These graphics are seriously insane!

These graphics are seriously insane!

>grass has no shadows

Jesus it's always something with you people.

nice drawing distance and small as fuck map
it's not impressive in a game like that.

look at how ArmA 3 manages to look and how huge the maps are and how much more content there is - not to mention physics calculations

that is true expertise.

Yeah but Arma 3 has shit fps no matter how good your system is.

too bad the game itself is shit. Battlefield 4 is much better while still looking quite nice.

Agreed BF4 is more fun.

However graphically Bf1 is better.

Why did it have to die Sup Forums? I really wanted a good popular world war one game.

It's not dead.

It's not the super most popular pc game of all time but it's still pretty populated on PC.

every BF game starting from BC2 and onwards is shit

What? I run the game at max settings with a 1050 and an 3.1Ghz i5 and get 60+fps at all times. What the hell are you running bruh?

No it's not, Bf4 had more current players recently and for good reason. BF1 is complete and utter shit and doesn't even work now

It's more of a CPU issue I suppose, ARMA 3 runs a ton of stuff that happens away from the player, no AAA game comes near it in terms of simulation

why did arma 3 have to die bros? how do we kill the pubg chad?

Yeah there's no way an i5 gets 60fps on arma 3 multiplayer. Try again.

No its not. >26k player world wide. I cant even fill operations any more and forget hardcore.

>What the hell are you running bruh?
a multiplayer server with 70 people

26k people is fine when servers only have 64 players max.

You joke but I actually heard a jock-sounding guy on Argonne Forest talking about how real it looks.

Noce cherrypick, i can do it too

Bf3 was the first great battlefield. Thoer is a reason cod shit stomped it for years. Everything before that was very clunky with glaring flaws. Take your nostalgia goggles off.

I mean it does look pretty fucking real bro.

The first pic is not even ingame yoi retard
And you can't run uncharted on lower settings like you did with the Arma 3 pic

Consolefags stupid as usual

Maybe you'll get better taste when you graduate high school.

That isn't a very fair comparison though
Most of the quality is packed into a small level in uncharted, that's just a background so yeah it looks like shit

>muh low settings

Wrong champ

>Almost everyone in OP's squad is scout
>Killfeed all with scout weapons

They pandered to mouthbreathers by littering the game with automatic weapons, despite the bolt-action rifles being way cooler and not looking like trash. This leads everyone to just play scout, but running around in the front lines with an iron sight rifle just leaves you open to assraping from autobabies and tanks, so everyone just sits on the edge of the map with a scope and inflates their KD making the game fun for no one as that gets boring after a while.

Frostbite is a good engine that runs well on pretty shit hardware. The only downside is the load times which are insane even with an SSD.

i5 3570k and HD 7850 I get 60 fps outside of major towns on Chernarus. 40-60 on Tanoa and same for most other vanilla and popular maps. As long as you are not playing a shit server (koth,public coop) you are fine with an i5

just cause 3 is still more fun. what;s your point?

>people impressed by normal and specular maps

So did they make the gunplay better yet? I heard BF1 is way more casual than BF4 because of how they nerfed automatics

The new DLC is like getting touched inappropriately by God but somehow I enjoyed, yet the rest of my life I'll be stuck pondering weather or not it was right since I didn't mind too much....

Single player is fine if there isn't a lot of a scripts running. I get 90fps on ultra. Multi-player definitely runs a lot better than it used to

boring game to many "cod mechanics" implemented doesnt fell like a battlefield game 3 is still better than 4 and bc2

2143 when ? at least that way they can balance what ever they implement better thanks to it all being made up weapons vehicles etc without MUH REALISM crowd

>2143 when?

Never, it's too much like Battlefront. We were originally supposed to get it after 4 before EA got the contract for Star Wars games

>be one of the few people to actually enjoy BF1
>meet recommended requirements exactly
>ran great at launch (1440p@60fps on ultra)
>today it runs at (1080p@20-45fps on low)

How did DICE fuck this game up so bad?


Im unironically looking forward to BF2 since its the first Star Wars game in an eternity to acknowledge the Clone Wars as a good setting.

Ill probably get it on PS4 since anything on Origin dies faster than anything Gearbox touches.

>mid budget
you need a high end rig for max view distance and textures

>let's blow all the graphics budget on the ground and the sky,fuck the player's hand

26k people is very good for an FPS, user.

Too bad Arma 3 runs like shit

Uhhh....your computer is fucking frying bro.

He's saying the development is mid budget.
Bohemia Interactive is a much smaller company, and has a lot less money to develop games than Naughty Dog has.

>specular maps are blowing people's minds
>in 2017

>proving his point
he said your cherrypicking was retarded and also posted a retarded one


>still get 80fps in BF4 on Ultra
>still get 60fps in GTA V on High-Very high
>still get 70fps in Hitman on High
>still get 120fps in Doom on High

>can't even get 60fps in BF1 on low

I wish I was dead

>why did arma 3 have to die bros?

It's not dead though. It's slowly growing but ARMA 3, and all milsim games in general, are never going to be huge blockbusters. It's never going to have some mass appeal that'll have it selling 20-30 million copies.

This gameplay is insa- oh wait it's a modern game

>want to play
>operations is dead on PC because not enough players
fucking hell

I feel like there's something wrong there, I get better framerate in bf4 than I do in hitman or gta v

>I cant even fill operations

You might not, but there's plenty of coop groups that are doing just fine.

Arma isn't dead, maybe the BR servers are because of pubg but there are tons of other game modes

What is the considered currently the best looking shooty sim?

>looks like a shitty ps3 game with added vaseline

>120 fps PUBG
>90+ max on newest Deus Ex BS
>120+ on Titanfall 2
>120+ on Crysis 3 maxed

>skips frames at the most crucial of moments on CS:S, even at a blistering 300fps
>Fallout 4 and New Vegas still stutter like a Michael J Fox joke

The fuck man

do zombie games count? killing floor 2 looks pretty nice

>'join any operation' button makes fun still possible
>doesn't include DLC operations for some reason

>mid budget

How does being a mid company magically grant people more ram in their PCs ?


And because this was about Arma III, maxed settings at 70+ fps, but I could totally drop some of those settings and not worry about it. As long as draw is maxed I'm okay.

Can you with any great confidence say it is the best looking shooter on the market?

Arma 3 is by far the absolute best looking.

what do you mean 'you people'?

You forgot about pilots being unkillable, tanks being self sufficiant and behemoths basically ruining kd

Yes, that or battlefront

>that feel when I can find full servers for even stuff like Standard Issue Rifles on PS4
Works on my machine

The "Arma never runs smooth no matter what," meme needs to die. Just find settings that works for you. Maybe it's not as optimized as it could be, but there's a reason there's a massive array of graphics settings.

Same thing happened to me.
Used to run great now even on low i get fucking awful stutters

Thoroughly looking forward to playing this and the new Siege xpac all weekend on my ps4 with some beers and bros.

Nah dude fuck that. My i7 7700k processor struggles at Arma 3 multiplayer.

kys normie

why would I do that

PC gaming was a mistake

even 2014 had better graphics

Thank you for your 600x338 webm to compare graphics.

Not like Battleshit 1 runs above that on PS4.

Here's an idea then:

Build a PC!

Then I'd play Arma III and not a shitty, ugly game like Battlefield

But I have a great PC and Battlefield plays like a fucking dream and Arma plays like shit 30-40 fps because the engine sucks.

fallout looks like *that* daaaaaaaam

>buy the revolution edition for 40 bucks
>already have 70 hours racked up

Its definitely a change of pace from BF4 but its still very fun

I get really mad at the game though

ARMA looks last gen compared to BF1

>DOF background to *attempt* to blur out the garbage textures
>one set of armor made by an autist to look good
>those big as fuck jaggies on the tubes on the back of his head

*gets sniped*

looks fine to me

2007 is calling...

looks better than BF1 lmao

Not with that ground texture.

now if there was a mod that added shadows it would be amazing. oblivion and morrowwind got one, but none for fallout nv.

ill let it go to voice mail with that ground and tree texture

So, just a better texture will fix this horrible lighting?
I dont see it fixed in niggerfield yo.