Am I doing it right?

Am I doing it right?

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What am I doing wrong?

I don't even know where to start

>graphics set

>graphics set
le fuck??????

What's wrong with a graphics pack?

it means you're a casual

Start anywhere.

>not getting eye cancer means you're casual

Your fortress looks like a coffee stain
Also graphis packs are fine. i use the same one

yes, and...?

>Your fortress looks like a coffee stain

Have your carpenter makes bins and barrels for more efficient storage of materials

I don't know.

>Not using a graphics set
le fuck??????

Build multiples levels

>those tree roots

enjoy your collapsing trees

Oh, so that's what they're supposed to be.

Any goblin invading that fortress will kill itself after seeing how it's designed, but the dwarves won't care since they're all drunk all the time.

Genius, user.

you really shouldnt dig through them because it'll cause the tree above ground to collapse and trigger a cave in

also if you fell the tree first then dig into the earth where the tree used to be the roots wont spawn

>also if you fell the tree first then dig into the earth where the tree used to be the roots wont spawn
Or just... dig at a low enough level.

well youre gonna cut any nearby trees for lumber anyway

unless need them trees for alcohol trading

Lad, are you a dwarf or a mole? If your a Dwarf the only thing you should have in the dirt layers is farms. Everything else should be further down in stone. Also don't make spaghetti hallways to everything. The longer the distance your dwarves have to travel to get to where they need to go the less efficient they are. Also if you make a fortress a maze of spaghetti hallways it causes your computer to cry when it has to path several hundred dwarves simultaneously. Its best to use short straight hallways and have as little distance as possible between rooms.

I really wish I could get into this game. I guess I'm just a brainlet.

I haven't played this since 2010, what did I miss?

but could you imagine if someone actually got upset by such a common sense purely aesthetic accessibility change though?

>several hundred dwarves

desu, game is only stable at 40~50

anything above pretty much will cause lag

>restricting farming to dirt only

you can perfectly farm on stone... You just gotta pretend you're making ponds and dump water in designated areas to muddy them

FPS death is the number one killer of my forts.

just stay at ~40 dorfs max and you'll be fine for most part. Even if invasion forces have ~200 goblins.

I wish the game would be stable at +120 dwarves tho.

Toady said he could fix it, but he's acting like a child and refusing to optimize the pathing algorithms (his words)

But that's boooring

>dump water
WHAT? How?

Designate a zone as a pond, I think.

Pump it!
Or redirect a river, dam it up so you have the amount of water you need to cover the area in question, and drain it from above.

Or do the boring thing and zone a pond so your dwarves bucket it there.

you need to dig deeper. you need to make your fortress perfectly shaped in every minute detail and fully symmetrical . the game demands autism from you, give it the respect.

Why does this happen? Is toady just bad at optimizing? I bet the game runs a pathfinding algorithm every single time a dwarf needs to get from place A to B instead of using previously computed paths..


>tfw I wanted to make a labyrinth but it would kill my FPS long before I completed it.

I've been playing DF for years and the default graphics make more sense to me than graphics packs do.

This is precisely what happens. But not just for dwarves. Every entity that can move. Even if they're in a 1x1 closet; they still go through the motions of deciding where they would move if they could move.

Thats not exactly right. The items are what determines pathfinding. So you 1000 stones decide they need to be hauled look through your hundred dwarfs, determine who can do it then path them to themselves constantly.

You don't know what.

>just a linear hallway that curves occasionally

Tilesets, dfhack, therapist, LNP, etc = all fine
I'm just glad to see people playing DF

That's still a labyrinth. You're thinking of a maze.

You there!
Stop that singing!

OP your fort is absolutely fine for a beginner. Losing is meant to be fun.

>tfw never learned to make a proper militia
>tfw never learned how to control said militia
>can't ever defend myself or send out kill squads
how can i learn this? is there some fag who made a video about it?
I haven't played in ages

Get carpenter to create barrels and bins.
At same time set stockpiles max bin numbers to max (so they actually use bins to store things instead of laying single item per tile).
Dig deeper to reach stone. Designate some floors to be your living quarters (dining room, barracks, dormitory, hospital, etc.)
Make some floor into your stockpile. It's good to keep resources close to your workshops though, I tend to place stockpiles around workshops and not other way around.

A guy named nookrium has a nice dorf fort tutorial. I'm not a good player, but I can hold my fort for a while. Learned most of it by watching him play and reading the wiki.

Can't you just read the wiki?

Do Danger Rooms still work? Those things were so amazing, I once had a militia dwarf accidentally catapulted several dozen meters into the middle of an incoming goblin invasion. While he was on the ground, stunned, he dodged every one of the goblin horde's attacks.
Then he stood up and an explosion of red followed.

I think Toady once said he will first put features in and leave the optimization until he is done.

Which means you either need a high-end rig (processor mostly, not much of ram really) or wait until never to get DF optimized.


>At same time set stockpiles max bin numbers to max (so they actually use bins to store things instead of laying single item per tile).
Why is that even an option?

This is the most tedious and shitty thing in the entire game. Basically you need to set dwarves so they train minimum 4 dwarves not 10, let them rest every second season and presto you are done. It's just doing this is a real fucking shit since UI and controls are fucked due to Toady being inconsistent fuck with his UI and GUI. Just look at consistency (or lack of thereof) of letter shortcuts. They don't make sense.
Also forget about crossbow dorfs as mechanism to train them has been bugged since few releases ago.

Fuck if I know. Maybe sometimes somebody wants certain things to lay out in the open instead of inside them bins?

Magic, "recruitment" of non dwarves some other shit

Inns, bars, temples, and libraries.

one thing: set the bin number of seeds and raw gems stockpiles to 0 always

otherwise your dwarves will haul the entire bin of seeds/gems when they only need one of them interrupting anyone else who needs it

using tilesets

there's literally nothing wrong with using tilesets
playing without tilesets doesn't make you more skilled at the game, it's a simple matter of preference

What tileset? Also comfiest tileset?

>Get carpenter to create barrels and bins.
How do I do this?

>What tileset?

I'm kinda sad that there WILL be a 3D Dwarf Fortress game at some point in like, 2056, but some of us will not get to play it.

Speaking of Dwarf Therapist, how do I fix this? It always crashes when I connect.

Make a carpenters workshop and set up the job for bin and barrels. You'll probably need those on repeat, but if you haven't figure that out make beds aswell for your guys.

How do I make a carpenters workshop?

If my carpenter made bins and barrels for more efficient storage of materials.

That user wasn't asking you a question, he was telling you what to do.

use the wiki

Yeah, use the wiki is best bet. But it's b w c in that order then place it. Use anything for building material.

cut an elf's head off and put it on a spike
women and children too, toss them off a bridge

How do I optimize game to stave off FPS death?

2x2 embark site, population cap at 100, visitor cap at 20. That is enough to last a long time.

it was command? i dont follow

>2x2 embark site
Isn't that increidbly small? How do you even fit a proper dungeon there?

Ugh, but I'll try it.

avoid running water
limit cavern layers
disable temperature

Its what you do with bad computers. I play 4x4 but I have a much better computer. Also decreasing the world size helps.

Yes, it was a command. Along the same lines as
>Have your guys dance a jig for my entertainment, please.
You will note he had no question mark at the end.

>disable temperature
What does that do, gameplay wise?

>Its what you do with bad computers
To be fair since the game runs on one core even newer computers struggle.

>embark in terrifying, freezing biome
>no vegetation, wood, ore
>high savagery
>dwarves instantly start freezing to death as a cloud of miasma sweeps over them choking and killing them
>frozen gigantic eagles swoop down and peck their eyes out
>a single dwarf seals himself inside a hole and dies of madness as frozen chunks of his reanimated brothers skate around above him on the ice

"Have" - instruct, encourage, place in the state of
"your" - belonging to, in this instance belonging to YOU
"carpenter" - someone who fashions wood into a usable or decorative object
"make" - to create, fashion, fabricate
"bins and barrels" - two different types of containers
"for more" - to achieve a state greater than the start
"efficient" - optimized, better, timely
"storage" - the use of a container to orderly stash items
"of" - to suggest a relationship between the words around it
"materials" - see definition of storage.

Set graphical FPS to 20.
Get rid of all the animals you don't need.
Either set up a tavern or a library. Not both.
3x3 embarks are mostly fine.
Get rid of seeds. Your dwarves can and will accumulate thousands of them. Best way t get rid of them is to squash them with dorfen atom smasher. Same goes for goblin and human clothing, also ripped/worn clothing of your dwarves. Use DFHack to make the dwarves dump the worn clothing with "cleanowned x" command.
"clean all" command helps a bit when used every now and then.
Still the biggest FPS killer is the pathfinding so do your own research, I'm still unsure which solutions work best to be honest. There are certain fortress design solutions you can employ and some tweaks.
Think if you really need to get to the caverns.

Don't fall for 2x2 meme. 3v3 sites are perfectly balanced and the biggest FPS killer is the pathfinding.

You can play the game on a literal toaster, don't worry about it.

Heavily multilayered fort. And use the caverns effectively. Don't embark in rivers or brooks either. Use advanced parameters to serve caverns openness min to 95 and max to 100 and caverns density min to 0 and max to 10. Also search for the parameters that set the layers between caverns and raise it, you get taller caverns that fit more wood. Make your fort near magma from the start.


t. hasn't had a 150+ dwarf mountainhome. shit DF has chugged my i7 at times

>rivers and brooks
Lies. It is a common knowledge that rivers and brooks don't sap FPS much since all they need to know to be generated is the beginning and the end on the local map.

I play it on my office computer all the time.

if you know exactly what to edit in the init files to optimize fps and dont mind playing a much older version theres this thing called df accelerated that has everything ready to go

>Either set up a tavern or a library. Not both.

Not in my experience. I've embarked in a brook that had in the edge of the map parts of it in 3 or 4 levels of water, so a lot of calculations was being done there that wasn't really necessary. It just isn't worth it: it hogs fps and makes it way too easy.

Then you don't get very far.

Tile packs cuck you out of immersion, instead of looking at abstract symbols and imagining your own fantasy world you are forced to stare at ugly little pictures. Also, there's a distortion element, dorfs move with different speeds vertically and horizontally because the original ASCII symbols aren't perfectly square

No one imagines the tileset characters exactly as they look by pixels. Get better imagination.