Press Y to doubt

>press Y to doubt
>expect to say something like "I don't believe you"
>instead get "You're full of shit, Jacob. The truth is you hated that bitch: You followed her and dragged her into the car and took her out to the Moors. She woke up, and you smashed her face in with a socket wrench. And then you stomped her... you stomped her because she was a drunken whore and she treated you like shit. You stomped her for all the years you had to take it. You stomped her because you're such a weak fucking sister, Jacob, and you wanted to erase all memory of it. Go on, try to deny it."

>mother with her child next to you slaps you for playing such offensive game

Reminds me of mass effect dialogue.

>Talking to npc
> pick option: I don't like your tone.
> Shepard puts his gin forcefully into the guy's mouth and says, "you talk to me like that again and I'll blow your brains out!"
> npc hates Shepard now

I really enjoyed how much of a gigantic asshole that Cole was in that game. It kept me playing.

The doubt option was originally going to be called something like "force"

That's a lie option though

>looks like i made a mistake

Beat me to it

I want to buy this and play it on a airplane
> You left wing leaning parasite

>push dijkstra aside
>*punches dijkstra to the ground and snaps his leg in half*

>[Glass him]

Only retards misunderstood this

Post yfw they change the line to say "right wing"

Somebody post the pasta that combines them.

The witcher ones are way worse. What fucking country do you live in that "Glass him" means give him a drink?

It means glass him you seppo cunt

>Pick "very funny"
>"Fuck you"

I think you need to read his post again

What the fuck are you even trying to say here you neanderthal?

Well in that example lie is the correct response so it's not a problem.

That literally never happened stop lying.


>he didn't shove dijkstra, forcefully
baka desu senpai

So is this game like grand theft auto, or are you not allowed to be lawless?


Actually I'm pretty sure from my post you can infer that I did exactly that.


this game is nothing like gta
do not buy this game if you want gta from the cops side that isn't what this is

Yeah I'm just meme'ing

You dun fucked up by doing that though.

It's because if you have the evidence Cole sometimes outright says why he thinks its a lie based on the evidence. It's supposed to help you make a better decision.

It's got a gta like open world and missions where you shoot will play like gta but most of your time will be spent interviewing people or looking through a crime scene for evidence. You also can't pull out your gun whenever you want from what i remember so the best you can do is run over a bunch of people which makes you fail if you kill to many.

i wouldn't really describe it as an open world at all
you can drive off course when you're going from point a to point b and find collectables but it's not like you can just go anywhere or find sidemissions or whatever except for those "emergency calls" which really aren't that much content
it's more like a linear game with driving sections where you don't have to strictly go from a to b

It's more like the Mafia games, very story driven and once you're done with the story there's really nothing to do in the city except for drvinng around and finding some collectibles

It literally has an open world tho

The world is pretty open to you, yea there isn't much to do but the fact that the world is open and you can go anywhere i would say justifies it being called an open world game.

You fuck young boys Mr valdez?

considering this was in the beginning of the game and nothing even close to it even happened for the rest of the game i took it as a joke and jab at Mass Effect and LA Noire. It's pretty fucking funny

Best scene in the game desu