filename thread
Filename thread
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I don't get it
I lol'd
The flock of mindless sheep attempting to explore Skyrim's ocean, versus the enlightened one who knows true content is on the mountains.
>"But why?"
>penguin looks knowingly towards the camera
i didnt either, so i did a quick edit
Not for honor ass bane?
Not for honor butt bane?
I dont get it
>not for honor, but for you.
I give my life, not for honer, but for you
That's the second time today a post has made me want to replay snake eater
how long before the an hero stream Sup Forums?
he has to wear a wig because he went loco and cut his hair off
>yfw he's just crying in a recent twitch clip
I think his days are N U M B E R E D
fuck you
Ohh ok thanks anons
>he has to wear a wig because he went loco and cut his hair off
Fresh OC
pls dont do it xbox games
These are all good.
this ones better i think
Fresh OC in exchange. Mine is a little rough around the edges.
Do you have kids? Because that's dad joke tier.
>rope for honor sweet ass do you feel in charge?
Fuck you dude
What's going in here
kek. No wonder white boys grow up and say nigger a lot on the internet. They're tired of niggers beating them up.
Old German meme iirc. Theres hundreds if not thousands of photos from the 20s-60s of Germans posing with people in crappy polar bear outfits.
>7 captchas
is there a cookie I can delete?
incognito doesn't do this shit
Use legacy captcha my man
>using autism moves during a fight
Why are americans so fucking retarded?
It literally won't stay enabled
I click it all I want and it just unclicks when I check on it
What the fuck is happening? Someone jumps up and jerks the wheel, and the other two just hold on for dear life instead of trying to stop him?
not for honor, but for you
Dude jumps the driver, bus is off the road almost immediately. If there was a hill all you could do would be hold on and hope.
This is modern art I can get behind. That's bloody cool.
Try using ccd0's Sup Forums X and enable it there. Not sure if it would help, but it should stay enabled that way.
That fucking ballet kick at the end. Those fucking white kids fast walking out of the class room.
I don't get it.
This would be great if they didn't all look so glum. The ridiculous faces are an integral element of that piece.
Rope for honor ass for you
Fucking horrifying. Is there a story to it or it just some crazy footage?