Other urls found in this thread:

>Add the settings of the controller can freely change the buttons in the ver.3. You want to trigger the rush with this button, you want to guard. Adjustment to do you!
I have the sensor sensitivity can be adjusted. Button layout you like, not getting post arms!

Yes! Finally!

At least Nintendo is getting less stupid. They can innovate but they can't keep up with industry standards.

Is this update dropping on the 15th?

who cares? this game is dead

I feel like they think if they do the same as the others people will ignore them, instead of copying or adapting the good innovations other companies do and then adding their twist

Dead game.

I'm actually used to blocking with the left stick now

dead game DEAD game DEAD GAME!!!!

Fucking finally.
Took them long enough, it is still alive though?

Oh thank god, I never blocked because of how I disliked pressing the button but now I'll be a blocking fiend.
Guess I'm picking Arms back up. Thanks ninty.

Yes, still full party lobbies and it's quick to find a ranked opponent.

Looking good.


Wouldn't be an issue if you were using motion controls like a good player.

Though... If I can map switching opponents to the ZL and ZR buttons and Rush to the face buttons, that could be cool.

What's your hot take on all of those other developers who also don't allow you to customize your controller, o wise analyst person?

holy fucking shit

tasty mmm tasty bait delicious oh GOD HNNG

wow I'll probably pick the game up now desu
I liked playing the demo but the controls were pretty annoying



About fucking time I can set the block button somewhere else.

I expect this feature will boost arms sales(I mean, the game. I don't think nintendo sells weapons)

Clicking the stick to block is absolutely retarded. So glad they're letting us fix this.

Nice, will probably pick it up again when the update comes out.

but then what will the ideal layout be? can't figure mine out. probably R for blocking

Can I assign individual arm control to both sticks though?

>I know its bait but I will reply anyways
dumb dopamine distributor

Game only gets better. Yabuki is /ourguy/
Lola when.

I really am pleasantly surprised at how much the Arms team is listening to the fans. It's great.

aww user. are you jealous they get my (you)s and you don't?

here's a (you), honey. I still care about you too

Is Yabuki raising the bar?

Thank god they put this in or else my fears of Lolas guard mechanics being screwed by controls wouldve been.
That said I have no clue how to fuck with the motion controls. Probably seting guard to all the Slr buttons

yabooty made the bar. the splatoon devs are arrogant shits

Lola is gunna be top tier I can feel it

She looks like she's got allot of movement so it's Definitly a possibility.

He defencive mobilty rivals ribon girl while also having one of the best default arm sets so far. She definitely is gonna be up there.

God that smile just gives me a heart boner

This is true waifu bait. You just Wana protect that smile!

Ded game

how did it die?

On arrival

oh so you just can't git gud. I see

Shut up

no u

Too little, too late.
This is what you get for designing every facet of your game including the characters around a fuck-awful dumpster fire of a control scheme.

Dead on arrival, and nothing of value was lost.

you already posted that

I know. You can't imagine how much I've enjoyed watching this garbage game that was lauded as "10/10 NINTENDOMINATION" by the toddlers fall flat on it's face.

kek, I've been in the vast majority of arms threads and never once heard anyone call this game a 10/10. highest I saw was a 9/10 but the majority accurately say the current game is an 8/10.

If it gets a a game mode as well it's about to be a solid 9

which game mode did you have in mind?

Honestly.i would be happy with a friend code lobby system like Mario kart 8.
Tourny mode sounds fun too. I hope they make use of the events soon as well.

>can't keep up with industry standards.
Literally only bad when nintendo does it, as any game you will list from your favorite fucking wipes its ass with the basics that were state ofthe art 20 years ago already. But hey. It's a religion, who care, you have an eceleb to clean your sins.

What are you going on about?

the friend lobby system is something I hope they add soon since they've been adding things people have been asking for lately.

I think i'd like some kind of tower/arena mode where you fight enemy after increasingly more powerful enemy but your health remains the same throughout. and maybe you earn points based on the amount of consecutive hits you get in. you could then use those points in between fights to pay for health. might be a decent challenge. would need to be a damn good reward after beating the tower though. maybe some legendary arms or....FUCKING STORY

Beating some hard ass tower to unlock story?

well, it depends on how the story is given to you. maybe in depth character bios with backstory for the characters that you can watch or read through. maybe it would unlock some "side quest adventures" you play through ass the characters. like you'd explore a small dungeon as mummy or win a game of SKATE as cobra. point is people want more story and we already have enough arms

arms as in the weapons. I mean, there are a bunch of them. so unless the reward would be some crazy gameplay changing weapon, i'd take story

Yabuki seems to genuinely love this game and wants to do everything he can to make it good.

He's giving me a good impression of him.

>They can innovate but they can't keep up with industry standards.

I've never seen Nintendo's issues so accurately compressed into a sentence.

>Add the settings of the controller can freely change the buttons in the ver.3. You want to trigger the rush with this button, you want to guard. Adjustment to do you!
>I have the sensor sensitivity can be adjusted. Button layout you like, not getting post arms!

Can you translate that to english please

button do what you want

>Blocking isn't gonna be a stick push anymore
I'll probably stick with motion controls but I imagine buttonfags will love this.

Holy shit, the dev team is actually listening to feedback.

I flip flop around control skeme. But this is great news.

ARMS development team is based as fuck. Yabuki is even looking at the whole situation with default ARMS tourny saying
>I understand why a tourny host may preffer default arms rule set. And it's something our team is looking into.

>Sup Forums says the game is dead
>I can still get a matched in ranked in less than 10 seconds
What even is your definition of dead?

>post yfw yabuki will probably be taken off the Arms 2 team by nintendo because Arms didn't hit splatoon numbers


There's no way, with how much yabuki is the face of ARMS how involved he's been in home and even internationally and how much praise is being given to his team's patches and balancing. Nintendo would have be actually retarded to-

God damn it

ARMS was a success. Not a splatoon hit but it's doing great right now.
If they took him off I feel like a lot of the soul would be lost.

I don't want him to be removed but wouldn't be surprised if they put arms 2 into a more senior dev's hands. especially seeing as nintendo is changing into a more modern company

It's roughly selling the same as Splatoon 1

I don't think they will straight up replace Yabuki but they may "promote" him to a bigger franchise down the line.

So a lot of people say that ARMS lacks depth, and I kind of agree. How would you add depth to ARMS's gameplay?

When the patch is out?

Did they put Splatoon 2 under a senior dev?

already been said before but
signature moves for each character

The people who say that don't watch high level game play. That Japanese tournies are like entirely different games.

>cant keep up

This console literally requires a phone yo use any party chat and simple social meues something that's been stand add since the fucking 360 these retards dont know what standards are

You mean like attacks right? I remember the post that said 2-3 exclusive attacks for each character. Like spring man getting a close range anti air uppercut.

no but my point is arms didn't make a splash as big as splatoon did. then again the wii u was dying for games whereas the switch has a solid list lined up

yeah, pretty much. would add a bit more depth. we'd need to rebalance the game though

he's talking about their general business practices.

It's strange because people have already found native voice chat functionality inside the switch so why are they doing this shit.

Wow, the devs said they might do something after several months of doing fuck all.

Now that we most likely have all the girls of ARMS, how would you rate them from best to worst?

Minmin > Twintelle = Lola Pop > Mechanica > Ribbon Girl

the arms team has actually been working pretty steadily on balance updates and QOL tweaks for months now.

>2 million before 2017
>didn't make a aplash

Japanese don't use that rule set dumb ass.
Only westerners and he only became aware of this recently

Add more combo potential, the game being just whiff punishing very long and slow moves is dull

I really doubt that'll be all the girls. there has to be at least one left. I do hope the next fighter is a guy though

also twintelle > ribbon girl = lola >mechanica > minmin

We got at least 3-4 more characters coming bub

>balance updates and QOL tweaks
WTF a balance update? That is unheard of. Yeah none of what you said is based as fuck

>only became aware of this recently
So they weren't even listening to the west, not really helping your point

I'm pretty sure Tarzan is next

The fuck is Biff's problem in this image?

>He misses punches

He's trying to sell cookies