That one good gaming thing that had so much potential, but was squandered away and we will never see it come to fruition

>That one good gaming thing that had so much potential, but was squandered away and we will never see it come to fruition

Post things that had potential but was wasted

Other urls found in this thread:

Dont post this again

That starcraft cd


>ex dev for Microsoft confirmed that those types of Xbox PCs had the entire architecture or the Xbox layed out for development of the Xbox.

>they had valuable code that helped create the Xbox emulator for Xbox one

>No fantastic Xbox Emulator will exist in this timeline ever

I wanna fucking die

so what's the list of shit reddit has ruined for people who just want to play more games?
xbox emulation
private bnet servers for starcraft
switch emulation just recently
I feel like I'm missing something else

I feel like Reddit also kinda impacts what developers do, as some of them go to Reddit and take in there advice and whatnot, so its possible some awful shit added into games is thanks to them.

>switch emulation just recently
what happened


its called the xbox 1

>people shouldn't be allowed to do what they want with their personal property if it doesn't benefit me!!!
Fucking Sup Forums is loaded with communists.

someone got a version of the switch that was meant for internal purposes and just went back to the store and returned it.

Delete this post

can't read or you don't know what communism is.
probably both.

>just went back to the store and returned it.

What a crime. Shame on him for not giving that switch to some fatass piratefag so he can get free games.

that was dumb

>being a moralfag
>not profiting on that high demand

>who cares if sand people destroy ancient historical relics it's their property!

so basically, pc """""master race""""" are mad that they can't play console games they have always called shitty on their PCs? how about stop being such poorfag brazilians and get a switch and xbone (buying OG xbox games digitally) so you can actually support the people who made these games? oh wait, PC losers hate the gaming industry.

>people should give up their property so I can enjoy things!!!
Sounds like commie to me.
Correct. You're not entitled to someone else's things just because you put an arbitrary value on it.


>people should give up their property
link one post in this thread that says this other than your other one, faggot.

Pretty much this 100%. PCfags are entitled, whiny crybabies who throw tantrums when they can't get what they want for free, and then have the gall to wonder why devs don't create content for their demographic. It's simple, they don't want to pay, they never wanted to pay, they never will.

God I fucking hate Redditors so much. I don't even care about the emulation or anything, but I hate how they just throw away rare and important pieces of gaming history.
What are the chances we'll ever see a OG Xbox devkit in the wild again? The one chance we get and some retarded teenager formats it so he can use the case as part of his "cool PC build" for Reddit upvotes. Fuck.

>pointing out someone for doing something monumentally stupid is communism

you can buy 30 cooked chickens and throw them directly in the trash if you want. Doesn't stop you from being a colossal retard regardless

Fucking idiot


This isn't Sup Forums

This thread and every other thread about the OPs topic is literally what I'm describing, but hey, feel free to be obtuse and willfully ignorant. Not my fucking problem you're retarded.

Fucking mad. :)

for honor and evolve

The Sega 32x and Saturn

I said in this thread, and OP is not saying people should give up someone's property. stay retarded.

>literally what I'm describing
The physical tower is rare and valuable but that's not what people wanted.

delete this right now

>bawww I can't have free stuff wahhh everyone else is a retard wahhh!!!

Man I just want JSRF playable by emulation or ported normally.

>The one chance we get and some retarded teenager formats it so he can use the case as part of his "cool PC build" for Reddit upvotes. Fuck.
Funny part is that that got downvoted to fuck

How many ""elite"" players went full sperg mode after this was announced

They wanted emulation because PCfats are the lowest tier of gamer who want everything in the world handed to them for free.

Wasn't there a disc with the Starcraft source code that someone sent back to blizzard? Or am I thinking of twitter?

>they had valuable code that helped create the Xbox emulator for Xbox one
It wouldn't have been that helpful. Using it to make an emulator is illegal, unless you have enough developers to do this:

It's the same reason we don't have a SEGA Lindbergh emulator yet. One developer wanted to do a clean room design, and no one was interested in helping him, IIRC.

still waiting for you to point it out, user.

>implying this wasn't fake and the guy didn't just do it to get a reaction out of people

no, you are correct and it was already mentioned.

I have to say at this point in time it would have only caused more harm than good.
Were it 3 or 4 years down the line then it would be a different story.

Yeah, I saw after I posted. Perhaps I should learn to read more carefully before posting.

Different user here, I own an OG Xbox but it's showing its age and has a few hardware issues. Fixing it isn't exactly easy, and original xbox support on the xbone isn't fully there either. Emulation would be ideal right about now for the preseveration of the system.

>caring about laws
laws are kind of gay
it would probably be more like an illegal executable wrapper like they do for RingEdge or what have you
making illegal shit is fun, CEMU is probably illegal but who cares

>the games were never ported will eventually be lost to time when all xboxs break down

and this pic is missing some great games that were never ported like phantom crash, unreal championship 2, smt NINE, and more... i guarantee these won't come to xbone's OG xbox BC... they said it's going to be a lot smaller of a thing than their 360 BC program.


This. The Emulator would have been illegal either way.

>some fatass piratefag

shit, forgot pic

>clean room
Now that's what I call autism. The reason we don't have a Lindbergh emulator is literally just money, it exists and is easily available if you're willing to pay the hefty cost for some locked up propriety bullshit.

Legality is completely meaningless. The fact lots of asian jews still make money off fake Lindburgh boxes is why you'll never see an emulator.

>food analogy

Emulators are rarely illegal, so long as they don't literally copypaste any of the source code. Pirating the games is, but not the enulator itself.

People want emulation because the original Xbox is slowly dying out and official emulation on the xbone will be limited only to games they can get the license for.

He got so many downvotes he tried to change the tag to "joking" or something along those lines.

it hurts, but fable and jade empire should be removed.
also arx fatalis got a xbox port? was it actually different from the PC game?

Jade Empire is on gog
not the point, i know, but you can at least cross that one off

>Never ever

Don't forget Fusion Frenzy, that was fun as hell

>Replying to your own weak bait

>people wanting OG xbox emulation for the 5 worthwhile exclusives
remember this when you ponder why an emulator does not exist. it's because even the smartest of coders realize it would be wasted effort. the meme that it would be too hard, or there's not enough info to get it started, is bullshit. the truth is, not enough care to work on it.

just buy a used console off ebay and mod it yourself. shit takes less than 15 minutes to do, and there's even an HD cable you can buy to output to 720/1080i

NO! NEVER! I... Did not... Buy my monster rig... to PAY.... for a...a...c-con-console. *gags* *shudders* I sweared it the day I bought my rig... I shall never pay for a game.

you can buy 30 vintage arcade cabinets and smash them with a brick but you will be a colossal retard for doing so


Voodooo Vince is on steam.


i think what people wanted, so that it was legal, was just to better understand the source code so that they could figure out what they needed to program so that it would function and not use any source code


people pirate original xbox games all the time, it's pretty much the only reason anyone buys one these days.

>he fell for the emulation station meme
If you don't have at least 3 modded consoles you're doing it wrong

>be a lot smaller of a thing than their 360 BC
360 BC was such shit. other than halo 2, i dont think i had a single game that was backwards compatible. though i did sell most of my games to afford the 360 as a 13 year old

Arx Fatalis and Halo 2 are on PC

Sup Forums showing they don't know shit about anything as usual

it was a dev kit. there are tons of these for any system out there. some retard gutting a single xbox dev kit doesnt mean we somehow lost out on something.

Tree of Savior.

At this point I'm convinced that Worst Korea exists for the sole purpose of letting me down.

Source for that? Because these kind of dev kits have had their HDDs scoured hard with literally no beneficial information for emulation found before