Bored yet?

Bored yet?

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I never played the first, and 2 isn't yet release.

I haven't played it and I'm already bored of it

An accurate representation of Sup Forums.

>it's a dumb neets overindulge, rush and skip their way through the game to be the first to tell everyone how bored they are episode

Surprisingly not. Been playing a spare copy my friend got accidentally and it's actually holding my attention. Granted it could be because I didn't sink money into it.

Been playing in moderation, only just got to the third planet. Sidequests have kept me busy

It's the exact same as the first game so my boredom is carying over without skipping a beat. Also the 6 exotics I've seen so far were boring as fuck and all of the vendor armor is ugly as shit so it's not really giving me a good reason to grind.

I was bored when it was called destiny 1

This is literally a less funny Borderlands, with less interesting classes and less interesting weapons.

In what exactly?
The game is just a dull as the first.
It barely qualifies as a sequel.

I don't find Ghost or Cayde annoying, but why does their humour always miss and fall flat? It just seems like weak writing, not hard to make me laugh. Literally no one in this is likable.

I had to stop playing yesterday and I'm out of town until Monday night, so I can't play until then. I've been enjoying the cyclical game so far, the campaign was boring and trashy as expected but luckily it was also much shorter than they sold it as. Zooming around doing public events is fun, as is trying to coordinate with strangers to do the heroic triggers. I wish that Lost Sectors were harder to find, they're all very obvious once you've found the symbol on the wall. I haven't done many strikes yet.

Devour Voidwalker is very powerful.

How do microtransactions work in this game?

Game's not even out yet

MUCH better gameplay though.
And Borderlands' "funny" writing is a black hole of humor

You can buy Bright Engrams which are like loot boxes full of cosmetic items (shaders, ships, emotes, etc.). Some people are suspicious because you can also get weapon and gear mods from these packages, which have actual gameplay effects, but they don't seem to be as good as the mods you get just by playing.

basically if you are mentally handicapped you feel compelled to spend real money on emotes.

Borderlands gunplay is nowhere near this quality
>less funny
Jesus Christ dude

just make it a dancing spin off game already

I really wish people would stop comparing Destiny to Borderlands. The only things relating the two are FPS with drops. Virtually everything else is different.

Classes too, and Destiny's classes are pretty meh, I've never felt so uninterested when levelling up in a game with levelling up.

I enjoy Destiny. Is Borderlands really that great? Surely I would love it right?

You're supposed to play Destiny because you think the shooting and running around is in itself fun. You're doing it wrong if you're rushing for capped item levels. I'm off to play now. Bought some buffs from Cayde and I'm going to cruise around on Io with no clear goal in mind other than having fun.

This, 7/10 threads on Sup Forums are literally autistic people talking shit about games that don't come out for months

Correct - Borderlands has an actual story and reason to play it, and was sold as a complete game.

whats the best Warlock, Hunter or Titan?

likely not. Borderland has a no raids or pvp, which seems to be what Destiny fans want most

>You're doing it wrong if you're rushing for capped item levels

What type of fucking casual are you? I put hundreds of hours into Destiny and the whole fucking point of the game was to get the best loot. The whole premise of the game is based around it

Not having a sparrow is fucking retarded. Who thought this was ok?

warlock. titan is okay and hunter is shit

Yeah cosining this user. I didn't plan on getting this game but ultimately ended up buying it because I had a lot of fun with the gameplay before. If you like how the game plays, you'll like the strikes, raids, story, PvP, etc. You'll like doing things to get more guns to shoot more stuff with and more armor to protect yourself and get stronger. If you don't like how it plays you won't like the game period. I don't think it's one of those things that you can dive into just because you like grinding.

>hasn't been out a week
>already max level with exotics and legendaries
You live a sad life user

do hunters still have a 2 min cooldown for rolling in the floor?

The guys who finished the campaign first with sparrows in 2 hours

A friend gameshared it with me, I've played about 2 hours of the story and I dislike it, didn't lose anything though so it was worth the try I guess

>How do microtransactions work in this game?
They made it so shaders (dye) only work once, rather than being resocketable over and over. So everyone is pissed. The answer is to BUY them with microtransactions, since they are single use now.

Did this actually happen during a closed beta or something. I'd believe it.

If you want to be the best at pvp, hunter 100% because they have the best jump, which is really important overall to the game.
for pve, literally whatever you want, they all play pretty well.

No idea, but artificially making the campaign longer is the only answer

I love Destiny and would like to play it the way you do, but doing the raid blind with strangers is awesome and it gets harder and harder to find groups willing to do that every day after the raid comes out, so I rush to be raid-ready in time.

>Max level
Max power level is, like, 350. Unless you mean the fact that I'm level 20 in which case you don't understand this game very well.

And more classes, with more skill trees, Psycho Krieg has at least 2 completely different playstyles. Not so sure why people are hyping up the gameplay for Destiny either, what happened to the amazing AI from Halo? This IS Bungie right? Now I just either shoot enemies in the head to one shot everything (or stomach, if it's the Vex)

Doesnt feel like a Halo because of the retarded AI

Taken were cool to fight for the first time in Destiny 1.

Other than that yeah the enemies have been terrible.

Does 2 use the insane amount of data that the first game did? Had to stop playing Destiny because the only unlimited ISP in my community shut down

I just like shooting stuff and getting items drops. I enjoy playing through dungeons as well.
>doesn't feel like halo
Good thing it doesn't say Halo on the cover, huh? I'm sure a lot of the Bungie employees today are completely different guys than those who worked on Halo so their mindset just isn't in the same place - for better or worse.

Is there a dab emote or what? Its important

there is

Ok im in

I spent tens of hours in destiny 1, how long will I spend in destiny 2?

At max level you continue to gain exp but intstead of leveling up you get a loot box. These loot boxes include various items including gear shaders, vehicles and shitty-but-nice-looking gear pieces which can be made not-shitty by throwing regular gear into it. The microtransaction part is that you can also buy these with real money, just like Overwatch and the like.

The biggest problem I'm seeing with it is the cosmetic shit which is veering towards KMMO status. At the point in the game I'm at (I hear I'm almost done but idk), all of the gear you get outside of these loot boxes is ugly as shit and/or recolored shit from Destiny 1. If you want to look cool, you have to rely on these soulless loot boxes which you can also buy for money. Some (read: free or cheap af) KMMO models work like this: all in-game gear is ugly as fuck and/or generic and you're going to look like a noob/hobo until you shell out really money. I know the current market likes to play Barbie dress up with meaningless, context-less gear they bought with moms credit card but I'd rather have gear be a more direct display of your accomplishments.

enjoy the ride

user if your worried about shit like this you probably shouldnt be playing online only video games, let alone video games.

0 if you don't buy it

If buy it if it were 3rd person. I cant play first person shooters anymore


Probably about the same amount of time, D2 is very similar to D1 but has a lot of refinements, including much-needed QoL changes and new routines post-campaign, but it's still a game about shooting things and repeating activities to get better gear. If it didn't hook you the first time then it won't hook you now.

Fun fact the first game was going to be 3rd person originally, you could do everything in 3rd person in the first game due to a bug.

b-but muh pc mustardrace has mods right?

Don't be retarded, most games barely use 150MB/hr. Destiny used something like 1GB/hr because Bungie is clinically retarded

The enemies will run to take cover, ambush you and shit. I won't say it's like Halo but they aren't completely braindead. They'll knock you off of ledges if they can and sneak up on you too.

Neither BL or this is funny. The humor is so bad.

Have you ever tried The Division?

good goyim, don't forget to buy the season pass that will include only two """expansions""" followed by four other DLC for only $29.99 US dollars each!

>I'm sure a lot of the Bungie employees today are completely different guys than those who worked on Halo so their mindset just isn't in the same place - for better or worse.

And? Worse AI is worse AI, Destiny feels like a glorified shooting gallery, if it's a different group of devs then its a worse group of devs and Destiny is worse than Halo, this is a completely valid criticism.

They really need to buff Titans and Hunters for PvE. I have no idea why you'd want a deployable shield when you can just use a healing rift and just tank shots and shoot things with your arc soul. I don't even know what Hunters bring to the table.

The difference is Borderlands tries to be funny on a regular basis

>tracking down how much gb an online game uses to measure how much you can play for
lmfao this is fucking pathetic dude, like a crack addict putting quarters together to keep up their high.
>b-but most games dont-
yeah this isnt other games retard.

Hold the fuck up, Warlocks are the best again?

Thats hilarious. It just cements the fact that someone high up on the dev team's pet class is Warlock. What a joke.

Why are you trying to argue with me? I'm sorry if it wasn't clear but I'm literally saying that the AI is worse. I think there are some things they do well but others they do worse, AI being one of them. This is probably because there is a different group of people working with the company now. Calm down young buck.

I have not. Any good?

Laughed more times than I have at anything Cayde or Ghost have said so far, which isn't hard because I'd only need to have laughed once. Cayde is tumbleweed incarnate, again, not a shit character but a clearly humourous character that isn't funny in any way. I know Sup Forums ikes to meme about Borderlands itself being a cesspit of reddit memes, but it's still funnier than Destiny.

>Cayde's written as side character coolguy with little context
>Man Cayde is kindof cool we like this guy
>Cayde gets rewritten as le clumsy goofball who's in the spotlight in almost every cutscene

I don't get it.

It's a good ARPG, in fact it's basically Diablo but as a third-person shooter. If you want a gear-chasing game but it has to be 3rd person then I would give it a try. Physical copies for PC go on sale pretty often and are cheap.

Why can't they make Diablo but a shooter in a fantasy setting? I don't want to play a military game.

It was the way you said 'Good thing it doesn't say Halo on the cover', as if a FPS made by Bungie doesn't bring with it a certain amount of expectations, expectations Destiny has fallen far short of so far, it's like any game Platinum make not having great combat (which is true), it's just really weird when people say the gameplay is so good (or better than Borderlands) when it's just a shooting gallery against like 4 different factions that have nowhere near the depth of the Covenant or horror of the Flood.

>illegal narcotics comparison

Amerijunkies everyone, can't go two seconds without thinking about them drugs

>man i wish this loot driven multiplayer shooter was first person
good news friend the Division and Warframe are both things that exist

neither of them (or destiny) are particularly good but you may enjoy them

>best class for pve
its not like thats even a big deal your co operating.
Hunters are EASILY the best class for pvp by far. Their jump alone makes jumpshotting sooo much easier and makes other classes just shit in the long run once you know the tricks.

I'd rather watch paint dry than play warframe. I will never understand what people see in that game. I'm convinced you actually need to be autistic to enjoy it.

Do you hate sci fi as well? Because Warframe is grindy sci-fi shooter the game.

>expansion sold as a sequel

if you played the first game and put up with all their shit and have comeback for more, you need to kill yourself to be honest

You can judge a movie that isn't out yet after watching enough movies. You can judge a game that isn't out yet after playing enough games. Don't be a pleb, Sup Forums.

Oh, I really did mean that. It's not a Halo game, simple as that. It seems like it sets out to satisfy the player in a way different than the Halo series did. Does this mean it's a good change? No, of course not. This isn't new information though, we've seen how the first Destiny was now. They already lowered the bar.

To be fair I don't even think the AI is as abysmal as you're making it out to be. They still move strategically in some ways. I think it's just that a lot of the early enemies are pushovers.

it's pretty comfy. mow down baddies and get shinies

comfy =/= mindless and boring i guess.

Voidwalker, Strider, Bubblebro. All new classes can suck a huge one.

>You can judge a movie that isn't out yet after watching enough movies.

Does it have more content then D1 ?

>It seems like it sets out to satisfy the player in a way different than the Halo series did.

Well anyone could have made Destiny's style of gameplay, only Bungie could have made a game like Halo.

for (you)


So can you port over your d1 character?

>spare copy
>didn't sink money into it
yeah sure lol

>only Bungie could have made a game like Halo
Yeah, unfortunately good things come to an end. They had a nice run though.
>anyone could make a game like Destiny
I still respect Destiny for what it is. The game has great art, graphics, and gunplay. They're able to make the worlds feel believable through their atmosphere if nothing else. I definitely believe it's on a level that other developers could not achieve without a considerable amount of talent.

Or rather: "more content than vanilla D1", is what you should ask.
By the time Rise of Tapirs came out it had quite a bit of game to it, if you'd been on the season pass or bought the comets individually.

Played a bit during that open beta period and wasn't impressed. Just felt like more console trash.

Does it have more content than Vanilla Destiny?

Nah, mate. Come on. Just a matter of wits, seeing the pattern and comparing stuff.

Nope. Maybe about the same, but actually I'm quite certain it's less.