The main character of the last game you played has been replaced by Xavier.
What changes
The main character of the last game you played has been replaced by Xavier.
What changes
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Xavier better get ready to TASTE THE PAIN in Mountain blade.
What's with the uptick in Xavier posting? Not that I'm complaining
>gargoyle's quest 2
he couldn't make it across any bridges and nobody would be willing to lend him power anyways
Last game I played was Technobabylon, Xavier philosophical insights would've made for quite an enlightening playthrough.
>No More Heroes
My money is on he goes out with Holly Summers, and remains Seventh, as it is the number which is most lucky. They both seek the truth about life until they both die of natural causes, or Xavier gets merked. Whichever comes first.
>Monster Hunter
Rathalos better get ratha-LOST
Dunno. The whole series is on YouTube so maybe people are just catching up? I also think Rick and Morty becoming popular brought out the Xavier fans who think the that R&M is garbage.
Backlash against rick and morty for some reason. Yeah I don't get it either.
How you kill its final boss is already unusual, just imagine what Xavier would do
>final fight is between spider mastermind and Big Brain Wojak mode Xavier
So basically the last episode of XRA
I'd love if there was a XRA mmo
it's been around for a while actually. Even before rick and morty spamming.
Why did Xavier kill the animes?
no idea who the fuck this meme machine is.
stop shilling your bullshit videos.
Your mind is as empty as a soup bowl and your mind is as sharp as a soup soon
>hunie select
literally nothing
we need Xavier drawn like this
markiplier brought it up
>Fallout new vegas
oh god
>Mass Effect
sweet Jesus
Xavier Renegade Angel was a show in adult swim. The series is on YouTube, it's not some anons personal videos. Id recommend watching it.
To be fair tho, Xavier was complete fucking shit for pretentious assholes.
actually it makes fun of people like that, that's the whole point
fucking best moment.
ooh peep show
The shakashuri might work.
he kills all of the animes
Can someone be creative for me XD IM TOO LAZY HAHA
The only profound mark it left on me is making me physically ill whenever I see a mention of this show. Fuck.
No we don't, fuck off to twitter.
Ooooooooh boy
>vampire: bloodlines
This actually sounds like a 11/10 experience and I would gladly pay for it.
Xavier thinks the kiss lady is MOMMYYYYY
Sonic Adventure
So he'd fucking eviscerate Chaos
It makes fun of almost anything, especially pretentious assholes.
Maybe you should stop being a nigger then, XRA is objectively a good show.
This is fucking dumb and awful.
>This show has probably the most clever writing I have ever seen. I love it with all my heart.
You guys are on about how it's making fun of pretentious types, yet it seems to be FOR pretentious types.
You faggots would laugh at Rick & Morty if the script was assigned to this show instead, you contrarian losers. I don't even like R&M but this is bullshit as well.
Do you have an archive link? I had to go mid-thread and when i came back it 404
>i don't even like R&M
Sure you don't, buddy.
>haha yeah I hate thing but isn't thing people who hate other thing like just as bad?
Where have I seen this before?
>reddit spacing
brainlet detected
unsurprising. Sup Forums latches on to yet another dumb unfunny piece of trash just to be different.
Yowser, this thread has gone bowser.
Yeah. mock people who don't have excessively strong opinions about absolutely everything. Nothing is nuanced you have to take side A or B
it's been shilled to hell and back on Sup Forums the past few months, which is good because it's pretty fucking good
Yeah, especially when one side is objectively better you fence-sitting nigger.
But people who take sides commit suicide!
Even nuances put you on side A or B. Everyone has opinions about stuff and those who claim not to tend to be really insecure people who are afraid that having different opinions will make people not like them.
you can literally greentext anything to make it worse, stop acting as if this stupid fucking meme show isn't in the same vein just because it's "ironic"
It just got worse, but hipsters will flock to it.
But it's already in the game.
Play as schizo vampires.
Witcher 3 would be a even more fun ride
Sure thing nigger
This doesn't include the part where Rick is the most unhappy and toxic person in the family and has outright prayed to god in times of desperation
The show's super hit and miss for me but I hate that everyone here is pretending it's something that it isn't
>learned about the show 30 minutes ago
>managed to watch enough episodes in that span to form a full opinion on the show and it's fans
You can't form an opinion on something after watching one episode, this is the retarded thinking killing Sup Forums.
Someone made a chad meme comparing Rick and Morty with Xavier. Oh yeah, this one Got spammed on Sup Forums a lot, which made people catch up on the series. Thats at least how I got to it
He talks Deviljho into suicide
>more reddit spacing
I fucking guarantee you do the SAME SHIT all the time. Now that it doesn't benefit you, it's wrong to do.
I'm arguing with a bunch of 14 year olds, I'm out.
WIld Hunt? Heh, more like, wild CUNT cunt.. cunt... cunt...
2014 is being generous
Xavier was cool.
Nothing truly profound, but it tried to do something different.
Season 2 overdid the lolrandom lol"philosophy" thing, but it too had its moments.
Pity it will now become the cool thing to hate.
You can watch like 3 xavier episodes in that time
>fresh outta strawmen
k bye
>No, u
>"Rayguns" and "wormholes" are pop culture references
This isn't biased, no not at all. I've read 2 fuckin sentences and this infographic is already so far up it's own ass it should be astounding, but honestly it's pretty much exactly what I expected.
Thanks for leaving, now we can actually have less retards in the thread.
I don't even understand where the Xavier vs. Rick and Morty comparisons come from. They are nothing alike.
this show is fucking dumb.
Those who snoze. Loze.
"Reddit spacing" wasn't a thing until after the election.
>glut of pop culture references
valid critique, it's annoying
>juvenile nihilism
only if you deliberately don't pay close attention
>toilet humor/wacky babbling
"wubbalubbadubdub" was a joke based on how unfunny and unfitting it was, you can thank the retarded fanbase for treating it like a legitimate joke. the toilet humor shit is annoying though
>irreverent violence
valid critique
>corporate complicity
literally nothing
He is fucked.
Not gonna lie, South Park, Family Guy, Rick and Morty never make me laugh anymore because every episode is just so predictable. XRA was so sporadic that in scenes like when he shoved a gay dude into a priests ass then shot the priest to get the homo into heaven and then he said "my first act is to drop the act now let me get some white bitches for the first black man in heaven" I actually lost it.
Exactly how many layers of irony is Sup Forums operating on at this point?
I kind of lost track of it.
>Le layers of irony
Fuck off, the point of being anonymous is that you have absolutely no reason to hide what you really think.
yes that supports my point
Do you think making an image of words makes calling out for reddit spacing untrue? You're not even posting with an image either, nu-nigger.
Man that shit was cool but spoopy the first time.
death to citizens
>my first act is to drop the act now let me get some white bitches for the first black man in heaven
At yet everyone here is so outstandingly contrarian/hipster it's impressive they havn't sworn off the internet for being too mainstream.
Who the hell was saying "reddit spacing" when Sup Forums beat Reddit in Tribes? Or even when Sup Forums raided Tom Hardy posting on Reddit?
>haha I know these things that happened therefore I was there btw
No one, because you niggers weren't there doing the reddit spacing and being unfunny faggots shitting up the board.
i marathoned both seasons fueling myself only with chips and guacamole
there is not a single more big brain show to have ever been dropped