HL2 Weapons

Why were HL2's weapon design so unsatisfying? The pistol was OK but the glock from the original Half-Life was much more enjoyable to use. The SMG feels like it shoots pieces of corn. The shotgun is too quiet to be fun. The Crossbow is shit. The rocket launcher feels too light.. etc. I gotta say the only weapon in HL2 I really enjoy using is the Magnum and maybe the AR2.

Maybe it's because valve went for a more deep story and didn't have time to get good sounds and weapon models? I mean most of the guns are barely changed from the leaked beta.

This is why I always use weapon mods when I play Half-Life 2.
Also what the fuck is the grenade supposed to be?

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they are all amazing. get some taste u massive fucking faggot

They're still better than HL1's (save for the pistol, of course).
>that shotgun with no kick
>that assault rifle with waggle recoil that sounds like a rattling trashcan
>that hollowed-out koosh ball of a grenade

Being generally weak (takes almost half an SMG mag just to kill a combine soldier) and very inaccurate.

Also they let you hold barely any extra ammo (2 or 3 extra clips at most) and combined with the fact that it takes so much ammo to kill something in the first place, it means if they aren't actively feeding you ammo for a weapon you're not going to use it.

It makes the weapons very unreliable and also hard to avoid damage since most of the enemies use hitscan weapons and you can't really kill them fast enough to keep them from shooting you.

There really isn't a FPS that is considered to have good "gunplay" that has generally weak, short range inaccurate weapons like HL 1/2 do.

The fuck are you talking about, pulse rifle felt amazing

I'm still amazed at how...peculiar the AR2 viewmodel's texture is. And by that I mean holy fucking shit Valve what in the name of fuck were you thinking?

I liked using the bugbait. Still don't know why they leave it in your inventory after the prison section.

>(2 or 3 extra clips at most
wut?? Learn to aim to the head.
Not to mention you got an unlimited stash of SMG ammo during the buggy section.

it's Ayylmao technology. No need to explain shit.

it becomes a stress ball later on

Poor sound effects like you said, but also probably the fact that enemies don't react to getting hit. They just take it until their HP reaches 0 and then collapse into a ragdoll.



>the guy animating hl2 redux is an idiotic asshole
>the reason it's taken so long to complete is because he keeps redoing the animations and making them slower and worse

op is a faggot, the pulse rifle is sick and gravity gun on its own sets the game apart

git gud and learn to have some fun

That IS a totally fucked up way to texture it.
Also, the "reloading" still bothers me. I know it's because the model is reused from the cut incendiary gun, but still.

There's this; youtube.com/watch?v=YybFx8JgNCg
But I have bad news; it no longer has that cool reload, because

Reminder this game came out the next year after HL2.

lmao when did i ever say anything about the gravgun? and i said i like the pulse rifle. fuck off

How in the flying motherfuck do they even render this onto the model? I'm so confused... Who made this? Why?

the 'muh tactical' ruins that entire project. i would rather have the decent gunplay of hl2 than wait 200 years to reload your peashooter simulator

Its a bad game

>posts a shit game

idk what youre getting at user

Yet I like both Half-Life 2 and F.E.A.R.

>The Crossbow is shit.
I can't imagine not being able to appreciate a crossbow that nails enemies to walls with rods of searing hot metal

The crossbow is the most satisfying game in HL2. If someone thinks otherwise they are objectively wrong.
Only shotgun can compete.

>dave we gotta texture the fuck outta this gun quick
>but bob all we got is the concept art for it
>good enough

I actually like that better.

>arrow keys instead of wasd


crossbow/shotgun was the GOAT pairing.

If you don't agree get out of my fucking face and git gud. That crossbow sound was sweet.

>weapon that excels at close range + weapon that excels at long range
gee I wonder how we have the same opinion

The revolver was great, too bad they didn't give you any ammo for it though.

*ptsew chkkk tzzzz*

well yeah, there's other long and short range options available too so stop pissing on my parade

I will empty my bladder and bowels where I please
Pray that it coincides with the same locations you empty yours

>The Crossbow is shit

you take that back, cunt, the HL2 Crossbow is one of the most satisfying weapons to use in any video game ever.

The AR3 is better than all of those guns combined

>he doesn't like cotton eye joe

OP confirmed for faggot


its most likely the texture for the view model, not the world model

What sound does the crossbow make?I leaning towards *FFN*

eh reh

>Kill 199
And I thought the old one with the hangtime of 2.5 seconds was impressive.
That's just showing off now

That's still a fucking backwards ass way to texture it, regardless.

The pistol, the rocket launcher and the revolver were all fine. The weird alien rifle thing might have been cool but lol @ ever having ammo for it.

What the fuck are you on about? The whole HL2 arsenal was hell of fun to use. except the pistol, which I'm almost 100% sure was intentional to make the other weapons even better. HL1's weapons were much worse.


if you view the viewmodel from the side it's skewed as fuck

you cant view it from any other angle, unless you look at the model in a model viewer, but that does not matter to a game dev

Whatever you say

Some of the Beta weapons should have stayed

OICW was satisfying as hell to use & the sounds had some serious weight to them

>The Crossbow is shit
End yourself

>HL1's weapons were much worse.
HL1 had a much better selection. Lots of HL2 weapons were only there because they were also in HL1 but most of the good stuff got cut.

What the fuck. How does this work? Does the view model not move at all so you don't notice obvious parallax issues?

Although I guess this isn't too surprising considering the view model for the HL1 submachine gun is like two floating cylinders.

Selection wise, sure HL1 was a lot more diverse. But the few weapons present in HL2 are much more satisfying to use. I found zero satisfaction in the snarks, gauss gun, or the tripmines (because let's face it, the tripmines were built for deathmatch, you most likely never end up using them in normal gameplay)

no, it does not move that much

Literally the only guns I used unless I forced to switch to progress. Ammo was plentiful and anything else was outperformed by those two.


HL2 weapons are shit because Valve didn't take lessons from all the other FPS games released after HL1 with better gunplay and they wanted you to use the gravity gun

>post yfw you used the supercharged Gravity Gun for the first time


>The pistol was OK but the glock from the original Half-Life was much more enjoyable to use
Agreed, still a great peashooter for the bountiful ammo and great accuracy though.
>The SMG feels like it shoots pieces of corn
It's meant to be shit, underpowered and inaccurate or else it's all you'd use.
>The shotgun is too quiet to be fun
Never had this problem, turn up the volume or mod the sounds.
>The Crossbow is shit
It kills practically everything in one hit and does cool ragdoll things, what more could you want?
>The rocket launcher feels too light..
The RPG is great, guiding missiles is the only fun part about Strider fights.
>Magnum and maybe the AR2
So use those? Weapon ammo crates are dynamic so the more you use them the more ammo you'll find, not enough to use them all the time but that'd be boring.

>doesn't mention the Gravgun
I'm not going to say Valve made the other guns less fun so you'd use the Gravgun more, but it is genuinely fun to use and every gun in the game is designed with the player rotating guns in mind.

Plenty of games with better obviously superior gunplay existed before HL1.

I mean even in 1993 Doom knew hitscan bullet sponges were a no-no.


>I mean even in 1993 Doom knew hitscan bullet sponges were a no-no.
What about this guy?

A shitty boss, but at least they give you a big pillar to avoid him with and he dies in like 2 bfg shots

>Crossbow is shit


Both crossbow and shotgun excel at short range. Crossbow is also good at medium, though. Crossbow is essentially shotgun++, they even occupy the same slot.

The crossbow also takes up the same slot in HL1 you fucking troglodyte. It doesn't make the weapon bad in either of the games.

>It doesn't make the weapon bad
Did I say it's bad? It's a better shotgun, and shotgun is very good to begin with.

>Crossbow is shit
opinion discarded

Snarks are very situational but really useful if you need to clear out a room. Gauss Gun can instakill hgrunts and isn't as ammo restricted as the Crossbow. and 357. Tripmines were good for assassins or abusing the fact that you can stand on them to skip stuff.

Tripmines are good in Black Mesa because grunts are very aggressive and dangerous. In OG HL1 I got a giggle of placing them on agrunt barrels in Interloper and blowing up lots of them at once.

Crossbow and .357 are very much not ammo restricted in original HL1.

I use the tripmines to skip big sections of on a rail as it's my least favorite chapter, after interloper that is. Anyone have a hl1 or 2 chapter they hate?

Xbow isn't, in later chapters but you really don't get much magnum ammo. I literally just finished through hl1 again the other day.

i hate the opening, not because its bad but because it takes so long to get to actual gameplay so the replayability tanks. i also hate the part with the airboat, they should've added a radio or something to keep the player entertained.

>you really don't get much magnum ammo
That's weird, I'm pretty sure you do, I always had 20-ish and in some places I even topped it off, the max is 40-something rounds. Did you shoot HECUs in the head? One shot vs. two body shots, at least on Hard.

Gauss only gives you 100 ammo and IIRC default attack takes 2 units per shot? Charge is more, obviously. I never really used it vs. grunts. It's good against helis, though.

It plays fun but the model is meh and the sound is sorta puny.