Can we just admit the game fucking sucks already?

Can we just admit the game fucking sucks already?

t. someone with 100+ hours who stopped playing weeks ago

Other urls found in this thread:

I just log in to get the weekly or new mode lootboxes and then don't come back for a week

It sucks but I still get fun out of it

Its a good game with a horrible community. Just like every online game out now.

or maybe it's not and you just naturally got bored after a decent amount of time like anything and now you retroactively dislike it even though you must have played that long for a reason?

>i need my opinion validated by my e-community
op is a faggot

i just want the characters to have alternate abilities for spiced up gameplay, it's so bland as is

they buffed JUNKRAT the only hero i play so i came back after 1 year and now i occasionally throw a couple matches into my rotation of games


It was good on the beta

That community ruins the game though, not on a social level but a gameplay one

One person doesn't go meta and your entire team looses the match. One guy going Widowmaker on attack or a tank not pulling back can ruin the game for everyone.

Also, it just takes less skill to learn and master than TF2

>plays game until he gets literally sick of playing it then tells others its bad
>or plays game he doesn't like for dozens of hours
Most of us could've admitted that after an hour or two at most. This must be an OP is Special thread.

Remove Genji and Pharah and the game improves tenfold. I implore you all to prove me wrong.


It actually started off really good, but god damn the last few balance patches really fucked things up.

Honestly it started going downhill as soon as they decided that McCree should no longer kill Genji anymore.




stopped reading there


>microtransactions have no place in a-
discarded. there are no valid arguments against overwatch's cosmetics system.

name an online game with 60hz servers that does not use microtransactions and is active today. you can not.

>fan the hammer mcree
>widow with no falloff
>zen healing orbs that lasted forever

I already admitted that a year ago when I stopped playing.

I don't know how people find this MOBA in disguise fun.

Every time I die I feel like I got robbed.

>there are no valid arguments against overwatch's cosmetics system.
Yes there are.
>inb4 "guy Sup Forums told me to not like"

>this game shuldnt have cosmetic only lootboxes it jus shuldnt OKAY
wow what an arguement

>ultimate availability is more important
stopped reading right there, unless you're playing with absolute monkeys the damage ults serve as area control and not press x to win bullshit and the only good way to "stomp" a team is to combine and coordinate ults which isn't as easy as it sounds

also, Mercys old ult wasn't OP and it sounds like this guy is shit

Wow, he doesn't present an argument for it being bad

>I don't know how people find this MOBA in disguise fun.
They've never been exposed to anything better.

>McCree not even in the beta
>2 minor flaws that could be patched on a 150 HP character and an unpopular character

It's a bad game. Sup Forums just hyped it up so much because tf2 is dead.

Get Battlefield 3 out of there and I'd agree,

that game takes more skill than any of the shit in that box

But I did. You want me to waste my time transcribing a pair of YouTube videos when the information is there and freely available?

It's good, but not that good.
I still prefer TF2. Simplicity really takes you a long way.

>using cod2 as an example instead of something more recent

But I'm not bored of TF2 despite that being past its prime

OW is a year old and I'm sick of that game

oh look, another contrarian role playing faggot who is pissed off that his mom won't let him play overwatch so he pretends that he already has but didn't like it anyway as a means to cope like a little bitch.

TF2 isn't "simple" though

There is so much to learn, experiment with, and in general experience when playing it

>is a tf2/moba hybrid
>tf2 is a sequel to a mod
>mobas are successors to a mod
>ow cannot be modded

I don't think I've even thought about Bulletstorm since like 2013 at the latest

lol thats a funi image xD

not an argument

Prepare to get redpilled, Blizztards.

No. Overwatch is fun.

Blizztards literally never do.

I meant simplicity from the basic gameplay compared to Overwatch.
TF2 has 9 classes with different speeds and healths, and a variety of weapons.
Overwatch has I don't even know how many characters with vastly different abilities and ultimates or whatever, some with two ultimates, but some with one. It's not overly complex, but it's just kind of there to be there and gets surprisingly boring.

Paladins is less bad than overwatch now

>mcree wasnt in the beta
>no falloff is minor
>healing forever on flankers is minor
am I being baited

in the same position op. The game just isn't fun anymore.

I just got Quake Champions and I'm having a blast with it. Was really skeptical about but the gameplay is rock solid.

>100+ hours
You don't even know how to play yet

I have the same problem
I've tried telling them that OW isn't fun, and that all the games we play is a 4+ winstreak followed by 8 losses and they literally scream shut the fuck up at me

>too stupid to refute anything
>heh, i'll just post a totally unoriginal thought because i'm too stupid to think for myself and too much of a coward to admit defeat

keep on bitching little faggot. your superior has more laughing to do at your expense.

I still like it

Also I think the rank system revealed how bad most gamers are lol


It's fun. Don't care about anything else.

t. Hyper casual 30 something who is enjoying pick up and play shit more and more.

You sound like a very unpleasant person, user. They're obviously enjoying themselves and you're the odd duck contrarian trying to convince them they're not having fun. You should just not join them and be honest about it instead of being annoying.

It's alright, passable. Grown a little weary of Sup Forums's hyperbole. It's like they tasted blood with Tortanic and were ravenous for more ever since. There are plenty of better fps, but anyone saying it's outright trash is just mercifully naive to how truly awful games can get.

if the game was more about aiming and movement then it would be pretty decent

Overwatch is literally indefensible.
You have to be an uneducated tween unable to think for yourself in order to like it.

>get 4 lootboxes from the 3 weekly lootboxes+level up each week
>there are about 1500 items
>duplicates have been removed
>spending currency on white items will increase the chance of getting higher-tier items

It'll take 100 weeks to get every non-event item at a rate of 4 boxes a week

>this molding meat is ok to eat because some meat has diseases in it

>food analogy

>everything is either absolutely good or absolutely bad
What a fucking dumbass.

>I don't like OW


Stay bluepilled, sheep.

>Telling other people what is and isn't fun
>Telling other people what they should enjoy
No wonder they scream at you user

Thats what you said, though

You said the game isn't bad because unplayable glitchy shit like Brink exists.

It's true, though.

I stopped playing a couple of months ago. I got bored of playing it and the playerbase is incredibly annoying, I tried for months to stick with it but gave up in the end. I don't normally get tired of multiplayer games this quickly.

I was agreeing with him.

One of the key parts of adulthood is to take ideas and criticism and not handle it like a fucking baby

You have awful reading comprehension

protip: I'm agree with you, fucking twat. Why are you getting defensive against me

Overwatch just isn't worth it.

>tfw I was in this thread
>tfw this is a post I made to falseflag and gather (You)s
>someone actually screencapped my bait and is using it in Overwatch shitposting thread event though I've never played it
I feel conflicted desu.

>Can we just admit the game fucking sucks already?

I enjoy it, mostly because I end up in the same circle jerk of people all day and its fun to banter with them. The pro scene is basically dead.

t. master

Oh right, they're adding weapon skins
Guess it'll be more like 120 weeks soon


The solo and team deathmatches are pretty fun.

are placement matches not useless anymore? before you could win all 10 matches and get placed like 5 SR lower than previous season, or you could lose all 10 and get the same SR.

now, I just finished my placements and gained about 80 SR (promoted to Master)

IDK, i'm just playing to get a gold gun and never touching the thing again

>all these highly detailed anti-Overwatch redpills
>the fans are completely unable to provide objective defenses for their """game""" and just say "Uh, I like it. It's, uh, fun." and ad hom people.

I've got 700+ hours and still playing, been 3900+ solo queuing.

The games much better when you git gud at all the heroes and just play whatever the fuck you feel like playing whenever you feel like. Your SR might take a hit but in the end who gives a fuck. If you cant hit Masters maining a hero you might as well give up and play what you have fun playing


I saged the thread too but retards still bump it. Games die from you not talking about it.

who are you going to give the gold gun to lad?

>small team based gameplay

The fuck did you expect? Why did games go SMALLER instead of BIGGER? Where are my TDM with hundreds of people on both sides? Fuck, Destiny 2's pvp is 4v4 max.

Need games to run on toasters.

Bigger=/=better. See: 64-player CS servers where you have to wait 10 minutes to get back into the fight due to the mechanics

I have fun playing as Genji. Wall climbing is just too powerful in this game considering how much you can juke the enemy and just burst combo them.

Mei m8 cus of my name, seeing such a cheap hero with a gold gun killing them would probs make some players rage too

I'd argue that this post is shit, not because its wrong about OW being bad, but because it makes the opposite point of whats really wrong

In TF2, the objective is just a trigger to end a game. Not only do you not need to worry about your team fucking something up if they go off track, but you can focus on yourself and your performance while keeping in with the team. It also allows good friendship and bonding if you do keep in consistently and throw in some good social queues.

OW is just focus on nothing BUT the objective. The objective is the center of the entire game and you will cost your team a loss if you don't hit the notes you need to. This causes the game to be horrifically toxic, because it forces people to interact randomly

I'm tired of those capture the point maps. It's boring especially on defense.

its honestly more of a social game than mechanical skill. you need to manage the emotions of 5 other people on your team and keep them from tilting while trying to convince them to go meta and coordinate. The difference between winning and losing has little to do with skill but managing a team of 5 strangers