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Where did it all go so wrong?


The big fat ginger pig

Spoony movie goal reached

He was literally the best internet reviewer.

>internet reviewer

Though we are never going to see Prime Time Spoony Riff on Hawk the Slayer. :(

doesnt he make like $5000/month and doesnt even make videos anymore

Around 2010 or so, I think.

More like ~500, and i think people just forgot they were paying him still.


Worst thing Spoony did was change The Irresponsibles theme all the fucking time. The original intro was the best, the newer one always sounded off.

This episode of the Spoony Experiment is brought to you by the letter F - for Fucked in the head

The sad thing is, most people's reaction to Spoony isn't even that they hate him as much as "Dude, just fucking do stuff again."

Spoony's videos were a pretty big part of my teen life. Used to put on some of his stuff almost every time I had dinner or breakfast.
The FFVIII series is pretty much cemented in my head and in a way, watching those videos give me more nostalgia than playing the game.
Such a shame he turned into the biggest asshole on the fucking internet. I know that being a cynical loner was his thing, but at least he was self-aware about it and made it into a character. Now, that's just genuinely who he is. A fucking cunt.


The way he fucking self-destruct on stream. It was beautiful.


did he give up on streaming already

There are 4 basic stages that all added up to his eventual failure.

Stage 1) Moving to TGWTG
When he was on YouTube, his fans were infamous for being assholes, but the flip side was that they told him when his shit stank. When he moved to TGWTG, other contributors whined endlessly that his fans were crossing over to different videos and daring to not kiss their ass all day, so they started cracking down on them. As his original audience bled out, he stopped being used to people willing and able to call him out on shit.
It also heavily impacted his comedy, because he did more and more of the shit skits that Linkara was forcing, and it made his videos more of a drag to rewatch.

Stage 2) Scarlet. She fed his ego and put him in his personal hugbox, filtering out all negative opinions. The few people willing to tell him what he needed to hear were now forcibly ejected, never to be seen again.
Her leaving also impacted his drive, which started a precedent of long inactive periods, littered with the odd filler video, that became the norm.

Stage 3) The Meltdown. This actually helped him out initially, since he was removed from toxic influences and forced to face his clear psychological issues. As a result he actually made a few videos that were close to his pre/early TGWTG days.
However, the lack of any accountability to someone with direct power started to take its toll. He also started taking to Twitter more and more, and was incapable of not feeding trolls. Combined with his inactivity being accepted as normal, and he was unused to treating advice as anything more than trolling.

Stage 4) Patreon. He was getting paid to do nothing, and nobody could pierce his echo chamber. People had finally had enough.

Holy shit, I had completely forgotten about this man. I watched Spoony religiously back in the day, and yet he fell so hard I forgot he even existed.

If you've got time, this one is a truly depressing example


he started streaming recently on youtube for a couple of weeks, but might be in the process of disappearing again


What the fuck happened to this guy? I watched some of his reviews and he looked like he was pretty cool. Every now and then he's an asshole and says shit that's outright disrespectful and never has the balls to apologize and be done with it. What the fuck? Is he that full of shit that he never wants to admit when he's probably wrong?

it was because he tweeted about possibly losing his mortgage so he did some streams so that people would give him money. now that he has it he can take another break from it and the cycle will continue.

what difficulty is he on?

I totally get it if it's on nightmare mode. I've never been so frustrated at a game before.

It's Spoony.
He could fuck up playing Skyrim on easy, and probably has.

This is stupid, this is probably why a lot of people I know myself included never bothered to get into the whole youtube star shit. It's poison and moreso for the self proclaimed critics that take themselves a little too seriously.

When did you stop watching Spoony?

For me, once the Doctor Insano shit became a regular thing with him, I gave up.

Look at the other video. He can't grasp the basic concepts of Fallout 2, even though CRPGs are HIS genre.

That was pretty lame.

e celebs are not video games

You have severe autism.

When he stopped making real content. So the FF13 vids.

When he started to do more and more of those 3+ hour long vlogs instead of his scripted content.

who is maxresdefault?

Yes, they are. Just like Anthony Fantano is music. Untie those panties of yours.

The Dr Insano was kind of going ham earlier, but I somehow put up with it.
I think I stopped watching his videos when FFXIII reviews were coming out. He spent an entire episode just nitpicking how shopping worked or something and I just couldn't take it.

So if someone makes a video about a video game, they are officially a video game and you can talk about their private life, personality flaws, rumors, tweets, etc on a video games board?

they are not video games and anthony fantano actually makes music. his shitty opinions are not music, however.

No, they are not a video game. They are a person who talks of video games and it's okay to talk about opinions they bring up.

Stop dodging the question. Answer the rest of it.

It's because he really thought he could develop Insano into an actual character for (kids?) TV.

That's pretty hilarious in hindsight.

The last thing I remember is that TGWTG movie trailer or something. I used to watch Spoony and TGWTG but dropped them both after that slap in the face.

I can't stand game reviewer "narrative" bullshit (like putting on some stupid costume and having a meta narrative about your video game review videos) And I especially hate eceleb crossover narrative bullshit.

Oh, sorry. I glanced over it. To answer your question: Yes.

In sports, are you not allowed to talk about the players?

>memory is autism
Sorry to hear about your Alzheimer's


video games aren't sports?

No, knowing and caring about e-celebs that much is autism.

Insano reflected that he didn't know what made his hits into hits.
The guy wasn't funny because of his mad science, but because he was a parody of how someone that makes absolutely no effort to hide being evil manages to get elected into high office.

>Going into a thread on page 6 with less than 50 replies just to say you don't like it

>having a functional memory is caring too much
Sorry to hear about your Alzheimer's

Didn't his true downfall start with that Kingdom Hearts stream where he flipped out upon seeing Aeris?
Like, he couldn't understand how she was alive in that universe.

you're right i should wait until it's on page 1 with 370 replies and 200 images omitted

caring at all about these nobodies is too much

>having a functional memory is caring
Sorry to hear about your Alzheimer's

You can just hide it. Doesn't affect you in the slightest.

You're missing the point here, which is okay since you have autism and that means you have trouble in social situations. If you know this much about some random internet dude's life and take all that time to spit out a multi-paragraph biography, you need help. They aren't your friends, user. They're just random internet people. You don't need to care that much.

>Blaming other people for Spoony's downfall

The problem is and always has been Spoony himself.

>being able to remember events you were there for is caring too much
Sorry to hear about your Alzheimer's.

>Upsetting someone so much that the only thing they can do is spam the same post over and over
Wew. Autism confirmed. My job is done here.

Official Top 5.
>The Thing
>Bayou Billy
>Early Counter Monkey

Remembering stuff is autism now. I am going to put you in the box next to that faggot who said telling the time is autism. Congrats you are a fucking idiot.

>Just ignore the cancer, who cares if it spreads it doesn't affect you in the slightest.
Thanks for the advice doctor.

>Running away and trying to get the last word in
>on an anonymous image board
>will continue replying because he thinks his cyber credibility is at risk
There's a place you should go that might be more to your taste

Nice analogy. It's inaccurate though since hiding it does make it go away, unlike cancer.

Sorry to hear about your Alzheimer's.

It's a pity he stole squirt gun wars, but he did tell it very well

When he started doing nothing but wrestling and film videos.

I should also add Ultima to this, despite the latter episodes completely derailing.
Early ones were pretty comfy. You rarely heard him talk about something he cherished so fondly.

>Getting THIS upset over being called out for autism
WEW. They just come out of the woodworks.

How do you use this board if you have trouble reading? I'm not going to go into too much detail here because you're retarded and wouldn't be able to read what I'm typing anyways, but I'll give you the short of it. Memory isn't autism you fucking retard. Knowing a fuck ton about some internet nobody's life IS autism.

>Telling the time
>Remembering events
>Talking to NPCs in games
What else is autism guys? Need to know so i can be as dumb as.

Not being able to come up with a proper argument and using strawmans is a good start. You're doing a great job so far.


Practicing any instrument has been confirmed for autism, because you're doing the same repetitive action over and over in order to perfect it.
Being good at video games is also autism, because it takes a lot of time and effort.
Pretty sure we can add ''Continuously posting angry replies in a thread about a subject you hate'' to the list as well.

Very good strawman, user. Playing an instrument is pretty much exactly the same as studying up on some internet dude's life and writing his bio on an anonymous video game board. I sure hope you were only pretending to be retarded. If so, great act.

When everything is autism...

Nothing is.

>Knowing a fuck ton about some internet nobody's life IS autism.
So if i am watching a stream with an e celeb and they do something lulzworthy. I have to forget it instantly or else i have autism?
This is why i called you dumb as shit.
>He think i give a fuck about his fallacy words after he claimed remembering events is autism
lol fuck off stupid, trying to cover it up is making you look even more stupid.

>thinking it takes any effort to know and recall details when someone so publicly shits the bed
>raging about strawmen when people call you out for the utter retard that you are
Please, keep going. This is gold

The FF reviews were never good and only highlights his worst practices of getting stuck on some insignificant detail or shoving poorly acted skits into the reviews.
But, out of them all, FFX is probably the most tolerable.

>FFX is probably the most tolerable
Yeah, no.

Alcoholism is a bitch. He was downing hard liquor like it was nothing during his new streams.

at the time, the FF8 reviews were funny for the sheer rectal ravaging they caused.
People STILL blame Spoony for it to this day when people say it's shit.

But yes, with his livestreams it's clear he glossed over the gameplay because he's shit at games.

I hope Miles is doing okay. Movie reviews with him and spoony were fun to watch

>Being so upset that he's STILL replying over getting his feelings hurt over being called autistic
WEW. I never imagined I'd get so many upset replies over just calling someone autistic. Imagine how upset you'd have to be to dogpile a post that says "You have severe autism." It's an anonymous imageboard. You don't need to defend your image. It's okay. If you need to calm down, just go look at some e-celeb's tweets and analyze their personality and private life so you can post a huge blog about it later.

I didn't claim remembering things is autism. You're still going on about that. Learn to read and make an argument. You're still doing strawmans and getting so upset you can't even type correctly. The argument is that if you take that much time to learn about someone's private life you are sad and have severe autism. do I need to use simple words for your low IQ brain?

I think I quit around the time he finished up XIII. By that point, the show became far more bathed in skits, ridiculous comic-like plots, and stupid fake violence, it got very kiddy fast. As I remember it, I think he went solely to Reb Brown crap & wrestling vids around that point, and then the rest is history, I wasn't even aware about the whole movie & Patreon thing.
I thought his best content was the written content reviewing movies & shit, alongside his Ultima reviews, and one of them was fucked up by being completely removed from the site, and the other was ruined by skits and that retarded Sephiroth & meteor storyline he's been building up since I think like X or some shit. I think TGWTG really fucked him up in the end, even if it was biologically innevitable.

>user says something stupid
>user rightly gets "dogpiled"
It's Sup Forums motherfucker, fuck off to tumblr if you need a safe space.

You know you hit rock bottom when you live stream your post-break up drinking session and some internet faggots have to keep you company over skype, because you have no friends irl.

I never watch let's players or streamers. I don't know much about them besides what I read about on Sup Forums. I find it really interesting on how some of these streamers rise in popularity to only fall because of significant others, mental instability, personal beliefs, and loss in popularity.

You're the one who needs a safe space if you go absolutely nuts for being called out for your autism.

>thinking replying to a comedy goldmine retard means I'm upset
>writing this much to a two line response
>Will try to respond to this with a dismissive claim of victory, then reply again and again every time people call you a retard
>while still using the no u defence to the cyber credibility post
My sides can't handle this
Your next move will be to try saying a reaction image indicates being upset.

I think he got promoted or some shit. That said, Spoony at this point seems to go the An Hero route. Bipolar disorder or not, you cannot excuse being a lazy fuck for more than a year by now.

an hero when?

>Start streaming again recently
>Never actually finishes any of the games he streams just plays different game every session

I was talking about FF with my friend once. He's a big VIII fan, while I was always into VI and VII more. I brought up how non-sensical VIII's story seemed to be and he just snapped at me going ''No! You've just watched Spoony's videos!'' This was years after the series too, which is kind of funny.
Though, I actually really like VIII. Didn't at first, but it's a lot of fun to play if you get in the right mood. Sure, characters are batshit crazy and their actions make no sense most of the time, but it makes it easier to put yourself in Squall's shoes. He's the only person with half a brain.