
Why should Valve care? Faggot are still gonna buy microtransactions in CSGO and TF2 forever and when that well starts to run dry just make another Portal.

but valve cant count to 3, and pubg will go micro the first chance they get

>not a pastebin or archive link
fuck off retard.

>go to twitch
>look at a random PUBG stream
>ear rape from hackers and the streamer dies in the first 5 seconds of spawning

wew ebik game kids

>CS:GO becoming a PR clusterfuck with cheaters and gambling
Just wait until "The new biggest game ever" gets hit by cheaters and gambling.

>valve stops making money from shitty hats and skins
>they have to make new games now
valve game confirmed

Valve still takes a healthy chunk of all sales for doing basically nothing, so I doubt they care.

they will never get as far as 3

Doesnt pugs already have micros though?

All that money rolling around the PUBG marketplace and Valve taking a cut from every transaction and game sale totally buttfucks Valve

It's about time. I'm pretty excited about this. Now hopefully Valve will make a NEW FUCKING GAME

they just had a test, and nobody was happy about it
shit like 400$ skirts

>Dotautists BTFO by a game that isn't just riding on the nostalgia and elitism factors

csgo cheating will never be solved because valve makes money off of it
every time they ban a cheater he bounces right back and buys another copy
some circle of life shit right there

dont they like, ban the machine? or is it just the account?

just the account

They haven't even fixed AFK farming yet. Bluehole is slow AF and barely equipped to deal with even the first wave of Russians.

oh wow, that is just retarded, and noone has a problem with that?

well no because you have to pay again
if it annoys you so much then maybe you shouldnt be playing pvp games

Wow Valve will lose so much money because of this Steam game

I would fucking love to make a game that a cheating autist can buy forever.

valve doesnt give a shit about games anymore
its all about financing the masters upcoming liposuction

you mean Star Citizen?

Your game is still shit.

That new it´s actually wrong and the only thing that it´s right are the numbers.
Let me explain why Dota2 is a big failure right now.

MOBAS became a thing with the stagnation of MMOs and the uprising of the f2p cosmetic shit, being LoL their flagship. Yeah i know, Nerdgamer88, it´s not the first moba, you are always so clever, but it was f2p, accesible, with neat and comfy graphics and a roster that was growing.

Valve was smart and took Dota before Blizzard could do shit, and they actually do something interesting about it. Dota is not about an established meta of 1-1-2 and a fucking jungler, giff blu/red and let´s farm until someone has their core and then try to fight.
Was a glorious time of a full team of pushers, rat doto everywhere, stacks for the carry to get fat as hell, etc...
At first we though that Valve will just keep the game as it was, but with better engine, graphics and updated ladder and events.
Things went to shit obviously because muhh shekellions in chests (2.99€ for a random weapon of 0.03cents).
Remember GIFDIRETIDE VOLVO? That shit was just the begining, less events, unpolished and actually wasn´t mean to be won by players, all the time that anyone achieved the highest rank was by exploiting the mechanics (New Year Beast for instance or Halloween Roshan).
But ok lets focus on gameplay, instead of making what the comunity wants.
Shit was a mess, they just keep releasing shit unbalanced over an over again without even thinking of it, remember those Alchemist with free runes? Remember that glitch with Chen and Rosh? And faceless, PA, etc...

But there is even fucking more, techies, underlord, MK and more, were planned for the first 3 years of Dota2, to complete the roster with their Captains Draft adition, and they weren´t all released. Also Underlord is free elo if you want to try some offlaner that is fucking nuts.
Same changes went for fountains, sure you won the lane, but i can heal my shit so fuck you.
That guy needs more shit.

Why would it matter, PUBG is on Steam and as such all of the crate shit goes through their workshop. They take 30% for doing absolutely nothing.
On the second note, PUBG is on it's downswing now, because all the children are back in school. Literally half players from peak over the course of 2 days.

wasn't the school/summer myth busted some years back?

Not with PUBG, correlation literally lines up to show the average player age.
Literally a bunch of children play PUBG, just like they play league, csgo and dota. Children are stupid as hell son.


I kind of feel like Valve don't really know what the fuck they are doing and are just making games to make money now, they aren't pushing the boat out like they used to do. They don't set the bar anymore. Wonder if they ever did

Like their games used to be really great intricate pieces of design. They really fleshed out and thought about every aspect of their game. Not anymore

Gabe doesn't know what he's doing.
Inner fat can only be cleansed mentally over a long period of time. If it's just sucked out, his body and soul will still be tainted.
And that's just for average people. Between the immense power level of Gabe's inner fat and his blackened heart, the extracted physical fat could take on a life of its own and become a demon.

But I don't play Dotard

>They announce Half-Life 3
>Half-Life 3 Deathmatch heavily features a battle royale mode
>Also features cosmetics and crates, naturally.

would you even be mad?

>runs like ass
>looks like ass
>networking is ass
>paid AND has micro transactions