Find a flaw

find a flaw

the vast majority of dps specs have a couple leggos that are 100% absolutely required to be able to compete, and they're entirely RNG based on whether you get them or not and what you get when you do get one

Argus is a flaming dumpster fire, it's broken shore 2.0 with even worse level design, it's a tedious chore to do even the most basic of tasks

drop rates are completely fucked on a lot of things, there are reports of tailors farming demons on Argus for literally 3 to 4 hours and not getting a single piece of cloth

professions still mostly useless

wpvp is a joke

bgs are a joke

pvp in general is a joke because of tank spec

the lore has been left a gaping maw dripping shit and dirty cum for a while now, legion takes it a step further

God I want to ERP but I hate the inconvenience of doing it in game.

>monthly fee

What really sucks is when you start buying tokens with gold. You stop wasting your time having fun. I'm basically an auction house bot.

Literally everything, other than the fact that they're finally producing a decent amount of content. Everything else is bad, somehow they made a worse expansion than WoD.

Imagine being so mad at a game you have to lie about it every thread

you still have to buy wow, pay first fee to start playing and hope you manage to max level and get enough money to buy next months, not gonna happen im not gonna spend a cent on this shit

it'd be easier to find what isn't a flaw

I still don't get how people spend ~20 hours(?)+ a week to "cheat the system" and buy WoW tokens with gold, when 2 hours minimum wage would pay for the same thing.

Imagine posting no counterarguments and instead just hand-waving away all the flaws of a terrible game because you're addicted to wasting your time on it.

to me it was artifact grinding but they patched it so now it's perfect, best expansion since wotlk and if anyone says otherwise they are bait tards


lmao they were right, you think you do but you don't

Made fury and arms not fun.

because they are completely stupid and don't value their time

>let's spendo 20 hours of gameplay farming for tokens instead of going to literally any restaurant ever and work 4 HOURS as a dish washer and have enough money for 2 months of subscription

Well depends on what country, where i live its 1 and a half days of a full time job with a minimum wage, but still i pay with it with money not tokens because i play the game to have fun and kill time not to turn it into a grind, WOW is just what you make it to be, and yeah pvp is kinda shit but i still like it. And for the content its even too much for me, quit complaining about argus being a burning shitwhole, its "free" content, just remember WOD

no fox mount even after year or so
also shitty rng leggo system

It's starting to feel more like a f2p mobile game.
All I'm doing is waiting for stuff; waiting for the next part of the questline to unlock, waiting for the new dungeon to unlock, waiting for world quests to pop, waiting for class hall missions to finish, etc...
I re-subbed with one of my tokens to spend most of my time in the game just waiting.

remember when you didn't compete against teammates and just focused on completing the objective for your group


Its shit, because pvp went all muh epsorts, and all classes do same thing with 3-4 cc
In PVE they've still fucking huge problem balancing specs without making 3 of them completly op and required to stack and other 5 being useles, doing maybe 60% of damage other spec is capable (like survival vs other specs, or ele shamman on start vs ench shaman as top dps, doing 150% of ele damage)

Not sure about arms and if they fixed lolrandom colosuss smash, but fury is fun with low cd and flashy, easy rotation

Just use f-list like everyone else

Because multi-milion company makes content that can be completed solo in one whole day, and need maybe 2-3 instances where you need other players. So they timegate it because of whiny, entitled bitches

And this same bitches, cry when blizz pulls of legendary quest for artifact skin only obtainable doing normal or better raids. Same with class challange that required fairly well geared character. Those fucking retards will always cry about "i pad for this so should gt it now!!111". And guess what? Blizz will pander to them

For example, they made a templates for pvp, so n more complaining about gear diffirence. Ofc looses like 100 vs 0 are there because those retards cant play their class even with smae stats

I miss having to actually group up for stuff sometimes. Now you just roll up to the elite, see a bunch of other people already attacking it, and then just join in and get credit without ever joining a group or speaking to anyone.

I never got why people felt so entitled that they should get the same reward that the people who do higher level content do. They're putting in the effort to clear the content, nothing is stopping the entitled fucks from doing the same. Normal raids are hardly even more difficult than LFR is, just don't stand in the bad shit and you'll win.

Gold inflaition, good quest loccked behinde rep grinde and artifact power

They're ntitled because they pay for sub. And by this they think they're entitled to receive any reward in game with low or no effort. They didnt pay to "waste time to learn hard and stupid things".

And by hard and stupid they consider spider or that big eye fight in normal EN

Having no softcap for titanforges in lower difficulties has really made the payoff for higher difficulties feel shitty/nonexistant most of the time.

>Argus is a flaming dumpster fire, it's broken shore 2.0 with even worse level design, it's a tedious chore to do even the most basic of tasks

and these are the people who whine about WoW being too casual and how levelling in the old days wa better

High Mythic+ is still easily the best way to get geared, 935+ gear weekly with a huge chance of titanforging is pretty good

The faggot didn't say anything about Vanilla being better you dumb bitch.
Random Legendaries when half of legendaries are shit and some are all but necessary is a problem you fucking worthless cunt.



Screenshot of your Mythic raiding achieves or stop fucking crying about legendaries. They only matter that much if you are doing high end mythic raiding.
If your guild is struggling in heroic or getting 3/9 mythic you guys are shit and have bigger problems than legendaries.

Farming 8s and 9s is a lot more rewarding than pushing 11+ keys. Obviously doing a 10 for the weekly is good. So is doing the first 3 joke bosses on mythic until you can get mythic KJ loot from your tos cache/heroic forges above 930.

Sharding drops from your first kill on mythic bosses a lot of the time feels pretty bad.

I really, really wish more people caused a ruckus about the Celestial Steel and didn't just handwave it away as a non-issue, or worse actually bought one. That shit right there was the fork in the road. I wonder where we'd be right now if people went apeshit about it like they did with the whole paid mods thing.

it's made by occultists

I'm more interested in why anyone would want to buy WoW gold from Blizzard. There is nothing to spend it on unless you want to buy some expensive ass mounts off the AH.

>It's not a problem that some people get rewarded with a huge boost to their performance for absolutely no reason other than RNG

But I suppose it isn't a problem because you've set the argument up so you can't lose.

It's people who don't have much time to play the game but still want their characters geared so they buy tokens to use that gold to purchase carries.
Also people that want those expensive mounts like the Spider and the new Lightforged one.

You're probably right, but I kind of like the challenge. Mythic+ is one of the most fun things they've done in a while

>tank spec

>all classes do the same thing with 3-4cc

and in vanilla everyone rolled arms and retribution to 1shot everyone, woop de doo

instead of being a man and trying to clear mythics without a 9000% optimal setup you decide to be a little bitch and cry on a chinese image board that you didn't drop an item that will become irrelevant in a couple of months

this is how pathetic you are

I would pay $30 a month if it meant all the brazilians were kicked out

wow pvp has been absolute trash since vanilla, esports had nothing to do with it.

ruining frost DKs because they can't even pretend to balance shit anymore

Literally made for 12 year old children

>rated T
>for 12 year old children

>class design
>artifact system
>rng gear

People buy gold to buy carries from raiding guilds. Have you NOT seen the dozens of fucking advertisments in WoW for mythic carries?

>buy $80 in gold from blizzard
>pay for mythic carries
>whine that you're already done with content and argus is boring
the state of retail

it's PEGI 12

>eurocuck ratings on an american game
where did we go wrong

why do Euros always complain about getting patches a day late when they can play the game an entire year early?
fucking entitled shits

My guild sells mythic NH clear plus mount for ~3.5m gold, your typical buyer is dropping over 200 euros on tokens to get boosted.

>please leave real world discussions about gender identity and gender identification out of the game
>this is a problem for shitposters
I wish mods would enforce that here

You're an epic little bitch trying to meme name and got banned for it? Good fucking riddance.

Dungeon finder

I've drank coffee and pond water for the past 13 hours and my peepee smells like magic markers

reinstalling this very moment!

Thanks, I needed that $0.03 to buy some coffee

Compared to other MMOs? Still the obvious number 1 pick. Still has a bunch of flaws tho

>no friends

there are better platforms to keep contact with your friends, such as irc


what do you mean?

What he said, have all my friends in steam and on our guild ts.

TF is literally killing Legions raiding scene.
Why spend 4 hours wiping on a mythic boss, when you could easily ignore it, go clear Heroic in an hour or two, probably get better gear than (base) mythic, or go run some Mythic+ to the same effect.


It's sorta ludicrous, but at any point it's as simple as switching up gold for platinum or whatever.

A lot of xpacs have really good CC, in line with the damage, but the group sizes are what's affecting playability.. 20v20 is obviously a balance (a type of tuning), vs. 10v10 or 3v3.

haha two genders comedy gold classic meme good sir upvote


They have to stretch shit out because people complete the content in a day and bitch that there's nothing to do. Alternatively, people literally kill themselves because they don't take breaks from playing.

>make shitty bait name that loopholes the ToS
>get asked to change it
>don't do it
>get asked again
>pretend to be retarded
>get banned

Yeah videogames have kids playing them, no fucking shit, WoW had a 12+ rating since 2004, but you probably missed that, you sperg.

>>please leave real world discussions about gender identity and gender identification out of the game

He is completely right you fucking imbecile, enjoy your ban faggot.

catch up gear is still a big problem
legion has 4 raids right now and a 5th one coming up but you only ever do the last one because of catch up gear
its sad really there is no progression from raid to raid you just skip it with catch up gear making the game feel super short
but i guess blizz wants it that way maybe there arent enough players to spread them out over alot of gear ilvl and raids so they push them together

>t. degenerate tranny

fuck off underage, making idiot screenshots for epic Sup Forums upvotes isn't how it works around here

>This is the new WoW community

And you wonder why the game is a pile of fucking pigshit.

You do realise the name he used had absolutely no political connotation whatsoever? The act of people taking offense to the name and the moderator taking a stance on its "offensiveness" is what made the situation political. The person taking the screencap did nothing wrong.

don't pretend to be retarded, user, that's just as bad as being actually retarded

agreed Sup Forumsro :D have a (You)!

RNG everything and looting boxes is considered content. The community has also continuously degenerated over the years and now is only filled with the most retarded of retards.

If I started playing this now..
(have not played since Cata)
how hard would it be to catch up to do some arena or raiding? Also are ret palas any good yet?

>t. buttblasted genderfluid degenerate

>how hard would it be to catch up
You have an entire month before any relevant content becomes available and a zone that shits catchup gear all over you
>are ret palas good?
If by good you mean a dumpster fire filled with the corpses of aids riddle hobos then yes.

gear is super easy to get now
ret is a joke

It's still fundamentally World of Warcraft

He didn't said anything about vanillia, so stop making up arguments.

And you have esport shit slaped into front page so stop being retarded, because they're changing whole pvp to be fucking competetive trash esport

He's bringing up vanilla because pvp has always been a shitshow. Compared to most mmps it's actually balanced. Esports is just a label to attract people, but it also makes autists like you mad.

The Legendary system is still the worst thing Blizzard has ever implemented. Mother fuck, I've wanted the ring legendary for my Prot spec since day one OVER A YEAR AGO and it still hasn't dropped. Blizzard's attempt at legendary parity has also largely failed.

Alright thanks
Figures ret is still shit

i don't give a shit about gender crap, i take issue with your newfag ass trying this hard to get le epic Sup Forums screenshots

If you've been playing that long you should definitely have everything for at least one spec. Especially with relinquished shit since 7.2. Not that it's not a terrible system, but it's really overblown.

There's not a single word about vanilia or claims that wow was better 10 expasnions ago. Stop making up arguments
"esports is just a label"
I have no words for ignorants like you nor power to make wall of text how blind you are

You know they've been broadcasting arena tournaments for years.

>Astralgender in denial

That's a legic enough ban. The gamemaster, however, should just have pointed out that twogenders is a pretty unambiguous way to say "there are only two genders".