Rune Factory 4

So i've finished the first arc i think, and got told to go into the spring area now. The monsters there are kinda hard though and i'm not sure if i missed something. I haven't found gold yet for example and can therefore not craft the next weapons. Should i just bolt trough and hope to find some items/materials?

Also general RF thread i guess.

You should upgrade your farm tools as early as you are able to get better materials more often. The first time I went into that fire cave I got my ass severely beat. Then I ran past everything and mined what I could just so I could craft resist gear, and I could stand a chance.

Amber is best girl.

I've got the same problem as you that I need to be overleveled as fuck to feel like I stand a chance. What I've found to help carry me through shit is spamming my charge B move with a spear for stunlocking and using a sweep spell that I believe you should have which does a nice amount of damage to kill mobs and knock them down easily

>playing this again
>finally 'clicked' with me and i'm further than i've ever been before which isn't saying much
>having a blast just upgrading shit, farming, doing requests, etc.
>not even slightly concerned when i hit a tough enemy, just consider it a good reason to try and get new equipment to upgrade and use
>frequently get bodied by a new area and then return with equipment and stats that OHKO more often than not

this game is superb. I cannot fathom why i had so many failed attempts at getting into it until now.
It also really scratches that itch of watching numbers rise steadily as you progress, nothing like getting a crit that adds another digit to your damage

i actually dont have sweep, but i think the spear charge will help.

also upgrading those tools as fast as i can, but i dont have all recipes yet

The best way to fight back monsters is by using a strong monster, they are specially useful against bosses since they can take a beating before they die so you can go all out against the boss.

I find the beetles to be pretty fucking tough and have some nice attacks so get the biggest one that you can find.

Keep in mind upgrading is also an option, albeit not a really powerful option early on.

Just checked and it's called Reaper Slash. If you find it definitely give it a try

I hope you're playing on hard.

alright will try that, thanks

i do it but yeah, it has its limits with the RP it uses and the material i can use right now

alright! thanks

I am. I heard there were extra mechanics on hard so I picked it. I'm not grinding or anything to be over leveled to beat stuff I just get all the exp from doing other non combat activities

>extra mechanics on hard

tell me about his

I'm not aware of the extra mechanics, but you get far more out of the game at that difficulty imo.

I believe I saw something along those lines on a random gamefaqs thread, it might have been full of shit I just never looked into it. My bad if it's misinformation

Hard as far as I have noticed mostly just boosts enemy AI considerably on top of reducing damage you take/increasing damage you deal. Hard monsters constantly spam attacks while Easy monsters (bosses included) just take a break every attack.

Not so much extra mechanics, as bosses will act differently and throw out a larger variety of moves that are much more difficult to not take damage from.

>remember about that beetle at the beginning of the blue area after autumnland
>go there
>find out that they drop the item that they want to be tamed
>kill the on in that screen until the thing drops and tame the next one
>beetle-kun and me gonna get those hardcore sheeps now

Those little fairies are kicking my ass on hard mode, the monsters that try to get close to you are easier to deal with.

She's too cute, I think I'm going for her.

>Those little fairies are kicking my ass on hard mode, the monsters that try to get close to you are easier to deal with.
Monsters that just spam projectiles are always the worst. That's on top of RF4 going with the idea that every attack animation has super armor at windup so if you for example want to Flash Strike any ranged enemies you will most often eat projectiles anyway after hitting them unless you actually oneshot them.

Have you got the heal skill yet? Might be a good idea to get that and spam potions too. There's also a shield ability if I recally correctly.

Use the water laser, monsters hate you when you use the water laser.

You will need it for the spiders and the fire spirit fucks too.