The fuck is her problem
The fuck is her problem
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The fuck is this game.
Life is strange: Before the storm
have fun lad.
Fantastic is what it is
Dead dad problems. Trying to act tough because she has no friends.
Chloe has self destructive tendancies that have been made worse by her father passing just as she was becoming a teenager, a stage of life where the human ego is first really seriosuly becoming an adult and can be negativley developed long term by trauma. Basically, Chloe is a bright, thoughtful kid that is already likely predisposed to self destructive and addiction based tendancies made worse by the sudden shock passing of her most valued figure, her father. Chloe is acting out for attention and affection the only way she seems to know get's a response these days, which is to be bad.
Chloe knows she is being a shitter, and knows she needs to do better by her mother and most of all for herself. She could as well, but ahe is more likley to spiral out of control in her teen years. She has a short temper and take takes compulsive risks, but she has an alternate weakness, she grows affection very deeply and quickly, if Max were still here, she might have been ok because she NEEDS more doninant people to guide her.
Thats about all i got.
Her problem is she's not in a video game
She's dead.
Why does Max look like a fucking caveman?
6 Threads in 5 days, thats amazing
Notice how There's anons here stating thier opinion and trying to start a discussion and There's some meming with the usual stale ">game", Sup Forums was something once.
teenager being a teenager I assume.
>because she has no friends
This is the saddest part because Chloe is actually very affectionate and kind deep down but everyone is like "i-i hear you are a bad bitch aren't you Chloe?" And she seems almost melencholy with it like "yeah i guess i am."
Was my mini essay bad? I was being genuine.
Nah, he was using you as a good example I'm pretty sure.
Whats the problem? If that is not right then call a mod, im sure they can help any issue that breaks the rules
Notice how video games used to be about actual gameplay and, to an extent skill, which is what separated them from other media but now games like Life is Strange, Gone Home and anything made by Telltale skirt the fine line between static storytelling and interactive entertainment thus diminishing the actual definition of the game part of "video game?"
These are not "games." Just because there's a few button prompts and a QTE here and there and mild exploring does not make it a "game." It looks like a game, it sounds like a game, it sure as fuck doesn't play like a game. So yeah, consider this part of your discussion.
This. I hate this new school of game design where everything is "an experience" that doesn't expect any skill from the player and just hands over all content it has to offer.
>Notice how video games used to be about actual gameplay
Did they always...
t. too young to remember the days of lucasarts games, and other point and click games
sure in most cases they took longer, but it was generally cryptic as fuck guesswork that got you through it
This game gives me so much depression because my father died as well in an accident ;_;
I normally don't care seeing people getting ripped apart in the rekt threads, but this is just too much for me... Can't play this game without getting depressed. I love this game, but the flash backs are killing me
You can go even further back than that, like into fucking text adventures.
Those are not games though because limited ass constrained genres are somehow important.
>You can be as reductive as can be when talking about things you don't like but never attempt to try and tell me about VIDEO GAMES.
Who said you can decide what is a game and what isn't?
I was actually born in the 80's. I remember Myst and Grim Fandango and stuff like Space Ace and Dragon's Lair. Even then I never considered Dragon's Lair a game, it was a cartoon with button prompts. Same with Space Ace. This is just a modern day take on that genre. At least Myst had a puzzle element to it but it was still barely a "game." It was mainly for people that worked desk jobs to have something to play on their PC at lunch. I mean logistically those are much easier experiences to get into. Point, click, done. Wow what a great "game." Makes you wonder though why they didn't sell as good as compared to side scrollers, shooters, racing and flight games?. Oh yeah because point and click "games" were and still are boring as shit. It's the entertainment equivalent of plastic fruit people's grandmas keep on their dinner table. Wow that sure looks like a tasty apple! Oh it's fucking plastic, thanks grandma.
I was actually born in the 80's. I remember Myst and Grim Fandango and stuff like Space Ace and Dragon's Lair. Even then I never considered Dragon's Lair a game, it was a cartoon with button prompts. Same with Space Ace. This is just a modern day take on that genre. At least Myst had a puzzle element to it but it was still barely a "game." It was mainly for people that worked desk jobs to have something to play on their PC at lunch. I mean logistically those are much easier experiences to get into. Point, click, done. Wow what a great "game." Makes you wonder though why they didn't sell as good as compared to side scrollers, shooters, racing and flight games?. Oh yeah because point and click "games" were and still are boring as shit. It's the entertainment equivalent of plastic fruit people's grandmas keep on their dinner table. Wow that sure looks like a tasty apple! Oh it's fucking plastic, thanks grandma.
I did.
Her dad died, her new "dad" is a fuckwit and she has no real friends aside from Max who left the state. She's kinda fucked up.
>what are text adventures
Nah, she needs a good dicking, that's all
I like how this prequel is throwing away all pretenses of trying to have sci-fi mechanics in it and just going straight Telltale adventure game. Chloe's also a better main character then Max ever was.
But she be the gay
So it's ALWAYS been around and its just your opinion. Thats ok i guess.
>She's kinda fucked up.
Plus original Life is Strange, Fate hate her for some reason.
Chloe is not a virgin, and at just 16. She has had a good dicking already, and continues to for a little while according to LiS. BtS is her discovering that she isn't straight as she thought she was and is growing more and more feelings as she gets older towards pretty girls as well. All of this is spoken about in BtS.
Life is Tumblr
Iirc from LiS she is actually bisexual.
Maybe stop posting like one.
>thinks anime and Avatar the last fucking airbender are top tier examples of writing and character development
>meanwhile spends 10 minutes complaining that Max's time travel power ISN'T REALISTIC ENOUGH
>makes conclusions that something is bad based on how SJW he precives something to be and then just cherry picks evidence to support his bias
>bizzarely frustrated with any organism that has a vagina in all his videos, figuratively rolls his eyes everytime a girl does a "thingy"
>his video is just nearly 30 minutes of being salty that everyone else seemed to like LiS and gave it good review scores
He is actually quite funny, i laughed at a lot of parts of his life is tumblr video, but he is a complete fucking contrarian faggot all the same. Life is tumblr is not a review, it's mostly confirmation bias, he should have just called it "blog, opinion:" instead. 3/10 for making me laugh at parts, i would actually take him more seriously on this if his own taste wasn't so absolutely fucking shit. He is probably in this thread right now, seems like the kind of guy who would sniff his own farts and feel satisfied.
She needs the dick.
too much polishing her pearl
Not really, teenagers spend more time fapping than actually fucking no doubt. They are horny all the time.
Why would that impact her negativly though?
>stfu mom im a big girl now, i have hella orgasams and you're just lonley
>yeah ok Chloe, thats why david keeps coming over and railing me, got it all figured out because you finally let one dumb boy stick half a hard on in you and cum to fast
>*joyce takes a deep drag of her cigarertte with an animue smug face
because it is just one symtpom of forced loneliness despite the fact she deeply wants to be part of all of it.
its kinda paradox, but thats what teenagers mostly go through, cuz they cant figure that shit out.
Pretty good analysis, user
I dunno user, growing up i knew girls i fooled around with but they still made their own orgasams if thry felt like blowing off steam. Some people just really like having orgasams and their bf/buddy is not always about and they are aroused and shit
Not to circlejerk, but I agree with you. He's a funny cuck that clearly has women issues.
yeah well, this analysis doesn't work in general, cuz humans and shit
Hella sick burn, bruh. *dabs*
Well, it's not a game.
It's another category of software trying to do something different from games, and as long you call this a game, you just degrade it because you judge it as a game.
Also no jump button.
I too remember swag
I see social media hilarious puns affected what you like/dislike heavily.
>Also no jump button
in the words of dark syde phil user:
>it's okay when all the other games inacuratley portray teenagers
Hey user, who cares what teenagers think anyway, WE are the adults here! And if we want to be satisfied with a completley false idea about what they actually get up to these days so what? What they gonna do? Go back to being spotty shitters with no money and just jacking off and schlicking for kicks? Kek.
"I worship Classics just because they're called Classics"
But stuff like LiS IS a classic concept user.
No one's saying it is
This guy are mad as fuck! I kek'd though. Regardless, would still eat out Chloe for hours, morning shower or no.
I know, that's why i said it?
Well, you have to remember she practically lost two family members at the same time. Max was essentially a sister to her, so having her move away and completely ignoring her is effectively the same as her dying in a car crash.
How would you feel if the two dearest people in your life suddenly died?
>ywn live in a small, comfy, coastal US town next to a forest
>ywn have bunch of friends that you do stuff with in your dorm
>ywn be young again
>ywn have a gf like Max or Chloe
Dad died
Mom remarrying
Stepdad is an asshole with a chip on his shoulder
Best friend left without saying a word
Sup Forums levels of edgyness
>Max was essentially a sister to her
the irony of this moron in the video. probably advertising your own channel consiidering it's quite obvious this website is your target audience
Why do so many teenage girls like to experiment and go through a lesbian phase? You don't see guys touching each others dicks in highschool and college.
>You don't see guys touching each others dicks in highschool and college.
you would be quite surprised
social stigma.
but yeah, it happens, dude.
Every talkbalk is stupid as fuck. She doesn't even make any good points, just constantly uses "No U" to talk her way out of things and it somehow works every time.
user... Do you have a confession?
So exactly like Sup Forums when they end arguments going
>lol shill
>lol sjw
No good dick
no, but it definitely happens
I normally like Adam's stuff, but he's so clearly not even trying to like the game here. The videos in which he breaks down bad films are actually entertaining because he analyses them well. Here he just kind of screams into a microphone.
>You don't see guys touching each others dicks in highschool and college.
Someones living a sheltered life.
How do we know it was good?
>You don't see guys touching each others dicks in highschool and college
Pfft... you must be joking, but i know what you mean. Growing up girls i was friends with would come out into clubs with us and if they felt like it would start DEEP kissing each other in front of all the lads with no shame just for club attention and laffs. Girls are like that, they practice kissing on each other, thry get fully undressed in front of each other while getting ready to go out, the pee together. Girls are super comfy with each other and still feel super straight. I have dated straight girls who have admitted "im not gay... but i could maybe have something with "x" girl because she is good looking enough... maybe..."
I think girls are inherintly bi, and why not? Other girls are soft and pretty and know how to make each other cum hard and fast. If i were a girl id be candy lesbian gay as fuck, girls are fucking great.
Know What was good?
You're making jokes but I'm mad that your post is a actual fucking game mechanic. Fuck time powers Chloe has the powers of hella sick burns brah
She's an ugly cunt
The dicking
I dunno. I feel men are very similar, but are just socially trained to consider any kind of intimacy to be ''gay and gay is bad''. I'm a guy and I constantly see homoeroticism amongst other men, it's just rarely acted upon as everyone goes ''no homo'' out of fear.
Hell. Look at Sup Forums. Half the people on here veer hard to bisexuality, in large part because of the anonymity.
Now just stop that user. She might be a cunt on the inside but i still want to be inside her cunt.
So you've never given a bro job and said no homo after?
It's rather amusing how alien every single post about this game sounds. They don't even try to hide.
Well... i guess we don't do we. Common sense would tell us probably not because most teen sex is bullshit, the only best part about having sex as a teenager was how fucking thirsty you were for each other and how easily and hard you could cum for each other out of pure horny desperetness for each other. The actual physical texhnuiqes were often un refined as fuck.
She wasn't getting all up in Rachel yet? Does this game time skip, or do they just progress that over the course of days?
>Maxine Caulfield
Pick one
>Hell. Look at Sup Forums. Half the people on here veer hard to bisexuality, in large part because of the anonymity
user, you forget, ironically pretending to be gay on the internet is the highest order of net comedy. r-right?
So how was the first episode of the prequel?
I found it much more tolerable than the entirety of the original game.
Not really since men aren't actually attractive, women just think we are.
Little of A little of B. I do believe that a large portion of Sup Forums specifically are massive faggots in denial. The place seems to attract them like fucking catnip.
More than any other board on the site for some fucking reason.
You would be suprised user. She might seem like a shy kid, but with sexually She takes what she wants. Whenever she kissess Chloe or Warren, she is suddenly calm, confident and sets the pace. SHE goes in first and takes it from them both, and Chloe actually freaks out harder about it than Warren does. Yes for all her talk, Chloe is like the less dominant one even though she has more experince.