You're the CEO of an AAA third party developer studio

Looking at this graph, would you invest money into a Nintendo Switch game?

I wouldn't.

Why is this considered a success again?

Other urls found in this thread:

How much would I be investing? What would my expected returns be?

The Switchs first quarter wasn't a full quarter m8

>"Adjusted' prices
>Really just lingo for "We obscured the real earnings those made with how stupid high inflation's become, so even though the number value's between all of them is about the same, it would have made more today then it did back then and makes it looks like a downhill trend when it's actually flat-lining"
This is why marketing is such a lucrative job, as you make a shit ton of cash making something look bad with just bar graphs because the stupid CEO's can't read between the lines and just work off of what they see visually. Someone post 'that' graph chart as the final proof.

The Switch is going to be successful

and there's literally


you can do about it

>that chart

Switch released in FUCKING MARCH, nigger

I'm not seeing any advantage over the WiiU's first year.

Except, you know, there's even less 3rd party games.

BRUHHHHH switch was released in march

>how do I read graphs

>not seeing any advantage
In 4 months, mind you

And Wii U is pic related

>no advantage

i wouldnt, and that sucks for nintendofans because nintendo isnt investing in it either. they only just started metroid and pokemon development and the pokemon game is another rehash confirmed. switch owners will get one big title per year max.

>he doesn't know

The Switch has nearly sold half of the WiiU's LIFETIME total of 5+ years in nearly 6 months.

This is the only valid answer

How about a new mario and zelda in the first year? Wii U took 5 years to get both

>just started = no investment

user are you retarded

>big title per year
This year has 2
>xenoblade 2
If you want to stretch the definition of "big", there is even more

>switch data don't gather a quarter
horizonfag, you have to stop now, this is a mental illness you got there.

it's underpowered as hell, of course nobody wants to develop for it. Even if Nintendo floods some studio with money they will still fucking hate having to make a game for a piece of shit hardware that can barely run 30fps docked

Xenoblade 2 looks like shit.

>Looking at this graph, would you invest money into a Nintendo Switch game?
Certainly, it looks like no one else would invest in it, so the market is yours to seize, and you could easily seize it all.

It'd just have to be a smart investment, and not a generic blanket one: low enough to avoid big losses, but with great talent to push innovative games that garner worldwide attention, and propelled by a large, maximum output marketing campaign that targets mainstream masses rather than Switch owners. It could even help propel Switch sales and thus make this market you control entirely even bigger.

Then you have to think about something to carve in fucking stone that this is YOUR market, whether it provides access to a service you own end-to-end, such as some cross-game player interaction, character cutomization, content unlocking, or some patented shit we push as a standard so everyone asks us monies.

It's promising, but the "touch it with a stick for now" promising. Certainly not a "avoid it like a plague" market.

lol, even the HD remakes of old RPGs on steam look better than that shit


Thank you user.

why look at an outdated chart from the Switch's first month of sales? Why not look at the more recent chart where it's sold 4.7 million in 4 months? or wait for the next quarterly chart where it's announced the Switch has sold nearly 7 million in 6 months?

Do you actually remember the Wii U's first year?


>cheap plastic
>weak tablet

I would.

If you look at it from this perspective, the fact that so many switches sold means that people are holding on to those consoles, either playing stuff that they love or waiting for something to release that they're interested, even if the only games they have are Splatoon 2 and Breath of the Wild.

The fact that it has half the software sales of the Wii U by the end of it's 1st Quarter is really fucking good. that means if it keeps up, and if more developers get their games produced for the Switch (assuming it slows down at least a little bit) then it can potentially double Wii U sales by the end of it's first year

anybody who thinks this ISN'T a success as it is either doesn't know how to read graphs, or doesn't understand how videogames work

>Two Q4 graphs vs a Q1 graph

I'll take 'False Equivalency' for 500 Alex!

Nintendo hardware tends to be frontloaded from early adoption, so it would be better to look at longer term sales and see where drop offs occur and see how switch matches up. At least it looks like it might do better than wiiu.



>Nightmare setting

What does the selected difficulty have ANYTHING to do with performance?

probably more enemies


Can you prove that this is happening? Or is your tinfoil hat too tight to let the oxygen get to your brain?

Everyone was claiming the Wii U was a success as well.

Yeah you're right. Nobody is going to use the internet to promote their product/political positions or disparage their competition. What was I even thinking.

I asked a simple question.

It's unfair to compare anything to the wii desu, everyone bought one just to do it.

As a potential investor, would you consider telling Nintendo to not bother with more Mario Kart games after viewing this chart?

Normies are eating the Switch up relative to the Wii U. The majority still haven't even seen one in person and a lot of people don't even know it exists.

A 20+% on average adoption rates is fantastic for any game.

Looking at that graph and OP's comment, the only thing I'd be willing to invest money in is a bet that OP is retarded.

I'd not make a Switch game either but for different reasons - if we were to start now it takes several years of development until we can ship anything. By that point the already dated hardware of the Switch will feel even more dated and our development team will face extreme constraints. Developing for a specific archtecture with outdated specifications in relation to the competition is never a wise choice as it prevents use of any new technology.

Most of those are from Wii bundles.
I would tell Nintendo to never again give such a ubiquitous brand away for free.

>comparing Q1 to Q4
stay in school user

Not only is comparing a Q1 release to a Q4 release completely retarded, there's also the fact that both the Wii and the Wii U both had more than half a month more time in their respective release quarters.
The switch released in early March while the Wii and Wii U released in mid November.

Not to mention that the Wii U came out after the Wii's huge success, while the Switch comes out after the Wii U's failure, meaning they had to conquer the consumer's interest all over again.

The Wii U was a marketing disaster.

You are right it was missing 3 days to the quarter.
How much difference do you think 3 days would have made?

>Q4 v Q1
lol, face it, OP, it's over, the switch's won

Not comparable to OP graph.
This one starts at 141 while OP's starts at 0.

>OP is too scared to post the q1+2 data comparisons

No they didn't they just had to make something as not retarded as the WiiU

what do you mean >that chart

the bars start from 0 and are entirely comparable