All these people I have to work with are so incompetent, so stupid, so lazy...

All these people I have to work with are so incompetent, so stupid, so lazy.... I don't see why I should be the one to be put with these incompetent people.... And I don't see why I should be placed here when everyone else is out running around.... When am I going to get my dinner? That's what I would like to know....

Argh... so wet down here.... mold everywhere...

why does Sup Forums like these ugly games so much?

Because they're from 1998

Fuck off you piece of millennial shit

oh right nostalgia
I should have guessed

why does your mom say you're handsome although you look like absolute shit, resulting in you being a kissless faggot virgin ?

The same exact fucking reason.

When you play a 1998 game in 1998, that's not nostalgia you retard.
Go back to Minecraft and Ass Creed, you little cunt.

s e e t h i n g

Novices are not permitted here, Brother. Best that thou depart before the Master Forgers take note.

Because of the gameplay

a reminder that when there was no progressive cancer nobody gave two shits when Thief 2 introduced non-slave blacks and female soldiers in their original fantasy setting.

Man, Undercover was the shit.

Fuck man, what a great year.
Just seeing the Rogue Squadron box art makes me want to reinstall, and then I remember I always have it installed anyway and play it for hours.
Such good times.
>be 10 years old
>go to friend's house after school because he has a gamepad and a computer that's not absolute shit
>take turns playing Rogue Squadron and X-Wing Alliance
A couple years later it was SW Battlefront and Jedi Academy.

Bad years for the films, good years for the games. I never really realised that until now.

Those don't look black at all.
Besides, dark-skinned paladins/zealots have always been a vidya staple. Look at Diablo 2, released in the same year as Thief 2. I believe the archetype most commonly relates to the ancient occult South American tribes, and anything related to aztec/mayan/incan religion is cool as fug to explore.

Yeah, the dissonance between movies and games back then was crazy. I think a lot of the games' quality is owed to the quality and popularity of the EU novels back then. Zahn and Allston wrote amazing shit and some of Hackpole's and Anderson's stuff was also decent.

>Besides, dark-skinned paladins/zealots have always been a vidya staple. Look at Diablo 2, released in the same year as Thief 2. I believe the archetype most commonly relates to the ancient occult South American tribes, and anything related to aztec/mayan/incan religion is cool as fug to explore.

His name was Saint Maurice, he was both the leader of the Roman Thebian Legion and a staunch Christian that refused to engage in Roman degeneracy.

>a reminder that when there was no progressive cancer

There has never been a time in American history when people weren't biased against blacks, including blacks themselves.

>when you pick up the talisman you activate the alarm
No you fucking retard, it wasn't the shit, it was shit.

The *autistic mumbling* the guards and hammers do in this game is my fave thing about it.

Undercover was actually pretty damn finnicky with the alert in that particular level, guards would catch up to you even if you didn't do anything an acolyte wouldn't do.
I'm just a fan of the concept, honestly.

I agree that the concept is really great. Thief Gold overall has much better concepts than Thief 2 which doesn't have nearly as much variety (it doesn't help that almost all of the missions take place in human locations).

Yeah, you can feel there was a bit of a compromise in that department as far as TMA goes. It earns those points back in level design, so even if I love Gold most, I'd put both very close to each other.

It would've been great if Looking Glass could've pushed out Thief 2 Gold, have some fresh missions, and have a multiplayer mode from the get-go that would be compatible with NewDark.

played thief and system shock games for the first time in the 2010's and loved them

Gold had much bigger missions, and most of them had better design than the ones in 2, but I love every mission in Thief 2 minus Trace the Courier, Casing the Joint (Masks is the superior version because you can play it however you want, instead of having to ghost the map) and Sabotage at Soulforge so much, that it's my personal favorite.
>It would've been great if Looking Glass could've pushed out Thief 2 Gold
I dream of it every day.

>i have never even played these games but i'll pretend they're not good

Soulforge is good though

>Soulforge is good
Explain why.

It's pretty cool.
Very definite last dungeon feeling.
You're trapped in a very large building. There's machines everywhere, not a lot of things you can blackjack and there's not enough water arrows in the game to conceivably disable everything.
There's new enemies which are exclusive to the level which is pretty cool. (though I do think it would have been cool if they were in earlier levels)
It's very long (probably longer than several other missions in the game put together), objectives will have you going back and forth which I thought was cool. Certainly a step up from the short and linear finale of Thief 1.
I like how a lot of the rooms are their own self contained puzzles on how to approach (except the turret room, fuck that one), since like I said, it is not possible to destroy or disable every machine.

The level is big, long and overwhelming but it is definitely a good finale to the game.

Thief 1 had a much better finale, the platforming in the final mission is great, and I love how you keep going deeper and deeper.
Backtracking in Soulforge is exasperating, and the location is too dull.

Maw was definitely a more visual affair.
But I did appreciate the the Cathedral is as cold and lifeless as the metal beasts that fill it.
There are still areas in there that are memorable visually. Like the boiler room, the apse, the remnants of Viktoria in the chapel.

Because it's the best and only proper stealth game series ever made.

It's designed around being a Thief first, and being an "epic" AAA top-of-the-line graphics and story adventure. Although the overarching story is pretty much one of gaming's best Nietzschean hero stories.

Yeah, literally no one cared that there were black and arabic characters included. A contributing factor was that they weren't played for diversity, in the sense of being racist stereotypes depicted in the positive light that SJWs love so.

The woman looks definitely middle eastern/ arabic, the dude on the right is definitely black.

I though they was wearing mask when i played it.

>they weren't played for diversity

There's literally lore explanations for both. Truart took in female watch officers because he was recruiting from amongst convicted criminals. He didn't discriminate when building his police state. Karras on the other hand rejected the restrictions of the Hammerite order and wanted to grow his cult as fast as possible. Also there were probably plenty of pious women who wanted to join the Hammers but couldn't because of their gender, and found the Mechanist order instead.

I laugh every time Karras speak, it's hard to take him serious with that voice.