the framerate by the time they uploaded it to PS3, which I happened to have bought but never played, and PS4.

Save the Homeland is extremely repetitive because you only have a year to complete the game's story and there's nine endings. You have to complete a story before that year ends. You can grow all crops at any time of the year, but you only get five crops and very limited space, AWL also has limits, but not as bad. The game has a nice cell shaded look and runs at a constant 60fps.

Honestly I played both games extensively so I can go into greater detail of both games if you'd like.

Honestly I love AWL and female AWL, I just can't stand SE. To date they're still my favorite HM titles and I've been following the series since 64.

Save the Homeland is one of the best entries in the series, second only to Back to Nature. I would recommend Save the Homeland to a newcomer of the series as it is a bit more streamlined in terms of gameplay and story so you're not really missing out on character events and such. I say you check out Save the Homeland and run Back to Nature on a psx emulator to get the best of both worlds.

Save the Homeland is the better choice. If you can emulate it (and I am unsure if you can) The Hero of Leaf Valley is supposedly a direct upgrade to that.

AWL was fun for a while before turning repetitive and dull.

Best Forget-Me-Not Valley girl.

>Flora was Best Girl
>Couldn't waifu her
>SE makes fucking Lumina a candidate, and not her
>DS finally does it, but changes her personality so much, she isn't even the same character anymore

It's not fair...

Not to mention HMDS fucking sucks. It theoretically has a lot of content, but all the gameplay changes and glitches and shit made it so bad.

Save the Homeland is pretty good but play the PSP version.

Is there any sort of harvest moon type game which features bestiality? Cause that would be the only feature i would love to be included in those types of games.

DS was my favorite harvest moon
it was the first one that I played though

breeding season

>He got a bugged copy
>He didn't trade it in for a non-bugged one when Natsume was literally doing it for free

Back to Nature and 64 are the peaks of the series in my opinion. I really disliked Save the Homeland, and A Wonderful Life was enough to make me just give up on the series altogether. I've heard good things about Friends of Mineral Town, but after A Wonderful Life my trust was scorned. I bet going back would seem even worse nowadays because of Stardew Valley and it's modding scene.

Rune Factory 3 and 4 allow you to marry monsters and have children with them.

Wonderful life is a really cool experience but the ps2 version was pretty buggy. Homeland is okay fun.

Friends of Mineral Town is almost quite literally a compact version of BTN. No reason not to play it.

Except for the fact that FoMT cuts out a lot from BTN, mostly when it comes to the villagers and their character arcs. Having played both I prefer the latter in every way.

A wonderful life was my favorite growing up.

Never played Save the Homeland, decided to look it up

>This game is a little different than normal Harvest Moon games. Your play through the game only lasts for 1 year. Depending on the tasks you accomplished during that time, you can receive one of 9 different endings. This game also does not have a marriage system.