Accel World vs Sword Art Online

Accel World vs Sword Art Online is coming to PC in a couple days

I didn't know Bamco did late ports. Hopefully they'll pull more from their catalog. Anyways, for those who already got this game on PS4/Vita, is this game any good? I've not played any of the SAO games so I don't know what to expect. If I didn't like the SAO anime and never watched Accel World, could I still enjoy this?

Two shit series doesn't make a good game

why the fuck would you enjoy anything SAO?

you're giving free passes just because its on PC?

Stop playing terrible anime weebshit for little girls, grow up you fucking autism-riddled mongs.

>what happens when a game stops being Sony exclusive

>is this game any good
No. the combat is trash, the phsyics are horrible and the maps are even more horrible
>If I didn't like the SAO anime and never watched Accel World, could I still enjoy this?
Hell no, save your money for god's sake.

Dude most people didn't want play fucking SAO games before it was ported
The series is a goddamn joke to begin with and anime-based cash grabs are mostly shit

>He thinks the game isnt shit cause its on a Sony platform.

Top kekles m8

That didn't stop fanboys putting it on their collages of PS4 exclusives.

>Accel World

Because the anime being shit doesn't mean the game is shit

Not bad.


Nice but all these games coming out in september are going to bankrupt me

You sure? She's playable. She's 10.


Never heard of this game but the concept sounds awful

Are you trying to say that SAO fanboys are retarded? Whats next faggot, there is indeed water in the fucking ocean?

Best girl.

Nice, I might give it a try.

Probably gonna buy it on sale as I need to buy Ys VIII for the limited exclusive DLCs that will be removed from the store a week later. Unless the DLCs for the AW vs SAO game are also timed-exclusive too.
You really sure?

No? I'm saying sony fanboys are retarded. But then again, all fanboys are retarded.

Glad to see I'm not alone liking Niko.

>implying Sony fags are not desperate to show every single "exclusive" they have.
It's always the same story, all it needs is a game to release on PC for they to admit that it was shit.

Why the fuck would anyone buy this when we are getting a superior game later? For both console and pc no less

Some people has shit taste user.

Especially SAO fans.

Is it MMO?
Or is it single player with story?
Can I make my own OC donutsteel if it's the latter?

Not only she's adorable, but every other character became kinda boring to me as the series went on, except for her. It helps that I like Scarlet Rain's and the immobile fortress design the most as well.

Because one game being better than another does not necessarily the other game isn't worth playing.

Also because .hack//GU is a very different kind of game.

Her robot design is super sexy...

Can I play as a girl?

Well, I have no reason to not get both. I don't like the SAO anime that much, but I enjoy the games.

It's kinda the same with .hack though, the anime felt boring to me, particularly the roots anime, the games are immensely better.

Yes. Even has a loli.

You can switch to female party members and play as them

>own PS4
>own PC
>dropped Accel World after 4 episodes
>didn't even bother with SAO
>"Two years worth of semen..."
Why should I care about that game, again?

Can I make a girl only party?

Yes, it reminds of Drossel von Flugel. But Niko is always sexy.

It looks like a potentially fun ARPG

What Medarot is that?
Should I watch AW?

no, it's shit. just buy the figma.


Yes, it's fun.

She's in the game too.

Spotted the SAO fags.

She would just lolidom you untill you pass out.

That was the girl with the fortress thing right?

Yes, best "weapon"

The combat is "fine" unless the boss is flying, which like all but two bosses do. Even more annoying, is bosses that zip around like retards, because all of your skills make you undergo animation lock so you'll just straight up miss every attack in your strongest skill. The story is irrelevant and you never expected it to be good or anyway.

The flight mechanics make you want to kill yourself for 50% of the game, before you learn how to make the best of it and only hate it a little less. Bosses that are stronger than you (and aren't dungeon bosses) will rape you in the mouth unless you just find a strong (at the time) 2H sword and lolkill everything in two hits.

Is it a -bad- game? yes Not completely. You can probably stomach it just long enough to get your favorite character to 500.

Online play is shit because the difficulty automatically gets set to "Hard" and no one in your party will know how to dodge or block so you'll almost always die unless your gear eclipses whatever the difficulty rank of the mission is.

For custom multiplayer rooms, there was never a time I didn't get kicked for some unknown reason so I have no fucking idea how custom multiplayer works.

Final verdict: 7/10 Game of the Year.

How is lolidom a thing? How can you pretend to be dominated by someone you can snap in half with your bare hands?

Isn't this just a reskin of Lost Song?
Like, same mechanics and everything?
Am I still forced to use Kirito one way or the other or am I completely free to use anyone else with no consequences?

I wish there was more of the anime. Silver Crow was a great protag.

this game looks like fun but i fucking hate SaO, it went from cool concept of mmo fantasy with real life consequences, to


>How is femdom a thing? How can you pretend to be dominated by someone you can snap in half with your bare hands?

You just let them dominate you, also most lolidom stories the girls dominate the male with pleasure, not with strenght.

There are events where specific characters will send messages to one another to meet at the fountain and you have to play as the recipient of the letter. More often than not it's Kirito. Otherwise, it's probably Silver Crow.

Also if this event includes a dungeon or something you have to play as whichever characters are in the event, so you might end up in a level 300 mob dungeon with level 125 characters unless you spend BP to level everyone up.

SAO is shit. AW isn't amazing but the characters and general feel of it is 100 times better.

So yeah, exactly like Lost Song.
Guess I'll pass.

Niko is the kind of girl that would shitpost on Sup Forums.

I skipped this because they made it in the same style as Lost Song and not even the gameplay was good.
At the least, Hollow Fragment and Hollow Realization are solid mechanically, going farther than just stat checks for fighting. If those came to PC people should at the very least look into it, but not Accel world or Lost Song.

Thank god I didn't buy this for Vita.

I know it's pathetic and that's something sonnigger would tell, but I hope they won't port SAO games to PC because I bought fucking PS4 for them.

But Fatal Bullet is announced for PC as well. It's Bandai Namco, they have been trying to get into PC gaming and are being quite successful apparently.

I hope we get a Gundan or Digimon game eventually.

The only game from that license that isn't shit is Hollow Fragment, Lost Song was utter shit, it's so terribly thought that its main exploration mechanic is the same thing that was used in the last level of Spyro on PSX.

Why is a loli sexually harassing that pig?

>like Accel World
>hate SAO

I feel conflicted about this game

Nips are going crazy for PC ports right now. I'm guessing profit margin outweighs the cost it takes to port. I bought a PS4 for weeb games and there are very little that haven't already been ported to PC already

Because she want his dick.

>tfw .hack GU and 4 Goddesses Online coming soon
>anons will still buy shit taste online

I'm gonna buy both .hack and 4GO, but not this, because I don't want another Lost Song. Hollow-games were better.

>unless the boss is flying, which like all but two bosses do. Even more annoying, is bosses that zip around like retards, because all of your skills make you undergo animation lock so you'll just straight up miss every attack in your strongest skill
Basically the same bullshit that happens in Lost Song. Great.

Just give me IMOQ HD. Fuck this other garbage.

>Tfw don't know whether to get 4GO and .hack on PS4 or PC
>want physical copies so I have to buy the slightly worse versions, but sometimes PC versions are shit
It's such a crap shoot. 4GO is almost certainly PS4 because PC release is like 4 months later

>you're giving free passes just because its on PC?
Welcome to Sup Forums


The setting is shit, that directly affects the video game.


>Nep on PS4
Enjoy your sub-hd Nep while I'm watching at glorious 4k Nep panties with modded camera.

Enjoy waiting 4 months

I've tried 2 SAO games and they're not really my cup of tea. They get repetitive and boring after awhile.

>see postin of red Loki
>no post of objectively best supporting character that isnt part of the main cast

1k per month. Totally worth it. I still have Hollow realization untouched

4 months isn't that big of a deal for me since I have a huge backlog of other games and nep in general always generates the most discussion when it comes to PC so I don't have any issues with waiting

I don't understand how they are made by the same guy. I want more AW but looking at what happened to SAO after the first arc makes me glad AW didn't go any further.

AW just felt better. The characters, premise, story, the cool designs. Everything just felt good, people hated muh MC but it didn't seem like a big deal to me. Instead SAO manages to get all the popularity. I don't even hate the show but SAO just feels awful in comparison, maximum wish fulfillment, minimal struggle, girls falling on your dick, literally a walking god at times probably has something to do with it

Meanwhile this fat fuck almost got ntr'd by a literal nobody.

>plays vidya
>autism-riddled mongs
I know, you're the exception right? Are you posting from your phone at school you little shit?

>looking at what happened to SAO
You mean Alicization? Or maybe Progressive? Because both of them miles better than almost any isekai.

>tfw the pc release was done last minute to steal thunder from .hack remake
>.hack is going to get terrible sales and it will flop

Bamco has some pretty evil people working there.

I meant the excessive Kirito is a flawless gaming god dicksucking. Haruyuki is a much better character.

waifu-obsessed weebs with no standards are ruining games

Fuck this.
Where is my Asura's Wrath PC port?!

I just want Hollow Realization so I can go on a stroll in the woods with Silica. I don't give a shit about the 2 spin-off game's we're getting, hopefully it just means we will get HR sooner or later.

Same here, Hollow Realization looks like a much better game as well.

So I saw that you can have some intimate moments with the girls in these games, does that mean you can romance someone else other than Asuna?

I am now an Accel Worldfag

Because a steel grip on your balls is still a steel grip on your balls even if it's from a kid

Yes, but Asuna is still your canon gf/wife.

>Gun Gale Online is getting a game
>It's basically a reskin of Freedom Wars.

Fuck I'm so conflicted. I loved FW but hate SAO with a passion.

>SAO shit
You consolecucks can keep it

I can make my own character so I'm fine with it. It's not like the ideas in SAO are bad, it's more the execution that's shit.

> sao reboot > super aids > dog shit > pic related > asuna

That's nice, I like pretty much every girl other than Asuna.

gave up when he got to her pussy, is this from the light novel?