if overwatch has over 30million players playing at any time why does it take forever to find a game?
If overwatch has over 30million players playing at any time why does it take forever to find a game?
because you suck so bad that it can't find a balanced match for you
wtf I hate overwatch now
Never had to wait more than a couple minutes, is that what constitutes as forever you impatient faggot?
because it fucking doesn't. Overmeme probably only has around 100k online right now, blizz just doesnt want to admit it.
*30 million accounts
There's 20k people just watching it, why are you so salty about a popular game user?
>30 million active players at the same time
lol, just lol
100k is low
There's probably about 300k right now and around 400-450k on a good time
Probably cuz their matchmaking algorithm is working properly. Games only match fast when theres no ratings to have to weigh and compare on 2 teams. Doto has like 500k at all times and still takes minutes for matches.
for contrast i havent waited longer than a minute for a game of HotS outside of playing the new heros.
>30 million playing at once
lol no game in history has ever had this many people playing at once, and no-one can disprove me with numbers because no game company has ever even claimed as much
if a game has 1 million active players AT THE SAME TIME then it's a pretty fucking big deal, only 2 Steam games have ever managed it according to Steam charts (tho Steamcharts data doesn't go back to the start of Steam), namely Dota 2 (free to play) and PUBG.
Blizzard and Riot never publish active player numbers because people would see how full of shit they are.
If I had to guess based on popularity of the games, number of stream viewers and general "buzz" about the games, I would guess that Overwatch probably peaked at 1.5 million concurrent users between launch and summer this year, and probably manages 500k to 750k active players these days.
LoL probably pulls 900K - 1.5m.
Yeah these numbers are pulled out of my ass but again, based on the data we DO have for other games, it's within the ballpark.
Poor man's PUBG.
Even if it were 100k that would be a lot
>bought overwatch and barely played it
>play paladins whole day
am i in the wrong here?
No, if you are having fun, you're doing it right.
thats because hots quickmatching has almost no matchmaking
sometimes you end up with 4 supports n shit, 2 of them dont know how to use spells and other 2 are godlike
it's a popular E-sport game so every second player bought another copy for their other account
I'm not salty, I'm just being real here. I still play Overwatch multiple times a week and genuinely enjoy the game.
Maybe 100k is too low but it definitely isn't in the fucking millions
Because there are only 2 million people on the planet you retarded fuck
>Half the planet is playing PUBG
tumblr shit version of Quake and UT
Surely you're not dumb enough to confuse sales and conc players
30 million includes:
>smurf accounts
>accounts made during F2P periods
>PC Bang numbers which might as well be indistinguishable from smurf accounts at this point
It is every account ever made, not representative of how many people are actually playing the game.
CS:GO usually averages somewhere in the 500 to 550k range. I would imagine Overwatch has maybe half that.
Blizzard doesn't release data like steampowered does because the last time they did, it made Starcraft 2 look dead. They're going to be very guarded about it because it will affect stock prices and public perception of the game.
I bet he thinks publisher is the same thing as developer aswell
if i were to guess, wow has less than 900k players online Atm