Ruh roh... old ports are becoming Monster hits on Switch

Ruh roh... old ports are becoming Monster hits on Switch.

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delet this

It's just a bit hit though

So this means Switch owners are hungry for anything non-Nintendo?

>Switch owners are hungry for anything

The reason Sup Forums hates old ports coming to the switch is because the "Sup Forums users don't leave their homes" is actually true to some degree. For better or for worse, the Switch is going to prove that games from 2-7 years ago will sell again purely on added portability.

Nice wojacks, guys.

>it only sells because the Switch has no other games
Are you seriously gonna keep spouting the same meme until the Switch dies?

>Switch owners so desperate for real games they eat up sub-par ports

Guess that means Fighter Z on the Switch is a lock now and given the trend, that will also be a late port.

Nintendofags use the same excuse for whenever a game on other platforms sells well so its only fair if the others get to do the same

Sup Forums has been saying the PS3 has no games for 11 years.

>Selling out

Everything sells out if you don't have enough fucking units for it.

That said, I hope this means more Dragon Ball games for the Switch since my brother's gotten a sudden crave to get one. He nuts hard for anything Dragon Ball. If FighterZ got to release in it, all the better. He was considering a PS4 but as of lately, he's been talking his ass about "eventually getting a Switch". And I'm supposed to be the Nintendo fan here, he's all about Sony, heh.

>how about new games on switch now
>pfft what? no
t. every game company

>probably it sold only 20-30k
>monster hits

kek PS4 version sold 130k copies

Why do people think that japan matters at all?

Prove it

They make the games.

I think you mean just Sup Forums.

>Nintendofags use the same excuse for whenever a game on other platforms sells well

If you think it's only people who like Nintendo you're incredibly deluded

>when you have to post old ass memes because you can't post about sales anymore

poor sonygroid

please dont use the word monster unless its followed by hunter

its the only game i give a shit about on the switch

and Americans buy it WAY more

It's still a good meme desu

>UC4 sells well
>Forza 3 sells well
>*insert any recent popular game on PC here* sells well

>If you think it's only people who like Nintendo you're incredibly deluded
Weird because Nintendofags believe any sort of attack or criticism comes from a Sony fanboy, i guess its not ok when it comes to nintendo

This board is populated with False flaggers dumbass, try not taking everything at face value.

Had this been Dragon Quest, Square Enix would be saying they don't see a future for the franchise on the Switch because they didn't sell 3 million copies from of a 1 million copy shipment and without a digital version available.
Bamco seems pretty alright and already said they have another shipment going out layer this month with the day 1 content included or whatever.

>This board is populated with False flaggers dumbass, try not taking everything at face value.
Say that to any fanboy who gets offended easily
Like this one

>have to unlock everything again
>probably doesnt include dlc

I hope bamco annoys from software to make that dark souls port

So apparently Switch had no games so they brought this? I thought people that play on Nintendo consoles never play 3rd party games?

For those of you unaware, they advertised new content not available in the other versions, namely Demigra being a playable character

>have to unlock everything again
>He doesn't know

It doesn't include the dlc. That seems to be about an extra $30 based on the JP prices, but the game itself also costs more there so maybe not. However, they did include the story of XV1 through new optional missions.

When Japanese games sell in Japan the devs get way more money out of it because they don't have to pay for localization fees, publishers and other shit.

This is what happens when your only options are garbage generic and bland franchises like Mario, Zelda, Splatoon and ARMS. Anyone who bought a Switch is a certified idiot.

I have literally seen multiple times where false flaggers turned an entire thread about switch, Zelda or Mario into thread into a Sony hate thread

>Ruh roh... old ports are becoming Monster hits on Switch.
of course, theyre desperate for a single game

pretty sure it's not every character including dlc

PC version being the exception since you can mod him in

Has Square Enix ever not been disappointed with sales numbers?

doesnt really matter that much when in america it sells 3 mill and in japan it sells 400k

I've got the game and can tell you it's every character that isn't in the season pass including Non-Rose Goku Black.

thank you for bringing such righteous justice into this place you have my full support m8

Anytime someone playing a video game on their console at home had ever asked 'It would be great if I can play this on the go' is essentially another customer for the Switch. People are severely underestimating the attractiveness of a portable home console. It's something that people didn't know they wanted until one is made.

Xeno 1 or 2?

This desu

POst that pic of yandev that looks just like this dog

Sorry, I meant which one is better.

I don't understand why people want to play outside. You go outside when you don't want to play.

>every character that isn't in the season pass
yea fuck that

Nobody wanted the vita though

There is a difference between in the realm of possibility and completely impossible expectations though. Having said that, SE might game been okay with FFXV sales or at least they were forced to say so to save face.

"It would be great if I can play this at 20FPS using shit tier graphics on a tiny screen with awkwardly laid out small buttons on detachable baby controllers with the excuse that I can play it on the go which I'll never do" is essentially another customer for the Switch.

Xeno 2

>not wanting your weeb and indie games on the go

I think the biggest picture here is that Japan might slowly become a multiplatform developer nation as opposed to arbitrarily making games Sony exclusive because Sony owns the government.

nintendo owns the government do you see the things they got away with

Is there anything 1 has that 2 doesn't or is 2 just a direct upgrade?

Maybe more people would have bought one if Sony didn't go full on hyper jew and charge twenty goddamn dollars for a 4GB memory card

Some people just want the option to play their home console games outside. You don't have to use it, but the option to is incredibly tempting.

There lies the distinction and what Nintendo has been pushing since the start. It's not a handheld but a portable home console. It's definitely not the most powerul of one, but it is indeed a home console. And by selling the idea that you can play your home console anywhere, it satisfied their unfulfilled desire of playing games anywhere that was created by the other console's decision to focus in VR and online.

Then why hasn't Nintendo made PlayStation illegal?

guys guys the guy behind all the big mobile games is the one who owns the goverment

Besides having a different story, 2 is a direct upgrade

I just wish ports would stop with the "for Nintendo Switch" moniker at the end, makes it sound watered down.

It means people care about portability, most Switch owners have other consoles where they could play these games.

Nice, I'll give it a look; thanks.

Fighter Z for Switch, lets go


>They said it about Zelda
>They said it about Mario Kart
>They said it about Arms
>They said it about Splatoon 2
>They said it about Ultra Street Fighter 2
>They said it about Mario + Rabbids
>They are now saying it about Xenoverse 2

How many Fucking games are you gonna keep using this argument for?

You forgot Bomberman and Snipperclips IMG_1220/
How many Fucking times are you gonna keep advocating for Nintendo fucking you raw?

you realize those are LITERALLY the only games its getting right? do you think thats normal compared to any other console? its not.


You do know theres places besides the outside and your tv area?

Now people arent restricted to their tv and can move around the house and continue to play till their hearts content if needed, which is simple as picking it off the dock without that much interuption of gameplay. It allows much more flexibly and comfort.

That's my exact problem with Nintendo systems. Most non-Nintendo games were just shitty rpg maker looking jap rpgs that cost $50 - $60. Even on the 3ds.

PS3 really does have no games aside for Demons Souls and perhaps the Ninja Garden Sigmas. Ps3 version of Sigma are better than the Vita versions. Who fucking owns an OG Xbox these days? Mine died last year.
For some reason 360 had way better Jap gaem exclusives and a Tales games that's better than every Tales game released on the PS3. Fucking Vesperia & Yakuza were the sole reason that I got rid of 360 in exchange for PS3 only to be disappointed at how shitty the PS3 Tales games are and how most of PS3's exclusive library are just movie gaems.

Suprisingly the PS4 is the only system I've been satisfied with since the PS2 era. I hated 3ds, Wii U, PS3 and was lukewarm for 360. Hillariously I hate most of the modern games on PS4 and mostly play PS2 or digital games that you can also get on PC. That's how shitty modern gaming is, you have to pay to play old shit because the old shit is better than the new shit.

Last I heard was "Third-parties hate Nintendo because Nintendo owners only buy Nintendo games." Now it's "Third-party games only sell on Nintendo because Nintendo owners are hungry for anything non-Nintendo"?

It's whatever makes Nintendo looks bad.

>There lies the distinction and what Nintendo has been pushing since the start. It's not a handheld but a portable home console. It's definitely not the most powerul of one, but it is indeed a home console.

Yeah fuck that I'm sticking to PC. This is the next generation of consoles? Systems that are barely stronger than a fucking PS2. KEK!

>selling the idea that you can play your home console anywhere, it satisfied their unfulfilled desire of playing games anywhere that was created by the other console's decision to focus in VR and online.

Who is this phantom audience that you speak of? The only console that's selling these day is a damn PS4. If people want portable they'll go for one that has less shitty battery life like a 3ds. The only people who bought a Switch are either Zelda fans or Jewtendo fags.

Fucking christ shut the fuck up with the "DUDEWEED it's Portable LMFAO!" bullshit.
You keep fronting it as it were the biggest selling point ever when it's too fucking expensive as a modern day portable and not powerful enough to compete against PC or modern console systems. I don't even know anyone irl who actually owns a Switch.

Most of those games are just ports or shitty nintendo crap that you'd only buy if you like Nintentoddler games. Friggin Ultra SF2 is just Super Turbo HD with recolored Ryu & Ken as new characters. LMAO!

>"Third-party games only sell on Nintendo because Nintendo owners are hungry for anything non-Nintendo"
Maybe they finally realized that you can only play the same thing over and over so many times until you get sick of it

Because nobody wanted to spend damn near $100 on a memory card.

>old ports
It hasn't even been a year since Xenoverse 2 came out.

I'm also going to buy Revelations and LA Noire.

Just waiting for Persona 5. I have a whole shitposting folder ready when it gets announced.

I don't get too upset if a game comes out a month later on Switch. Happens with PC every other game. Switch is a system that takes more effort to port.

>Yeah fuck that I'm sticking to PC. This is the next generation of consoles? Systems that are barely stronger than a fucking PS2. KEK!

What's the obsession with "power"? Has the PC even had an exclusive release in the last 12 months as favourably received as BotW? Did the Xbox win its console generation by being the most powerful? Did the PSP?

I also have a high-end PC, but shying away from consoles because they "aren't as powerful" is just retarded. The higher graphical capability of a PC doesn't directly translate to higher enjoyment.

So because you can't drag your 450lb socially awkward ass outside and your sausage fingers are too big to use the Switch, it's a piece of crap. Correct?

Not him but projecting much?

Switch is doing pretty great in US as well, it's just blowing the fuck up in Japan.

The biggest question in all of this shitflinging is why we aren't all pointing and laughing and Microsoft's massive failure this gen, it's gotten so bad they stopped giving out numbers altogether

>Portable Dragon Age Origins
>Use the touchscreen to make the controls not retarded and more like the PC version
Please. I just want this, and CRPGs in general.

Pretty normal user. Consoles are shit.

That pretty much describes every new console, you're not being edgy and cool by pointing out that a console that's half a year old doesn't have a huge library. PS4 was so starved for games in its first year that people considered remasters of 2-year-old PS3 games as being worth purchasing at full price.

>What are third parties ?

Nier Automata.

Sales numbers for that game saved the franchise as well as Platinum Games' future according tp Kamiya.

Also, Bravely Default, which proved that classic turn-based JRPGs can still become great sellers, causing Square Enix to open up Tokyo RPG Factory.

>Ultra SF2 is just Super Turbo HD with recolored Ryu & Ken as new characters. LMAO!

Actually, they added the ability to tech throws.

It doesn't

OK now tell me what both the Xbone and PS4 had in it's first six months.


>Somehow news about a Switch game selling good is actually a bad thing

The fucking mental gymnastics.