ITT: Games that changed the industry forever (for better or worse)

ITT: Games that changed the industry forever (for better or worse).

Modern Warfare




It was all downhill from here.



The souls series. Now everyone wants to be a dark souls clone

>every RPG with either a fantasy setting or an open world will now "be like Skyrim"
>Every game with even a tiny bit of difficulty will now "be like Dark Souls"


funny how this artwork always reminded me of the doom cover.
thread related,original doom.Made bill gates literally appear on the game as a school shooter




This game destroyed the industry. We need to burn it all down and rebuild it.

Looking Glass and Ion Storm were something else.

after that the "FPS Horror with no weapons" games were popping out like mushrooms.
even though Penumbra done that before....

>Every game with a healthbar is a WoW clone

There will never be a dream team like looking glass ever again


>even though Penumbra done that before....

But Penumbra technically did have combat. You threw shit at the enemies to kill them.

E.T. for the Atari

How? Not saying it's bad but if anything Botw is a reaction to changes in the industry, not something that changed it.

Warcraft III, not because of its own merits, but because it spawned DotA and defence games, and led to World of Warcraft. Custom maps also made for a pretty active modding scene, and I recall that at least some mapmakers went on to make games.

First game gave you a crowbar, I think.


last good game desu


>mc sets out to kill himself

user, I...











This and Slender. Every """""horror""""" game now is
>can't fight, so don't get caught or u will be spooped












holy shit


Feminism Edition



I'm playing through Skyrim SE since it's free as a pure 2H Melee Khajiit. I'm having a pretty good time desu but playing on expert or higher is kind of a meme when fighting that first dragon if you do it early on. The game does like much better than vanilla skyrim on 360. The simple joys of being a poorfag who can run older games at better fidelity now than they ever could on consoles I suppose.

>any fps hero shooter will be overwatch clone

What did Skyrim change?

final fantasy 7
warcraft 3
medal of honour AA
You're gonna be disappointed

Not even out and its changing the industry forever, ea is amazing

Sadly it's influence did not spread far outside of CRPGs, and the whole genre is almost dead now.
Same, RTS genre is dead now basically...though you could argue that by proxy War3 resulted in WoW which did affect ALL of gaming.

wizardry literally created jrpgs through it's menu battle system japs are still copying the old games
warcraft gave birth to dota

The japanese game industry.

Even in glorious nippon it was almost universally called GOTY. And I'm not talking about the press, the developers themselves were calling it their favorite game of the year. For the notoriously racist and isolationist nips to call a western game their favorite game, and almost unanimously too, is a monumental event.

yes, but not because of filename

Bethesda has been influencing the industry for a long, long time. I wonder how many people know that the famous John Madden Football series has Bethesda developers to thank for its earliest beginnings.

What was your opinion on


I don't feel like Skyrim changed anything. It's very similar to fallout 3.

They also pioneered the post-apocalyptic first person survival shooter with Terminator: Future Shock. STALKER only exists today because of Bethesda.