Does For Honor deserve all the shit it gets?
Does For Honor deserve all the shit it gets?
Im still waiting for them to make it f2p with cosmetics added or some shit like that. Only way to keep the game alive somewhat
>Peer to peer connection
>Tournaments have players all using the same cheese indicating the game's terrible balance
It deserves more than it's getting.
yes because its too expensive
It deserves to be forgotten completely considering it's awful nonsense. The fact people still acknowledge it's existence is tragic.
I'll say this once 4v4 is the true For honor experience
>not an argument
>every game has this now
>nobody is paying to host dedicated servers for a fighting game
>every fighting game ever
>not an argument
not an argument
Ubisoft is absolutely an argument, look at how they handled WATCH_DOGS or The Division. They have good ideas but cannot be trusted to clean up their games when they release in such terrible states with Rainbow 6 being an anomaly.
Well its getting dedicated servers so your wrong. The developers seem to staying on the sinking ship since they announced all the non DLC heroes are getting their animations redone for more moves too.
The Division sold really well.
It deserves a free roam mode — the combat is, really, above average.
>>every fighting game ever
>Thinking Ubisoft is doing good with Siege
If Ubisoft wasn't behind that game then Siege would be getting PUBG numbers
What do sales have to do with anything? The Division is infamous for being an absolute mess and not receiving near as much attention as it needed from Ubisoft to clean things up. Go look up the player base count over time for that game, it's not good.
I applaud the devs for hosting a fucking stream every week after launch
It's a shooter (with a percentage on a platform with population-mysterious).
i playin it right now its alright
It deserves the shit for having terrible network problems, but it doesn't deserve the usual shit like:
Absolver was praised here on Sup Forums for about a month, and it's far worse than For Honor in terms of content and network issues.
The combat doesnt work against NPC's. its very dull when not playing against real players
>Promise local, offline play
>Remove it right before release
Yes, it does. Why the FUCK would they not ship a game like this with local multiplayer?
Oh boy, they're finally implementing dedicated servers when the game is on death's door. It's not like people have been complaining about that shit for the past several months and even back when they announced it was peer-to-peer before the game came out. It's not like Ubisoft had pretty much the exact same situation with R6: Siege and eventually moved to dedicated servers for that.
That's not going to bring back the playerbase.
Absolver was shilled to high heaven though. I thought it looked good but didn't buy it because of how transparent they were.
>paying hosting costs
is this the hottest new meme to push micro transactions into games these days?
Where does the meme of Siege never had dedicated servers come from?
They're adding CTF, so that's cool.
Siege servers are that bad it made people think it was fucking P2P
Yes and no. No because it's a great game to play when it works and there's a lot of potential for a sequel to expand on the single player aspect which has some great moments (and lame ones, fuck you I don't wanna play 4 levels with the same rioichi. I wanna play as the fat man) and the mutiplayer with. Ire modes and maps. Also better balancing.
Yes because fuck Ubisoft for making it p2p, barely doing any proper balancing, microtranstions for a level progression system that would take literal years to level up and the overall attitude I get from Ubisoft is that trey half assed this game. Like they didn't want to MAKE the best game ever. Just put enough (which was pretty good still) than don't try and grow it properly, let's just make everyone hate us and boycott the game enmasse.
TLDR. It's a mix bag for me. The concept is great and there's so much potential but Ubisoft hasn't made the best decisions for this game like they did for R6 where they fucked up there to but than at least fixed it before it got too bad.
look at this smart guy getting his news from youtube.
The game has still over 1mio unique monthly players, this is far from dead
The game itself is fine, at least it tried to do something different. Ubisoft are the ones that deserve to be gased.
It's always AAA games too as if these games don't make money hand over fist.
>We need to implement microtransactions alongside the season pass, several different editions, and millions of copies we sold because games are just too expensive to make!
And then people will justify it by saying it helps pay the developers, but at the same time shit on the publisher saying they were the ones to implement them.
>Let's make a competitive PVP game based around timing, reads, and mind games
>lol peer2peer connections
Absofuckinglutely. I played the beta and didn't bother with it for even a moment once it launched because of the p2p bullshit.
I personally think the balance in 4v4 was alot better than shit in 1v1 every hero is viable in 4v4
>lets bash ubisoft even if they push new IPs and ideas, something that no other big publisher does
Why would they give a dead game dedicated servers now?
>timing, reads, and mind games
do you even fighting games?
The P2P isn't even a problem in fighting and timing. It creates constant disconnects in 4v4. Retard shitposter.
because its not ded.
As I just said, they tried to do something different, it was successful and actually fun, for once. And then they had to blew it with their servers and micro transactions.
but they are adding servers
also all additional content is FREE, you can earn enough ingame currency to buy every gameplay important thing
>hurr durr not an argument XD
fucking kill yourself you buzzword spouting cancer
>nobody is paying to host dedicated servers for a fighting game
its not a fighting game and the company behind it can more than afford servers but they wont because of course every cent counts during jewish trick hour
So where are these players playing? There are only 2k people playing on Steam and more people buy Ubisoft games through there then uplay.
>ubisoft games not being bought on uplay
The game is cheaper on uplay and all key resellers sell uplay keys.
Also if you buy the game on steam you still need to launch uplay, so most people dont bother having 2 DRM with steam tacked on.
The devs are intending to stay with the leaking boat, that's pretty nice of them.
It's still pretty fun to play one or two rounds, just nkt for hours.
Balance and servers are the only thing holding this game back.
except they are adding dedicated servers because too many people have shit for internet and therefore the system didnt work as expected.
Any purchases through GreenManGaming and likely other websites as well used uplay codes.
>steam stats
>for a multiplat
>for a fighting game
Well posted fellow redditor!
I always wanted to give it a try, but it looks like the kind of game that gets plagued with having to learn really meta stuff or even exploits to get anywhere in multiplayer. Am I off base?
>but they are adding servers
Yeah, but most of the playerbase is already gone. They've had more than seven months to fix this issue since people were telling them it was a shitty idea before the game launched.
I didn't say they weren't buying them on uplay, it's just that more people buy it through Steam because it's the biggest platform.
>The game is cheaper on uplay
They're the same price and both probably have sales anyways.
The point I'm making is that somehow with the hundreds of thousands of people who still play this game, only 2000 of them happen to use Steam?
I had fun in the beta but man this game gets shit once you get good at parrying.
I say get good loosely because parrying is really, really fucking easy.
for 1v1 you are on point.
for 4v4 no
eh it's good enough for duels. Needs a shitton of polishing still but the game itself is good. Balance pass too.
How come people give titanfall 2 a free pass on its player numbers but not for honor?
>1v1 duels just involve throwing people off ledges and ignoring the combat system they crafted
Fuck off. That shit is fine in 4v4 but in 2v2 and 1v1 that is pure cancer. I want to fight people with my sword not fucking play sumo wrestling.
*Feint heavy into guardbreak*
Get fucked.
Unless you're saying parrying light attacks are easy which on pc they kinda are depending on the character.
They actually removed almost all the ledges from 1v1 because of faggots like you. So you're wrong.
then play ranked, it has only maps with no ledges
P2P and pay to play a free to play style progression system with gameplay impact microtransactions. Not to mention yanking local play before release and shoddy balance. The game is a joke.
I mean a multiplayer free-roam. Especially if they're making gear, it's really simple setting up a loot sandbox
Battlefield and Call of Duty can't even maintain as high a player count as he claims. They barely even manage to break 100k each on PS4 and Xbox independently with PC stats being significantly lower.
You actually expect me to believe that many people are playing this game
>for a fighting game
So the population is even lower since it's niche.
>Well posted fellow redditor! upboated
At least you tried
A free pass? That has been one of the main criticisms levied at the game since it fucking came out. Even people who play the game loathe the fact that the playerbase isn't as large as they would like. No one gives it a free pass.
Never liked games from Ubisoft. All they're games have some flaw that makes me dislike them idk what it is. EA on the other hand has much better games
If it was a free to play system, I wouldn't have any of the characters unlocked and I'd have to grind for a week to get a single character. No thanks.
>gameplay impact microtransactions
you what mate?
Oh shit did they do that? I might get back on.
>falling for feints
waiting for the dedicated servers and my new GTX 1080ti
then I will start smashing this game like a motherfucking button
Every for honor thread is the same shit
Can we talk about its art style?
Everyone hates on Orochi but hes the best looking Samurai.
>Can we talk about its art style?
It's nothing particularly interesting.
Please don't defend micro-transactions
I think For Honor has a neat low fantasy design going for itself
How fucking cucked are consumers in the games industry that they're willing to defend every money gouging attempt by devs and publishers? Apathy is one thing, but justifying it is some bootlicking.
i normally shit on microtransactions, but in this case I can tolerate them.
All added content in FH is free of charge, no community Splitting maps or heroes.
you only need to grind for heroes which takes like 1 week per hero of 1 hour per day playtime.
Maps, modes & other shit is free.
If MT pay for the devs of this, im fine with it.
IMO the game has incredible art style
These huge hulking faceless warriors among the small and frail fodder units fighting to the death, when I first picked this game up, I fell in love with the designs, the animations, the way they move and the grunts they make, it all adds up to the factor of it being fucking awesome to control one of these superhuman giants
They don't need recognizable faces and such to make them memorable. Just the sheer badassery is enough.
Great concept, poor execution
Overall not a completely terrible game, at least in enough ways that it can be fun enough to be worth the time for long enough to be worth the price.
But unfortunately the devs have no understanding of their own game, so the balance is and probably always will be awful, both in terms of character balance and mechanic design. I can't believe they actually thought anyone would use chains and shit when you can parry pretty much every combination or followup on reaction.
Luckily 4v4 is hectic and has enough random bullshit going on that it disguises this, for the most part. Unfortunately their matchmaking and netcode is even worse than the gameplay design.
Add that to charging full price and then expecting you to grind like Warframe or fork over even more dosh, it's a game that I don't regret playing but probably won't pick back up even with the dedicated servers, unless they do a massive general overhaul
>implying I fall for fucking feints
Alls I'm sayin is if a nigga keep parrying your heavies of course you gotta feint him, that's when the 4D chess begins.
Game is a glorified rock paper scissors being sold for $69.99
Im honestly suprized it dosent get more shit.
It doesn't get shit, it doesn't get praise, all it gets are empty servers.
>rock paper scissors
well memed my fellow redditor
>>every fighting game ever
t. retard
>he buys games at full price and uses "MUH 70 DORRARS" as an argument
look at this special breed of retard
It's just a list of moves for characters, some focusing on mobility, some in-and-out.. It's pretty simple.
Ubisoft's big mistake was thinking the US's internet infrastructure ain't garbage fit to serve only niggers posting pictures of their gat on facebook.
>Trying to defend peer to peer servers
he's right you know, but if you implement dedicated servers right at the start, there wouldn't be issues to begin with
How's For Honors base gameplay compared to chivalry? Like, what are the differences?
For Honor's is actually good because instead of flailing around like a retard, your different attacks all have predetermined angles. Instead of shitty waggly melee aiming like in M&B or Chilvalry, you are focused on stringing moves together to keep your attacks hard to predict whether by animation cancelling or in-built feints/combos and similar.
Chivalry you hack at them and hope for the best. In for honor you have direction input parties deflections over 12 different heroes all with unique weapons and playstyles. Chivalry is crap.
>instead of flailing around like a retard
hey, flailing around like a retard in PVKII was fun as fuck
For Honor plays more like a fighting game, compared to Chivalry which felt like it had more fast paced almost "goofy" style freedom to it.