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>Cash shop F2P game
>Where cosmetics are a huge deal to players
>Censor the women, the number one reason people buy costumes for the game

>40 reports

shut up fagget get rekt

The shill is back.
Enjoying your dead censored game?



I have fun in it
Gameplay > graphics any day
I don't care

>22 mins and still waiting to get in a regular match

Matchmaking servers went down for about an hour today while they implemented a hotfix

>22 mins and still waiting to get in a regular match
>22 mins and still waiting to get in a regular match
>22 mins and still waiting to get in a regular match
Of course you do sweetie.

Man what a trainwreck.

It's better if we stop talking about this garbage and let it die.

Ah so it's just another Sup Forums shitpost for no reason hoping for another tortanic
Neat I can close the thread

>get called out for being a retarded 12 year old that uses memes outside of Sup Forums


is that all your brain is capable of little boy, stop being a nigger in games and making it so easy to refute everything you post.


I was really looking forward to this game even. Now on top of the CM being a retarded bitch, and the censorship that liter RUINS the art (a few of their boobs are lop sided now), they have an official discord that they're banning people in the game for how they act there? Can't believe this shit, I was so excited for a MOBA that actually looked fun.

The thing that gets me most about this is that they called big tits inhuman

Like women with big tits are literally not human beings

I have never heard of this game.


Korean games have a tendency to fall in obscurity and mediocrity.

>I was banned for no good reason
>I'm black lol
You literally dindu nuffin?

HAHAHAHA holy shit. I've known Raziel for years, and this isn't fucking surprising. Every community she's been part of she's just been a seething bitch and been fucking awful to be around. Glad to see she hasn't changed one bit.

Exactly my mother and my sister have big tits and it makes me mad as fucking shit

just because you have shitty genetics doesn't mean other people with blessed bodies have to be oppressed. That's body shaming someone for being born that way.

>she's just been a seething bitch
What's she done? I watched a few streams and she seemed fine.

Can you give links for her ragposting?

>"...we censored and reduced their breast sizes to be more human..."
>SJWs want women to be treated equally
>they think women with big breasts are inhuman

And they wonder why no one likes them.

It doesn't help when you piss off the playerbase.

This backfires literally every single time developers do it. When will they fucking learn?

She would manipulate things behind the scenes and use her "woman card" as a be-all-end-all way to get anything and everything she wants in a community. A couple others I know had this happen to them, but luckily I'm not fucking retarded and didn't take her bait.

Stop shilling your shitty game no one cares about

Examples? Proofs?

Can moba ASSFAGGOTS have their own board already? /trash/ perhaps?
I'll take e-celebs over this.

This looks like Awesomenuats except without a good art style.

>good art style
pick one

every time I come to Sup Forums I see people celebrating the failure of games no one knows or cares about, I've literally never heard of this game before today and clearly no one else has either considering it has less than 600 players max

I'm starting to think this is some new marketing tactic

but it's not f2p it cost about 15 bux

shut up fagget post proof or fuck off you are probably some mad virgin loser that was stalking her since wow

>take a korean assfaggots game
>censor the reason anyone plays it
>get fired
>post on neogaf and how disgusting cowtit fanservice is; small flat chests are better. (all the pedogaf posters agree because they'll get b& if they don't.)

Obviously not nobody opens up a shill post with obvious censorship.

Just don't buy the game and give "I don't tolerate censorship" as a reason.

You got half of that right.

We're pointing out how patently retarded the "localization" (read: censorship) team is.

>alienate male gamers, the core audience of MOBAs, by broadcasting that you're censoring the game specifically because they might like the artwork
>alienate female gamers by loudly implying a body type with large breasts is "inhuman"
>SJWs wouldn't play it anyway because they don't play video games

Never mind that censorship is a huge stigma against a game for any reason. It shows the creator has no artistic integrity.

I would honestly try this game if not for the censoring. Don't misunderstand, it's not because I won't play a game without big boobs, it's the principle. This dev would rather listen to triggered sjws at a convention and not their fanbase on the Steam forums. Now that is the biggest and reddest fucking flag. It is obvious that the whole censoring is mostly unwanted by the people who are actually playing the game, and it drives away more people than it brings in. Is winning good little liberal numale points worth it when your forum's most heated topic, by far, is about the fact that your are wasting manpower, resources and hours on something nobody either wants or gives a rat's ass about?

I refunded the game and put exact that as a reason.

It doesn't 'backfire'. People get loud, that's it.
Fuck this censorship shit.


this fucking garbage korea shits out deserves to crash and burn as hard as it can. will they ever be able to make another non-p2w cash shop horseshit game again?

The real shame here is that hyper universe is a fun game. The NA team has no faith in its ability to stand on its own so they make changes to pander to the twitch crowd.

>neoGAF has an enforced DFC policy

I refuse to believe that such a cesspool would be able to come up with such a great idea.

If they censor a game you bet they will nerf it for casuals. Telltale signs.

the fuck is this real or is a meme edit?

ok beta orbiter doesn’t even have proof just leave retard


Why would they even listen to people who don't play games

like Sup Forums for instance


you need to go back

>not being a faggot to weebs in games
you are literal cancer you snowflake cuck
People like you who cant take bants are cancer on the highest order. Enjoy the ded game fgt

what makes this game better than say mxm, cause seems both games are by the same folks, at least art wise. but mxm is actually free.

mxm is shit. hyper universe is not. simple as that.


What the fuck is going on in that image

haha lmao

Who are these people and why are they so clueless about what they're localizing? Like holy shit, this is like trying to take away fanservice from Senran, it's fucking kusoge, that's literally its only quality.

>make a game with big tittied women.
>censor said game in order to cather a bigger audience (the audience that won't play the game).
>pls buy our game
I wonder when western devs will learn.

but is it worth the money, cause 1.seems like it;s dying, no one hardly streams it.
2. owned by nexon. come on man nexon.

they just closed down a ghost in the shell game i was interested in.

>actively playing a shit game
>to type mean things to people on the internet
>acting like this is the only greatest achievement in his life

damn being you must suck why haven't you killed yourself yet if your life is so bleak fucking lmao





Of course it's not worth the money now that the NA team is playing censor and people fucked off because of it. The future of the game depends on what they have to say about the suggested option to toggle between the new and old assets.

>censor the art
>T-The art is i-intact! W-We swear it g-guys!

You know whats better than big boobie titties

fucking big tiddies

>implying anyone would play it without the changes

Is there an image comparing the breast sizes?

i was playing it until I found out they altered some art and models. If I hadn't gotten in EA free I would've refunded

why make this thread. who literally ever gave a shit about this game

>who literally ever gave a shit about this game
Literally one post above yours.

theres nothin human about tittymonsters

>Haven't even started the game
>They already call you an ugly cuck

destined to flop

how do you get in for free, cause i dont wanna waste money just to try a moba.

The sad part is, the game is actually fun for a moba, and the censorship is minimal at best in most chases. And the business model (at this moment) is incredibly fair and obscenely cheaper than any other moba out there.

But people won't ever get past
>fuck it's censored??? REFUND!!!
>nexon? they jewed me in Maplestory! they're the devil! REFUND!!!!
>MOBA???? That is the worst genre in the universe I would never play a moba again!
>early access???? Garbage Model! Ignore and demonize!

It's like they dig their own grave with all those triggers, and the CMs aren't doing any decent job at cleaning the name of the license, acting entitled and telling people to suck it.

I played the beta, so i got the game for free, and I really really liked it, I played the fire bitch a lot, it took me a bit to get used to it, but it was incredibly pleasant to burn bitches using a controller, even when the stupid overplayed ninja jumped me I raped her.

The cooldowns are fine, the basics are kinda op for ranged, but it balances out when the enemy team is organized and ganks with melees which have a ton of CC.

And this threads keep dying and filled with censorship arguments with no one even talking anything about the game, all they do is demonize the censorship, the genre, the publisher and the business model, which are marginal inconveniences at best, the only real issue will be the low population because no one is bothering to even play the game and rather shitpost about some meta argument that barely concerns anybody.

Hit too close to home?
Alpha and beta players got founders pack free.

Censorship is fucking bullshit, they aren't going to draw in previously offended people and convert them to players. That doesn't fucking happen, all they're doing is shitting on their own game.

Well Nexon does suck and censoring a niche game is even more stupid
Americunts have gone all gay and koreans know better

That's idiotic
Artists always make changes to their work, no matter the medium, film, books, movies, whatever
It's like being upset that you're not reading the very first draft of a book
Nobody besides a few weebs who will now act this game insulted them by pandering to the "SJW boggeyman", how they'll refund it at an instant for these game breaking changes and so on

>posting a webm that's no longer relevant
Enjoy your immobile tits of stone

Link to discord?

no don't tell me about your life ugly cuckling

>i-it was the artist's idea
Except we know why the changes were made. You don't need to invent hypothetical reasons.

Is there a comparison?

In what world is the creator changing his work willingly and at his own hand censoership?
Do you call changes made to a book censorship too you fucking retard?

This confuses me. Since when did asians give two shits about SJWs?

wait how is it cheaper when it cost money to play. i can play lol and heros of the storm for free. and if thats just an early release cost then the game isnt even official out and it's already hurt by bad pr

Picture this but without bouncing tits. That's the NA version.

Whatever his reasons are is irrelevant, they're his to make dumbass
Does the concept of freedom to do so allude your primate brain?

Making localised changes for western audience is censorship you mong otherwise all assets would be the same in all countries. This has nothing to do Early Access concept design. Do you even understand the context of such changes, no you don't you are too busy stroking black cocks matter and virtue signalling like the twitter trash you are.

what do community managers do besides destroy a community?

The artist had nothing to do with it.
You can stop now.

>strawmans the post
not an argument faggot
Why don't we address why you feel the need to police speech when you can just shut ur eyes so the words dont hurt your fee fees?

Nexon is very jewy in their west adaptations, in the east is not regarded with such a negative stigma, they're well respected, and even liked.

What exactly sucks about this game from Nexon? The entire roster for $15 is the best you'll get out of ANY moba out there, except dota, new characters are 15k gold, which will take you maybe 4-6 hours, ridiculously less than any other moba which takes 20/40 or up to 60 hours to unlock a single premium character depending on how many daily bonuses you stack and which game.

So far the only thing I would complain about are how slow they implement the Korean content, and how long the matches take. The already dwindling population is going become worse and worse if they don't make something to make it grow, most likely people will end up playing against bots half the time or more.

$15 for like 24 characters and all their equipment, is cheaper than $9.99 in any other one of those mobas you play, except for maybe SMITE with their god bundle or whatever.

HotS is ver agressive with their current business model and lootboxes and the bundle they give for free, but the game is complete ass, they had to give so much shit for free because no one wanted to play their horrible boring game.

South Korea is home to some of the most extreme SJWs on the planet.

ban people for calling them out...so basically what you said