Leave the german market to me

leave the german market to me

Other urls found in this thread:


Disgaea 5 is already out on the Switch though.

Sharia law forbids games like that.


No merkel smiling on the cover, no buy

someone in germany will get fired for bringing this at work, and you know it.


how autistic do you have to be to play shit like this?

non white in a single generation... really makes you think

Sup Forums user levels of autism.

>the absolute STATE of the nintendo shitch

>there are Germans in this very thread


No me!





I have to give it to them, they managed to get this on so many platforms that someone must be buying them, outside of Germany too.

germany will deplete the supply of switches overnight. i gurantee there will be switcher holder things to attach to tractors so you can play the game while you're actually fucking farming.

I acctually might get this
Looks really comfy

guten tag^^

>Klaus! vai are you playing zat tractor game ven you shuld be driving zat tractor!

You are saying it like it is a bad thing.

As a Kartoffel living in Germany myself I can vouch that the only upcoming German game that matters is Elex and it better be not shit.


That's impossible, everyone knows they're too friendly for the internet.



How to spot the non-europeans.

user no.
BJ is way better

How about I stick my Bratwurst in both Hans and BJ?

Believe it or not, Germans legitimately eat this shit up and ask for seconds. Something about these work simulators is like Football Manager to the Bongs.

Arbeit Macht Frei.

Seems like you got shit Germans if they're not friendly then.

All Germans are shit Germans.

>All Germans are muslims

Muslims are an improvement over germans.

If they bundles with this and FIFA, would Europe finally accept it?

Inshallah, brother

germany is probably the second biggest userbase on Sup Forums after USA

Germany has a huge online community and culture. They probably produce the second most memes too.

Germans have no sense of humor so is that were all the unfunny memes come from?

G*rmans use Krautchan. They still overwhelmingly swarm this place, but Leafs and Bongs are more common.

also unteralterbach

lol xdddd +1

>but Leafs and Bongs are more common.
oh yeah youre right i worded my post wrong. I meant they are the biggest non-english speaking online community.

a lot of it is very unfunny yes but when you go a little deeper they got some bizarre shit. German youtube poops for example are way more complex (and funnier) than american ones for example.

>Not current version

To the trash

A Story of Seasons game is already confirmed for Switch though.

>farmers can now keep farming in their lunch break

Fuck. Now i want ETS2/ATS on a portable.

Why do Germans be the way they do?

Yes, the global muslim population is very large. Many hail from Germanistan.

Can we remove kebab from europe

Becuase it is? Once the people are gone, then we start losing the culture, no more sausages and beer. I can see that Oktoberfest might not be a thing anymore within a decade. Then you start losing the art and architecture, as islamic culture is one that destroys the original cultures of the places it consumes and replaces it with nasty food, nonexistent art/music, and inferior architecture.


Danke Herr Nintendo

Let's put it this way. They chose that future and knew how it would turn out from the beginning. It is their country and if they want to taint it with that trash they brought in that's their problem.

Stop worrying about countries you don't even live in. I say this as a nazi sympathizer and German amerilard. You gain nothing from it

It's actually brits.

this thread! haha!
German humor is great!!!!

what about the japanese?

>this is how burgers think germans sound like

Needs euro truck sim and football manager to compete with steam

Why even give such an argument? niggers are subhuman and make any country less safe, just say that.


>only germans like this kinds of games
That is racist man, I like them too and the truck ones too

nah, no one has spammed emotes with a message like "hey!!! ^.^~ how are you :D"

german gamers use more emotes than fucking 15 year old korean girls

Farming seems like a decent career. I'm genuinely curious about this game - it seems comfy.

In comparison to Harvest Moon, how comfy is Farming Simulator? I've been binging Trio of Towns lately.

No waifus unless your into machinery

Why would they talk in English with each other though?

Spot the greek



>no white woman crying while being raped by a muslim negro in the background

Fake. Come back when you have the real German ad campaign.

Just like the Vita

>Yet another port of an old game that has been ported everywhere already

Epic, user. Epic for the win!

Greetings from Germany!

Wunderbar! Now I can play while I'm riding my tractor.

>murrica is angry at >60% white countries again

Germanfag here and this guy really sounds terrible. But only a small amount of people sound that bad. They are mostly the ones that really dont care abut learning the pronounciations of english words.


You guys really live in a bubble

>Germany's PM was pushing this game the most
>could have been pushing Papers Please instead

hallo xDD ^^

right now farming simulator 16 costs only 10 cent in the google play store over here.
Switched got fucked over

Some weeb developer needs to take this game and add waifu/romance to it already.

>German youtube poops for example are way more complex (and funnier) than american ones for example.

>be me
>be german
>want so see it
provide a link for entertainment purpose, pls! And don't post Marcel Davis poop video...

so it would be like "Bauer sucht Frau" (farmer seeks wife) TV show. Its... perfect!

Steck dir deine Öhrchen sonst wo hin!