Is it possible for a game dev to actually be liked and respected by Sup Forums?
Is it possible for a game dev to actually be liked and respected by Sup Forums?
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A 1 man army dev? Or a team?
You need to be a competent programmer, otherwise you'll be laughed at if you're just another shovelware dev who uses Unity. If you're 1MA, you also need to be a good artist, music creator and possibly a good writer too. People with the talent for even one of those tasks don't usually come here.
Make games that actually challenge the player.
Only if you actually get published and move on to a greater project afterward
Unity devs should know that they're just trying to get their foot in the door. You will NOT make a great game with Unity. You can however make a good one.
To respect and love, you must first respect and love yourself. Thus, Sup Forums will never.
Haha yeah dude, you're so much better than the rest of us posting on Sup Forums. Oh wait...
You're both massive faggots
>Make games that actually challenge the player.
Or function at all... :|
Yes, make a great game and do absolute zero marketing. Never mention it. Don't even tell your friends and family.
When it becomes popular by complete accident be as humble as fuck and don't sell out at all in any conceivable way.
If somehow you manage to get through all of that and manage to become rich... kill yourself.
Sup Forums will like you.
An engine is just a tool.
This really says it all, OP.
If you use a shitty tool you'll end up with a shitty product.
>blames tool for being shit
poly poly put putt is pretty great
most of Sup Forums likes the dorf fortress dev I think. But you won't see anyone talking about him because he doesn't make anyone angry and he's not doing anything controversial.
>he's not doing anything controversial.
I don't know why taking years and years between ever more questionable updates is *not* more controversial.
Most unity devs who aren't fucking idiots make sure the unity logo doesn't show up in their shit.
That being said unity does have some actual problems, like for example, using phys-x.
Because the game is free and full of content. It's not like wasting money on an Early Access game
>t-the engine is shit
Things like this are always perpetuated by those with no understanding or experience with game development.
Notch, Scott and the nip who made Cave Story are all welcomed here
This is a humble reminder that learning how to develop your game from scratch (that is, not relaying in game engines such as unity and GMS) will take you closer to deploying a game and beat your competitors.
Because games and game development are so popular, and you are competing against other games for attention, it is in your interest to use more performant tools that allow you to program your game without cutting any feature or depending on closed software.
If you are interested in defeating your main opponents (those using game engines, like the ones listed in the op poster), here are some tips:
- Use efficient and performant programming languages, such as c++, rust or nim.
- Learn algorithms:
- Learn maths and physics:
- Learn how to get the most out of your cpu:
- Learn how to do graphics:
Good luck.
>You need to be a competent programmer, otherwise you'll be laughed at if you're just another shovelware dev who uses Unity. If you're 1MA, you also need to be a good artist, music creator and possibly a good writer too. People with the talent for even one of those tasks don't usually come here.
This is where you're a faggot and also wrong. We have plenty of talented people who brosw Sup Forums and Sup Forums, they just barely post because of anonymous shitposters who trash anything that gets posted in gamedev threads.
Even industry professionals can't make good games with Unity.
At this point you might think that nothing of this applies to you. Please, reconsider it:
- Data-Oriented Design (Or Why You Might Be Shooting Yourself in The Foot With OOP)
- Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming
- common OOP game engine development pitfalls
- Three Big Lies
Think about it in this way: understanding how your computer work might not secure you success, yet it gives you a huge advantage in this race.
You might say that the latest famous indie game done in unity didn't put any effort into engineering at all, but this is only illusory. You cannot see how many hours, days and months the developers behind successful unity (and GMS) games had to put to work around its inherent limitations.
You can say to yourself "I don't need anything else, i'll rely on my luck" or think wisely and increase the likelihood of being success by spending some time learning more about computers.
Everything depends on you.
They'll figure it out, one day.
fuck off autist
you're not going to win any race by stalling yourself for 5 years learning to program a GOOD engine AND repeatedly spamming anime pastas on both /vg/ and Sup Forums
Spoken like a true idiot who doesn't understand how games are made or how engines work.
Here's a story from a team who actually did all that
No, I mean game developers who have literally been in the industry for years and produced some of the best games of all time cannot make a good game with the Unity engine.
>you're not going to win any race
Except the race to be successful in life? Even if someone doesn't end up making a game, if they have the skills required to build an engine, they're far more likely to get employed as a developer than a hack like you or any of the other shitdevs on /agdg/, who can't program for squat.
Make a good game first and then start complaining.
If that's the games why are there almost no AAA games developed with it and everyone opts to use UE4 instead? Because it's only good for making indieshit.
the thing about Sup Forums is that it has a lot of people who come here solely to shitpost and make people mad
because everyone is anonymous it's easier to fool people into thinking you're being serious because there's no posting history to cross reference
this combined with people having differing opinions on what is good or bad means that nothing will ever be "liked and respected" by Sup Forums. there are some games that are loved by enough people that the shitposting/hate gets filtered out a little bit but that's the best you're gonna get
Yeah I've been working on a game for 2 years full time funded off the success of another game I did and I wouldn't dream of posting it here as it would instantly make me a target.
There's nothing to gain from posting your work on Sup Forums, at best nobody replies and at worst you get some weirdo like barneyfag or caramel e-stalking your project attempting to sabotage it at every turn simply because they're bored.
>b-but programming
you're on fucking Sup Forums, you're not going to change anyone's life through repeatedly shitting out pastas
if somebody wants to just make game, they will pick up one of these engines regardless of memeing and make a game much sooner than you ever will, not that you're ever going to get past the stage of drawing rainbow triangles
Sup Forums loves to call you out for everything you do wrong.
If you can take critic even if it is harsh as fuck, don't try to push politics or drama and show some effort towards making a good game you will get SOME of them behind you.
There will however always be people that cherry pick and shitpost about games they never played, thats just part of what keeps this place from turning into an echochamber.
no cussing
>scat porn
Don't know how I typed "that's the games" instead of "that's the case" lmao
Refer to You cannot speak for other game developers because you aren't one, and you never will be.
When will Unity kiddies realize that UE4 is the way to go for game development?
Oh right, I forgot. Most of them are code monkeys who get intimidated by C++.
I can speak for their games because they've been universally panned while the games they've made in other engines have been substantially better even to the point of being genre defining titles.
Check your ego at the door, the only reason to build your own engine is if no other engine exists that would provide what you need or if they're all prohibitively expensive.
Depending on the scope of your engine you're looking at many years of effort for something that will most likely be worse than a popular jack of all trades engine since you won't have a QA team to test the tens of thousands of features required in an engine.
I truly believe the only reason any indie dev would create their own engine is if they don't need the overhead of a current popular engine (dorf fort) or they want to feel superior to others doing straightforward engine coding while not having to actually worry about any gameplay or art.
To finish first, first you must finish. If you extend your dev time to absurd levels by making your own engine your game won't be completed in any proper timeframe, even if it somehow saved you 100 grand because you were insane and wanted the source engine, that's still not worth 5 years of your time unless you think you're worth $10/hr.
>not Godot or LOVE or UE or literally anything else
gosh Makeup and Vanity Set did a fantastic soundtrack, though.
>an engine developed by some mac fanboys who made an indie game in the mid-2000s that mostly powers indie games made by literally who studios
>an engine developed by a video game company with game making experience going back to the early 90s that gets used by reputable game development companies to create cutting edge AAA titles every year
Pick one.
That doesn't reflect the quality of an engine at all, my little idiot. This just further proves you know nothing about game development because you don't seem to know how many factors there are, particularly in indie development.
When several groups of highly acclaimed developers can make amazing games in every other engine except Unity, then it's fair to say that Unity is the problem and not the developers.
Who here hyped for Godot 3?
>0 examples
>still focusing in on one factor out of dozens
Further proving your own stupidity.
There's shit games in every engine. Unity gets a bad rep because it's what most idiots first touch, and when Greenlight was around, you could just buy assets from the store, rename them and sell on Steam and hope enough people buy it to justify the 100 price of entry, through scams, people who only buy for trading cards, etc.
You can find shit games on CryEngine, despite that being able to do amazing things.
Yes but I'm not waiting for it. As a 2D dev, 2.1 has everything I want except maybe, MAYBE C# integration. And even then GDScript is a great language.
I'm going to blame Jim Sterling for how stupid you are. Is this okay?
shit, thanks for that. i remember seeing this before it was released thinking i'd pick it up, and never saw/heard about it again.
his story is also part of the reason i stayed away from game development. it seems like hell if you want to make a good game these days.
>make a game much sooner than you ever will, not that you're ever going to get past the stage of drawing rainbow triangles
wow that projection
if you ever dealt with these people you would know they don't really ever get any further than that
Fromsoft/japan studio
Peter did nothing wrong.
You can't market to Sup Forums. It's impossible.
They'll call you a shill, say your game is shit and beg for keys. The Jump Jet Rex dev tried marketing directly to us by being upfront and humble and his threads were nothing but anons begging for keys. That guy must have given out over 50 keys that thread and I don't think that helped him at all in terms of making the game liked on here or generating sales.
What advantages does Unreal Engine 4 have over Unity? I'm sure they exist, but I'd like to know what they are precisely.