Lazy Sequel 1.5 Thread

What other games fall into the 1.5 category?

Splatoon got a sequel?

No it got a 1.5 remix

yes it did, makes sense considering the smash hit the first game was.

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Doesn't belong here, it even has a different aesthetic

Does Destiny 2 really belong here? I haven't played it yet.

I'd say it has even less improvements or changes than Splatoon 2, the latter at least has improved graphics and a completely new kind of gameplay mode

Technically Thief 2

Yeah bro sequels should dramatically change the foundations of what made the first games so good!

In Destiny's case, the foundation really was in need of a change

I disagree. The fundamentals of Destiny were great. The gunplay was some of the most solid since maybe FEAR. It's a shame everything else about the game was shit and half baked, which Destiny 2 seems to have fixed from what I've read

Destiny 2 has improved graphics though.

>Splatoon gets a new mode
>And new single player campaign
>And new weapon classes
>And new, balanced specials
>this isn't enough
What is Sup Forums's problem with this game.

Literally most sequels ever. What are you expecting? Them to make Destiny and Splatoon Kart Racing instead?

someone didn't liked his bag of dicks

Destiny 2 absolutely doesn't fix anything.
The campaign is still nonexistent, and you're still expected to run the few pieces of monotonous content over and over again

Eh I've heard different from friends who are playing and pretty much every critic. I'm still not going to buy it though because there are much superior grindfests out there

No idea. It's most certainly a sequel.

>Destiny 2 doesn't have improves graphics over 1
How to spot a retard posting 101.

>splatoon 2 changes
added a new gamemode

>destiny 2 changes
added lootboxes

Uncharted 3
Persona 4
Every CoD after MW2
THPS 2 and 3
DKC 2 and 3
Every Killzone after 3

The game actually has less content than the vanilla Destiny 1, and that's a fact you can check

One is a fucking mess with microtransactions up the ass.
The other is a fully functional game with no gamebreaking bugs.


Fucking sonybros should just stop posting.


Well this happened a lot in the 8-bit era (see Castlevania, Megaman) don't know why it bothers us so much now.

Maybe it's just getting used to franchises like MGS which radically change everything with every entry.

>tfw say Splatoon 2 bundle of Nintendo Switch today and really wanted to play it

Too bad I am poor ruskie so back to the misery I guess

I wonder how much retards actually believe this.

The vast majority of sequels.

Doom 2

Only 1 new weapon and a few new monsters

why does always nintendo games sold more than nintendo consoles?

If it's good why fix it? Surely fans of a game just want more of the same? If they change it too much there is always a huge backlash

>one is a solid game
>the other one is pedophile bait

Are you mentally deficient

Ill-informed consumers buying games thinking that they'll work on their Wiis (if a Wii-U game) or on Wii-Us (if it's a Switch game)

Wii U sold like 12 million.

If I rephrase your question to "why does always nintendo games sold so much on nintendo consoles?" the answer would be that people buy Nintendo consoles to actually play games so when you launch a game on it everyone is a potencial consumer. While on the other consoels even if you sell 100 millions there's only a niche sector that didn't buy the platform just to play CoD, FIFA and some random AAA with tons of advertising.

I'm looking for a grindfest to pass the time while I wait for D2 and Grim Dawn expansion. What are the superior ones? I started playing PoE the other day

what does Bloodborne have to do with pedophiles?

This, I mean what kind of game has you collect umbilical cords that you can eat?
That's the most depraved kind of pedo bait.

No, I think the real reason is because Nintendo fans are starved for games, and this end up railroaded into playing whatever Nintendo puts out every few months. While PS4 has a more diverse selection, so everyone isn't playing the same shit.

DaS 2
Persona 5
Witcher 3
Diablo 3

>I disagree. The fundamentals of Destiny were great. The gunplay was some of the most solid since maybe FEAR.
what the fuck are you talking about you retard hahaha

i love how easy community college game design students make it to identify themselves with their dumbass buzzwords

Diablo 3, Torchlight 2, Warframe, Vermintide and a fuck more i'm forgetting

>Wii U sold like 12 million.
so Wii U sold more than the Switch?

Considering how little Bloodborne sold when the PS4 had 0 games this makes no sense.

But you may be in part right though, of course what we observe can't be just because of one reason.

What game is mgsv like?

>A console that's been out for 5 years sold more than a console that's been our for 5 months

Colour me shocked

I've played the first 3 extensively. Didn't know Vermintide and grinding. Thought it was L4D with a different skin like Payday was.

>I think the real reason is because Nintendo fans are starved for games
Yeah, it's been a long time since that was true user.

>4 year old console sold more than a 6 month old console.

Peace Walker

>MGSV, Witcher 3

I don't think you understand the point of this thread. Unfinished games aren't the same thing as games that are exactly the same as their predecessor.

It's okay lad, I sometimes like to join discussions on topics I know nothing about too

MGSV is exactly like Peace Walker
Witcher 3 is exactly like Skyrim

It is but with a loot system

Xcom 2, before the expansion pack that fixed most of the problems.

Going to need better bait if you want to catch anything other than autists.


Still makes me laugh how wrong people were about Splatoon

Was there a prerelease of peacewalker? V's a completely different game.

Don't see what's bait about it, but whatever. Skyrim wasn't technically a predecessor, I guess.. but it came out before W3, and they're basically the same game, except you can't go first person in W3.

> Ride horse
> Kill bandits
> Ride horse
> Kill undead
> Ride horse
> Fuck someone

It's all the same.

>comparing kiddy paintball shooter with a niche hardcore JRPG
Battlefront is a more fitting comparison.

if Switch is so perfect then why it isn't selling more?

No it's not.
> Go nuclear
> Fulton
> Pazshit
> Fulton
> Fulton

By that logic, Destiny 2 and Splatoon are also completely different games. Which they clearly aren't.

One of the worst sequels to a masterpiece ever. It literally cut back on every innovation the first one had.

>Persona 5
this is one of the best games i have ever played, but the only Persona. Is 4 really better?

You can say that about literally every single product ever you tard.

>witcher 3
>lazy sequel
witcher 2 was shit and doesn't even hold a candle to witcher 3

Wouldn't say better, that's subjective. But they are the exact same.

git good, right user?

First seven weeks of each console.

isn't the switch selling an absolute fuckton

Out of 3-5, 4 is the worse.
Still good though

Never played Destiny but Splatoon 2 is the exact same shit I want from ny sequel

It's the same thing I liked but with more stuff. If game companies did that forever I'd generally be pretty happy.

t. monster hunter fan

It definitely is in comparison to kiddy console shooter.

Again, why not compare Splatoon with Battlefront or CoD that are the same genres but one is E-rated?

>play wow
>do raids and shit
>"Good game!"

>play Destiny 2
>do raids and shit
>"Wow this game sucks!"

Both games are literally built on repetition as are all games you cunt.

>Souls game
>only good PS4 game at that point in time
>fuck ton of advertising

Lmfao, Destiny has literally 1 raid you mong

W3 is about as different and better than W2 as Destiny 2 is from Destiny. So like, almost not at all. But I guess it's there if you really look hard.

>not even 10 million sold
>"smash hit"


It's not a Souls game. Do you see Souls anywhere in the title? It's like saying Red Dead is a GTA game.

I find it funny though how Nintendo toddlers think a kiddy paintball shooter intended for the children is comparable to fucking Bloodborne when so many other shooters exist.

Is it because Splatoon is irrelevant compared to actual shooters?

>ITT people that think a bad sequel = a 1.5 sequel

It's more comparable to Uncharted which we know outsells it 2:1 despite not being the only PS4 game to buy.

Please explain to me how any of these games different enough from their shitty predecessors to be called a full sequel? But I guess I can just as easily use whatever mental gymnastics you need to use to justify how Destiny 2 and Splatoon 2 are so very different as well, right?

What defines a proper sequel?

so you haven't played the game
it did not have nearly as open world as witcher 3 had, way less quests way more linear story

>Does OP like the game or not

it's selling a lot but it still hasn't outsold Xbox One and PS4 yet.

Xenoverse 2.

Are you actually retarded?

Expanding on the original. This includes, but not limited to, new mechanics, more content, better graphics, better quality of life experience.

Too many games these days just "refine" what the previous game was instead of actually expanding on it. Look at the changes made from Halo CE to Halo 2 to Halo 3. Then look at the changes made from Destiny 1 to Destiny 2.

I played both. Open world is a meme, and doesn't make the game different, just bigger. Adding fetch quests and filler doesn't make the quests different. The story is different I guess, but story in vidya isn't important, it just needs to be there. Linear or not is irrelevant, because it still begins with you chasing after Yenn and ends with you fighting some dude.

You're kidding yourself if you think W3 is any less lazy of a sequel than Destiny 2 or Splatoon 2.

Pokemon G/S/C and Pokemon S/M

>better quality of life experience
So a proper sequel is just subjective?

how is SuMu not a real sequel?

There you go being retarded again.

You're being baited.

Nearly all the content in Splatoon 2 could be patched in to Splatoon 1 easily.
