Have you ever uninstalled a game out of anger? If so, did you uninstall it later?
"I don't get mad at games because I'm "mature"" fags need not post
Have you ever uninstalled a game out of anger? If so, did you uninstall it later?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't get mad at games because I'm "mature"
*did you reinstall it later
No, but I've uninstalled tf2 several times so I can't just sit down and play because it at whim because it's just a game I can just start playing and wind up losing 3-5 hours in just running around and killing people. especially love killing 'friendly' assholes
I don't get mad at games because I'm mature
I don't get mad at games because I'm mature.
I don't get mad at games because I'm mature
I don't get mad at games because I'm not a faggot
So how's your thread coming along, OP?
League of Legends on more than one occasion
I don't games because I'm mature mad
How do you even use a keyboard with those thick ass gloves?
No, but I stopped playing CSGO after +1200 hours since I started to notice a lot of flaws with it.
>"I don't get mad at games because I'm "mature"" fags need not post
I don't get mature at games because I'm mad
user watching that made me want to go to my laptop turn it on and delete LOL. I feel for you
I always end up reinstalling tf2 after some period. It's just so fun and silly. I'll play a round sometimes at work and my coworker says I've always got a grin on my face when playing it.
>getting mad at videogames
RomHack Vega. There is a whole lot of stupid in this hack, but this scene in particular just made me delete the game.
I also threw The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages into the bin because the goron dance is so much bullshit. The person who thought this was a good idea should have been fired
Back when I was a kid I uninstalled Starcraft after realizing it was the only game I played that made me legitimately furious. I swore off Blizzard products at that time because of it.
I only broke that streak last year to play Overwatch with my friends (I missed the heyday of TF2). I dropped the game though when they somehow fucked up CTF during the Chinese New Year. Probed to me they don't know what the fuck they're doing with that game.
Reminder that if you haven't destroyed AT LEAST one controller/keyboard in rage because of a video game then you need to GTFO Sup Forums.
Xcom Enemy Within
War Thunder. I could tolerate so much of bullshit kills, but when I got my first tiger and every match was literally "get shot from a mile by a Russian tank one tier below mine, go back to hangar" I saw that the Gaijin thing about Russian tanks wasn't just a funny recurrent internet joke, and I couldn't it anymore.
At least for half a year. I reistalled because I love tanks and WoT is too arcadey and fast for my taste.
Absolver got me mad.
Like madder than I ever got in years because of how unbalanced Windfaller is. They get those dodging shit and even my power attacks can be blocked?
Fuck this game.
git good, mix-up your attacks and drain their stamina, and just get a feel for their style. most people will tend to always dodge either left or right consistently, or left and right in a short pattern and you can use that to your advantage. most people don't jump, so fast low attacks like sweep kicks work wonders.
Whenever Steam has a free weekend for some AAA garbage, I play it, get mad, and uninstall it. Not for lack of gitgud, but just mad at shitty design decisions. When its a game I like but ragequit over a bullshit RNG, its more like slamming ALT-F4 as hard as I can, but not uninstalling
thanks for letting me talk about myself OP
starcraft makes me legitimately furious to this day. i seriously dont even know why i play it.
I've quit a few games out of frustration and then uninstalled them much later. The Force Unleashed is one such game. Played it until I reached the scrapyard boss, but he spends 80% of the fight untargetable, then takes a million hits once he is vulnerable. He also heals and there is no mid fight cutscene.
He had to do his long ass attack cycle 6 times to empty one of his three 'pods' of health and each pod made his attack pattern longer.
Got mad at League of Legends and uninstalled. Reinstalled a few hours later. Done this a few times. Currently: Installed. Played a few days ago.
Got so fucking mad at guild wars 2 after buying the expansion and playing for about 10 hours and realizing how much money and time I wasted. uninstalled. Currently still uninstalled.
Halo reach. Took my game disk out and frisbee'd it as hard as I could over a fence.
Xcom2 after getting to the final mission without losing a single guy. Having essentially the BEST upgrades possible. All tech. Shredder guns. Max level. Essentially got lucky early on and become unstoppable.
Got to the end where the pads spawn in the glitch and some mobs. Was spawning the big head ayylmaos who could telekensis your guys and muttons. Made a promise never to save scum because it took ALL the tension out of the game. If I lost. I lost.
Final mission killed all of my guys. I missed basically everything. They hit basically everything. Crits for days for them. Every tactic I tried failed. Group up. Grenaded. Spread out. Telekensis. Pick off squishy enemies. nah son. Run back and choke point. Nope.
Lost all my guys. Considered it a mission failed. Earth destroyed. uninstalled.
This fucking cunt had me and my friends by the balls for at least a year until we decided to reinstall and beat him yesterday. And then we go to another demon portal.
I uninstall Dark Souls 2 every time I try to play it out of anger at just how fucking shit it is compared to the rest of the Souls games.
Splinter Cell Conviction. What a worthless piece of shit
Tried to make a new thread, but Sup Forums shit itself on me. I figure it works here though.
What is the most buttblasted you've caused someone else to become due to your actions in a video game you were both playing together?
Local or online, versus or co-op, as long as you were both playing the same game at the same time.
Bonus points: What's the most mad someone else has gotten (you)?
long short story I was having a great game, making 1k per turn at the beginning of the renaissance
I was allied with japan, and for some reason they attacked me with no warning, and destroyed all my garrisoned troops in a city in a few turns
>unironically getting mad at video games
>There's literal faggots that would get so mad at a videogame that they will uninstall it instead of being up for the challenge
I do understand getting mad at them, but uninstalling it out of spite, really faggots?
I've caused ragequits and gotten hate mail before.
I don't get angry easily. Probably just said "What the fuck" a few times.
When I punched my monitor I realized I should take videogames less seriously
I was suck an autistic motherfucker back in the day
Playing MvC2 with my brothers. 4 of us would sit around and just play all night and day. We'd have friends over and would just sit down and play. Loser hands over the controller.
I got REALLY good at the game and decide to challenge my bros. Ended up picking the first three character, winning, then would pick the next three. Until I'd played every character at least once. Brothers got so mad we never played MvC2 ever again.
Most mad I ever got? I dated a half black/half japanese girl. She was okay at video games. I bought Capcom VS SNK2 for PS2 and we played it a bunch. Fun game.
She did this thing where she would use her jap skills to super learn a game and be GREAT at it. So she, unbeknownst to me, heard the tale of me clearing the entire roster of fighters in one sitting and decided to try it against me. Game has like 50 characters. She user her inner black fighting game fanatic and inner jap to just floor me. In front of my brothers. After I just talked massive shit telling her theres no way she could beat me THAT many times in a row, much less roster me. I was playing at first, but once I realized she'd beaten me about 6 times in a row, I sat rigid and focused. She cleared the entire roster on me and I was livid.
I got punked hard and told her I wasn't trying to save face because I was a faggot. She told me she'd do it again ez. So I took her challenge and try harded. She full rostered me again. I used my best team each time to just TRY and make sure she couldn't do it twice.
And that's how I never played MvC2 or Capcom VS Snk2 ever again.
I begrudingly installed LoL to play with friends. When playing a bot game with them I went AFK to get some food or water and came back to an idle kick. Then it gave me a popup with snarky text explaining how bad of a person I was for going AFK and demanded that I type "I agree" to not going AFK again.
I alt+f4'd and uninstalled right there. I will go AFK when the fuck I please, kill yourself riot.
Send her my way. I'll smoke her in your name.
I uninstalled Transistor because I got bored, not mad
>afking while playing with friends
You're a tremendous faggot
Dota 2 once but I had been meaning to uninstall it beforehand just cause it wasn't very fun anymore
the only game I can remember actually rage-uninstalling was for honor, god fuck that horrible clusterfuck of balancing and network issues holding back what could potentially be an amazing game
it's like a social experiment to see if video games can cause brain tumors
I uninstalled all of steam out of anger at the jews
gog or itchio or pirate
We had already won, the enemy team had two bots on it. Literally nobody cared at all that I wasn't there. You can kill yourself too.
t. faggot
t. cuckmaster
I uninstalled das2 multiple times because of it's pvp
thank god i don't do that shit anymore
I uninstalled das2 after beating no man's wharf because it's such a badly designed pile of shit. Sad because das1 is one of my favorite games.
did you play sotfs? it fixes that area with 1 simple trick level designers don't want you to know, click here for more information
if you didn't like wharf you won't like the rest of the game, FoFG/Bastille/Wharf is basically the pinnacle of the game in terms of level design until Dragon Shrine, not including the DLCs which are honestly worth trudging through the shit main game for
I've uninstalled GunZ private servers after losing a duel to someone using donation weapons. I got erased in the blink of an eye from across the room and I knew if I couldn't stand that shit in a 1v1 it would only get worse in a deathmatch where I might have to fight up to six faggots with OP shit because they gave some BRs their dollary doos.
Yes it was sotfs. The levels were badly designed, massive overuse of the same enemies, excessively reliant on surprise ganking with multiple enemies in tight quarters that have janky fucked up movesets.
Seemed like all they were trying to do is kill you and if they killed you, they figured "succeeded" as a designer. Like they really took "le prepare to die XD" to heart. Instead of providing an interesting challenge and/or testing your ability to stay calm over a long period of time like das1.
never understood this honestly, I'm pretty critical of das2 but these "ganksquads" are something I've never had a problem with over multiple runs
you just need to understand that each souls games tries to take combat a step forward in nerfing the most "effective" play style from the last, but in turn always take a step back in other areas. In DaS being aggressive with backstabs and parries is unstoppable. DaSII makes aggressive play harder, but because most enemies having slow, shitty, and predictable combos they can't cancel out of (knights in heides are a good example, go try it) defensive play becomes ez mode. DaSIII punishes defensive play with hyperaggressive mobs, but even with backstabbing being less effective aggressive playstyles are the go-to once again, except this time you can just spam r1 at every opportunity, anything else and you are just making things hard on yourself
So I don't think they were being "cheap" but they were definitely trying to catch das1 veterans with aggressive playstyles off-guard and they did it in a shit way.
I don't get mad at games because I don't exist
Don't worry, I support your decision fully. Fuck those guys.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled World of Tanks and World of Warships like this more times than I can count.
No I have 5 terabytes
Both anger and dissapointment because how much a platinum game with transformers skin it was, glad i just pirated it, because i had to deal with its shit a few times to "unlock" what i thought it was actual difficulty to get a refund, but end up being the same artificial one as allways.
>enemies move so fast that the animations are broken
>units replaced with ones that can 1 hit you but require lvl 40 weapons just to be taken in 10+ hits
>bayogear rising whatever gameplay and controls
>light attack and strong attack, no block
>less combos than skyrim
>camera changes sensitivity just to fuck you
>forced into shit parts just for the sake of not bore you doing the same
>MMO levels of grinding to ensure "replay value"
>mobile levels of how to grind
>dull bossfights
>generic plot
I uninstalled Bloodborne because of Gascoigne. Deleted all my save files and was ready to literally throw the game away.
I'm so fucking glad I reinstalled, started a new game, and then beat the game a few days later. 10/10 game despite my frustrations.
Overwatch. I've uninstalled Overwatch literally 10+ times. Fuck Overwatch. I love Overwatch. I fucking hate Overwatch.
Elder Scrolls Online is another one. Every time I play it I'm like, "Holy shit, this is the worst game ever made." I uninstall it and then half a year later I'll be all, "I sure would love to play an online Elder Scrolls right now!" So I reinstall it as if the game is somehow going to be better. IT NEVER IS.
>get stuck on some part of a game
>fuck it i'm going to stop for a while
>come back
>get it on my first try
I hate that shit almost as much as
>come back
>what the fuck was I doing again?
Had to restart Megaman X Command Mission because of that shit.
I deleted my pirated copy of smash 4 out of spite for the fanbase and the "do whatever it takes to win in for glory" mindset.
Fucking cancerous, no good, assholes. The chances of getting a legitimate fight were so fucking rare that I lost interest. Between that and grinding for custom movesets...
Darkest Dungeon
Found it pretty fucking frustrating when I first started so I uninstalled it. Watched a pretty good SA LP of it a few weeks later which gave me an idea of how to play it smart as well as how some of the mechanics worked (I kept triggering traps on curios because I didn't realize you had to use certain items with them. I figured it was just based on a character's trap disarm ability and I was just unlucky as shit). Reinstalled it afterwards and started using what I learned from the play through and actually had a blast playing it
Yeah, if I'm going through my backlog and come across something that has a retarded mechanic or is just repetitive A mashing like Arkham style games, then I just drop that shit. It's not worth the time. Learned to accept that I won't complete everything, and I move on.
Uninstalled Baldur's Gate the moment I heard the voice acting. God that fucking rogue girl's voice is the worst thing I've ever heard. I did the tutorial thinking "wow these example character sure are obnoxious. I hope the actual characters in the game are better", and then the first character I run into in the game is her, and I just immediately turned it off and uninstalled, and tried to refund the game but it was rejected because I already sold the cards.
I've gotten a lot of people asshurt on dark souls 3 by invading before the abyss watchers fight with the dragonslayer greataxe, or similar end game weapons.
But the most mad I've ever gotten was probably monster hunter. Decided to set 4 or so hours aside to play some online, and got paired up with shitters every time.
I was so mad that someone made such a tedious, ill-crafted, and above all else, BORING pile of shit.
Fuck you, Jools.
Should have ate for felyne kickboxer and knocked their asses into the next area.
I've made very many people angery invading in dark souls 3. The last time I did (also the last time I ever played the game) was being summoned as a white phantom to help with the pvp boss in the ringed city DLC only to use the warbanner glitch to cause my host to bleed to death
I had people resummon me only to point down and throw poop at me before bc'ing me out
no windows live/steam hatemail could ever compare
Darkest Dungeon.
I've done it like 3 times now.
Everytime, I think it'll get better.
Shit never does.
I ended up rage uninstalling Killing Floor when they went p2w with the weapons and never looked back.
> throw poop at me
forgot its name
Lol you are totally mad
Painkiller: Resurrection.
Not because I got mad but because it got boring - fuck-huge, too open, bland levels, even the otherwise fun combat got boring.
Dont really care, the whole Painkiller pack was like 5€ or something, base game and BOoH I still play from time to time.
I did. Skyforge. Once they updated that shit so that everyone can be anyone they like and literally make my progress until then useless. I uninstall it instantly.
The original and BoH are pretty much the only good ones in the series (although the platforming segments in BoH are fucking awful). All the other games just flat out suck. I remember giving Overdose a shot and I was just fucking done with it after the main character said "MMMM TASTE LIKE CHICKEN XD XD XD" for the 25th fucking time when I picked up a soul
Dota 2.
Yes, I always reinstall it after a while.
Holy fuck git good. TFU is easy as fuck.
The few spots in DA:O where the mages throw an endless stream of fireballs to insta-wipe your party even with fire resistance because fireball has an incorrect physical resistance check that's fixed with fixpack mods
I swear every EA gave ever produced has the coding of an irate baboon
This. I tried to play the game at least 3 times, but every time end up uninstalling it because it's so shit.
I stopped playing league a few months ago after reinstalling my pc. never going back. not even for those new star guarding skins that serve only to pander to the waifu weebs.
For Honor. Still not sure why I reinstalled
The Surge, after going through an area filled with 1 hit kill enemies hiding behind corners then going to a new area that has you fight 3 one hit kill enemies in a close quarters stairway with the camera constantly jerking due to the environment. The game wasn't fun enough for me to get good at the zone through repetition and the bossfights were really easy and unsatisfying. I think the game would have been more fun if every mob wasn't able to hyperarmor through attacks and break out of combos near instantly.
But but you're level 30 with over 900 wins (and presumably 1800+ losses since you're using a silver icon)
Ain't that some shit.
There exists this weird sub-demographic in the playerbase that suffers from a severe lack of situational awareness. The sort of player that will not turn to shoot whatever is attacking them. I uninstalled after I watched a team of five people refuse to shoot a Pharah hovering in the air.
pun completely intended
here is a video showcasing the glitch if you give a shit, it's been patched though
I had to use Steam's removal feature to permanently delete an online game, which I had 500+ hours in. Every day I'd uninstall it in rage, and reinstall it, sometimes many times a day. I'm glad they implemented the feature because for a while I couldn't do anything to stop myself. I even considered emailing steam support and asking them to delete it or something but I felt too embarrassed.
CSGO, every time I uninstall that pile of shit, a friend will ask me to play with him. Fuck, I suck shit at it.
I uninstalled SFV partially out of anger when it turned out it had a rootkit. But I think I'm justified in that, and having it installed was also a privacy compromise.
>Have you ever uninstalled a game out of anger?
league of legends
>If so, did you uninstall it later?
once a year later and uninstalled it again after a week
League of legends
i unistalled Stalker Clear Sky when i learned my crappy Makarov does more damage to The Chopper boss than a grenade launcher,that and how overall crap the experience was
weak minded faggot
same here, i felt in i was in a limbo. boy i am glad i escaped that time sink.
Not anger but i uninstalled wow in the beginning of cataclysm and reinstalled it for wod only to uninstall again 3 days later
Also uninstalled league of legends after playing it for 4 years 10+ hours a day because of riot making it more and more unenjoyable kinda like wow did tried playing it around christmas last year after thinking maybe id enjoy it again but it solidified my disdain with the game since around the gangplank rework
It's from Memories (1995)