Series has rich and deep lore with a largely unexplored world/history

>series has rich and deep lore with a largely unexplored world/history
>literally no good vidya

Why? How would you make ASOIAF game?

Have it take place somewhere other than westeros?

Those house mottos are pretty gay and edgy desu. "Famy duty honor" is the only one that sounds remotely realistic. "Hear me roar!" lmao

Why are you posting this again?

The story isnt really rich or deep, its just large.

Martin does not know the difference between quantity and quality.

There was a video game that was basically a knock off dragon age origins,

If you could get past the atrocious combat the story was actually pretty fucking good. Better than anything Bioware has made this decade

Mount and Blade mod

I wanted a thread to discuss our ideas for ASOIAF game. Why are you asking retarded questions?

Mount and Blade mod is decent. CK2 mod is fucking fantastic if you're into that sort of thing, which I am.

You get the same fucking answers every time you make this thread faggot. The series isn't suited for vidya.

Is there a mount and blade mod that adds magic, fantasy creatures and shit?

Can I be a wizard with an army of demons living in a tower?

>he still doesn't realize these are just thinly veiled book discussion threads
So which is your favourite anons? Personally I doubt anything will surpass a storm of swords.

>Game of Normies

Fuck off to facebook you faggot

a board game

yes google it you can be a necromancer and sheit

I wonder if anyone on Sup Forums is old enough to remember the game of thrones game threads we had when the show was starting. Just need to make a game based off that premise. Anyone have the OP images? Loved that shit.

>litteraly UK + Turkey

woah... so this is the power... of american writers ?

there is a GoT (show, not series) Total War : Attila mod for this, it's VERY decent, they are starting to make custom maps as well...

I would reckon a total war like game with RPG like elements where you do court intrigue through your dynasty (either in Kings Landing prior to/between wars or other Noble houses), possibly also in Essos.

Warfare would be disinsetivized because it requires FUCKTON of resources which the medieval economy can scarcely produce.

The endgame is the White Walker invasion, and the arrival of Daenerys and a degradation of the economy (eg. more difficulty and tough choices) because of the Coming of Winter.


>its bad because its popular

Normies don't know what a song of ice and fire is though,

It pisses me off that George R.R. Martin will never do anything with places like Asshai, Norvos, Qohor, or Ibben. He just built all this lore for places that probably won't ever be acknowledged.

>le smug clapping gif

Nice facebook response faggot

>its facebook because it's smug
nice outsider spacing

It will be a miracle if he even finishes his story in westeros let alone exploring more of essos. I just hope he gives away the rights in his will or something so other writers can expand upon this world he's made. Id love a star wars levels of extended universe content for ASOIAF

I think ASoIaF is severely overrated.

No one claims GRRM is some literary genius but his books are the most engaging high fantasy stories I've ever read, that includes LotR.
>inb4 malazan fans start shitting up this thread
Take you anime book somewhere else.

>act like a faggot
>use reddit spacing

The only thing that this series does well if the intrigue. Absolutely everything else is mediocre, it's fantasy for non-readers and has affected the genre the same way games like Hearthstone or Overwatch hit and drag everyone else down.

Read The Black Company if you like the tone. It does everything better then ASoIaF except intrigue, and ASoIaF is getting worse at that anyways.

More like fantasy for non-fantasy readers. Not the user you're replying to but the reason I got into ASOIAF was because of the political intrigue and relatable characters. I used to read lots of fantasy as a teen but I never got into it, it just feels so ridiculous reading that kind of stuff especially at an older age. Asoiaf appeals to a more "normie" audience and is why it's usually hated by autistic high fantasy book readers. lol like seriously if you're over 20 years old you shouldn't be reading about elves and goblins and shit unless you want to be a manchild forever.

>unironically uses the term "reddit spacing"
>calls other people faggots

>rich and deep

are you 15?

fuck off with this trash and go play fucking skyrim or something. get the fuck out of here.

>book discussion
>posts a show shit image

>rich and deep lore


>being this retarded
Of course they're going to use the show characters likeness it's not a fucking picture book you child. Besides that's what people recognize the characters as now regardless, they're generally pretty accurate for the most part anyways. Also the book titles are used no where in the show. Learn to use your brain or off yourself.

Have it take place in the summer islands lmfao


Though I really would like to see the summer island expanded upon. What's talked about in the books is always interesting.

Martin doesn't have anything going for him as a writer. It's neither good fantasy or literature. The comparison to OW is made because people with no understanding of the related topic get into the series and defend it when they lack the reference to know better.

Defending ASoIaF as mature is incredibly stupid and pretentious. Very little fantasy has literary merit, and ASoIaF fails to do the job of the genre. The fact that you'd argue for it in this very specific way is what outs you as a non-reader.

If you're going to try to look down on fantasy you at least need to pick something literary like The Buried Giant or something old like Earthsea.

GoT is shit. Martin is using it as a vehicle to explore his gore and incest fetishes.

There's nothing uplifting about it; it's evil versus evil. There's nothing realistic about it; characters are as evil as the worst vidya characters are heroic. There's nothing traditional about it; it's filled with female empovernment and the dragon lady is a mary sue.

Martin is a liberal faggot and it shows in his horrible treating of morality and his utter misunderstanding of religion. GoT is shock pornography for the lowest common denominator.

I thought the RPG was alright, actually. Like a low-budget Witcher. The graphics are serviceable, the combat is not bad enough to drive you away, and the plot keeps you going.

Is this how people justify watching shit shows nowdays? why dont you go to all the nice places were they fellate over this crap in this hellhole you wont get the epic likes,upvoats and barzooplez you want

make it take place before the events of the books and not feature any single character thats still alive in the books

>I'm a conformist
>I can't think without a group

>series has rich and deep lore
The entire fanbase from the series came from "LOL THEY ARE SHOWING BOOBS XDD" "So controversial!!!', the show in itself is shit, don't know about the books but the writing in show is terrible

It used to be good.

Not really. Excessive use of whores, drinking, blood - it was all there in the first season. It just took some time time for them to ramp up the plot towards even more useless violence. You could argue that the narrative wasn't unsalvagable until mid third season, but even then it was filled with excess edge and plotlines that dragged on and went nowhere.

Real shit like that didn't really exist as far as I know.

The only similar thing that I can think of is the Habsburg motto AEIOU which is short for "Alles Erdreich ist Österreich untertan" or "All the World is Subject to Austria". It sounds like bullshit but considering how they practically conquered Europe via royal marriages and political maneuvering rather than warfare.

Pic related shows their realms excluding Spain's giant colonial empire.

Forgot pic

Why do people who haven't read the books think their opinions matter in an ASOIAF thread?

Books are even worse offenders than the show.

We're not talking about the show though user so no need to sperg out like a retard

Storm of Swords is the undeniable peak of the series so far, because it had two books of build-up which led to an entire book of nothing but payoffs. I think Winds of Winter, whenever it gets released, will be in the same conversation though. The meandering plots of Feast and Dance have been building up to the battle of Meereen and the battle of ice, plus we'll see the aftershocks of Jon's murder through Melisandre's POV, Davos sailing to Skagos, Jaime and Brienne being confronted by Stoneheart, the after effects of Kevan and Pycelle's murders, and Cersei (already a drunk psychopath) is now effectively back in power after being traumatized by the sparrows.

It's gonna be a fucking wild one.

Ah so you too have seen the dysentery quote and think 30 words is representative of 5 books.

Take that strawman and go fuck your own mother with it.

Fuck off christfag, go pray to a piece of wood or something.

Dat edge. A perfect example of the trash that reads/watched GoT.

"boo hoo misunderstanding of religion bawww my feelings :( :("

you don't belong on Sup Forums. collect your vagina and take a hike back to your monastery

>Misunderstanding of religion
Not in the books. The showrunners are fedoras and made the Sparrows evil because they're fedoras and not Martin.

The Sparrows in the book arise out of the warfare between the Starks and Lannisters in the Riverlands. The high lords are slaughtering peasant and burning fields to do damage to one another and are essentially doing attrition damage instead of defending their small folk. This causes some of the peasants to get angry over the destruction and looting of their villages, pillaging and murder of Septs and Septons, and rape of Septas. They then go to King's Landing and lay the skeletons of the murdered priests in front of the Great Sept of Baelor and demand that the high lords uphold their end of the feudalistic agreement. That is, that peasants work the land but are under the protection of the lords.

The whole thing where they persecute Loras for being gay was made up in the show because what they did to Loras was fucking stupid. They made him from an honorable knight who happened to be gay, to a gay cartoon character. In the book Loras joins the Kingsguard after Renly dies because "After the sun sets, no light can hope to match it." whereas in the show Loras fucks every man he can wants to help with decorations at Margaery's wedding because that's a gay stereotype.

No, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about theology and people's relationship with divine. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not talking about it not being like Christianity. I'm pointing out that it feels fake. If fucking Elder Scrolls can get religion, then GoT should be able to as well.

What is your idea of a bad RPG

What's edgy about "As high as honor"?

I honestly enjoyed a Feast for Crows most desu. Though I have to add that I watched the show first, which made me appreciate it had more chapters that weren't as detailed in the show. Jaime chapters are GOAT in it too.

if you weren't such a console peasant you would play the mount and blade mod and shut the fuck up

the fucking mad men. It's just custom battles unfortunately.

not even the smug clapping poster, but you guys are kinda gay. if you hadn't have replied to his post, you would have made the thread go by quicker instead of trying to make some anonymous person on Sup Forums feel like they're in the 'out' group on Sup Forums
just so u know

It exists. It's just not the tv-series version of the game.

it must contain maximum autism

S.N.O.W.:Call of the North

Forgotten realms is way better and we have no games with it anymore.
Also got audience doesn't play games.

The guy who becomes the Three Eyed Raven is in the last novella though

I feel the opposite. You don't have to explore every single fucking thing in the world. I don't give a single fuck about Dorne or anyone from there.

well I assume HBO simply isn't all that interested in making a quality video game besides telltale garbage. They're already printing money with GoT, they don't need a risky vidya game made to make more.

GRRM (assuming he even still has the rights) probably doesn't care enough either. Maybe if someone like Bethesda or another AAA dev offered him a pile of shekels he'd sell them off, but I doubt he has the initiative to try to get one made. The big devs won't because just getting Martin's book rights (without the show connection) would probably be seen as too risky of an investment.

i never finish books

>rich and deep lore
two fags may have "rich and deep" anal sex but that wouldn't make for a good game


cool user, you hate game of thrones the tv show, but we're talking about a song of ice and fire being made into a game, you're a little off topic

>Literary Merit
>reading always has to be intellectual and not just fun

Pleb detected

how bout just fire and ice

nothing beats a game of thrones for me. ned stark is best character

They're really common in English heraldry- and they sound pretty edgy for the time

>song of ice and fire is good
What the goddamned hell is happening to 4chink

GoT is bottom-of-the-barrel crap and so are the books

Immigrants from the GAF and dumblr

I feel like Conan or any barbarian hero I just read the first Fafnrd and the grey mouser book. would be one of the few games that might benefit from the open world meme. It's all about the journey not the destination, so it could be a neat plot point that you keep getting side tracked from your adventure by all these little quests. Maybe it could even play into the main storyline and affect your reputation and the story if you do or ignore side quests.


Ned stark is a literal retard

>Reading comprehension

I'm thirsty for anything post-neolithic kind of bronze age fantasy setting. I would legit play that age of conan mmo if it was just a single player game. Or if it was alive.

Haven't you accepted the Lord's fire into your heart, user?

Austria used to be tough shit
Pic related, in yellow their possessions in Europe before the French Revolution

But then they declared war on France and the French fucking their shit up...

What Austria got from the Napoleonic Wars outweighed the loss of Belgium in my opinion, simply because Milan was both incredibly rich and geographically continuous with Austria proper.

France was always going to be interfering with Belgium, as can be seen with how they prevented the Netherlands from annexing it back after the revolt. Austria was given a leading role in the German Confederation before they got outplayed by Bismarck and could have become Germany instead of Prussia if they weren't so opposed to giving up Hungary and the rest of their eastern possessions.

>What Austria got from the Napoleonic Wars outweighed the loss of Belgium in my opinion

Lmao, you think they only lost Belgium?
They lost the entirety of current Germany when the HRE disolved, and Prussia replaced them as the dominant German nation while Austrians got stuck with Slavs who hated them

This is true, but plebeians will deny it. There are much better fantasy authors out there, but they don't get TV shows or movies because they're too difficult/long for the average person to read. You're literally never going to see a movie or TV series for the Wheel of Time, even though it's amazing, because it's written in such a way that you'll have trouble understanding it if you read at an eighth-grade level.

Also Belgium was a very costly loss given it's prominent role in the industrial revolution to the point that by the late 19th century belgium was more powerful economically speaking than AH

While Austria "lost" the HRE, all they lost was really prestige since while they were de jure the rulers of Germany, they definitely weren't the de facto rulers since all of the Protestant duchies defied them at every turn and Brandenburg/Prussia and Bavaria were always starting shit. Bavaria's opposition to the Pragmatic Sanction caused a continent stretching war and so did Prussia's weak ass claim on Silesia.

a faceless man stealth game could be bretty gud :--DD

If you want good fantasy religion, read Brandon Sanderson's stuff. I think he's heavy into Christianity/Mormonism IRL because he is/was (not sure which) an adjunct professor at BYU. He always includes religion in his extremely varied worlds, and demonstrates an understanding of why people choose to worship something that I almost never see in other people's work.