You are a skilled hunter. Adept. Merciless. Half-cut on blood. All the best hunters are

You are a skilled hunter. Adept. Merciless. Half-cut on blood. All the best hunters are.

That is why I must start a Bloodborne thread.







Someone join my thread.






this image upsets me because of how fucking useless those umbrellas are

>mfw this thread is a failure

it's 11:30 am


9:30 AM here, good hunter.



i'm just saying it's too early for an interesting thread / non pubg / non shitposting thread


Then I guess I'll try again later.

This threads finished... AWAY. AWAY!


What are the best dubs and why are they German and French?



Aah... you were at my side aaaaaall along

most fun skill weps?

>play Bloodborne
>listen to the OST while doing other things
I've literally never done that before.

How would Geralt fair if he were dropped into Yharnum on a night of the hunt?


I admire your dedication it's a shame I come late and without bloodborne memes.

Have some more, friend. And may the good blood guide your way.

I'm a strong independent hunter who don't need no gun.

>having to wait until evening for a decent Bloodborne thread

God damn the design in this game is good.

Why was this guy such a bro?

He would experience good combat for the first time :^)

>that 1H to 2H transform attack where you slash them with the sword with your right, grab the hammer off your back with your left, and smack them with it.

>mfw I love the combat in the Witcher 3
It feels like Bloodborne, just more forgiving and geared towards casuals.

I don't get why everyone had so much trouble with this guy. As long as you can avoid his pistol fairly reliably the only problem is that he takes like an hour to kill. Laurence is the true bullshit in that game.


>mfw OP is just posting all the pics I posted in the bloodborne thread yesterday

>I saved them all and posted none

Punking Cainhurst Crow with astral slug magic was the most satisfying fucking thing after the pain of beating him the first time on my Str/Skill character

best weapon coming through

>be a noob
>struggle through Central Yharnum
>Cathedral Ward is tough, but doable
>giggleshit my way through Old Yharnum
>genocide everything in sight in Charnal Hemwick Lane
I-is it finally happening? Am I gitting gud?

Hemwick Lane is quite easy, I still feel like you should stay frosty for the rest of the game.

>tfw first time playing through the game
>first area central yharnam seems massive
>actually feel kind of overwhelmed thinking I'm going to miss a bunch of shit and forget to explore everything
>next few times playing through
>it's not really all that big and I blast through everything
I kind of hate that about Souls games, although there are some areas that feel gigantic and stay that way for me, like the Forbidden Forest.

Will do, I'm about to fight Amelia tonight, and I hear shit gets tougher after you beat her.

Do you have the Old Hunter's DLC? If not, get it. And it will pound you back to the stone age if you aren't prepared

It truly warms my heart that people are using the memes that I made. I love you guys.

What are you using? What's your build?

To mess with your expectations

*blocks your path*

Kirkhammer +5 right now, STR/VIT build. I sort of fell into this one, because I didn't really know shit about builds and whatnot until a few days ago, but I think I managed to optimize it quite a bit.

I was gonna pick it up after I beat the game.

You saved yourself some pain by doing Hemwick Charnel Lane during sunset instead of at night. Do not fucking return, amigo.

Also, once its nighttime, let the bagman kill you at least once.

It's kind of genius how they stick one of those guys directly outside the temple. You just beat the BSB, you're feeling good, on a bit of a roll, walk outside and see this fucker, then it's whackety whack get in my sack and you're sitting there like dude what.

He's hidden in the shadows too, the fucker got me by surprise.

>First time encountering the Madman in the CDs

Playing for the first time and I'm now up to chasing cageface around his stupid maze.

The DLC looks pretty good.
Should I buy it right now and play through it, then go back to him?

Beat Micolash, finish up that area and beat the boss, then go do the DLC before beating the game.

Most people do the DLC after, since the endgame starts once you defeat the boss after Micolash

Whatever you do decide, do get it, it's got the best bosses, best music, and a bunch of crazy weapons.

Yeah, scared the fuck outta me. All I saw was some vague shadowy movement, then a fucking foot came flying out of nowhere and caught me in the chin, followed by a bloody sack caving in my dome.

God I love this game.

fine ill fuckin buy it geez

>tfw just Platinum this bad boy

Fuck that cursed CD

I raise a glass of the good blood to you, lad.

Was Bill "the Butcher" Cutting a hunter? Look at this man.

Left him for endgame after he wiped my ass just as I "unlocked" blood moon. Biggest problem for me was his pistol so I wore that knight set from cainhurst castle and had no trouble beating him.

>Laurence is the true bullshit in that game.
agreed, fuck that faggot


bests all over the shobb


You can't enter it after you beat the game unless you want to fight your way back through amelia on NG+, do it before you fight mergo

Don't fall for the great one jew.

I agree laurence is hard but I don't understand the community's hate for him. 1st phase attacks are very easy to dodge, 2nd phase becomes a joke when you realize you need to wait to dodge his big ass sword

Real bitch? Orphan of Kos phase 2. Fuck. Him. So. Hard. I never once had to farm vials until him.

>Orphan of Kos phase 2. Fuck. Him. So. Hard. I never once had to farm vials until him.
That's one of the funnest fights in the entire Souls series though. You just gotta use the old hunter bone on his second phase.

>2nd phase becomes a joke when you realize you need to wait to dodge his big ass sword
I think you've mistaken with Ludwig. Laurence's 2nd phase doesn't have a sword.

Riddle me this, bloodbabies; if this game is so great, why is the pvp such shit?

>mfw being shot into a corner with the Evelyn in Mensis Nightmare

>only use ps4 for single player games
>always played in offline mode
>never paying sony scheckles for an internet connection that should be free

wew lads

not the same guy but
>mfw arc is at 8

I swear my iframes just fail to work on some of his attacks, I can usually dodge alright but i have so little opportunity for damage and can't reliably parry like i can in the 1st phase

what do? build is str quality, holy blade +10 with decent +19 gems

Same here, it's the only game i enjoy playing anymore. How the fuck did they do it?

Im wanna buy a ps4 but im also gonna join the coast gaurd asap

Do they let you take that shit with you or do i wait 8 years

Honestly the weapons and armor in the DLC are the best in the game. Stop being a little bitch and play it. you once did for the vacuous rom..

You've convinced me. I'ma pick it up.

Just as one would have to wait for the night of the hunt.

I recently introduced a friend of mine to bloodborne. He doesn't own a ps4, but he loves dark souls. Now he's thinking about getting a ps4 just for bloodborne.

If he loves Dark Souls, I'd say go for it. I bought a PS4 and never really cared about Souls, but I bought Bloodborne because it looked fucking incredible. Got me hooked bad.

Grant us eyes, grant us eyes...

Postan more great artwork this game deserves

Same, but it's a double-edged sword. Now other games just don't do it for me anymore. It's like tasting heroin after using codeine for the longest time.


>not the same guy but
>>mfw arc is at 8
>I swear my iframes just fail to work on some of his attacks, I can usually dodge alright but i have so little opportunity for damage and can't reliably parry like i can in the 1st phase
>what do? build is str quality, holy blade +10 with decent +19 gems
Don't use the greatsword form. Use the old hunter bone. And this part might sound a bit counter-intuitive, but when he does those attacks where he jumps in the air to do a big leap towards you, dodge towards him. He's less likely to hit you if you dodge in his direction instead of away. Just watch out for his big pink fetus bombs he throws out. Other than that try and git gud at parrying his first form so that you have most of your vials intact for the second. Make sure to have your blood bullets up and have old hunter bone activated as often as you can, whenever you have an opening to do so.


>play the hell out of BB
>force myself to take a break to play other games.
>playing anything else just makes me want to play BB instead

Send help

you need arc 15 for the old hunter bone, that's his problem

Oh whoops, glossed over that. Getting 7 levels shouldn't be a problem though. Just farm the upper mergo's loft a few times with like 3 moon runes equipped.

no, you gotta help us look for the final guidance rune and revered great ones blood


Is it bad that I had more trouble on cleric beast than this guy
Beat him third try, didn't even get frustrated

>ywn see a peace time Yharnam