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Would be more inclined to buy a Switch if the sword controls actually work with the joycons desu
Master, I don't think you really want to play this game again.
Having played this twice for Hero Mode there's no way in hell I'd consider a rerelease. Not even if you paid me to play through it again. I don't hate SS but trust me, twice was enough.
>Skyward Sword with the actually decent gyro controls of the Joycons
Might be cool honestly. The Joycons are unergonmic as all hell but they're sure as hell better than the Wiimote
This game was unironically better than BOTW in every facet of development.
I think SS is a better overall game, not that that's a particularly high bar to clear, but BotW kind of wins in the free exploration department.
>SS unanimously hated
>Sup Forums pretends to love it
Fuck off, you contrarian cunts.
35th anniversary, bundled with BotW2.
Unreliable motion controls nad the wiimote+nunchuk being profoundly uncomfortable are some of the most major problems of the game.
I'd at least finish it once if they fixed those
>>SS unanimously hated
nice meme
Skyward Sword was one of those games that you are excited to play for the first time, explore stuff and have fun, get disappointed here and there (especially considering the size of the overworld and locations) and then, after having fun playing it through, you realize it wasn't really that good.
I didn't have any issues with the motion controls. I had issues with the handholding, you spend the ENTIRE game feeling like a glorified errand boy.
But anime avatar posting-kun, it deserves every ounce of hatred that it gets.
I'd agree with that, though I do sincerely believe SS's good parts are exceptionally good. It's just that the game as a whole is a rollercoaster of quality.
>Nintendo would try to sell a port of SS for $60
And retards will buy it
Shame that the best dungeon of the entire franchise was wasted on Skyward Sword
>post yfw you played through this dungeon for the first time
>that arch
Ancient Cistern's very good but I wouldn't put it on the same pedestal as something like Shadow Temple or Arbiter's Grounds. That said, it absolutely has a better boss than either of those dungeons.
I only now realize how much i have literally completely forgotten about this game.
For some reason i only remember the bad parts
SS is the worst zelda game behind CDI shit
I would much rather get a two pack of OO3d and MM3d running at 1080p 60fps
Nintendo doesn't want to obsolete the franchise.
Probably never.
SS was comfy tho
Never hopefully, i want them to work on good zelda games
Nah, at a bare minimum it's better than Wind Waker, the DS games and the Four Swords games.
reminder that Fi probably has a penis because she's a sword and swords are phallic
>Thinking SPIRIT TRACKS is bad
Goes to show you the kinda shit opinions that are possible when you like Skyward Sword
I wouldn't go that far. It certainly has much better dungeons than BotW though. And better characters (including the best character in the entire series)
>It's the "BOTW has bad dungeons" meme
Disdain for plebs. The two new style of dungeons they added in the Divine Beasts and the open ended Hyrule Castle were better than anything else the series has to offer
>*blocks your path* (for the third time)
It's abhorrent whenever you're not in a dungeon. A shame, because its dungeons actually are really good.
what a qt
World exploration was top notch though.
I actually liked the 2nd and 3rd Imprisoned battles, at least story-wise. The character development you get with Groose during those 2 parts of the game is amazing, and makes up for the repeated boss fights.
If you consider being literally on rails for 80% of it top notch world exploration then sure. I, for one, did not enjoy the train parts. I also wasn't terribly enthralled by any of the towns and I don't think anyone actively enjoyed the flute mechanic, only tolerated it at best.
That boss was the biggest fucking disappointment I swear to god
In the hull of the ship, shits getting fucked up, getting hyped as hell
Get to the deck and see....that. Fuckin wack
You do side content and unlock a ton of stuff off the beaten path throughout the world.
Git gud man.
I feel like the disappointment for this boss is overblown. I mean, it's not a good boss but I've played more disappointing - Fyrus, Morpheel and Armogohma from Twilight Princess all immediately spring to mind, and I say this as a TPfag. Bosses were not that game's strong suit at all.
The puzzles are good, but they are just so short, the bosses are uninteresting and the asthetic is increadibly bland dude
Who said anything about gitting gud? Spirit Tracks is not a hard game, it's just that half of it isn't enjoyable.
Hopefully never
Zelda is for children whose parents don't love them enough to buy them Ys games instead
BotW > OoT > WW > MM > TP > SS but Link to the Past and Oracle of Ages are better than all of the 3D games
lol da fuck. Ys games are trash, no one even bothers talking about it on Sup Forums.
Well to be fair, Groose was the best part of the whole game.
>Ys games
Also, the design philosophy's a bit different there. Ys doesn't really push solid level design as hard as Zelda does, it's more of a combat oriented thing. The exception, oddly enough, is Ys I & II. Kinda hard to say any Zelda dungeon holds up to Tower of Darm or Solomon Shrine.
>Game has some fucking fantastic bosses like Ghirahim, Koloktos, and Demise
>Also has steaming piles of shit like Scaldera, Tentalus, Bilocyte, and the Imprisoned
I had a bigger gripe about this boss. On your way to the fight, it begins wrecking the ship. You KNOW you're about to fight whatever it is and you're pumped as soon as you reach the door, but as soon as you touch it, motherfucking Fi stops you and in the most painfully slow and obvious way tells you you're about fight a boss. We did NOT fucking need that. It halted the moment to an annoying screech and it added to the long pile of insulting Fi interruptions.
The lame ass design was just salt to the wound, but I may have tolerated it better hadn't it been for what happens beforehand.
2017:Breath Of The Wild
2018:Skyward Sword HD
2019:Wind Waker HD Deluxe
2020:Breath Of the Wild Prequel
2021:Breath Of the Wild Deluxe for the Nintendo Switch 2
>Oblivious to how world exploration actually worked
>"It's easy"
I know it's easy. That's why you not understanding it is all the more worrisome.
I never disliked SS you fagtronic niggershit
I would love SS HD for Switch, but it shouldn't be just regular port with HD graphix like most "REMASTERED" games are today/
It should be true remade. With diffrent locations, more qt zelda interactions, less backtracking.
And maybe then I would even consider buying a Switch
Zelda is overrated
LoZ1 and OoT are two of the best games ever made
>some of the most major problems of the game.
Empty, boring hub world
lore rape
collect-a-thon all the fucking time
boring simon-says enemy fights
Imprisoned too often
Silent Realms being collect-a-thons instead of anything relevant to the triforce piece they represent
Shitty dungeons bar one
Other stuff I don't remember
Zelda was cute though
>lore rape
Worst part of the game for me. The rest of the series doesn't exactly have great lore, but Skyward Sword just took a massive shit on so many aspects of the series.
Hopefully never. I've never played that and never will.
You didn't even try
Don't forget the dumbed-down hand-holdiness. The game feels more like an assignment to do than a game to play.
>complete with on-disc DLC all around
>Zelda is now Nintendo's CoD perfect for marketing at the kids who grew up on 360
>lore rape
It fixed the lore after the clusterfuck of confusing contradictory stuff in WW, TP, FSA, and MC. It gave a much needed simplified explanation of why Zelda has inherent magical powers unrelated to the Triforce, why the obligatory incarnation of evil always eventually rears its head in some form, and why a hero character named Link always gets summoned to save the day. The story was getting FAR too convoluted before SS came along.
They're actually good characters with very interesting backstory, only problem is Fi constantly giving you needless advice when you don't ask for it.
>Silent Realms being collect-a-thons instead of anything relevant to the triforce piece they represent
There were actually 4 Silent Realm trials, not 3. And all of them were the "courage" part of Hylia's hero training program. The dungeon puzzles were the "wisdom" part, and the "power" part was finding the sacred flames and using them to temper the sword into its true form. The game even explains this during that big cutscene with Zelda before she goes to sleep.
>Shitty dungeons bar one
Most people at LEAST like both the Cistern and the Sandship. I also loved the Fire Sanctuary (amazing aesthetics in the outdoor parts of the dungeon) and the Sky Keep (the most unique dungeon yet in any Zelda game)
Groose was fucking based.
How would you even play it in handheld mode? I think you guys don't think things like this through before spouting it
Where do you think you are?
You wouldn't play it in handheld mode, the way you couldn't play it with a normal Wii Remote back in 2011.
If it can't be played in handheld mode then Nintendo isn't going to make it
Hopefully never. Would rather see the time and effort going to about anything else. Skyward sword was the most mediocre game I've ever played desu
Does your dad work for Nintendo?
Use your fucking brain you goddamn retard, the biggest appeal of Nintendo's new console is that you can take it anywhere, and you seriously think they'll release a game where you can't do that? Fuck off retard.
>It gave a much needed simplified explanation of why Zelda has inherent magical powers unrelated to the Triforce, why the obligatory incarnation of evil always eventually rears its head in some form, and why a hero character named Link always gets summoned to save the day
None of these things needed explaining.
Why do you do this?
Go on the internet and tell lies like "Hylia and Fi were a good characters" or "SS improved the lore"
What's next? Claiming that Majora's mask is link's hat given sentience?
Right stick controls what would normally be controlled with the gyro.
wouldn't work
>yes my dad works for nintendo why would I lie?
Stop posting
Its unplayable without motion controls, it was designed from the ground up to be played with them, simply mapping it to a stick wouldn't work
Posting traps isn't doing you any favors.
>all divine beast dungeons look the same, have the same gimmick and have pathetic enemies
>better than anything else the series has to offer
>the biggest appeal of Nintendo's new console is that you can take it anywhere, and you seriously think they'll release a game where you can't do that
it's called "tabletop mode" you fucking retard
there's not always a table around to put it on you fucking retard
if they rework the game to where it can be played without motion controls, sure i'd buy it.
SS sucked massive donkey dick because its controls where borderline garbage.
then put it on the fucking GROUND holy shit am I being meme'd
That's not really an explanation. Most of the time Skyward Sword's motion controls are a relatively simple 8-way directional input. It's not like we're talking about Red Steel 2 where even how hard you swing your arm impacts your attacks. People have already mapped all of Skyward Swords inputs to a 360 pad.
>hey little Timmy just put your Switch on the car's floorboard so you can play Zelda while we're on vacation
fuck off retard.
Don't fall for such obvious bait shitposting.
SS is just a fucking chore to play. One playthrough was enough. Reusing the same 3 areas in the second half. boring and complete needless sky world that existed only to find chests unlocks. Skyloft was a very static city and once you did something for someone that was it for them. Same dialogue repeated for the entire game. Fucking boring. Not to mention this was the game that introduced the pointless stamina system and gear upgrading that was entirely pointless as well and not even needed. Game didn't even have true 1:1 swordplay. Only 8 directions. Also the system wasn't really utilized fully because it was fucking stupid. You could bypass the silly blocking minigames with certain enemies using certain attacks which made you ask what's even the point. Then there was their feeble attempt to give Zelda more character by making Link and her friends from the beginning but then she just disappears for most of the game and turns into another generic Zelda. Lastly the lore rape as was mentioned. Which forced every Zelda game from that point on to follow the stupid timeline and reincarnation guidelines. Writing themselves into a corner like that was retarded.
This would need most of fi's dialog removed
Moron controls would just be an option, you dumb fuck.
game literally doesn't function without motion controls dumb fuck
Even non-motion controls couldn't save Skyward Sword. I'll take ten more BotW's over another Skyward Sword. Plus, Fi was the worst companion.
my widdle toesies
You're a retard. Sword attacks could work as they did in OoT/TP, and in other sections where gyro is required it could work with either the right stick or work as it did in BotW (which worked fine in handheld mode).
SS had great dungeons and skyloft was the best part of the game. Sadly the rest is a trudge and bore to get through. Plus the art style was too anime.
mfw this song started playing
I would like the last goo Zelda game to come to Switch.