Why are you not playing the best MMO on the market?
Why are you not playing the best MMO on the market?
but i already do, it's called Guild Wras 2 inb4 TOR faggot spamming "hurr its shit"
because i don't like playing with poop
Because no content and GW1 lore being ruined
Fuck off OP, i remember when heart of thorns shills did this, and i won't fall for it again.
Because bad, weightless gameplay and brainless character progression.
HoT wasn't that bad in terms of content it offered, but the maps were fucking awful. Too much like an actual jungle, which made them a nightmare to navigate.
>Warrior is either an inferior Con Ranger or a mightbot.
Why would I play such a shit game?
>Have great end game gearing system, plenty of ways to get the end game gear, all easy
>Introduce a new tier of gear which is just a massive gold sink, only reliable way of getting it is crafting
>Have shitty stat bonus system in WvW which everyone hates
>Get rid of it
>Everyone starts loving WvW, never been more popular.
>Introduce new snowballing stat boost system
>Have dungeons which people play for gold and tokens for gear
>More than half the gold rewards because you're about to introduce a new tier of gold-purchased gear and you want people to buy gold.
>Have like 100 different traits per class
>Only a handful are at all useful
>Don't fix the most useless traits even years after release
>Instead, just introduce a new set of traits exclusive to an expansion which are, for most classes, just better than the base traits.
It's awful, steer clear of this crappy game.
Your forgetting.
>Nerf some of the traits so bad you outright make the class a useless shit.
Ascended gear was introduced because players were moaning for something to grind for. It is also entirely inconsequential unless you plan on doing later tier fractals or raids.
I'm a little tempted in returning. Haven't played since before HoT. I practically lived in WvW though. Are there any games that do a similar game mode?
How's the economy?
It's kind of fascinating how they've been able to combat inflation so drastically even now with everyone hovering around 400-1000g
because I don't have time to play WoW
Probably ESO is the only real option in that regard.
Literally none of the classes are "useless shit". Even if you run every single trait and skill that doesn't work together at all, you can still easily complete all the content there is in the game.
>Everyone hovering around 400-1000g
t.6 gold in wallet
ascended gear was added in 2013 and you niggers are still complaining
Yeah, I figured as much. Shame. I might pick HoT & PoF up then. Debating this or Destiny 2
What else am I gonna do?
Play FF14 or Wow?
post your gw2efficiency value though babe
If you've got some friends who are going to commit to D2, go for it. Although do you know what the DLC is going to be like this time around? Could get costly if they pull the same thing they did last release.
>Having friends
Nah no idea. Never played the first one.
but i already play wow. to be fair gw2 has my some of my favourite classes and enviroments and it is a good game. it just wasnt designed to be played 5-7 hours every day
The game is solid, better than the first, but I don't know if I'd pay $60 for it just for solo play.
no game should be played like that what are you doing with your life
>log in for first time in ages to catch up on living world in prep for expansion
>mystic coins now ridiculously high priced
>got like 300 sitting in my bank from ages back, sell them all for huge money
>now realizing i want to make an incinerator for spellbreaker
>gotta buy back 250 mystic coins
Fuck i'm an idiot.
just sell all your mats and the money rolls in
legendaries are a meme anyway
I have no idea what these values mean
still by crafting it you're going to save ~600g total
post them
I had a holographic dragon wing cover from ages ago that I kept hoping it would raise in price, but they just made LS1 skins available and its worth sank like a stone. It's seriously a baffling decision to bring those back
having fun with friends during an easy semester
I rally like how my necro looks and I'm starting to hate how my mesmer looks. The noseless face looks really dumb now, but I also think my mesmer is more fun to play. Should I just same-face them?
because its objectively bad
Because I hate MMOs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That's a very rare Pepe
change literally everything about that mesmer
that hair (and I assume glow) and skin combination is disgusting
That's actually pretty healthy user.
I suck at color schemes. Provided I used my necro's face on my mesmer, what skin/hair color combo would look nice? I'm not exactly trying to go for purple mesmer dyes, but that's just what I settled on to begin with
if you're going to pick a lightish hair colour, you need to pick a skin tone that complements it, meaning it needs to be on the lighter side too. You can make most colour schemes work as long as you're not trying to dress them up like a clown or something
That's pretty tight desu
I wish they didn't make all the best shit into outfits. It would be really nice if you could mix and match some of the outfit stuff with other armor.
Is axe/axe for warrior or ranger shit? I just wanna dual axes, man. Either that or I'll roll a staff daredevil or revenant.
The dungeon gold nerf was mostly reversed, its like 85% of what it used to be if you don't run every single path of every single dungeon every day.
Don't have a drive to ever touch it again, I tried to enjoy it for the first 6 months or so after release, but after that time I just gave up on it.
Cause you didn't post it, where is it?
go away Gaile
Axe/Axe is great for warrior. Probably not what tryhards would call optimal, but still plenty viable.
axe/axe warrior is alright. good aoe
I'm kind of burned out of GW2 at the moment. Waiting for PoF
You asked me why i don't play WoW and I played it again to check Argus.
You asked me why I don't play FFXIV and I subbed again to check Stormblood.
You asked me why I don't play GW2 and now I'm considering buying the expansions.
What is next? Why do you want me to play all these MMOs? What's your goal? Who are you?
I just want you to have fun, user.
Axe/axe warrior is good. Axe mainhand was always good on warrior, for years the best build was greatsword then axe/anything. I stopped playing for a long time so not sure when changes were made but offhand axe is insane now, the number 4 skill now gives quickness instead of fury which is very strong then the number 5 whirlwind ability got a big damage buff and attacks way faster.
I'm excited for dagger/dagger though with spellbreaker. If i gave a shit about raids still berserker would still be stronger but for general play spellbreaker seems more than decent. Daggers attack really fast, as good if not even better might stacking than forceful greatsword, stronger self sustain healing, and just all around fun.
The best marketing for games is word of mouth so a game's pr teams always go on Sup Forums. Apparently with the same image to make them a dead giveaway
A. It costs money
B. Tree people lore rape
C. Never played GW1; not invested in franchise
D. Floaty, shit combat
E. Classes I am interested in (engi, thief) are shit
F. Don't know anyone who plays it, incapable of making new friends
G. No real end-game
H. No PvE
I could go on.
I logged abbout 3600 hours into GW1 and around 600 hours in GW2 before I got bored. The Graphics are nice and the it's not a bad world to jump in but the skill tree is what kills me. I Absolutely loved GW1 Skill set up. I liked hunting down new skills with friends that you had to capture off random enemies.
D, E, G and H are objectively false
I like casual games but GW2 is already too casual, there arent any worthwhile goals in the game besides colleting useless or ugly stuff.
I enjoyed spvp as a mesmer a lot but with less time to play Id swap it for other games.
And also I'm having more fun with FFXIV
2/10 try harder
That's not eve
How much money does Anet pay you to make these fucking threads every day?
>XIV threads are legitimately here all the time
>but that's ok
>GW2 thread with 60 replies
>highest condition damage profession ingame (challenging to master)
>scrapper still very much viable in pvp
>class is shit
You what niggah? Also youre supposed to make your own end game goals in mmo's. I've got mine
gw1 lore was already ruined
did any of you play the original with its cringe dialogue or nah
I mean FFXIV has redeeming qualities and can be fun.
There's nothing about Guild Wars 2 that's good.
There is nothing redeeming about a game that costs full price to play + a monthly fee just so you can ERP in it.
Go back to /xivg/.
I went back to it for the first time since 2012 and im already bored after 2 weeks
>most of the fractals are pure dogshit, especially the underwater and cliffside ones
>World vs World isn't fun at all and the rewards it gives are shit. it takes like 80 hours to get an ascended weapon in it
>PvP is kinda fun but only has one mode
>HoT maps are a complete chore to go through
>Floaty, shit combat
This is a pretty subjective statement in its own right. It is true that GW2 has less oomph to it than some of the more action oriented mmos out there, but it it still leagues ahead of most games on the market.
>Classes I am interested in (engi, thief) are shit
Engineer is literally the most versatile class in the game and can do anything and do it well if you have the chops for playing it well. Thief is the actual fotm class in WvW right now and is also one of the best dps classes in PvE.
>No real end-game
Fractals, raids and the new end-game areas not enough for you?
>No PvE
Fractals, raids, the new end-game areas and living story not enough for you?
"Go back to /gw2g- *Autist induced bot spam 24/7*
>Especially the underwater and cliffside ones
>The fractals that have mechanics beyond "kill everything"
>Condi Engie
>tfw they're great in everything but PvP
I'm kinda hoping Holosmith is as fun as them because the previews made it sound like they are a power version of it but they introduced them in the most boring way.
holosmith feels like a power spec. some skills have condis like the holosmith phase pistol barrage. problem ive heard is that the condi is very weak and short
I don't play MMOs anymore. Tried GW2, tried Aion. Wildstar. FF XIV.
WoW ruined me for every thing else. And that drug wasn't enough anymore... so I got clean. The ride is over for me.
My friends still play some of those... but I can't join, between other games and real life, and the fact that it all feels so pointless and empty after grinding years in WoW. Literally for years.
The ride is over, lads.
I feel like condi builds in general are lacking in PvP because there's just so much condition removal available to most every class.
Except for D/D thief, of course. They apply so many different conditions and do it constantly by mashing 3 that any amount of removal is going to be insufficient.
I am
Thoughts? I think she looks a bit generic though
I have no idea how to use this website.
I am playing it, I'm having fun in HP runs in the HoT hellish maps to prepare my alts for the next specializations.
I love that entire groups of people are always waiting for those that can't follow quick enough and use portals for those that miss jumps or fall off platforms. That game may have flaws but it still regularly surprises me with its comfiness and nice community outside of PvP/Raids/Fractals.
Probably to appease people running Vipers. Berserker would probably be better but 3 stat items are numerically weaker
I wish I was free every single day
XIV has some good points to it. GW2 does not, there is a difference. Everything that was good about the base game was utterly destroyed and any identity it had was turned into a shadow of its former self.
I actually bought GW2 during release. I regret those 25€ or whatever it was still to this date. What a shit game.
Maybe you would like to articulate what exactly makes GW2 so bad a game?
wtf are you talking about? how can one person be so biased that they'll call every aspect of a game bad with zero good points to it? How big of a fucking v-drone do you have to be to overlook everything a game has to offer because some Gw1 fans said it was bad due to story and lore. Mechanically this is probably the best MMO on the market for casual gamers but people will say the base game was "the best" when i bet they havent touched the game after 4 years.
Learn to read my fucking post, retard. I said the base game was good. The expacs are not.
if you honestly believe over two thirds of the players playing one class is good design you need your head checked.
You're closer to where I am now then where I was in The Burning Crusade. Eventually, interest will fade.
Quit WoW for a month, or whichever MMO you play, and pick another. Play it for a month.
It won't feel the same.
By the time you return to WoW, or whatever, that won't feel the same either.
Guild may have forgotten or replaced you. Friends may have drifted, if you didn't keep it contact.
It'd be for the best
Which class would that be?
I can't see how honestly, the base game was good but its not like it was ruined after QoL fixes and living story updates. The game only had 1 xpac so far so its not like destroyed its "identity" since all it added was gliding and you still get the same experience in F2P.
There's no advantage to playing just 1 class in GW2 though. Outside of Necro pre-POF pretty much every class has some kind of support and does DPS pretty much on equal levels.
Sometimes you may need to run a specific build if you're doing raiding or PvP, but even then it's not mandatory. Just highsly suggested.
got source for that? I see every class while in big squads, probably the least played is revenant but that still leaves 8 other classes for variety.
no idea if this is good or bad?
But I am
I am, came back just for Elona but not sure how much time I'll put in before I'm bored again, nostalgia can only take you so far.