Guns are extremely underwhelming

>guns are extremely underwhelming
>combat is boring
>anything after Ravenholm drags on for far too long
>corny dialogue
>episodes pair you with Alyx almost the entire time to hold your hand through puzzles and praise you nonstop

I want to punch Alyx in her dumb fucking mouth. Also, this game sucks and the original HL holds up better as an overall fun experience.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not OP but this game was even terrible in 04

All of the half-life games have shitty shooting, the only good weapons are the magnum and the crossbow. The SAW in OpFor and the Shock Roach were alright I guess, and despite having no fun I liked using the Gluon gun

I agree the weapons lack a bit of oomph. But I loved the game even when I replayed it years later. Hasn't aged as well as HL1 though.

What's your most memorable moment in half life 2 Sup Forums?

shit taste. go back to playing bioshock , its more your speed

Doctor Freeeeeeemaaan


The vehicle parts were boring and way too long

Killing the Combine at the docks with the car magnet. Good times.

>13 year old game is boring after playing instantly gratifying games with no substance baaawwwwwww

Seeing the dyson sphere for the first time

Only a fedora would blindly love Half-life, nobody can justify the pea shooter that is most of the weapons in the game. Even shotguns feel like they fire beans unless you right click.
GOAT VA and scene

Are we really fucking doing this? Another mongoloid OP who thinks he is being cute with bait thread.

>drags on

All of above is subjective, you stupid cunt.

>Not realizing that Doom 3 is better

Absolute pleb

What is with the recent HL2 hate on Sup Forums? Or am I taking the shit bait?

>Doom 3
You could have said nu-Doom atleast

What? Why compare games that came out more than a decade apart?

I agree i like FEAR better if only as a spiritual sequel.

>can boot up HL1 at anytime and have fun with it
>just feels like a drag getting through HL2

Someone explain to mean the fundamental differences between the games because I'm too low IQ to do it

I'll never understand hating specifically on the sequel's guns when HL1's were way worse. They all felt floaty and clumsy as shit, and the sound quality was overly primitive and distorted as hell. Only the pistol was superior to its HL2 counterpart. The rest?
>shotgun with literally no kick whatsoever; the OpForce version literally having a garbled square wave as a "gunshot"
>MP4 sounds like an aluminum can being tossed around and the "recoil" feels like waggling a Wiimote
>grenades have the physics of hallowed out foam
>rest are a bit better since they don't have superior equivalents but they're so poorly balanced you hardly ever use them anyway

HL1 is designed like a Japanese game.
HL2 is designed like a western "game".

From the top of my head
>getting a gun for the airboat and returning fire at that cunt helicopter
>murdering combine soldiers with a crane
>the lighthouse battle
>assaulting nova prospekt with antlions
>the final strider battle
>the citadel core, dark tunnels, hospital, and trainstation strider battle in Episode 1
>almost the entirety of Episode 2

Looks like it's time for the third nuke.

Maybe if we drop it on the US it can finally be more like glorious Nippon!

The atmosphere in HL2 was god tier

I agree. Played 2 hours of this game just enough to get the cards and it was very underwhelming. Never booted it again.

Yes, let's nuke the weebs.

I love both games but it's just obnoxious to see so many people always trying desperately to shit on Half Life 2 with the same 4 or 4 purposefully obtuse reasoning to justify their hipster positions. Nobody has anything interesting or insightful to say other than "its bad" and the conversation still manages to be brought up again and again.

Trying not to touch the sand for that one cheevo

Are these threads just trolls trolling trolls or do people actually post shit like and think it's criticism? "Shit SUX" is not a fucking contribution

Oh look it's this thread again etc.


Something about that fucking bridge makes my balls shiver even just thinking about it. Definitely my favorite part

This post reeks of sheer fanboy asshurt. Cry moar you literal cuckold.

old western games > old nip games > current nip games > current western games

Water Hazard. Boating along a river and stopping at places like barns and dams was honestly the most interesting chapter in the game.

>stock weapon animations

That was the last thing on my mind when playing that session to be honest with you.
Highway 17 was the same thing, wonderful chapters.

"...Time, Doctor Freeman?"

Do the Episodes count?

Definitely the final part of Episode Three where you sail the Borealis through time and space into the Combine Staging Point only to realize you're about to die for nothing.

just go on gamebananna for some reanimated weapon models and it will improve your experience 1000%.

>he hasn't completed a pacifist run of HL / Blue Shift / Op Force yet.

What's your excuse?


What does weeb mean?

Get out of Sup Forums you stupid retard and stop posting your god damn video in every thread.

HL2 was designed to show off freshly discovered physics and what all could be done with them. Mark my words, HL3 will be a massive fucking VR circlejerk.

>pacifist run
>in hl1 you must kill tentacles and nihilanth
>in op4 you must kill pit worm and gene worm

as pacifist as you can be obviously; it's funny when you finally come across the guys complaining about you "killing all their buddies" when you haven't pulled a single trigger thus far

FFS, Episode 2 got me so hyped, WHy did Ep 3 have to die?

>i'm a pacifist except for that time i murdered some guy
aliens are shit kill them all

>HL1 is designed like a Japanese game.
What a retarded post.

You can go the entire game without killing any humans

But the VR meme is already over. Not even kinect died that fast.


You are indirectly responsible for killing everyone in the game.

I wouldn't be so sure. Valve has been pretty keen on it for a while and Bethesda has been jacking off over it lately, trying to get Skyrim and Fallout 4 up and running on it.

Why do these kids try so hard to sound mad?

What did you mean by this?

There's been hints and leaks that a VR game set in the Half-Life universe is already in development.

You're so close minded. You didn't even watch the video. You opened it for three seconds, decided that your confirmation bias was worth more listening to someone with a slightly annoying voice, and then closed it. You are no better than an animal. You are a chimpanzee.

>HL2 is bad


Sorry mate but your video is shit and so are your arguments.
>wahhhhhhhhh why do they keep referencing Half-Life 1

Dr. Freeeeeeeeemaaaaaaannnnnn

holy fuck I'm bored

>Time, Dr. Freeman?
>Is it really that time again?
>in the course of...well...I'm really not at liberty to say..
I love that monologue

>Only the pistol was superior to its HL2 counterpart.
Not even

>your video


What did he mean by this?

The game by itself is shit but I never played it vanilla, always modded the guns to be cooler. And Alyx to be Zero Suit Samus. Somehow those small improvements made the game more enjoyable.

I love how he emphasizes "time" during that monologue.

Yeah I'm gonna assume it's gonna be your video, because no one else would link a vid with barely 10,000 views starring some faggot kid bitching about video games seriously.

Half Life 2 is overrated shit. Half Life 1 was superior in every way. It's like comparing GTA IV to V. Only retards who dickride Valve with HL3 CONFIRMED xD think otherwise. Episode 2 ended on a meh note as well. I never liked that faggot and the only thing that makes me interested is the ship.

You know you're a weeb when you say a fucking first person shooter is designed like a Japanese game.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, the dude that made that video posted it earlier and now other people are sharing it?


Why should I play Half Life 2? I will make a counter response to every reply.

But why? It's not even funny, it's just bad.


That plug...

I will agree that the video is poorly produced, however that is not a debunk of any of his arguments. Half Life 2 at its core is just awkward.

To be honest I'm gonna backpedal for a second here and say the main reason I suspected you were the vid creator was because you got defensive over me saying that vid sucked.


he's kinda right on a lot of points though.
he's not completely right though.

It's funny how easy hl2 is to fix though with SMOD. You don't really have to include all the crazy weapons either. It has plenty of normal weapons that fit perfectly in the game.

The voice acting is simply amazing. It wasn't until much later after I beat the game that I learnt people were unhappy with the cliffhanger nature of the ending - I thought it was chilling and fit well.

>beloved game series dies and gets lots of threads about it
>Sup Forums hates it just to piss of its fans
never change

>v is a singular entity
r u retarted? all of the hl2 fans are finished, now all of the people who didn't like hl2 are speaking their minds

*smacks lips*

What "arguments"? All I hear is bitching about stupid inane subjective shit and not any actual criticisms.

Sup Forums has had threads like this for years. It's BOTW and Bloodborne that stood the test of time mostly thanks to ass ravaged DOOM 3 fanboys

>guns are extremely underwhelming

the only underwhelming guns were the sub machine gun and the pistol. The rest were some of the most satisfying guns I've used in games. Even the pulse rifle. Especially the shotgun.

Well everytime I come to an hl2 thread I ask "what does it do better than Hl1 or any other FPS for that matter" and all I get is falsehoods and radio silence. Basically, Hl2 is a mediocre game with decent marketing, it's like Destiny.

>tfw we will never find out about the true intentions of the gman
I think it's better that way. Some things should stay mysteries (see space jockey).

>Sup Forums hates it just to piss of its fans
i genuinely don't like hl2 as much as hl1 and don't think it deserves most of the praise it gets.

Maybe because no one wants to get into an argument over stupid shit?

Scale for sure. Memorable art direction. Otherwise what that guy said about SMOD fixing things is true.
