They did it. They actually made a game somehow worse than Uncharted 1.
They did it. They actually made a game somehow worse than Uncharted 1
Other urls found in this thread:
2 > 4 > 3 > 1
Shooting was much better and the new grapple and climbing pick were welcome additions albeit missed potential in quite a few areas.
Lol fuck off. 4 is just below 2.
Only thing I have to complain about in 4 is the lack of supernatural elements.
4 was fun...the FIRST time.
Cant replay it cause there is more cutscene/ climbing than there is game.
Did anyone else hear about the “original” version of what Uncharted 4 was supposed to be?
>tfw you realize Amy Hennig was a hack all along
But muh 16gorillion encounters.
This game has the Worst pacing. Things started to get fun and then you get slapped into a boring young drake level that drags on forever.
could not be any worse than this fucking faggot
have not; gonna need a link
Agreed on that one, it should have been broken up across the game. I'm pretty surprised it hit you all at once actually.
fixed before some faggot says nothing but point out the typo
hey if youre going to make a terrible cringy bait thread can you at least standardise the title so my cringe filter picks it up? tia
Ahaha my god, what level of pathetic triggered wittle bitch do you have to be to make an image like this
The Last of Us>Uncharted 2>Uncharted 4>TLL (which he didn't even do)>3>1
I guess Druckmann wins
>Stong woman
If you're gonna shit on something at least make a fucking point.
I liked Uncharted 4 but even these guys made good points.
Nice rebuttal faggot
Photoshop isn't very hard buddy.
What if I said that I like both writers and their differences?
Inb4: "you'd be wrong"
People keep saying Uncharted 2 is the best
I've only played 1 and 2, slowly working my way through the series on PS4. While two had better setpieces, I thought the combat was fucking stupid.
I didn't like TLoU much either, but at least not having much ammo forced me to stealth a bit more. I don't think it's even possible to stealth through Uncharted.
Was it you? Are you the one?
You're a fucking contrarian idiot if you think that this was in any way a bad game. It's objectively great. But then again, this is the same board that thinks TLOU is shit, so I don't take this thread seriously.
that's why there is encounter select and survival + multiplayer
I never liked the supernatural bollocks I thought it was gay.
Also 4 > 3 > 2 > 1, for me.
So there's this book out all about the troubled development of certain games and there's a chapter about what Uncharted 4 was going to be and how Amy left and everything and pretty much it was going to be something like
>You spend the first half of the game without shooting a gun, it's more melee focused
>there's a part where Drake and Elena dance with button prompts like fucking Sly Cooper 2
>Sam was Nathan's old partner and the “big twist” was that he was his brother
Also when Amy left Neil and Bruce didn't even want to do Uncharted 4 because they wanted to start on TLOU 2 or whatever the next game was, Bruce wanted to take a break because he was feeling burnt out. They had to because there was really no one ready to handle a game that big yet
I'll try and find the video about it just give me a bit
4 > 2 > 3 > Knack 1 > Dragon Age 2 > World of Warcraft: Cataclysm > Final Fantasy XV Gladio DLC >>>>>>>>>>> Uncharted 1
>hating on cata
Hey fuck you guy! I miss when fire mages were actually fun.
>muh movies
>muh gay memes
go watch a movie instead you dingus
that's pretty much how TLOU got mad
that's pretty interesting user, thanks for that
>E3 preview had interesting gameplay and decent AI
>actual game had fucking retard AI so god damn awful they had to make companions NPCs invisible to the enemy
Eat shit.
>3 > 2
>Rating 3 above 2
What the fuck, man?
They had already accomplished that with The Last of Us.
This is actually very true, I've finished the first, play maybe 10-15 hours for the fourth, play something like 5 hours the third and have not touched the first one at all.
They need to shake it up before they fuck it up. Franchise fatigue is a real thing and I don't feel that Uncharted and TLoU are different enough to keep things interesting for the studio.
I thought 1 was the best
U4 is the best Uncharted.
>best story
>best encounter design
>capacity for stealth including ghost non-lethal
>enemies finally not aimbots
Only problem with U4's gameplay is that they removed grenade throwback for some reason
t. played the entire series for the first time this year
Currently on the remastered Uncharted 3. Finished 2 the other week. I have enjoyed the games a lot, though 1 was a bit of a chore to get through at times. I am looking forward to number 4.
Played 1 on hard mode assuming the series is casual/easy as fuck. It was so tedious to get through especially the last few chapters and the last boss. Also fuck those jet ski levels
He didn't write Lost Legacy.
The PS3 trilogy has some fucked up difficulty scaling. Even on the normal difficulty enemies have a deadeye and Nathan's about as strong as a plank of cardboard
Somehow TLL managed to fix the pacing and had an interesting setting, too bad about Nadine and the retarded end song.
First of all he didn't write Lost Legacy and he co-wrote Uncharted 2 and helped with Uncharted 1.
So Neil fucking saved the game basically?
Holy fuck to think I shat on the man
Bruce is based too of course
Does Uncharted 3 have as much shooting sections as UT2 did? I am currently stuck on a puzzle in the beginning of the game in that ruined castle or whatever you wanna call it. It felt like in UT2 they made so many shooting sections just to drag the game further a long. It got tiring fighting the same enemies. I get it's an action game but it's nice not to be a one man army always
Neil druckmann also worked on 2. 4 just needed better skins which they got rid of.
There was no happy family reunion
There are some sections in 2 that you can stealth through. 3 has more and 4 has sections that you can skip if you stealth through.
Problem for me with UT2 was that it was hard knowing what you could stealth and not stealh. Sucks when you want to stealth but it's pretty much impossible
fuck off, Sup Forumstard
I really like 4 for what it is but I think 2 is the best
The production values are off the charts
4 is the only good uncharted game so you're an idiot
Yeah because the combat and shooting in uncharted has always been the highlight and what you really loved doing after the 15th time.
Are you ok?
1 > 3
Uncharted 3 was every incorrect shitpost about the Uncharted series proven correct.
It only gets worse with YAS QUEEN dlc.
Everyone memes on Uncharted being a movie but the original Uncharted 4 basically would have been a movie
Why even make it a game at that point
Because it's fun with a interactive movie. Sort of like, but not really - Choose your own adventure books. You feel more apart of it.
Kill yourself
Can't believe how awful the origin uncharted 4 sounds
Apologize RIGHT NOW Sup Forums
No i am not gonna kill myself user. Why are you asking me to do such a horrible thing?
>druckmann deletes fat drake skin because it's offensive to fatties
>adds an anorexia skins instead
what was he thinking?
Forgot the lovely pic
Because its alright to make fun of us skinny people, everyone can do it and it is completely normal. But god forbid you make a fat joke or say they have to eat less. I am skinny and have gotten remarks on it before.
Except Uncharted is a linear narrative
I don't think Neil Druckmann is in charge of multiplayer skins
Yeah, it is. But i'd rather play it than watch a lets play on youtube
That is literally a skeleton character with the same clothes as one of the other characters.
What the fuck is wrong with you, anorexia is a serious problem, asshole.
I forgot about the skelly characters
user played us like a damn fiddle
grenade throwback was super broken in a cover shooter and make all enemies irrelevant and fuck with their AI so much. Grenades are for enemies to force you to break cover, not giving you a free grenade to throw back at them. You can camp cover forever with grenade throw back and blind fire any heavy who approach you.
How does skeleton have tits
My man
Can't wait for last of us 2
It's a female skeleton
I dunno, I thought it was fun. U1-3 had a bad habit of aggressive enemies incentivizing you to stay in a safe place.
U4's open encounter design and better movement options make it more viable and more fun to move around the battlefield, so grenade throwback would just be another cool thing to do.
Every game should have encounter selects like uncharted 4
I don't know, I don't really feel it needs a sequel. At this point I'd rather see Naughty Dog move onto something different.
.. Uncharted 1 is the best uncharted closely followed by 2, then legacy, then 4, last is 3.
Uncharted 3 had absolute dogshit writing though.
This is what happens when the game gets shifted from one team to the other 1 year from release.
holy shit, has the AI been patched yet? or is it still retarded like in the vid