what went wrong ?
What went wrong ?
>Knuckles is a feminist
>is the dumbest member of the group
Nothing went wrong.
>Knuckles essentially telling everyone to shut up about gender shit, specifically calling out a woman begging for attention.
Nothing? He's saying she should stop calling attention to the fact that she's female and earn her accomplishments for herself and not her gender. You know, the feminism that actually seeks equality and not just advantages.
Does someone have the Twitter screencap where one of the creators says he finds it hilarious that this scene gave birth to the term "echidnasplaining"?
You literally can't refute him.
Nevermind, screencapped it myself
that is real femenism
what is Amy says is what you hate
Stop being a faggot, OP
Feminism was never good.
Why are there so many images of Kazuma bullying Aqua
aqua is cute when she's in distress
why not? Give me a reason, beta male.
Because she deserves it.
She kinda deserves it tbqh
So... egalitarianism?
>someone who says feminism is shit is a beta male
Have you seen a single rally of any description?
Absolutely nothing. Knuckles is based as fuck.
dude, I am too great to fear that a girl (or every other kind of person) has the same rights and opportunities than I have.
If you are affraid to women, you are a beta.
Don't mix feminism with fat tumbrl lesbians that hate men and/or prostitutes that want money with "muh feminusm" speech.
>If you are affraid to women
Teach me how to women pls
I'm not afraid of women whatsoever, but the fact that modern feminism IS those tumblr whales you speak of is the problem.
Saying feminism is shit is not the same as saying you fear women you dipshit
sex is a field that I can't handle.
Because aqua is a shit.
It's fucking amazing and you are dumb Sup Forumstard if you think there is anything wrong with this scene
#goodtobeback #1monthvacation
He literally does it in the actual show.
Leave it to a Sonic cartoon to make feminism jokes
Wait, what fucking timeline are we living in
how do i link my twitter to my Sup Forums postes?
> #goodtobeback #1monthvacation
what did he mean by this ?
>modern feminism IS those tumblr whales
No, it is not. That is extremism, like isis, nazis or peta.
They use hate (your hate) to get power hurting real women and alpha an beta and omega men.
well, basically, what Knuckles says.
I can't believe that I am quoting a kids toon
the one where sonics arms are blue
in other words, the worst timeline
When was the last time "modern feminism" did a rally for anything that wasn't in some way linked to some extreme group of assholes?
I somewhat keep up with the news and I've never heard of one in the past 3 years atleast.
And any self proclaimed feminism i've met in real life (quite a few sadly) went on and on about rape culture and other stupid shit that made me laugh for days
But Amy is also one.
Why is your English so bad? Go back to wherever it is you came from, you are actively bringing down the quality of this website.
2nd wave feminists are all out in the middle east, places that actually have oppressed women. You don't see them because they aren't in the space you occupy the most, the internet. Just because 3rd wave feminism is all you see doesn't mean that they aren't extremists.
>literally just said I meet alot IRL
>you only see people on the internet!
Great argument
Either way, if they're all out getting killed for being women in the middle east, it's pretty easy for people here in NA to think of feminism as purely tumblr whales. Because you literally just said that's all it is now here
This show's writing is garbage and if the politics were skewed any other way then Sup Forums would shit on it non-stop. And I bet a good chunk of you who praise it are the same people who complain about "politics in muh vidyer".
They are an extreme group of feminists, no matter how you way you slice it. They hold extreme ideals, and they won't ever really be satisfied until they have total control over everything, which is what defines most extremist movements. Also, it doesn't matter how many you meet, it's still anecdotal at best and not indicative of the whole.
At what point does it turn from "extreme feminism" to just normal "modern feminism"?
At this point I feel there's more extreme than not
Never. They will always be extremists because they hold extreme ideals. This applies to literally any group.
when was the last time of somebody do something good and you see it in the news or talk about it? Or had a interesting discussion with somebody that have a different opinion?
Everybody is an asshole and more these days where can bitch from his phone in the bed.
Feminism is not bad, idiots are bad.
I will shitposting like everybody, but a least in this case, the red animal was right
>Why is your English so bad?
I am argie. Andm y english is not that bad, but last night was a good night and I am tired and working