Get pic related running on cemu

>get pic related running on cemu
>it actually is 10/10 GOTY
Fuck Horizon, fuck Automata, and fuck any other game that's coming or already came out this year. Nintendo actually created a master piece.

Other urls found in this thread:

and fuck shormpft

Agreed. Playing at 4k 30 fps is truly the GOTY experience

Pubg still GOTY. Stay mad.

Real talk, how many glitches and work-arounds do you have to live with? I'm wondering if I should bother downloading it now or wait for later CEMU releases.

I'm running it at 1080p at around 25-35 fps, 60 inside shrines. Haven't had a single game breaking bug yet and I've already put about 8 hours into it. Had some problems with the shadows tho. Only using an i5 7600, 380x4gb and 16gb DDR4 ram

This might have been the best terrain traversal exploring game ever made, but everything else about it was mundane, average, or repetitive.

Here's a pity (you). Put more effort into your bait next time, or else you won't get any replies.

Yeah nah you're a cunt

uses way too much ram on my end, any solution?

Everyone knows it already except for bitter poorfag Argentinians

Just wait till you play Knack 2, that's a real masta piece.

this game sucks, and is the worst Zelda of the decade. Even a Link Between Worlds shits all over this garbage.

So much this.

played through it on wii u and i agree
i disagree with fuck horizon though, but also 100% agree with fuck automata. horizon is still a masterpiece even though it cant even compete with botw, though that should just say how fucking amazing botw is
no one ever explains this correctly
its always
>lol copy paste korok seeds and copy paste shrines
without actually knowing why people hate things like that and how botw fixes them. the "mundane average or repetitive" things are insanely polished and really clever
the game is in early access. not out yet.

Once you play over 30 hours you'll understand

hey man that hot wheels xpac was pretty GOAT

Whoa sonny dial back on that shit taste

FUCK horizon, FUCK sony, and FUCK drumpf

Already at 60 hours, just completed main quest. Even so 30 hours is more than enough for a zelda game, right? I emulated TPHD before this and clocked in at below 20hours

Knack 2 is the game of the decade, not this nintendo trash heap of a game.


nope, botw is great because it makes it work better than any open world before (IE ? """Points of Interest""")

Morrowind is still the goat open world though

Pretty much this, OP is a tasteless faggot.

Knack """jokes""""" are never funny and I like those fucking games

how do you get 60fps when the game's engine only creates 30fps? does the game run at double speed in shrines? I never understood this, it's almost as if piratefags are just shitposting because they don't actually have any clue what they're talking about

Sup Forums will never recover.

your taste is horrible if you like this generic open world trash. Go back to your Ubisoft games faggot.

Why do Nintendo fans pretend to be PC users?
I bet you haven't even played the Witcher 3, which is immensely better and doesn't rely on heavy handed advertising, nostalgia, or brand.

More like you are the tasteless faggot here

Time invested is a bad measurement, especially with open world shit. They inflate playtime by spreading everything miles apart.


You taste is also horrible if you dislike Botw. Go back to your linear cinematic """experiences"""

>witcher 3
>no nostalgia, advertising and brand
Nigga the entire game is based around a continued character from Witcher 1

i bought a 3DS just for ALBW, emulated BOTW for free, and i still disagree with you

Makes what work? There's next to no meaningful content. It still gives quest markers and handholds, its just you never have to do any of it because they game is literally pieced out between shitty shrines across the entire area with the same reward, solved using the same gadgets you got 4 hours into the game.

This is nothing short of an early access game with cool world visual design, but most of the time you are just holding forward and spending 15 minutes climbing a mountain for a fucking korok seed you didn't want.

i3 750ti here and it actually fucking works. 30fps most of the time too. It does freeze briefly though, I clearly don't have enough of something.

The game runs like absolute shit on cemu. All the videos you see on Youtube are cherry picked footage between crashes and running on very high-end hardward. Emulation is ALWAYS shit.

Why would they?
>Witcher 3
Played it, its okay. The story never clicked with me and being a narrative heavy game that's a huge fuckin dent in my enjoyment. Is also buggy as fuck but maybe it works on your machine :^)

So did you get Knack 2? It's amazing isn't it?

Are you suggesting the Witcher EVER had a big following? Or nearly as big as Zelda which has been nostalgia pandering since OoT?

Fuck off. Nintendo is purely a brand company, not a quality one.

it's babies first Skyrim for Switch faggots who couldn't figure out how to build a PC.

Ummm, sweetie...


really makes you think

>Is also buggy as fuck
No it isn't.

>The story never clicked with me
Fair enough, it still has better combat, quest design, unique items, character building, music, visuals and much more than BOTW. Maybe good games just aren't for you, you just prefer mindless physics puzzles for the same spirit orbs everytime.

>get pic related running on cemu
>it actually is 10/10 GOTY
>but Nintendo won't make anymore since people don't buy it
Pcbros logic.
Buy it faggot if you want more, that's how it works.
I understand trying a game on pc, I did that a lot, but if I like it I buy it.

>all linear games are bad
Super Mario Bros 1, 2 and 3 confirmed as linear cinematic experiences.

a plugin just recently came out that fixes stability and allows you to reach a higher FPS. I'm not shitposting.
I also have a ps4 and a wii u. Fuck off retard.

Spotted the retarded Nintendo fanboy.
Emulation for a ton of platforms is near perfect. Learn to tweak.

Get a better PC or wait for them to optimize their garbage emulator. CEMU works but runs famously bad. Near top end rigs can barely manage 30 FPS, and only the best rigs can hit a consistent 60 with the framerate mod.

> it still has better combat
At least make your bait realistic.

I actually disagree with combat and visuals. BotW has a better artstyle and movement that doesn't feel like absolyt shit. Go back to watch more cutscenes when you can't appreciate actual games


>There's next to no meaningful content.
What does this mean?

>It still gives quest markers and handholds
Yes but it does it right, the map isn't some pollock painting ala Ubisoft

>its just you never have to do any of it because they game is literally pieced out between shitty shrines across the entire area with the same reward
Why are the shrines shitty?

>solved using the same gadgets you got 4 hours into the game.
umm not exactly, given it takes some fucking around with to learn to do shit like the boomerang lightning trick, but for Zelda it's one of the best combat systems yet.

>This is nothing short of an early access game
I felt it was pretty polished

>a fucking korok seed you didn't want.
As opposed to what?

Pretending that shit works.

>b-but it's 'PLAYABLE'.

The absolute state of PCfags. Just buy a fucking switch. No need to be mad about it.

Low point of the franchise.

>unique items
Uh no honey. Nothing in the witcher 3 is as unique as the runes or even the fucking rune upgrades

>Removes all of Twlight Princess moves
>Make all weapons have a 3 cycle attack and one jump attack

Witcher 3 even has ability trees, spells, and potions with unique effects. Boy I sure love slashing away at the ankles of brain dead enemies that hop in place and take 4 hops to even turn toward link. Maybe you should rethink playing games entirely.

Visuals are objectively better in the Witcher 3, sorry kid.

What exactly is good about Zelda movement? The fact that it requires no reactive inputs, or the fact that the game has framerate/framepacing issues when you lock on enemies?

>muh shader cache

since noone answered on my ram question and i guess that was what kept my fps stuttering desu (i have like 8gig ram and it needs even more?!), ill try this out. thx

Pretty much true, the plot and dialogue is paper thin. The Witcher 3 is the superior open world RPG.

low point of bait

>lalalalala can't hear yoooouuu
Nintendo fans are always a riot.

that dude was using vsync. wouldnt use fps patch, and is in general a retard that doesn't know what the fuck he is doing.

There's more to combat than what you're giving BOTW credit for, don't forget TP was scripted corridorshit

Lmao, fucking please. Play the games before you speak of them.

>what exactly is good
Walking around doesn't feel like shit
Swinging your sword doesn't make your character lock in a long animation
A horse that isn't buggy as fuck
A way to move around faster than a fucking horse
>no reactive inputs
That's actually false
>objectively better
Sorry kid, it's not

>Witcher 3 or Zelda
Zelda is an action/adventure game and Witcher 3 is an interactive storybook, an adventure game with awful combat and some extremely light RPG elements.

You can just pirate this shitty ass game on the Wii U and play it. LOL at the faggots who spent money on the Switch meme machine for a shitty exploration game.

Why don't you do it first? What do you want, yet another armour set?

>buy a $300-400 console to play one game because i'm tech illiterate

The dialogue is actually great and well written, plot is serviceable

umm.. have you ever heard about framerate bit delay-encapsulation? didn't think so, don't open your mouth about stuff you don't know anything about

>Paying for a car because you're too stupid to just steal one

you make it sound like CEMU's any cheaper

>boy I sure love slashing at the ankles of braindead enemies
But you like the witcher 3 don't you?

There's two fucking things you can get in the game. both amount to useless upgrades that never really provide any character building, new gadgets, or anything meaningful to change the pacing in the game. Its literally one of two awards, with armor that have basic changes that offer nothing but a "faster" means of climbing, killing, whatever.

No, it does it just the same, it doesnt give as much, but it gives plenty.

Physics puzzles are basic and samey. You start with the tools youve had the entire game; if you are really that retarded to get stuck on the same concepts repeated over and over, you should see a doctor.

> to learn to do shit like the boomerang lightning trick,
What the fuck are you talking about? GImmicks aren't combat. You don't use this shit beyond observing the engine.
Do you take ice cubes in MGS2 and place them to make guard fall everytime? Or watch them melt? No you fucking moron. A gimmick is a gimmick, its an inconvenience at best for dispatching an enemy.

>I felt it was pretty polished
You haven't played many EA games then.

>As opposed to what?
Literally actual content.

Anybody else playing Knack 2 rn? I can't believe they actually did it!

>People claim the Witcher 3 has awful combat while praising BOTW combat

You fucking Switch fanboys are literally braindead. I want to make webms comparing the games mechanics now, you guys are retarded as fuck.

>There's two fucking things you can get in the game.
a game isn't as good as the amount of things it gives out, also that's not exactly """true""". Given you were wrong right out of the gate i see no reason to continue on with your post and implore you to do better.

Movement in W3 is predicated by little realistic animations, the controls are not responsive. Zelda's controls are. You press the stick forward, Link just moves forward, you don't have to watch him lurch around with half a second worth of delay because the game is trying to look realistic like you doing W3 and many other western games that strive for realism.

Nothing breaks immersion more quickly and easily than reminding the layer they're playing a game, and unresponsive controls do that immediately, regardless of how great the visuals and presentation are.

>PCfags are so used to play buggy, unstable builds of every game, they think cemu is acceptable.

I beat both games, what did I say that was wrong?

Witcher 3 has actual combat mechanics with enemies that pose a threat, as opposed to Zelda where every enemy, even bosses, are minor inconveniences that are mostly reskins.

Pretty much every Zelda game has better combat than Witcher, sweetie.

Witcher has garbage gameplay, dude.

>Movement in W3 is predicated by little realistic animations
MGSV made this work

>2 fucking things
>useless upgrades
Except you are wrong. You do get new gadgets throughout the game, and the combat armour and climbing armor do affect pacing, as well as the hearts and stamina upgrade
>same concepts
Except the same concept applied in different ways can give many different results
>it does it just the same
No it doesn't. There is no trail leading to it. You don't constantly see the marker in the overworld
>gimmicks aren't combat
But they literally are which is used as a more effective way as opposed to normal combat
>you haven't played many EA games then
Have you?
>literally actual content
It is present though, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't exist

>a game isn't as good as the amount of things it gives out
But you realize all that BOTW gives out is the same repetitive concept of shrines with similar puzzles, the same reward system, and literally the same texture sets over and over again. It has a LOT of it, but its never well crafted content.

>Witcher 3 has actual combat mechanics

>Witcher 3 has actual combat mechanics

>enemies that pose a threat
HAHAHAAHA really? After you get Quen? An spam potions?

I can't believe witcher 3 fanboys don't even know how to play their game

Maybe you should play on a non-garbage PC. The controls are fine.

Nope. Especially not BOTW. Moreso when you need actual good enemies for the combat to even feel good in the first place.

3 fucking weapon swing cycles. Its trash.

Again, no.

MGSV isn't western though
>"Well crafted" content is a checklist of items to collect
Yup, you grew up with an Xbox 360.

>I don't like it=not well crafted

>game is playable on PC
>fanbase which the game was originally in: THE GAME SUCKS NOW
every time

>shrines with similar puzzles

The puzzle shrines are anything but similar. The combat shrines would've been a much more appropriate thing to use in this argument.

>controls are fine
So fine that the devs have to implement an alternative control options and even so that it feels like absolute shit
>3 fucking weapon swing cycles
Better than twirling your sword for 2 fucking seconds before it even connects.

I've played about 30 hours, in that time it's crashed twice, and a couple of times I got some slowdowns that disappeared after restarting the emulator (I'm not sure but I think they may have been related to the camera and taking pictures.) Some of the gyro shrines are also a bit of a pain.

That's it. Everything else works perfectly and I'm getting constant 30fps in 4K with high-res shadows on a 4.3Ghz i5 and GTX970.

>Maybe you should play on a non-garbage PC
This has absolutely nothing to do with what I said, you simpering shitwit.

Geralt lurching around with a little animation every time I want him to move because its more realistic has absolutely nothing at all to do with the hardware the game is running on, you fucking moron. Western games do this shit all the time, replace responsive controls with little contextual animations because responsive controls look too "video gamey" and they have to sell 10 million copies to casuals and normies to break even.

>actual good enemies
That doesn't exist in the witcher either

this game has always sucked balls since March. Recolored skin palette boss fights, shit dungeons, repetitive shrine quests, boring NPCs.

the only thing passable about it is the decent combat, that finally improved over OoT. Congrats, but the rest of your game is shit tier bad.