If you could erase one game from your memory and experience it again for the first time...

If you could erase one game from your memory and experience it again for the first time, what one would you choose and why?

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Is it a part of autism to always have to be moving your hands?

vew vegas

Dying Light

Is she pregnant?

Yes, that's literally why fidget spinners are a thing.

Can't do just one
Bioshock, Prey, Bloodborne

Chris chan isnt even fun anymore. Its just kind of pathetic now and disturbing.

Fallout New Vegas.

There's no better choice when it comes to play value. So many runs, so many builds, so many different paths, so many mods.

>yfw you realize trannies have a higher suicide rate than gays and the older the MtF trannies get, the more hair they lose and the more apparent it is to them that make believe doesn't work anymore, causing their suicide rate to sky rocket higher

VtMB, Deus Ex, or Earthbound. I'd have to roll a d3 or something

Kid Icarus Uprising

Holy shit it was so fun, and the plot twist actually came way out of left field for me because I preordered.

It just really had those "Saturday Morning cartoon" vibes for me, the gameplay was great (though the controls are for sure awkward) I just really, really enjoyed it all the way through aside from that heart boss.
Great game, 8.5/10



Nature always finds a way.

Ghost Trick

>caring about those freaks one way or another

Tranny """haters""" seem more obsessed with them than crazy tumblrfags

If Chris had parents who were more prepared to raise and discipline their autistic child would this have been prevented?

In recent times, probably DD: Dark Arisen

there is a good chance of it yes
but Chris' parents were pretty much pieces of trash themselves, so the autism part was just the cherry on top of the worst possible start to life

Super Mario RPG because yes.

t. tranny

Obviously. All of Chris' most famous exploits derive from his lack of understanding consequences.

>calls them freaks
>is a tranny

If you're going to falseflag at least do a better job of it, SJW.

Jesus Christ, how far down can one man spiral?

Yes, he would still be an awkward guy, but he could be a productive member of society.

Is becoming a female really bad idea ?

DON'T get your kids vaccinated, anons.

>why does anyone care about trannys
>haha youre a tranny


yes, do you really have to ask this?

Either Final Fantasy VI or Mass Effect Trilogy

VI because it's my personal GOTYAY
ME:T because of the replay value I've gotten out of the series. Also because I'd like to see the final game done right the first time with all of the DLC and shit that wasn't available at launch.

Whatever you say.

Planescape Torment, SOMA or Amnesia

Do you really want to leave your place of male privileges for a life of patriarchal tyranny?


Who's talking about Sup Forums? You clearly got BTFO.

>tfw I have both of these saved and falseflag as both sides

You don't "become" anything, you just get your cock cut off and grow your hair out.

It's been scientifically proven that the MMR vaccine does not cause autism.
That myth started in 1998 and has been disproved several times over.

Please get your kids vaccinated, you don't want them to catch anything that wrecks their central nervous system that will leave lifelong trouble just because you we're ignorant.

t. legit nurse.

Just like Sup Forums

If say dragon quest viii but I think when I experienced it was the perfect time and if i did now I wouldn't like it aa much.

>Pump yourself full of hormones for a year or so.
>May look passing depending on what age you decide to transition
>Have an open axe for a vagina that regularly seeps out fluids
>Have to dilate it everyday or else it closes up
Naw son, being a man is much better.

Black Ops 1

It was probably the most fun I ever had with a CoD game, especially zombies

Most of it. He'd still probably have an obsession with kids' toys and games but he'd do a better job of hiding his power level in public and actually have a job, albeit a shitty one.

Dead Space 1 on weed (memes ahoy)

I got through it on Normal with 1 or 2 deaths and was on the edge of my seat (kicking ass) the entire time. Seriously one of the best VG experiences of my life.

>tfw, another Polio epidemic happens in our lifetime

hes always been pathetic and disgusting, youve just grown up

I wonder who could be behind this post.

Amen brother.

I am unironically excited for CoD WW2 zombies.

And none of you can stop me

Nurses are the most pseudo intellectual people you can encounter in the medical world. You do bitch work, that's it. We're supposed to take your opinion seriously because you collect urine samples from patients or something?

Sounds like someone with basic education, in this case a nurse.

Probably a normal person with rational thoughts.

I don't wanna stop you I just pity you.

No it's probably due to the years of training and education that goes into their job, whether it's cleaning up old people's shit all day or not.

The game probably had, without exaggeration, the worst controls I've ever seen in a game. It was borderline unplayable.

>Is she pregnant?

But it's one of those stories that are even better on replays.

An educated person

I wanna be excited for it too but I just feel like Sledgehammer will butcher it beyond repair

You were using the wrong controller.

Dark souls 1

>assumes I'm a burger nurse
Okay user.

If you genuinely have to ask yourself this than you are already too far gone.

Probably Katamari Damacy. Experiencing that game for the first time was nothing short of fucking magical.

Found it.


Video games

I'd say any of the Mystery Dungeon games

>tfw my parents loved me too much to get me vaccinated and now i'm normie who plays cod and smashes real pussy instead of being obsessed with jap vn's about hooking up with 10 year old girls

Most likely, somebody with education.

100% yes, I know of at least one autistic guy who had a strong upbringing and he's alright, I actually just thought he was just kind of weird until he told me.

>Its cold in here
>The monitor is too high
>This controller hurts my fingers
>I wish I was out fucking stacey

Sure, can't wait for COD zombies #3519807139017591

Whoa...I...I can't believe the democrats keep losing elections promoting this.