Why do you hate her games, Sup Forums?
Why do you hate her games, Sup Forums?
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Because they hate us.
Whos this semen demon?
Since when Crapcom improved like this?
It's Capcom in the Neptunia universe. She has Chun li kicks, Monster hunter sword and a megaman blaster. She also has a devil may care attitude.
Nep games always fixing things... I'm so proud of Compile.
You can also learn some cool history and facts as well. For example Square soft is allied with Leanbox since the first games square ever released were PC games.
In fact if any other Nep playing anons are here check out the makers and see just how many small details there are in both who their allied with, character designs and personality.
For example Marvelous AQL-chan obviously looks like a Senran but the reason she has music notes for irises is that Marvelous is also a music distributor.
There are some that are pretty blatant but still nice if you were to look at them as actual vidya companies like the battle in eden cutscene in Rebirth 1 where everyone gangs up on Purpe Heart and she becomes the first to fall from the console war (Sega). A neat touch is that it was Black Heart (Playstation) who dealt her the final blow.
>tfw bamco is the worst character
they should have just made tekken one of the gold third instead
Why was Konami gay for Playstation?
Not sure but didnt Snake become the icon of Playstation back in the early-mid 2000s?
metal gear?
i actually cant remember anything else konami has done besides DDR
Just to keep thread alive while I do a quick check. 5pb, Nitroplus and Mages are linked with Leanbox due to the 360 being where they first released the Sci-adv series. 5pb being an idol again due to 5pb being a music publisher as well as games publisher/developer
Cave was also working for Leanbox wasn't she? Cave is the shmup company and if I remember correctly the ONLY thing 360 had going for it in japan was shmups
Konami have a strong link to Sony due to most of their larger franchises being heavily marketed on Sony consoles or out right being sony exclusive. Metal gear, silent hill,etc. Not much else on that one. Why a yandere is the bigger question which I still don't have an answer for.
But why gay, the console that was prominently marketed for their larger IPs was sony while there are some multiplats in the mix the sony versions were the ones marketed as the main version mainly because Konami's Jap and Sony's Jap.
I think that part is more so they could play it off Noire's no-friend shtick, what does interest me is why the hostility towards Uni, Konami had some PSP games didn't it? iirc they were all shi-OH I GET IT
Yep, you got it. Through out the 7th gen (where most of Nep takes place) Cave only released games on the 360. It wasn't until 2013 they released a ps3 game and the one's after that are for PC.
That does make sense but it seems wierd when other characters have company practices, game types released being part of their personalities. It feels like there should be more but I could also just be digging too deeply.
Another fun one is Compa and Iffy. Obviously there's all the yuri-bait and hinting their together since CH is a subsidary of IF however both are still developers and publishers meaning one could make the game and the other could publish. Genkai Tokki for example is CH published with IF only being attatched when the games are localised.
In terms of characters, Compa is a big boobed, ditzy girl due to CH being the company that makes ecchi games. IF being a chunnibyo is because IF in terms of developing games make the more edgy titles. Iffy being seen as the older one is that IF has been around since the 90's.
Is V2 on PC yet?
Nice Cave user. Here's another
been for almost a year
>In terms of characters, Compa is a big boobed, ditzy girl due to CH being the company that makes ecchi games. IF being a chunnibyo is because IF in terms of developing games make the more edgy titles. Iffy being seen as the older one is that IF has been around since the 90's.
That makes a lot of sense now, no wonder Iffy is chuuni, she made FFF and that game was made with tokusatsu themes in mind
>been for almost a year
Oh fuck, what am I doing.
Is it fine if I didn't play V?
It's been out for a while user. Don't know if it's on sale or not. But it has released
It makes a lot of references to it but you'll live. You could just watch the anime if you're lazy.
There's one part of the true end that's relevent to one of the characters but its up to you if you want to play through V or just watch it on Youtube. I'd recommend playing just cause I enjoy them personally but if you want to just jump in watch true end on youtube then go for it
Can you tell me what the Tokusatsu themed game is cause I don't think I've seen that one?
Well the director mentioned it has toku themes but other thann few aspects I dont really see it
Thanks user,
Also I feel kinda dumb since I misread what you wrote and thought you were bringing up a different game that had Tokusatsu themes not that FFF has those themes. A great game none the less.
Last bump I'm going to do.
The obvious design bits out of the way, red scarf for prinnies, Flat chest because Disgaea the flag series of NIS predominately features flats. The hero of justice thing while this one is more a guess than anything would be to due to NIS and NISA at the time not being at odds with IF and CH and the personality would be in place in an attempt to market ZHP as it came out only a few months earlier. The other possible link would be with the prism rangers from Disgaea.
and the most obvious one is blue hair for Laharl-sama
true, could also be that Prinnies are blue and those are NIS' mascot.
Her seiyuu was so good.