Legacy or Modern?
Legacy or Modern?
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Casual only.
EDH and 60-card-casual using theme decks.
Dead format
Good investment of you want to be competitive
Bad investment if you want to be competitive
Politics are more interesting than the game most of the time
Patrician's format, a true test of deckbuilding skill and competitive environment where every win is as satisfying as opening a foil goyf in MM1 circa 2013
>every win in draft is satisfying
Absolutely not, a good chunk of draft and sealed decks are crippling experiences with more variance (land flood and screw) than any constructed format.
>he doesn't play Vintage
lmao poorfags
Winning draf/sealed is more to dumb luck than anything.
EDH you pleb
t. bad deck builders who use over 40 cards and less than 16 lands in three color decks
Legacy and commander, although I haven't played legacy since the top ban
Modern is good because there are a million different ok decks. It sucks though because all those aren't Splinter Twin.
Legacy is good because there are actual fun decks like Maverick and Nic Fit. Legacy is bad because powercreep out the ass has obsoleted those decks.
Apparently standard is in a good place at the moment but fuck buying in just before half the cards rotate out. The biggest problem with standard is that it feels the brunt of WotC's crazy decision-making more than any other format and hasn't really been stable since like Khans block.
Block is still missed by the five of us who played it.
Legacy has overpowered commons like Dark Ritual. Modern has overpowered creatures (which can usually be summoned by a cheap spell instead of paying the mana cost). Both have infinite combos that are too easy to accomplish.
They still haven't made a good ruleset.
kitchen table because Mental Misstep eats your legacy deck
I don't like the 1off random aspect of EDH
Explain Owen Turtenwald's Sealed win percentage then
>Dark Ritual
I mean I'll admit some cards in legacy are overpowered but that ain't one of em kid. Also, you realize Legacy has a way easier time cheating Griselbrand or Emrakul into play with Show and Tell, Sneak Attack, Reanimation Spells, etc. Modern doesn't have combos that reliably fire before turn 4 and Legacy has FoW so...
>They still haven't made a good ruleset
EDH and Limited thinking man's choice
explain the appeal of EDH.
Huge fucking deck, no draw consistency, ??
>playing this boring prehistoric game when Hearthstone exists
jfc you can't be serious, have a (you)
>Huge fucking deck, no draw consistency, ??
that's quite literally the entire point of 100 singleton
there are enough duplicate cards that you can mimic draw consistency if you're good enough at deck building, which is what EDH is all about. you're supposed to craft a fuckhueg deck that revolves around a single point (commander) and make a creative win-condition using a pile of junk
if you want a fun and functional deck to play that illustrates my point, go buy a Talrand, Sky Summoner and play a monoU list with all the typical EDH staples. cheap, easy to build, and fun (for you) to pilot
The idea is that you get games that are full of surprises and a ton of new situations in every time you play, but really what happens is some guy who thinks wurm tribal is cool gets stomped by the arcum dagsson deck and some other jerkoff just sits there ticking up his saprolings in his own little world. Maybe one in ten million games has decks and players that are anywhere near each other's level and I'm sure that game is fun, but it's not worth all the misery.
I'm not even going to reply
> 1 Copy of each rule can be negated by functional reprints and such
>Mulligan rules for EDH let you most of the time have enough lands to start a landslide with Sol Rings and others
>Having 40 lives to work gves you ample space to use cards who suck life to get a better effect
>Specific combos will therefore have more space to be casted once assembled
>Having opponents die with 21 or more Commander damage negates any strategy of I win infinite life
>Politics on table can be pretty fun, either by casting group hug cards or "target this guy instead of me and reap benefits"
It's pretty relaxing instead of Standard's Spike focus
Play Pokemon instead
Oh and as pointed out, it becomes all about deckbuilding, which is why I love limited too
Modern is pretty good right now. Legacy is better if it weren't dead and MUH RESERVE LIST
If Ixalan is any indicator of the future, standard looks like a pretty good zone, but I fear that for the next year it will just be Kaladesh decks with a couple new cards from newer sets.
modern is better than legacy but neither's better than just playing casually, using proxies to make all kinds of shitbrews and not giving a fuck.
Also only dumb fuckboys play standard.
Sealed's more fun than Draft.
I wish I had good cards on Hex.
I'm also kind of in this boat but I guess that's the nature of the game. I've had a few games where the Meren player just gets a Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos and if no one can draw into an answer to it in a turn or two then everyone just concedes.
What happaned to nahiri combo? used to be awesome suddenly it's no more?
(haven't played in a year)
>5 mana on turn one if you draw 2, 6 if you have a Lotus Petal.
You can play Buried Alive and Animate Dead on the first turn, which with Worldgorger Dragon is infinite mana. If you have a Drain Life and your opponent doesn't have a Force of Will, that's game.
First turn wins shouldn't be possible. I believe any mana generation that doesn't have a price besides its mana cost is OP for this reason.
It became second banana to the premier "fair" deck of the format, Death's Shadow (Comes in UBR variety in most cases). Nahiri thrived in Modern due to its good matchups vs aggressive decks. packing a lot of control elements with a wincon that called for immediate answers; it was a decent-good control-combo deck. Death's Shadow is also a "fair" deck that it forces unfair decks to play by its rules due to the amount of disruption and tempo it packed, but it combines the clock of Delver with the immediate value of BGx decks, so people flocked to that instead.
I love my foil nahiri's.
I'm thinking about a blood moon, nahiri emrakul, 4x wrath of god main deck control type shell. How does that sound right now?
As always, it all depends on the meta. UWx decks with Nahiri right now have tons of room to innovate. The 75 apart from the core cards isn't strict. A lot of decks have been experimenting with RW prison variants with Ghostly Prison and the like, but those are fringe decks. If your meta has tons of aggressive decks like Affinity, Zoo or Eldrazi Stompy, then a control shell sounds alright.
Do take not that this is a Japanese tournament, and those guys like to experiment with a lot of out there ideas.