You there

You there.

Yeah. You.

Why aren't you playing video games? Go play some video games. Now.

>But I just woke up! I'm just going to browse Sup Forums a little before starting my day!
Bullshit. We both know you're going to waste your entire day on Sup Forums
>But I'm getting ready for bed! I just wanted to browse Sup Forums a little before turning in!
Bullshit. We both know you're going to browse Sup Forums until 6am.

How about you get started on a game in your back log? Which one? Doesn't fucking matter. Close your eyes, move your mouse, and play what ever it lands on.

How about picking up that save file you put down a little while ago and finishing up that game? Just fucking do it.

I don't want to hear your fucking excuses. You're just looking for a reason to go play video games. You just want that one little push. Here it is.

Play some video games. Go. Now.

inb4 newfags out themselves with their newness by saying "reddit spacing"

Gonna play Hotline Miami 2 when I get home
Probably a chapter of main game and a chapter of Miami Holocaust or Blessings Redux
Tips for scene 16: Casualties?

>reddit spacing
Leave fag

Sticky this thread

Well I'm on my lunch break so...

Good thread.

I don't wanna. I'll just watch netflix for a month or something.


Put down grimrock 2 for a while but picked it up to finish it the other day. Feels good. If I wasn't on the bus right now and heading straight for a nap I'd be playing. How many games could I finish if I stopped dicking around on the internet?

Why do people say this now? People on Sup Forums have been typing like this for the longest time. I'm starting to think the ones who call it Reddit spacing are actually the ones from Reddit. How else would they know the way Reddit users space their words? I've never visited Reddit in my life and I space my paragraphs like that too

>not taking vacation days to play a games release week
Destiny 2 is great by the way

I'm at the doctors office and I don't wanna play shitty phone games atm. Forgive me OP



It's newfags pretending to be oldfags and trying to fit in. People have been double spacing on here since here was actually here. Like this guy said
It's the quickest way newfags out themselves is by crying about reddit spacing.

It's the literal invasion of reddit I guess. It's like when people started say that
>be me
was reddit or new


I just Platinum'd a game and i'm taking a break.

I think it used to be only a small amount of posters but now for someone reason every kid on the block wants to do it.
I wouldn't go as far as call it out or make a shitpost about it but I really do think that it absolutely does the complete opposite of "making things easier to read".
Because that is supposedly the reason this is happening and it's a real pain to read.
A lot of people also seem to be abusing it by overusing the whitespace in order to make their post stand out more, which completely goes against the entire mindset of why I like this place.

Gonna play Deus Ex Mankind Divided when I get home and maybe some Half Life 2

I double space to separate thoughts.

Fight me.

Sticky this thread

>Never got/played destiny because I was late to the party and DLC's

Should I play D2? its a good time waster? It is fun with friends?

I already played TF2 today and now i'm sleepy, spare me please.

I need to get a job so I can pay for a tv and not feel guilty about it

I'll have to check it out, but I'm a bit to addicted to Stellaris at the moment

I'm fucking sick of video games, they're not fun.

what if I have a paper to write and i'm just procrastinating? DIDNT THINK OF THAT ONE EH?

>Sup Forums
>playing videogames
Where the fuck do you think you are??