Redpill me on this game

Redpill me on this game.
Is it no longer complete broken shit? Is it worth reinstalling? What did they fix?

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bump for interest

Its still a broken shitfest

I like it.
It's not broken if you just do the right thing (Well, except when you get Fuze'd). But since you'll die a lot at first, you will probably think it's broken.
I think the game is fun with friends

and if you don't have friends, is it impossible to build a team effort?

It's great

They're turning it into a autism twitch shooter in a few patches though

>cover has SWAT guys vs terrorists
>actual gameplay is retarded anime tier designs where most of the ops are women

>It's great
No it isn't.

No, the PC community is at least very team based and tons of people have their mics on in this game for call outs and constant team work.

Excellent argument, really made my neurons fire


It's somewhat hard. From my experience, close to nobody uses the microphone.
If you want to make timed dramatic entries, you must play with someone communicating through voice.

But the lack of oral communication doesn't stop you from killing others and working for your team. People tend to work together naturally. Except Jaegers and Bandits. Fuck them.

Dumb fake news niGGer

>From my experience, close to nobody uses the microphone.

Incorrect. All it takes is saying "hello" when you first join a match to get everyone talking.

>getting fuze'd
they no longer bounce 200 meters and its loud as fuck if its on a window, easy kill if not at least denying it. If hes fuzing above that's what you get for not holding a destructible ceiling, its debatable better for a fuze dropping 3 loads from the top compared to a buck or sledge opening it up and making nowheresafe

OP here I have played since season 2 but ended up putting it down because of poor connections, really angry team members in general, and what seemed like a lack of interest in teamwork. The operators are awesome and the game itself is a lot of fun, but the growing meta of the whole thing and grind became too much for me to care about.

not a fan of the new operators desu, I have to look out for 5 different types of traps now and those poison fucker traps are nearly impossible to fucking see

>unbalanced operators
>shit servers
>horrible lag compensation
>peekers advantage is probably the worst I've ever seen
>3 speed operators are op and since armor hardly matters they are the go-to pick
>constantly ran into a glitch where people would be flat vertical blocks and were effectively invisible when looked at
>no region lock for multiplayer
>guns shoot like absolute garbage
>weapon sights somehow change bullet spread
>some maps are so shit and poorly optimized that ubisoft decided to just remove them from the game
I could go on.

of shit really? maps were taken out? Sounds like nothing was fixed why are so many talking about how the game is "good now"?

They took the maps where you could easily spawn peak I think. They are being fixed and will be added back in later.

>preferring everyone picking 3 speeds and rushing
If you really don't want to deal with that shit just play thatcher, EMP a wall for therm/hibana and then just EMP entrance to the objective you are going to take.
>is it longer complete broken shit
>I dropped it because of the shit teammates
good or bad teammates are just luck, granted from what I've experienced the EU servers are way worse on average.
Servers were improved, I never had a problem with them but apparently its better now, also hitreg is a bit better but that doesn't mean you have to still predict at close ranges with a shield.
Its never not going to be broken shit but its less broken and unbalanced its been for a while. The reason alot of people still play it is because there no other game like it and they enjoy it enough to deal with the shit. If you don't like it enough then you just don't like it.

Just read the latest patch notes

>>unbalanced operators
Some are considered better, but I've been able to top leader boards with every single one. They're all different, just need to learn them properly, some are easier to learn.
>>shit servers
They're legitimately fin.
>>horrible lag compensation
Never had to deal with this.
>>peekers advantage is probably the worst I've ever seen
Never had a problem with this.
speed operators are op and since armor hardly matters they are the go-to pick
Armor makes sense, but some people are different speed to balance out their abilities, like Fuze.
>>constantly ran into a glitch where people would be flat vertical blocks and were effectively invisible when looked at
Don't think this is a problem anymore
>>no region lock for multiplayer
Don't know about this one
>>guns shoot like absolute garbage
They feel fine to me, some are even great.
>>weapon sights somehow change bullet spread
I don't believe this is a thing, maybe I'm wrong.
>>some maps are so shit and poorly optimized that ubisoft decided to just remove them from the game
They didn't remove Favella for that reason. They had to remove it because consoles only allow a certain amount of space for a game to be able to use for updates, and since the maps are free, they had to remove the least favorite to add one of their best ones yet.
>I could go on.
The game does have problems, but a lot are addressed or come down to personal preference.

I have, this is more to get player's insight than anything.

For why the map was removed.

I can't even get the god damned thing to run any more. Just CTDs the moment it launches with no error or reason.

>retards dont read patch notes
>get all the drones with electrified barbed wires every defense round
too easy

>they're legitimately fine
Stopped reading there. You are a retarded shill if you sctuslly think Siege has good server quality. Even people I know who like the game hate the servers. No more (you)'s for you.

most of the initial operators are male and every season after that released with one female and one male defender

also, the only woman made to look hot is ela, the rest of them look like legitimate soldiers

fake news copper iv butthurt fag

casual had 2 maps removed and ranked had even more. Ones removed from casual are being reworked (and also some stuff about reaching their data cap) and ranked has a smaller map pool because its only the better balanced maps. essentially making it so in ranked you don't deal with maps that were generally one sided so the side that got either attackers or defenders more often has an advantage.
>weapon sights changing bullet spread
I'm pretty sure hes talking about how hipfire is a random cone but ADS is shooting exactly where your aiming making hipfire on all guns barring the PDW9, and prob a few other guns, worthless

If you play on SEA/EAS you're fine without friends. People generally cooperate here. Most of the east asians who play this game actually know how to speak English. SEA is full of indians and southeast asians and they can all speak English.

I did have trouble with the servers but ever since I started using LAN, I haven't disconnected once or anything. I think they're fine. I've definitely seen worse.

look at any special ops team, does it look split 50/50 male female to you?

>>never had a problem with peeker's advantage
Yeah, you've never actually played this game.

very good to know user-kun

underages spotted
all Rainbow Six games had female operators this is nothing new

>one of their best ones yet.


New map is garbage, everything is TOO FUCKING DARK

I've logged about 50 hours so far.
It takes place in a fantasy world, with terrorism rampant and such, with operators using signature gadgets and stuff. I've learned to just accept it's especially because most of them are really only there BECAUSE of their gadgets in the lore.

fucking irrelevant

first, r6 is not 50/50, there are more guys like i fucking said. second, you said they're mostly women which is a flat out fucking lie

off yourself, faggot

These are "Best of the best" and one of the two happens to have a vagina.
Get over it, nu-male.

that was couple of patches ago when mic volume was fucked. Now it's fucking glorious and you can actually hear people so more players use mics.

I just wish it had more non-verbal methods of communicating to your team.
>Follow features
>Command orders
>Marking objectives
>Marking warnings

>dude that can puff out granades
>dude that can put down invisible poison traps
>dude with invisible drone
Yet somehow having too many females is unrealistic

>half of your argument are "works on my machine" tier when numerous people complain about the same problems
>is retard thinks he's immune to the shit lag compensation and ghosting
Wow, you really are retarded.

Peeker's advantage is still ridiculous but if you can get past that the gameplay is still decent

>tfw the game literally doesn't start for me
I think this is the first and the only steam game I've had that kind of problem in. Since the game is installed manually it's hard for me to fuck things up, so I blame Ubishit.

>still no female marines in real life yet
Really made me think

Why do they keep adding in ops that can do the same thing other ops do only slightly different?

Fucking thermite and hibana can do the same thing only hibana is objectively better
Flash grenade bitch is basically a non lethal Fuze, what's the point
Lesion and Ela also do the same thing, they have traps that slow you down

When are we gonna get something really different, like an operator that can fuck with the lighting? Or have like decoy grenades? Or maybe a gun that can shoot around corners?

>best of the best
>ghost recon and third echelon are higher up than Rainbow
This is the Tom Clancy world, it's been dumb from the get go, females have been a decent part of rainbow for a while and at this point they would receive more backlash if they stopped the half male half female shit

There is a difference between realism and authenticity, newfriend.

>like an operator that can fuck with the lighting?

This. It simply will not launch. Just CTD and a fuck you. I've tried whatever I could think of plus what I've seen online. Used to work, now it don't.

But...there are.

But Bandit can't fuck with the lighting?

it's for the battlefield refuges (which were cod refuges) that were too bad at csgo


that's the sad part

>Fucking thermite and hibana can do the same thing only hibana is objectively better
Stop spreading blatant lies. Hibana is good for precise wall destruction from distance, while Thermite produces a really big fucking hole to expose enemies though he has to get close. They do same thing, in a different way to suit different situations.

csgo is for fucking autists

>m-muh recoil patterns

Also forgetting
>Dude who can magically track your footprints to your exact location

>playing csgo

man u must be a god haha

Hibana can make really big fucking holes too, just combine the fucking charges

There is nothing Thermite can do than Hibana can't, what is the point?

I bet you said similar thing about Wolfenstein Enemy Territory:
>it's for the Quake 3 refuges (which were half-life refuges) that were too bad at cs 1.6

Get a mic you poor spic.

To be fair, the initial Female operators only got into their CTU and Rainbow because of their technical skills. The DLC ones is where it turns into Girl Power simulator. Majority of the women belong to Police/Gendarmerie Special Forces Units as well rather than just Military.

Hibana is now worse than Thermite because a bandit can shock her charges off easily because they take so long, the main advantage she has over therm is the ability to open 2 hatches and a killhole or 3 hatches. Hell I often find having 2 big holes in a wall was better than 1 big hole or 1 small hole and a killhole.
ying isnt reliant on having a breakable surface so she can use her ability to hit alot more places, also she has smokes which are absurdly powerful now.
if you are grouping lesion and ela under the 'slows down attackers' umbrella than you might as well include frost and kapkan despite them all having different application.
Also you are servery undervaluing slowing attackers down, 3 minutes is not a long time and if a roamer kills no one but wastes a minute then they have still helped their team quite a bit.

>Bronze players

I'm deaf genius.

>Lesion and Ela also do the same thing, they have traps that slow you down
Which is the whole point to counter the meta tactic of shift+W with Ash
>When are we gonna get something really different
Why are you literally ignoring Mira and her mirrors? The Siege community has never suggested a gadget similar to her mirrors prior to her release.
>Or maybe a gun that can shoot around corners?
Trash idea. That's Blackbeard-tier bullshit.

must be weird that I got diamond in 300 hours of seige and after 1000 of csgo I'm only mge

>ur just shit lol

10/10 argument really activated my almonds

Don't play team based communication shooters then? How can you even play if you can't hear footsteps?

Hibana is good for when you do not expect to do much wall breaching at all, While Thermite can deploy his breach charge faster and get a bigger hole to move through rather than a cramped one. As a Thermite main I go between the two depending on what I expect to be the objective. Hibana has the better weapons of the two but I feel her gadget is too slow for my taste if I need to do serious breaching. I leave the better weapons to the more adderal-infused players while I bring more support to the team.

>Hibana can make really big fucking holes too, just combine the fucking charges
Which takes longer to achieve and is loud as fuck so enemies either peek her before she can finish or have enough time to relocate and get ready. That's before she can even activate them.
Thermite needs to get close to put the charge which is much quieter and not as obvious until he activates it and gives only few seconds for defenders to get ready.

Both of them get task done, but suit different scenarios.

I recently starter playing, and I'm having more fun with this than any recent shooter

glad to hear your game launches user.

Pretty much this with the new lighting effects. Siege is definitely the type of game one must experience at least once in their life.

That still isn't different enough to justify adding another operator, just give Thermite an alternative gadget and actually add an op that brings something new to the table

Wait, Hinata can melt reinforced walls????

Yes, she can.

Games really fun, I just can't get most of my casual friends to play it. One friend almost didn't even want to try it after I told them there's no jumping.

why is there so many nogs on the ps4 version?

It's pretty fun.

I get really worn out after playing a few matches though. It isn't a game, to me, that you can marathon for hours.

>add a female Japanese operator
>she doesn't even look Japanese
>she isn't even cute

Come the fuck on

>One friend almost didn't even want to try it after I told them there's no jumping

They're called sonygers for a reason.

but then how else will Ubisoft convince people to give them more money?

Yeah apparently jumping around corners to surprise kill people in a staple in FPS.

Her ranged ability is useful for when you don't want to risk being caught out. I rarely destroy walls outright with her but instead do strategic destruction to make that corner or general area inhospitable to Defenders.

And yes she can lad, her ability only makes 6x6 small holes in the wall compared to Thermite's big fucking hole. However it's slow to deploy the three sets of pellets you need to make a standing level hole that's narrow for one person at a time. Honestly having both on the team also means you have a back-up breacher if the need arises.

is a staple**

Nice try, you wouldn't be able to see his post then.

>but I've been able to top leader boards with every single one
Against level 0's, maybe.
>They're legitimately fin.
You're full of shit, especially the new ones.
>Never had to deal with this.
Then you don't play, are retarded or lying.
>Never had a problem with this.

>Don't know about this one
Because you're a retard.

>I don't believe this is a thing, maybe I'm wrong.
You are.

>They didn't remove Favella for that reason. They had to remove it because consoles only allow a certain amount of space for a game
Flat fucking FALSE. As already confirmed by Ubi.

It's one of the few FPSs where you can win by just outsmarting the other player as opposed to having better aim. Aim will still get you far, but by being a sneaky motherfucker and understanding each map will carry you farther.
This is a double-edged sword at sometimes.
Also the memes are spicy.

new update has made the hit registration more wonky than the last 6 months

even more impossible angles and trades and lag kills

wait for mid season patch to hopefully fix these "new servers"

Whoops, I'm a year behind. But whats sad is that despite having to lower the standards for admission there are still so few of them.

You expect ubi modelers to be competent?

they need to just get a fucking girl from the street and scan her face

How is it that hard?

They're located in Montreal

They should have just stuck to keeping all the operator's faces hidden for fucks sake