What are your hopes and dreams for pic related?

what are your hopes and dreams for pic related?
>inb4 paid mods only

also how far away is this fucking thing, really?

2024. it will release on the ps5 after a ps5 launch of skyrim remastered

I hope Bethesda goes under before they get to make it.

i really hope its in Hammerfell although maybe that wont be the case.

just restore some rpg elements not even like replayability, mulitiple choices, multiple approaches to problems, which i expect from games like deus ex, old fallouts or vtmb, but just more thought,depth and nuances into character builds, like in oblivion at least . remove radiant quests, put more emphasis on meaningful sidequest, especially guilds - main story doesnt even have to be that good.

It will release when ESO's life cycle is finished. Bethesdrones, being amongst the dumbest fans in the industry, keep repeating the "ZENIMAX ONLINE IS A DIFFERENT STUDIO TO BETHESDA" but they make money for the same fucking company. The minute TES 6 is released ESO, which is a huge moneymaker for Zenimax (despite high upkeep costs and a very high initial development budget), will be dead. Don't expect an announcement until 2024 at the earliest. Has nothing to due with "not having the technology" or "want to expand our IPs" like has been said either.

Finally add guns

>generic western fantasy setting without any unique fauna or flora, only things already present in tolkien or d&d
>only playable races are humanoids, no beast races
>total quests are only the main quest, 3 quests every town and 2 quests for each guild (you only need to do 2 quests to transition from shitter to guildmaster)
>only swords and bows allowed
>only spells are different powerlevels of heal or generic ball that changes colour for the damage type it has (fire, cold or shock.)
>picklocks and pickpockets is not a levable skill, it's just a binary yes or no skill (you have it or you don't) that has 100% success rate
>30 different romantic options whose romance involve clearing a dungeon
>dungeons are all copypasted with random creatures and loot

this was a what you're expecting thread, right?

Starfield is coming out first

I hope they wait another 4 years or so, that way it will actually feel like a big jump forward technologically speaking and not just Skyrim 2.

Do you actually mean, skyrim 5?

You mean Skyrim 6? Skyrim was 5.

You know they'll cut at least 40% of the game and sell it as dlcs and microtransactions.

no, not TES5, but SKYRIM5

It will be Hammerfell.

Better question how far are we from having the whole of Tamriel?

it will take another step in the simple-direction
no armor parts anymore, you equip armor-sets at once

dialogue wheel with the options "No" and three different kinds of "Yes"

unique skills and perks are too complicated
now you level up and increse your fighting, sneaking and casting by 10%

Tamriel rebuilt will do it, user.

Better question is why do we need a whole Tamriel? Bigger map a better game does not make.

>Bethesda gets bankrupted
>Julian Lefay buys rights to TES
>Franchise gets rebooted
>Lore gets fixed

No fast travel.

Fucking no! Daggerfall is the most generic knights and kings fantasy setting possible. Give me the Morrowind team, please. It was the only good and creative TES. I want another world with creative fauna and flora that while being quirky keeps a big consistency through its lore.

>Bigger map a better game does not make.
Ironic considering how much spurging I saw saying how small Skyrim's map was compared to previous games. but then again I doubt a lot of the people here now were around back then.

How long till we even see that, as far as I've seen we are still far off from it.

Probably 7 years from now, for at least the Eastern half of Tamriel. But it's the best half, after all.

>Bigger map a better game does not make.
It kinda does when the place you're setting your game in is supposedly huge. I'd be totally fine if the setting for the next game only included a city and a couple of small villages but if it's a whole region like Skyrim it felt laughably small.

Just look at GTAV. Big map, feel really realistic, you can't really condemn for not being a great and big map. But what you do in it? Density > Size.
Fallout 4 was a big enough map already, let's not go to that road about flinging map size around like it's a measure of quality. Thinking any dev will put meaningfull content over a country sized map is just unrealistic. Especially when we consider who we're talking about here and their track record.

My only hope is that it comes out.

As I wrote I'm entirely fine with a map the size of their last 3 tes games as long as it makes sense like for example setting the game in a small enough some, which is what they did with their spin-off games.
Also I do not value map density that much as long as you have the means to travel around relatively quickly.

OK, I was just being overly hyperbolical obviously. I don't want a stupdily oversized map and completely randomized quests. But the thing is, Daggerfall had some extremely interesting and in-depth elements never seen again in any TES. Rewamping and including them in a future game would be amazing.

>In-depth and very tweakable character creation system, allowing you to balance out advantages and disadvantages for proper role-playing
>Complex clothing
Multi-layered, functional clothes such as undressable cowls on cloaks, ...
Yes, "medieval" banking exists
>A real estate market
Not just 10 standard houses available for purchase
>General awesome stuff you could trade with on a bigger scale
Wagons, boats and saling ships you can buy and use, ...
>General sense of a fantasy world simulation
City gates closed at night, repairing items takes a few days, seasons actually fucking change, holidays that change NPC's behaviors, your character and his actions meaningfully changing the way people talk to you, ...

The list could go on. Seriously, what happened to all of this?

>Skyrim it felt laughably small.
I hated how every two feet there was a fucking location, I wish they had spread them out, I wasn't in a country I was in a county. Like I was walking around north Wisconsin tourist traps. If Skyrim was twice as big but still had the same content it would feel like a real place and not a bloated D&D campaign.

I would disagree about GTA V, there was a lot more to do in that game then the previous two, I would rather have the room to roam and discover then have to zip back and forth from the same two towns and dungeons. And as the other dude said Skyrim was so fucking small and there was map point tripping over each other. Being too claustrophobic only plays well to lazy people who don't want an adventure.

What happened to the spirit of adventure? Why do I need something shinny to hold my attention every five minutes, I'm not a squirrel spread out the content.

Morrowind watered some of those down, and I agree, those mechanics were fantastic. Daggerfall is great when it comes to the diversity of its mechanics, but the setting is really boring. The only only cool thing is the Anumidium.

I bet there must be some mods that restore at least real-estate market, transportation and banking. Seasons changing could be done in Morrowind by automating the weather in such a way. You character's actions change the NPCs attitude towards you in Morrowind already.

Or just sacrifice a few locations and made the settlements larger.

licence gets bought out by somebody like obsidian

FPS seems to be the main villain here, not time constraints. They could just copy-paste the houses around.

That would be bad. That's the exact reason I don't use "improved city" mods.

I hope the building block system from FO4 is limited to 1 keep and a surrounding village, with all joinable NPCs having a name and a minor backstory to them.

Set in a location that would be very difficult for them to fuck up. Something like High Rock or Hammerfell. There is no way in heaven or hell that i'm going to trust bethesda to make a game set in Black Marsh or Valenwood

>here was a lot more to do in that game than the previous two
That's just not true at all. But i don't wanna discuss this.

My point is there's a fine tune to achieve. And blowing it all to put a whole continent in it is not the way to go. Which is why i brought Fallout 4 up. It's a decent sized map. If they stay with that size and just make better content, it would be amazing already. And just to be clear, by better content i don't necessarily mean more locations, just quests that are more intricate and places that are more immersive.

Reminder that we will never get a script extender like we saw in Skyrim ever again. Creation Club has killed F4SE and the constant updates to add more content means it's never coming back.

I do, and some of them are really good. Necessities of Morrowind adds a lot of cool food related stuff, including store, Kicunda's Balmora, White Suran, Vivec Expanded, etc, are all great revamps that just slightly alter things to seem less empty, and they do a great job. Copy and pasted houses exist in real life, and they make sense in game as well. At least that is my opinion.

But anyways, big cities completely murder performance, that's the main issue.

They did Vvardenfell very well. If they could recruit some guys that were fans of the earlier games and competent and their job I feel they could do something good.

I want to see what they manage to do after TW3. They won't be able to get away with 5 house """cities""" or "bring me 10 boar pelts" side quests.

>pre-order and get Skyrim remastered
>Creation Club fully integrated with plenty of content locked behind a total of $50 at launch
>$30 season pass since fans will think a price increase will come due to Fallput 4
>voice acting trashed, but the dialogue options are barely changed from Fallout 4
>perk system completely simplified
>no enchanting, or enchanting only involves upgrading enchantments
>less spells, the spells change as you level up the skill associated with it
>maybe less than half the map is buildable villages if we're lucky
>horse armor added into the game but Oblivion's house dlc's return in Creation Club
>no vampires since they decide the Dawnguard killed them all

This still doesn't solve my problem were every major point felt like I could just look out a window and shout at it. I would have been fine with the same amount of content Skyrim had if the map was 50% or more bigger.

>And just to be clear, by better content i don't necessarily mean more locations, just quests that are more intricate and places that are more immersive.

I totally agree, and honestly TE games always do better with the mod community backing it after six months. Skyrim only felt playable after they fixed a lot of the problems. God day one Skyrim was laughably bad. Vanilla Skyrim is just a slog to play.

The point I guess I'm trying to make is a full map would be great if we still had the old guard making games, but we don't we have lazy developers who need to make a deadline and make money. I honestly don't even see the next TES coming out for close to ten years and I don't even see it being a fraction of what the previous games were.

>But anyways, big cities completely murder performance, that's the main issue.
If the Devs are lazy.

Might just be me but I don't want 300 fucking identical houses in a city. And in TW3 you couldn't even enter them. In Skyrim you could enter every single one (nobody ever did)

If you only count the houses you can enter in TW3 they're probably still double the total houses in skyrim.

>nobody ever did
That's why they didn't bother designing every house

Oh you mean the 50th Skyrim re-release?

what is this place? Solitude? Pre collapse Winterhold?

>If the Devs are lazy.
openmw is a project to rewrite Morrowind engine from scratch on C++ to make it a lot more efficient. While it still isn't finished, it has mostly succeeded. Performance is A LOT better than the original engine. Even so, if you try to go crazy using huge city mods and graphical overhauls at the same time, your FPS will still be like 5. Devs are not magicians, hardware AND software have limitations. Numerical computing takes weeks to run some simulations of PDEs for fuck's sake. Option pricing gets fucking slow unless you have huge computing resources. These are all areas with very competent pros.

We already know when it's coming out.

I feel that letting me enter every house adds something to the game even if I don't do it. All the extraneous detail is something only Bethesda does and it's something I miss when I play 'better' RPGs.

2018 we'll get fallout mobile 2 and wolfenstein 2. 2019 is wolfenstein mobile and wolfenstein VR. 2020 is wolfenstein mobile vr special edition for the switch XL.

>Starfield 2017

Damn negrodomus. We have yet to get even art work from it and its still on track to come out in a few months.

Bethesda is that bad at their job.

They'll probably release Skyrim for the 3ds and Ouya at some point or another.

>I'll be 33 by TESVII


I'll be 40. I probably won't live to see TES X.

At least I won't be over 50.

Me neither, you little faggot. Seriously, using sucker unironically? Do you get bullied in gym class?


Rad Shouts, Nordic Power Armor, Dwemer fallout shelters, Oblivion with guns, redguard minutemen faction with half baked settlement building and radiant "there's a settlement that needs your help" ai

After Fallout 4, I have no hope.

TES has been my favorite RPG series since I was 12, but after Skyrim, and how underwhelming it quickly felt after the first playthrough, and how utterly and completely fucking shallow and devoid of any mechanical depth Fallout 4 was, I have little faith that TESVI will satisfy me in the slightest.

I'm seriously tired of radiant quests. Making the game "last forever" is a load of shit when they're repetitive quests where you just kill shit. I want real involving quests.

mods were the only reason to buy bethseda games
now that they fucked up that shit i dont think i will ever buy another one of their games

So Sup Forums realistically speaking just how minimal will TES6 be?
Fallout 4 I thought was the bottom but this is Bethesda we're talking about.

Voiced protag, locked single gender?
Remove quests entirely and just have a single linear campaign?
Additional content or side-content will be finding secret items under rubble or specific locations
Remove any sort of spell variety and just have a tree listed "magic" you put points into it so all of your spells strengthen up?
Respectively may be named "Mage" "Warrior" "Thief" and they just have single tree skills you put points into

Removed housing in favor of dlc you can buy a house you want and place it wherever after spending real money

Whatever it will be I will buy it.
Was too long without any new TES game.
Online doesn't count ofcourse.


Idk, but it was recently confirmed on camera (at PAX) that



At Bethesda is even working on TES VI. They STILL haven't even fucking started on it. We're not going to see this fucking game til 2025.

They will never make TESVI because they don't need to make TESVI. There's enough extra chromosomes with too much money to perpetually make money on re-re-remastering skyrim and selling people in-game onions for 5 US dollars. So why would they waste huge dollars developing a new installment?

I don't believe it. Simply because it doesn't make sense to not be working on it.

The interview he is referencing said they have at least two other massive projects in the pipeline before they even start thinking about it not counting the other projects they are close to finishing. One of which is the Game of thrones game.

It doesn't make sense why they would undertake a project that would take years to do when they have at least four other projects two new IPs and the two VR adaptions of Skyrim and Fallout 4. Why make a new TES when the two you have out now are still making money.

I swear to god if these lazy fuckers use the same engine again

GOT game is confirmed hoax.
I don't see Bethesda taking risk with another "massive project" when they have a money maker like TES.
They are business. You have two choices:
- Throw millions at something new and untested, that can or cannot make money;
- Or, something that cost millions but is certain to make you billions.

I just don't buy it. Todd team just don't have the writers to bring something extraordinary out of nothing.

I hope it takes place in hammerfell. Its time for my race to finally be represented in the fantasy genre, and there is no better group out there than the brave redguards to get the job done effectively.

New Game+
Skyrin did very few things better than the older games, that being the actual combat and the lack of weapon and armor degredation, i dont like degredation because it's pointless busywork that gets remidied by buying a 5 gold repair hammer

You're a nigger? Or mudslime? I'm southern european, but I hate Imperials, which are supposed to represent us. I mostly play Argonian.

He's neither, he's just shitposting.

>Wonder if the Skyrim SE SKSE is done
>No word at all on it

Fucking seriously. This shit is never coming.

But will it be Hammerfell or generic middle eastern fantasy setting?

I'm a black man and Redguards are not arabs.

Don't you worry loyal customer. For the next entry in The Elder Scrolls Saga we're using a brand new never before seen engine that absolutely positively is not just Gamebryo with a new name and more streamlined Creation Club integration.

Besides, even if it is the same engine, don't worry. Gamebryo still is one of, if not THE best and most versatile engine out there so it would be foolish to replace it with something else.

Redguards have always been a mix of Arab and tribal African culture, but you can forget ever seeing the African part because that would be too unique for a Bethesda game.

So Oblivion then?

Ok you convinced me, i will pre-order. When can i pre-order ?

It will tend to generic.

sexy beautiful argonians

Multiple provinces, maybe Elsweyr and Valenwood. And do the Morrowind thing, where's there's a chunk of Cyrodil there to keep the weird stuff from seeming normal after awhile.

Restore some of the RPG elements. Bring back attributes or classes, and for god's sake make the races be really, really different again.

Great taste but terrible picture

Retcon the lore and make elves actually appealing to look at

Years away since if they made VI it would hurt the sales of ESO

This is my main problem with the perk tree
If you're going to tie everything to it at least make them interesting and varied so you can actually make unique, specialized builds. Thank God for Ordinator

>Pete Hines too busy playing TES Legends
>him and everyone at Bethesda defending the Creation Club "PR disaster"
Probably for November, 1 month after they remove the Creation Club (or make it really cheap, nearly free), I think they truly need that "good guys" aura to radiate just before so it maximizes the hype. No bad advertising, tactic. More people are actually talking about the CC than people would the premature announcement of an unknown IP, I guess.

>sub-African culture
That pretty much has zero influence at this point.

It would be awesome if Skyrim 2 had dragon shouting and settlements from Fallout 4, as well as those fantastic mini-DLC's from the Creation Club. I'd love for there to be two season passes - One for the game, and one for the Creation Club. I just can't stop giving that handsome Todd my money!

It's hilarious how they push it so far yet people will still forget in a span of a few weeks.

I doubt they'll ever remove it, at worst they will simply stop updating it.

Not gonna lie here. Memes aside, I'd rather have a Skyrim 2 than an Elder Scrolls 6 2bh.

There will be a settlement system where you'll build farms and shit

Voiced MCs

The Creation Kit can only edit forms and records

The Creation Kit Pro™ will cost 9.99

Paid mods will be part of the game