JRPG thread. What JRPGs are you playing and looking forward to play? What JRPGs do you want to see announced?

JRPG thread. What JRPGs are you playing and looking forward to play? What JRPGs do you want to see announced?

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Anything good releasing soon?

Ys VIII and NoA2?

What is Jrpg?

A jar pig.

Look at OP's filename.
It's obviously an image file extension, retard

The El Shaddai sequel (It's basically just an SMT clone now) got announced for a 2018 Western release for the PS4 and Vita earlier today.


The expanded PS4/PC version of Tokyo Xanadu's meant to be hitting the West later this year.

I've been going through my first playthrough of FF7. Even though the game's been spoiled to hell and back for me I'm really liking the story, although I can't stop wondering how badly they'll fuck everything up in the remake whenever there's a story bit I like.

I'm playing Yakuza Kiwami and I'm looking forward to SMTV and KH3. I want Atlus to remake the first two SMT games.

third worst ys

Be honest. do you actually like turn based combat? atlus had a tough choice of deciding if persona 5 should be turn based or action, i wish they went with action.

Ys VIII and the new nep game

I'm happy with either, as long as its done well.

Good turn-based combat is much more preferable to something as lazy and brainless as say, Nights of Azure.


I picked up tales of berseria since it was on sale and velvet is cute

I enjoy it but not in jrpg, they're just too braindead and repetitive most of the time

yeah I like turn based games. it's fun going in with a strategy and picking what I think is optimal without having to always be so uptight and worry about execution. was persona 5 actually almost an ARPG?


it was considered.

glad they didn't do that. I want atlus to make a NEW ARPG like Raidou sequel or something, not turn their turn-based main titles into that.

Why the hell is this game so expensive? I wonder if the switch will ever get hacked to support gamecube emulation software wise.

>tfw owned it and sold it for cheap
Fuck, did the same with suikoden 2 too
Also can't you emulate on pc?

I currently playing tales of vesperia and lost odyssey.

Action RPG's are often just straight up shit. If I want the action aspect I'd play a better action game, if I want the RPG aspect I play turn based.

Action RPG's are put in a silly position. If you want it to at least be a somewhat competent action game then the RPG elements will essentially be non-existent since player skill will trump any RPG elements. If you put RPG elements at the fore-front then the action segments will be crippled due to absurdly low damage that makes battles more about attrition to seeing your player model hitting enemies but having it register as a miss.

This isn't even mentioning how often trash encounters are, how bad level design often is, and so on in action RPGs.

A lot of Gamecube games had a really short print.

I still have a copy of Cubivore lying around somewhere. The local store had three copies in stock and those were the only ones I've ever seen.

Hack your og Wii and Nintendont that shit. Play with whatever controller you have.

Playing Grandia 2 right now, then Utawarerumono on PC and both of the Vita ones.

Also playing Dragon Quest 7, but its painfully slow, 15 hours into it and I haven't even got the job system system, holy shit...

I finished P5 a few months back. I fucking loved it. playing Persona 4 on pcsx2 right now. I can't get into P3 because the mechanics of the game are just too outdated since I spoiled the persona experience by playing through 5 first. I'm considering on watching the P3 anime instead of playing through it (last time I played p3 I got to around floor 20 of tarturus).

Superior taste on both accounts.

>party system ys

they fucked their game and then released 3 fucked games when fucking felghana was already perfect, they just had to make a better felghana for fucks sake...

Replaying P4. It's not my favorite of 3, 4, or 5 but the pacing is much better than the other two.

Yes, I prefer it greatly. Have yet to be impressed by a JRPG with action gameplay. FFXV and FF Typo were both games that felt like shitty watered down action games and the gameplay dragged the story down with it. If I wanted to play an action game, I'd play an action game. Action battle systems are for non-fans that only like the idea of playing a JRPG but don't actually like anything about them.

thats why i have always said to people to start with P4. P4 is a refined version of P3. P3 needs its remake its so outdated

Persona 3 Portable at least lets you control your party members, if that's the main thing that's bugging you.

>What JRPGs are you playing
Conception 2 and Shining Force
>What JRPGs are you playing and looking forward to play?
Kingdom Hearts 3 and Dragon Quest X
>What JRPGs do you want to see announced?
I dunno.

>Conception 2
How are you liking it? i personally found that game cringy

I love Persona 5's because it has a really good speed and rhythm to it, and the UI is so damn nice to look at that I don't mind seeing it as often as I do. Overall I think I'd prefer more ARPGs, but only if they adopt proper action combat systems like KH or Nier did rather than trying to be whatever the fuck they were thinking with FFXV.

Currently working on Yakuza 0, and was considering either finishing up Digimon: Cyber Sleuth or starting on Dragon Quest VII. I also want to do a second run-through of P5, but my time is going to be limited due to starting up a new fulltime job.

I also need to finish up Xenoblade Chronicles emulated, but I get the feeling that Xenoblade 2 is going to be delayed until 2018.

I'm in the middle Tales of Berseria and P4G. I've already played vanilla P4 and Golden hasn't really been holding my interest so far. I'm not sure if I want to finish it. Berseria is okay but I doubt I'll ever want to revisit it when I'm finished.

I emulated and finished this game a few days ago. What a great game.

>What JRPGs are you playing
Nothing big at the moment, just a bunch of Jap dungeon crawlers with a lot of replayability

>looking forward to play?
Trails of Cold Steel III

>What JRPGs do you want to see announced
More Suikoden never ever

>How are you liking it?
Keep in mind I juststarted, and I usually like harem stories even when they're silly.

Playing Zero no Kiseki, on Chapter 3 at the moment.

Finished Persona 5 a little while ago, didn't end up liking it.
Waiting on Xenoblade 2.

Is NoA/NoA2 good? I've never played Gust games.

Nah, it's crap.

Really good art direction and soundtrack, though.

what didn't ya like about it

I like it when its just not four dudes standing in a row now pick thier one move and continue on. When its done like in legend of heros or The last remenant where you can postion your people or teams and status and buffs are actually worth a damn to use. Plus cool stuff like s-crafts and remnant attacks thrown in the mix to spice stuff up.

>In the initial planning, there was an idea of diverging from the routes “Persona 3” and “Persona 4” took. “Self-discovery” and “journey” were the two keywords for the project, with an image of jumping out of school and taking a journey into the outside world.

>We were beginning to implement this idea, but at the stage where it came to solidifying the foundation of the scenario and direction, the Great East Japan earthquake occurred, greatly changing the entire situation in Japan.

>People became aware of those around them, to cherish each other and overcome the crisis.

If it wasn't for this fucking earthquake we could have had a Persona about traveling the world, fml senpai, I want to change timelines.

Am I feeling wrong or is Persona 4 a bit slow compared to today's games? I'm emulating so maybe I fucked up something

Is P5 any good on the PS3? Is the downgrade sizeable enough to justify finally getting a PS4?

I played on the PS3, never even saw the PS4 version, for me at least it didn't feel like a poor version of anything. Really great game.

It's probably worth getting a PS4 now if you're into Japanese games as a whole, at any rate.

this. the ps4 is the new Vita.

I'll get to it eventually. I keep my PS3 on my desk hooked up to my monitor though and I use it constantly for all the HD rereleases I got for it so a PS4 really will never properly replace it.

>P3 needs its remake its so outdated
I wouldn't mind one

>Persona 3 Portable
I chose to play FES over Portable because Portable apparently lacked the whole player control outside of dungeon crawling.

No its not, every game is coming to steam and also way cheaper on the steam.

PS4 only has P5 and Bloodborne to justify it, it isn't enough.

At least if their prices were the same as steam, but games on the ps store cost so fucking much.

Mostly plot and characters. I thought the twist at the end was bad and didn't make any sense from your character's perspective, the villains turned out to be really weak, the party didn't feel like friends and had an extremely repetitive group dynamic, and all of the social links were menial and had magical brainwashing instead of character development.

But honestly I have complaints with almost every part of the game.

>Is P5 any good on the PS3?
yes it's just fine. the ps4 version just looks a bit better on the eyes.

What are some games with good turn-based combat?
I fucking love turn based games

do you allow yourself to have fun once in a while? what is a game you truly liked?

I mean, I also saw a lot of things I didn't like about P5, but there were so many things I did like, you gotta take the good and not the bad man.

Have you played the Mother/Earthbound series? I'm playing Mother 3 on the side. it's real nice. Also, if you liked Chrono Trigger, check out I am Setsuna. it's battle system is based off of Chrono Trigger

Should I play FFXII or Vagrant Story?

Vagrant Story.

There's an extra hard difficulty that makes it to where you don't have a party in Ys VIII, I believe

Turn-based combat is becoming a rarity these days, especially in major titles, so yes. Its refreshing.

If you get into FFXII, get the International Zodiac Version, or the new remaster.

Radiant Historia.

Something like Atlus collection on Steam, all persona and SMT games released with cards, hats and dota 2 couriers.

I've managed to get a pretty decent library of Japanese games on my PS4.

>Persona 5
>The Last Guardian
>The Odin Sphere pseudo-remake
>Grand Kingdom
>God Wars
>Gravity Rush Remastered
>Gravity Rush 2
>Malicious Rebirth
>World of Final Fantasy
>Yakuza 0
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Exist Archive
>Dragon Quest Builders
>Everybody's Golf '17

Plus in the future, we know we'll be getting at least

>The Lost Child
>13 Sentinels
>Project Re Fantasy
>Keiichiro Toyama's new IP
>The new project by Masaaki Yamagiwa and Teruyuki Toriyama (Another FromSoft collaboration?)

>At least if their prices were the same as steam, but games on the ps store cost so fucking much.
That's why buying digital on consoles is a silly idea unless you've got no other choice. Where are you from? Hell, I'm in Australia, and games here drop in value pretty quickly, so even if you're on a budget, you can build yourself up a decent collection relatively cheaply if you sit back and wait a few months from release. Even moreso if you keep your eyes peeled at EoFY and Christmas sales.

Blue Reflection

Hey man, you asked. I liked 3 FES and 4. Xenoblade was great.

I really don't see what's so good about P5.

>we could have had another generic jrpg
God bless that earthquake.

Restarted P5 on hard, just finished Madarame's palace. Had about exactly as much trouble as I did on normal with that.

Hard mode didn't really affect much except making Kamoshida's palace a goddamn nightmare.

Oh, also the expanded version of Deception IV (Which contrary to what the cover suggests, is actually quite good) and Digimon Cyber Sleuth, which is well worth a try if you're into SMT. It's got a sequel coming out soon, too.

FF X remaster. Stuck on the final boss, so Im grinding
>looking forward to
Fantasy JRPG by Atlus and whatever dead franchise Sony thought about bringing back
>Want announced
please make Dark Cloud 3

ARPG is shit. I am yet to play one which doesn't make me wish I was playing a proper action game or a turn-based RPG instead.

Yep. Then you get Shiki-Ouji with Swift Strike and cruise through the rest of the game.

They really fucked up the math on that move.

The game just gets ripped open in June.

>Invigorate 3 accessories from a baby tier social link available
>Infinite money as long as you have Sun 2
>Shiki Ouji
>As you said Swift Strike in general

No other persona cracked this hard.

I'm interested in it, but I feel like it could go either way.

>"We hear that Sony has received many requests from veteran fans – not limited to Arc the Lad and Wild Arms – for the resurrection of SIE Japan Studio’s titles focused on the Japanese audience, especially a few JRPG franchises. Yet, in Recent years, due to the soaring of development costs, investment has been mainly focused on titles which could be hits on a global scale. That being said, recently Japanese studios’ games developed for Japanese gamers have received high praise overseas. This is leading Sony to begin considering whether it could be profitable for its Worldwide Studios to make that kind of game again."

Well, thanks to everyone who bought Nioh, Persona 5 and Nier Automata!

Hopefully they can get Media.Vision on board for Wild Arms 6.

.hack//G.U. Last Recode HD Remake + a 4th volume on November 1st.

Stuck a few hours into Tales of Zestiria and Symphonia and Trails in the Sky but I'm not really feeling any of them right now
>looking forward to play
Xenoblade 2, bought a Switch the day it was announced

The cherry on top is when you have access to ez reaper farming to make endgame effortless. Even the reaper cheesing in P3 wasn't as hilariously broken, and didn't skyrocket you to the level cap.

Playing Tales of Berseria in NG+. Looking forward to the .hack//gu remake.

I haven't yet, actually. I always tried to as a kid but I couldn't get into it. I'll give them a go.
I'll definitely have to check out I am Setsuna, I loved Chrono Trigger's combat system.


Because "Thunder Reign, crit, make him get up and lose a turn, repeat" was pretty ridiculous.

EOV next month.

Waiting on XC2, Sen 3 and every Atlus game announced.
If anyone here in this thread can help me, in that part in TitS SC where you gotta go through that misty forest, I've heard there's a chest in the maze section but I can't find it.
Does anyone know where it is?

>Even the reaper cheesing in P3 wasn't as hilariously broken

At least in P5 it's relatively conditional.

The only condition for Reaper farming in P3 was "Have Odin"

Playing Ys 7 at the moment, the game feels annoyingly long.
I don't have PS4 unfortunately, but still, looking forward for Sen no Kiseki 3.

News when?

Even then, this is only if you get access to Odin during your run. The requirements for reaper farming in p5 is simply to go into the dungeon on a specific day and not get facerolled turn 1 if you got a healthy reaper.

>a chest in the maze section
Well there goes my chance of opening all chests.

It was the new mobile game all along.

Just beat the main storyline. I'm working on side quests and about to start the second expansion over the weekend. I'll probably be playing this one for awhile. It's good!





I see. Mother 3 was alright for me at first. I eventually set it down while pretty early in-game, but when I gave it a second go as mid-20 year-old adult and kept to it, some parts of it really resonated with me. check it out, senpai.

If you liked the combat system, then you will probably like I am Setsuna. I can't speak for the story, since I have yet to fully play the game, but it looks pretty solid as a game, especially if it got a port to switch recently. it must mean it's not complete shit to say the least. I'll definitely complete my play through someday

Etrian Odyssey V is coming out.
Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Remake is coming out.

Tomorrow is Monster Hunter Stories.

I like to play easy/comfy JRPG's once in a while. I mean, I have no idea if Monster Hunter Stories gets difficult, but it doesn't look like it.

What the fuck?
How can a person even get tits like these?