Make a non-serious cuphead review for laughs

>make a non-serious cuphead review for laughs
>people think it's real and criticize you for it

why are today's gamers unable to take a joke?

Other urls found in this thread:

>fuck up horribly
>pretend it was a joke

why do people think "I was only PRETENDING to be retarded" is any kind of defence or justification

>why are today's gamers unable to take a joke?

It's not so much that gamers can't take a joke.

It's that people on internet comments sections have no comedic talent, therefor making said "jokes" not actual jokes but just autistic ramblings. Just because you attempted humor and it doesn't land doesn't mean you're some kind of genius who is above criticism.

A better question is why are gamers all self-centered narcissists who can't handle criticism? Maybe it has something to do with not going outside and being properly socialized in life. Just a hunch.

>I was only pretending to be retarded


Videogame culture, writ large, fetishizes skill. An individual’s skill at a particular game determines the validity of the argument posed by that individual, in most common spheres of discussion. But it’s not a really good barometer for critical meaning by any measure.
Games, especially in the modern era (with the aid of Let’s Plays, streaming, and various other methods of content absorption without mechanical interaction) are no longer simply puzzle boxes to unlock knowledge of by solving. Games are stories, conversations between player and world, and conversations between designers and viewers. The act of play itself is but one method of experiencing what we call a “videogame” in modern critical discussions.

Because the joke is I WAS PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED when in reality, he was playing like a newborn baby.

Did you copy and paste this from a transcript of a TEDx talk that only got 900 views?

this is bait, but fuck off just incase

Just to clarify, he went from "I'm writing a Cuphead preview article" to "I'm using my failed Cuphead gameplay footage for a 'social experiment'" to "It was all just a joke, you guys, like, seriously, get a sense of humor."

What a sad little man.

>Fucking Johning
>On the worldwide web.

Your fate is sealed and everybody can see it you fuck.

>it's between mario and dark souls
this will never not be funny

Surely nobody believes him

>you are expecting Mario, as the story says, then you are thrown off

you the fuck is expecting Mario??

>Warming up needed to play a fucking video game
Surely the rope is only option

All this is doing now is giving this retard more views/clicks he's already a mockery I don't want him to even get recognition for whatever he does anymore, he might even do something similar again just because of all the controversy this made.

>people are laughing at his expense
>they're the ones who can't take a joke

>needing to warm up to get past the obstacle that came after "press down to duck" and "press a to jump"
it literally is the warmup

>Actually using the pretending to be retarded excuse

>needs to warm up before he gets to the press x to shoot part of the tutorial
truly the dark souls of press a to jump tutorials

someone post the bird webm i need to show it to someone

Now this is some nice damage control.

This is how fighting games decide who is more knowledgeable and I like it. Talk shit, fight, loser is wrong. Get better

It seems like "Mario" is his sole point of reference when it comes to platformers. He brought him up several times in his article as well and mentioned him constantly in subsequent comments. He's like an out-of-touch soccer mom whose entire concept of video games is "Mario and Lara Croft".

It's indicative of a real problem in the industry even though this guy and his video in particular aren't part of it. He doesn't deserve the hate, but gaming journalism certainly does.

I fucking hate the new generation of kids and the dumb fucking shit you say.
I hope you all die.

>display behavior of someone with an IQ below room temperature
>haha dude it was just a social experiment


What exactly does the viewer get out of seeing some weak-jawed hipster fag fail at very simple instructions for several minutes?

You'd think actually showing some of the game would have been the smart thing to do, if you're going to review it.
Now it just looks like the game is made for morons.

The guy is no spring chicken.

>he doesn't deserve the hate
i was 50/50 until the damage control. now he absolutely deserves it.

>he has covered games for 18 years
And somehow during that entire span he never actually managed to play one

Games journalism as a whole is a joke. The 'games journalists' aren't gamers, and they never were. This was proven on a number of levels already back before GamerGate was even a thing.



No way he's even played a real mario game if he's that useless and also thinks mario is easy babby games

I refuse to believe an Asian could play a side scroller that badly.

>be a reviewer
>act like a fucking comedian
>wonder why you're judged for your reviewing skills

No one criticizes Conan O'Brien vidya skills. Now you know the difference.

>hurr drr I was only pretending to be retarded
This is literally the oldest trolling in history and you still fall for it?

>Games are stories, conversations between player and world, and conversations between designers and viewers.

Only games that actually have stories and real interactivity. "Do this thing and kill everything on the way" is not a story. It's something to force the gameplay and you need to git gud before you comment on it.

>So unwilling to admit to his own failures he has to blame the devs for him being absolute shit
>The same person that didn't know ME2 was an RPG and gave it a bad review because he didn't know how to distribute points

I can't wait. I can't wait to play this game and record 26 minutes of footage. I can't wait to give this game to an actual child and watch them show just how terrible his critical thinking skills are for an adult who PLAYS GAMES FOR A LIVING.

>in 15 years I have never done research before doing a review and it has worked so far

We all have brain farts, some of us just don't upload video evidence of them for public viewing. But you also don't try to excuse obvious boneheaded misunderstandings as anything more that temporary retardation. And while only that jumping section gets passed around, the original video makes it clear it wasn't just the one part he was fucking up. The entire video is him being completely unable to play this game. This isn't just a momentary lapse in rational thought. It's video evidence of a guy who is investing absolutely no brain power in playing this game. He just didn't care to any extent, and that they decided to try and upload the video anyway is a testament to that lack of any sort of thought on the subject.

this needs more (you)s

>I wasn't serious and focused until I had warmed up

He failed the tutorial like, twenty times. My sister could figure out the mechanic of jump and then dash, because she played a Mario game when she was six.

I do think that the buttons are a bit uncomfortable - a jump y dash is kind of annoying compared to like, a jump x dash. But that doesn't justify that level of ineptitude.

I think most people have played the first level, not so many have actually played through. That's why so many assume Mario is basically a handful of Goombas, a couple of jumps, finish.

> Slice-of-time
> New generation

The only new generation here is you, you stupid millennial fuck. Go fuck off somewhere people will put up with how you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Like Reddit.

Nice try shitsock, but I was born in 1979.

>I suck at video games
>let's bring in politics out of nowhere to distract from my poor gameplay

Jesus fuck he's been doing this shit for 15 years.

Get out grandpa your memes are stale and your views outdated

Then you're just a complete fucking idiot, good to know.

fifteen years

It's from his article about WH40K: Space Marine (in which he decided that Warhammer stole artstyle from Gears of War)

This video is literally perfect

>guy says on the video comments it was his legitimate first playthrough and was accusing other of being mean, that the game was hard and it was his first time playing it, etc.
>days later starts saying it was just a joke
this retard is on maximum damage control

My whole life I thought I was shit at video games.
Now it turns out I was just doing a social experiment.

Guys I'm crying with joy.

someone got that article about skill fetishists?
I think it was from eatpaste magazine


>It was a social experiment!
>J-Just a prank bro!

He changed the title. If it had this title from the start the backlash wouldn't have happened.

>skill fetishists
That sounds trying too hard to sound sophisticated but ends up just retarded.

here's your (you)

>I wasn't focused and serious until I had warmed up.
Jumping and dashing in midair requires focus and warming up? How long do you have to warm up before you can push two buttons? Five minutes? Ten?

The interesting thing about his footage wasn't that he was horrible and failed repeatedly, it's that he failed repeatedly because he attempted the same exact thing that obviously wasn't working repeatedly. It shows a very obvious mental deficiency that should be looked at. He quite obviously has a sub 85 iq, even a chimpanzee in a lab would have learned faster.

Too late, Dean.
You can't viciously and autistically defend yourself for days on end only to turn around at the end and say you were merely pretending to be retarded.

N-no of course not!!

>skill fetishists
Is this how jounalists justify their shit-tier skills in videogames?

Because the news being reported nowadays is so retarded things like this can pass for legitimate news.

yous aren't upvotes newfriend

>Get blown the fuck out
>claim it's gamergate
every time

>An Asian covering video games for 18 years can't display any discernible skill when playing a game. The media outlet he works for covers his ass, coming up with any reason they can to explain this shit to their readers.

The games media needs to fucking die.

tell me he actually specifically said gamergate

Maybe he's just getting old, right guys?

It takes him a FULL MINUTE to realize the text above him says you can dash. And once he realizes you can it still takes him a while to do it.

This is how someone who has never played a video game plays a game.

>it was just a joke brah
The absolute fucking state of adult "gamers"

Even better, when THQ made the very logical points about how Space Marine differed from GoW due to the lack of emphasis on cover combat and other mechanics in reaction to his dumb analysis, he snidely concluded that having such an answer handy meant they obviously expected the comparison anyway.

He did, gamergate and drumpf voters are the reason he couldn't get away with it

>damage control

>I wasn't focused and serious until I had warmed up
>you need to warm up to press a and then y

What the fuck.

gamergate has provided me more entertainment than video games have in the last 5 years

He's Japanese-American, completely different from real Japanese.

>i was only pretending to be retarded



>He used me to condemn all game journalists, raising the smoldering issues around Gamergate and its focus on game journalism ethics. His post was political propaganda for the disenfranchised gamers, the sort who went from Gamergate to the alt-right and elected Donald Trump as president.
>suck at video games
>get called out for it

Jesus fucking Christ what is wrong with these people.

There are many stupid Asians. Just look at North Korea and China.
>I'm Asian

I know you're just pretending to be retarded to milk this for clicks at this point Dean, but fuck off.

Reminder: anyone who says the following after being criticized is a dumbass who is covering for themselves
1) I was only pretending to be retarded
2) It was a joke, don't take it so seriously (blame deflection)
3) Lol who cares
4) It was a prank/social experiment

Have this instead

As always, first post = best post.

>it was a social experiment




i hope more people will shit on dean and he will become a joke in the industry for this if he already isnt


It's true.... He is actually saying the people laughing at him are altright gamergate Trump supporters. Dear lord, he even managed a death threat woe is me.

dean, i don't mind that you're enjoying your 15 minutes of clickbait fame but it's impolite to shill on this imageboard.

>i-it was just a joke!!!

>Bunnyhop writes a puff-piece damage controling for the guy spinning up a narrative how he's an actual worthwhile journalist who does his research based on a couple articles he's read from him
>Finds out AFTERWARDS that he fucked up with the Team Meat factoid and looks like a fucking moron now backtracking

This entire debacle has been fucking hilarious.


Fucking this. Nobody should defend fuckers like this shit journalist.

How can one man be so clinically retarded?