How do you say her name again?

How do you say her name again?

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Keesh tits

"Lonely biddy who is the only one with no romantic interest in the main party"



Kwiss tiss



shes my first ps1 waifu

You don't pronounce the S's. Its Kwee-tee. Like Sweetie.

jizz tits


Whip girl

Anyone see FF8 threads, get a strong urge to play it again but then remember the shitty parts and forget it? Don't think I've actually played it since 2000

Dropped her as soon as Selphie turns up

FF8 doesn't have that many "that parts" to me.

I do.

Squall should had dropped that good foe nothing slut Rinoah, get with Quistis and call her mommy while they fuck.

キスティス・トゥリープ Kisutisu Turīpu

Pissed off Pedro

well, how do you pronounce HIS name?

I mean the scaled enemies, junction system and Rinoa

The music has enough nostalgia for me to bring me back into it sometimes.

I had so much fun playing it and finding the secrets back then.

"worst girl"


fuck youuuuuu

kid, runt, boy

The scaled enemies don't bother me, the game is still a joke. I genuinely enjoy the junction system. Rinoa is annoying but fairly well written. They wanted to write a teenage girl and they did, surprise teenage girls are annoying.


Annoying, but very attractive. Happens to have witch powers passed down to her for plot reasons.


Best girl. Very cute, doesnt offend anyone. Just wants to have a nice culture festival.


Your 8th grade english teacher who is fresh out of college and cannot take control of her classroom joins your party.



Are there any good FF8 doujins ?

RIP final fantasy


It goes — "Best-girl"

Shoehorned plot device and annoying butt slut

she's ok

The hot teacher that wants to fuck you. Best girl.

Different games in the series have different strengths. I really enjoyed the battle system in 13 for example.

I enjoy the whole series though so.


Quiz Tits

This. I knew Squall was going to be shit the moment I realized he was going to ignore his hot teacher who wanted to fuck him.

>I have shit taste

Kiss dis

What a non response.

you are like little baby

this guy gets it

This guy gets it.





>Your 8th grade english teacher who is fresh out of college and cannot take control of her classroom
God, it's so accurate.

Reminder that Quistis still has access to Blue Magic even when she doesn't have GF
only Sorceresses can use magic without GF

>Your 8th grade english teacher who is fresh out of 8th grade and cannot take control of her classroom joins your party.


Do not profane Quistis with mommy posting.

like it's written

Pronounce his name? You can't do it kid.

>scaled enemies
Fucking scalie degenerates, even back then