You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not playing as Kel'Thuzad right now

You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not playing as Kel'Thuzad right now

Ded game lul

shit, dead, cancer, nu-blizzard game

Game sucks.

>wait 5-10 minutes for quick match
>takes 10 minutes to load in
>20 minute long game for 10 gold

literally fake news

I like Chromie better.

Considering I just played two matches, no. I could have played 5+ OW matches in that time dude. Dota sucks by design.

Dont want to spend my precious gold or gems.

AI matches give 10 gold.

>He plays against AI that only give 10 gold
>He doesn't do quests for the bigger gold

Because I don't waste my gems/gold on new heroes even if he gets MVP every game and that's gonna get him nerfed.

Probius Master Race

But I am. Death & Decay or Frost Nova build?

>Kel'Thuzad can basically instakill squishy characters
the fuck blizzard, he's basically the new Valeera

>ranked game
>everyone in team instalocks stealth assassins
Yeah, fuck that.

I got Malth and Garrosh instead.

Probius and Butcher already can, among a few others. Less often against players than AI, but still often enough

>tfw only have 9k gold

Blizzard is a sjw company now so I refuse to support them

Explain to me right now why kel'thuzad's primary goal in this game ISN'T summoning an army of the damned?

Because I realized while playing today that this game is fucking trash and I'd literally rather be playing league of legends.

>They removed scouting drone from Lt. Morales
>mfw when enemy team has Valeera, Zeratul or Nova

Is there any way to deal with stealth champs besides "guess and get lucky"?

I probably don't have the gold but I also hate HotS.

because blizz days he throws chains and ice now

Kel'Thuzad jobs to squishy characters
>be Kel'Thuzad
>leave base
>instantly killed by Zeratul
>be Kel'Thuzad
>leave base
>instantly killed by Nova
>be Kel'Thuzad
>leave base
>instantly killed by Tracer
>be Kel'Thuzad
>leave base
>instantly killed by anyone

I was so excited for Garrosh but his playstyle is so boring. I'm conflicted.

Because he never actually did much of that directly in the games he appeared in.

Hope that one of your teammates has a stun or root ready when they drop stealth.