Do you still buy your games physical?

Do you still buy your games physical?

If yes then post them.

what gen is the Wii U?

I stopped for a while, but I think I'm going to go back to physical.

Is the onechanbara good? Did it make it to burgerland or do I have to bring it from rawfish land?

>Is the onechanbara good?


Ignore the bad Photoshop. Seeing the corner of the room was too distracting.

Rate me

>no kiwami

fuck i thought mine was good will post will post soon or later

Hows the BD?

>no persona 5
Shit taste desu

You will buy Metal Gear Survive won't you? Also what's your favourite game on PS4?

I fucking hate steel boxes so much.

It's missing cyberdimension neptunia 4go.

>look at me, I'm gay!

Really good. It originally had a cum tube but I just found it annoying, so I cut it off.

That's not gay that's bdsm tier shit

Dang it, user. I was playing it, so it was in the lower half of the shelf.

a man of taste i see

Getting into the Yakuza games, excited to play 0 soon.

>standard version

If a man owns dildos, he's a faggot.

Where did you get english version yakuza kiwami from?

Below Payday and above PlayStation VR Worlds. I honestly try to avoid steelbooks whenever possible. I have them, but only if there is no other option.

Of course I will. I'm not Caramel, but I do remember Kojima getting a promotion, long before the MGS5 drama, so even I suspect that something is up.

From the store? I live in asia

Which shop I need to get it

Of course I do. Currently buying PS2 games though.

Yes, it is in burgerland and you can get it off Amazon for $20 new. No, I wouldn't call it good. I wouldn't call it complete shit either.

>no Styx shards of darkness

I got you now boy

A random store on some shopping mall. Telling you which is not going matter if you don't live in the same city as I do.


I'll have to check my PSN account, I think I have that. It's possible that I don't. I know there are hundreds of games that I do not own.

Eighth, same as the Switch

I mostly been buying and playing xbox games. I wish Sega released skies of acadia for the og xbox instead of the cube. Just ordered valkrie profile 2.

Is that odin sphere steelbook edition?

>Do you still buy your games physical?

Man, it's gonna be fun for you retards when you finally move into your own place, and need a separate U-Haul for all of your plastic shit.

If you don't see a game here it's because I have it downloadable.

why do phoneposted pics always get flipped around

jokes on you, i have a wagon.

This is pretty much up to date besides adding Uncharted Golden Abyss to my collection.

Vita is unfortunately mostly digital because the sales are plentiful.

Pls no bully

Dust your damn shelf, user.

>DJ Max

What level are you? The only other poster itt who plays this lol

Yes because p vest connection I can get In my area is a 6mbps

>He thinks I keep them in their boxes all the time.
The boxes are put away in my closet user. I have
>4 disc cases
>2 DS/3DS cases
>1 Vita case
>One of those old gameboy containers completely stuffed with GB and GBA games
The only things I have out are Gamecube cases, and N64 and Genesis carts because I dont know what to do with them.


It arrived yesterday, I'm level 12 I think

But you still own the cases, idiot. Do you plan to recycle them?

Which button do you play? 4,5,6 or 8?

They literally all fit into a medium sized cardboard box you fucking simp. It'd be one of the many boxes I have in my uhaul while moving.

Fellow physicalfags, I have a question for you.
Finally getting a new ps4. I want to go full physical but I am living in yurop.
I heard physical copies have region codes on it. Can you give me a quick rundown?
Considering getting pic related if you enlight me

It's not abnormal to require space for personal items though, normies would just have something else like a motorcycle or something like that

Some of my recent PS2 purchases with more on the way. Unfortunately they are coming from Florida.

Forgot pic


I know that isn't you, but that shit isn't fitting in any one box.

>not normalfags

Go back to Plebbit.

Mostly 6

Usually games from EU work with DLC from EU anyways. The PS4 itself isn't regionlocked but DLC is. Let's say you own a physical copy of Bloodborne (US) and you want to get the DLC for it, you'll have to buy the DLC from the US PSN aswell. A PS4 supports multiple accounts though so technically you can have an US account on your system, buy the DLC and then play the DLC on all other accounts on the same PS4.

PS4 is region free my dude

That wouldn't be hard to fit into two medium sized boxes man. You just have to stack them right.

Dishonored 2
Dragon Quest Builders
FF Type-0
Gravity rush remaster
Gravity rush 2
Infamous second son
Kingdom hearts 2.8
The last guardian
Metal gear solid Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain
Nier automata
Odin sphere
Persona 5
Ratchet and clank
Shovel knight
Tearaway unfolded
Titanfall 2
Yakuza 0/kiwami
Gundam breaker 3
Zero escape the nonary games

Sorry didn't feel like taking a picture

I actually have a cardboard box that can fit into. Amazon sent the Battlefield 1 Collectors Edition in a box, that was inside another box, that is large enough to hold a mini fridge. It's in perfect shape.

Wouldn't you want your move to be easy as possible though? Having to move 50+ plastic boxes seems excessive. Just collect a few games you really like.

what's a few extra boxes, not really a big deal

Only pic I have but is just my PS2 games.

Old pic, but not much changed.

If you buy physical from other regions, you may want to consider making region accounts to access the DLC for said region. So if you import from the US, you'll need a US account to access the DLC.

Region switching is easy on the PS4, and same with the PS3.

What's holding the shift key once in a while, not really a big deal.

i prefer it

Games aren't region locked, you can play any game on any account


SAVE files and DLC are region locked so if a EU disc has DLC, you really need to make sure to play that game on your EU account so you can access it.

Example: Completing Bloodborne using a US region disc on a EU account means you will be locked out of playing the expansion regardless if you buy the DLC on your EU or a US account. And locked out of transferring your existing save file to a EU account to access DLC you have bought.

In the case of , just make sure you play BlazBlue on a US account and if there is DLC you will have to buy US PSN Codes off Amazon to access the DLC because it's the only way you can get credits on a PSN account in Europe

And if you're ever going to buy US PSN codes make sure your amazon address is set in antartica or something where there is no sales tax so you don't pay extra.

>Sorry didn't feel like taking a picture
Do it please I want to see, your taste is very similar to mine

>Do you still buy your games physical?
Yes. Every game I spend money on has to be physical
>post them
Nah, I don't have them on display. Too lazy to take them all out of the drawers for a pic


Hmm, I never had issues with DLC from other regions but the only I have to test it out is DoAX3. I played it on my US account and all the dlc from the Hong Kong account shows up.

>Too much plaid/10
You should have a tailor made ensemble of silk shirts and suits.

>Robotech Battlecry
My fucking nigga. That's next on my list of things to purchase.

Maybe you got lucky but I've been locked out of DLC and unable to xfer my save files too many times to take the risk no more

Thanks for the help.
Digital is far more cheap in my country but I wont fell for that meme ever again.

Some games I mentioned are out on loan to some friends but it's only a few of them. Forgive me if the photo is sideways or upside down I'm phoneposting

Now post hand

Looks fine thanks

How's Aqua Aqua? I'm looking for a good puzzle game for the PS2.

While the mods have let up, a couple threads I was in were instantly killed due to that. I don't want to be associated with that meme. So many good collection threads died that way.

Don't fall for the meme. Games are cheap if you buy them used online. Just make sure to read the condition the game/case is in before you purchase.

Yeah, but how do I know you're a real sony66er and not just some fag pretending?

Awesome collections

>boxes for the 2hus

I've got a shitload of ps1 and ps2 games too but I put those in storage at my dads house because tiny apartment and only one bookshelf. Really love physical ps1 cases with multi discs. Chunky jewel cases are the best

I had so many good times on the multiplayer.

Fuck off shitposter

no u faggot

Yes. I think I've bought a total of 3 digital games in my life. Don't even remember what those were.

I need to dust my self.

I've been thinking about playing more ps2 games
Which of those would you say are 8/10 or better?

Man, the PS2 is such a great fucking console.

I give my PS2 a hug every morning

>he's not gay

I'm not the person that originally responded to you, but yeah, I don't even want to touch that can of worms.

I want to fuck that console
